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Period 3GrammarPresent Continuous Tense现在进行时现在进行时现在进行时的一般用法1现在进行时表将来,即表示按安排/计划要做某事。观察下列句子并译成汉语I kept asking her,“When are we leaving and when are we coming back?”(课本原句)我不停地问她:“我们什么时候离开,什么时候回来?”现在进行时2表示现在正在进行的动作。She is watching TV now.她正在看电视。3表示事物发展的过程。The weather is getting warmer and warmer.天气变得越来越暖和了。4表示现阶段内进行的动作。What are you doing recently?最近你在做什么?Im writing a new book.我在写一本新书。5与副词always,constantly,forever等连用,表达赞赏、厌恶、遗憾等情绪。You are always thinking about others!你总是为别人考虑!She is forever complaining about others.她总是抱怨别人。归纳总结:以下几种表达方式也可表将来含义1will/shall do表达单纯的将来,是对未来事情发生的“预见性”。will可用于各种人称,而shall一般用于第一人称,缩写为ll。Ill go to visit him tomorrow.我明天要去看他。2be going to do现在的打算、意图,表示在最近未来的计划、意志。也可表示和自己的意志无关,料及在最近将来会发生的事。Its going to rain.天要下雨了。3beto do表达预定,按计划或安排将发生,也可表示将来必定发生,或表示命令等。You are to hand in your compositions after class.你们必须下课后交作文。4一般现在时表达将来分两种情形:(1)按规定预计要发生的未来的动作,仅限于go,come,leave,start,stay,return,begin等动词。(2)用在时间和条件状语从句中。The train leaves at 7:30.火车七点三十分离开。Will you look after my baby when I am away?我不在的时候你帮我照看一下孩子好吗?5be about to do刚要,正要,表示非常近的将来。不能和表示将来时间的状语连用,但可以用在be about to dowhen句型中,意思是“正要做,这时”。I was about to leave when the telephone rang.我正要离开,这时电话铃响了。I was about to sail away in a junk,when suddenly I heard the sound of stamping and singing on the bank.李白乘舟将欲行,忽闻岸上踏歌声。用所给动词的正确时态完成句子Do you know when Mr.Brown _? When he _,please let me know.(come)Im told that they _(prepare)for the party now.How many of you _(attend)the party tonight?The plane _(take off)at 8 oclock.We _(leave)for the airport at 6 oclock.Li Hua is ill in hospital.Im going to see him.Really?If so,I _(go) there with you.Look at those dark clouds.It looks as if it _(rain)Although he is breathing,I can see he _(die)If I see him,I _(give)him your message.When _ you _(go)off to Guangzhou?Next Friday morning.Tomorrow _(be)my fathers birthday.At this time tomorrow, we _(fly)over the Atlantic.【答案】is coming/will come;comesare preparing;will attendtakes off;are leavingwill gois going to rainis dyingwill giveare;going will bewill be flying.完成句子1他们星期天要带孩子们去动物园。They _on Sunday.【答案】are taking the children to the zoo2下一站车要停在Elm Grove站。The bus _ at Elm Grove.【答案】is stopping3我不在这儿上班,我只是在新秘书来之前在这儿帮忙。I dont really work here;I _ until the new secretary arrives.【答案】am just helping out4穿上大衣!我带你下楼看医生去。Put on your coat!I _downstairs.【答案】am taking you to see the doctor5看这幅画,那些孩子正在公园放风筝。Look at the picture.The children _ in the park.【答案】are flying kites6我们正讨论环境问题。We _ the environmental problems now.【答案】are talking about7简经常是一周看两次电视,但是这周她每晚都看。Jane often watches TV twice a week,but this week she _ every night.【答案】is always watching TV8小汤姆一直在哭,他妈妈很生气。Little Tom _ all the time,which makes his mother angry.【答案】is crying.用所给词的适当形式填空1The telephone _(ring)Would you answer it,please?【答案】is ringing2He _ always _(get)ready to help others,so everyone sings high praise for him.【答案】is;getting3He _(write)a book about his experiences in Africa these days.【答案】is writing4How many of you _(come)to the party tonight?【答案】are coming5I _(take)my daughter to the Central Park this Saturday.【答案】am taking6The match _(start)at 3:30 pm.【答案】is starting/starts7We _(move)to a different hotel the day after tomorrow.【答案】are moving8Im going to Singapore next week.How long _ you _(stay)there?【答案】are;staying旅游与交通本话题主要包括:交通方式、指路与问路、安全条例与警告、询问与预订、旅游、描述一次旅程等。针对本话题,写作命题人员可能会从以下角度来命题:(1)酒店、景点、票务等的订购及费用(2)太空旅游、生态旅游(3)私家车激增的利与弊(4)度假方式的变化及其原因(5)旅游计划的拟订、准备及注意事项(6)交通安全(7)交通方式的变化及其对人们生活的影响(8)问路与指路(9)国外旅游注意事项、护照、签证的申办及其费用(10)描述旅游经历一、必备短语1. travel agency 旅行社2. tourist attraction 旅游景点3group/organized tour 团体游4. a selfdriven trip 自驾游5. traffic accident 交通事故6. be rich in natural resources 自然资源丰富二、相关句式1The scenery is charming!景色迷人!2Great changes have taken place in the ways that people spend their holidays.人们的度假方式已经发生了巨大的变化。3Take bus No. 2 and get off at the next stop.坐2路车,在下一站下车。4It takes only three hours to fly to Xian from Guangzhou.从广州飞到西安只需要三个小时。5Located in the south of China, Guangzhou is considered as one of the most modern cities in our country.广州位中国的南部,被认为是中国最现代化的城市之一。6The Great Wall is one of the most attractive places of interest, attracting tens of thousands of visitors from home and abroad every year.长城是最有吸引力的名胜之一,每年吸引成千上万来自国内外的游客来观光。三、语篇模板你们学校将要组织所有高一学生在本周末参加一次郊游活动。假设你是这个活动的组织者, 请你根据以下内容写一个书面通知。活动地址黄埔古港活动目的(1)放松心情(2)了解广州的历史和文化活动计划(1)本周六上午8点在学校正门集中, 乘车前往黄埔古港(2)到达后, 游览古港, 参观博物馆, 感受广州的变迁(4)午餐后,参观黄埔军校(5)下午5点返程回校温馨提示天气预测下雨, 带雨伞以防万一参考词汇:黄埔古港 Ancient port Whampoa黄埔军校 Whampoa Military Academy【写作要求】1只能使用5个句子表达全部内容;2文中不能出现真实姓名和班级名称。【范文】To help us get relaxed as well as knowing more about the history and culture of Guangzhou, our school is going to organize a trip for all the senior one students. We should gather at the school gate at 8:00 am. this Saturday and then take a bus to Ancient port Whampoa. We will visit the ancient port and the museum, which have seen the development of Guangzhou. Later, Whampoa Military Academy will be shown around after lunch and then we go back to school at 5:00 pm. It is forecasted in the weather report that it will rain that day, so please take umbrellas with you in case.四、写作练笔假设你是学校自行车俱乐部的成员,刚参加了一项郊游活动。【写作内容】请根据以下内容,为你校英语校报写一篇简讯。时间5月19日,周日人物自行车俱乐部全体25名成员行程1. 7:45 在校门口集合,8:00 出发;2.9:00到达植物园:参观各种珍稀植物,增进对大自然的了解;3.继续骑行半小时至水库:野餐、垂钓。收获接触大自然、呼吸清新空气,强化了环保意识参考词汇:植物园:botanic garden水库:the reservoir【写作要求】只能使用5个句子表达全部内容。 【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。_【答案】Last Sunday, May 19, all the 25 members of our school bicycle club including myself went on a wonderful trip.We gathered at the school gate at 7:45 am, and set off at 8:00.After arriving at the botanic garden at 9:00 am, we explored the parks amazing collection of rare and precious plants, which broadened our understanding of nature.Then we spent half an hour riding to the reservoir, where we enjoyed picnic lunch and some fishing.Through these activities, not only did we get closer to the nature and breathe fresh air, but we also strengthened our awareness of protecting the environment.
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