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加盟合作合同书(草稿)Joined cooperation agreement ( Draft ) 甲方 ; _ First party. 法定代表: _ Legal representative: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 地址(电话): _ Address ( telephone ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 乙方: _ B: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 法定代表: _ Legal representative: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 地址(电话): _ Address ( telephone ): _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 甲乙双方本着互惠互利、共同发展的原则,并达到互通信息网www.huimeishow.com 网上商城信息资源共享,经甲方研究讨论,就乙方加盟_ 达成以下协议:A and B both sides in the spirit of mutual benefit, common development principles, and to achieve mutual information network www . Huimeishow. Com the store on the net information resources sharing, research discussed by Party A, Party B to join _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ reached the following agreement: 一、 加盟合作经营方式One, joined cooperation mode of operation 1、甲方授权乙方使用甲方的_ 在_ 省_ 市_ 镇开设网上加盟(连锁店);1, Party A authorizes Party B to use Party As _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ in _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ province _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ city _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ town set up online to join (chain ); 2、加盟管理服务费省级加盟;加盟区域附近合同地区标示:In 2, joined the management service fee provincial joined; joining region near contract area marks: A:乙方须向甲方交纳一次性加盟费人民币八万元(包含人民币叁万元产品货版),此款于本合约生效之日一次性支付。A: Party B shall pay a fee of RMB eighty thousand yuan (including RMB Sanwan yuan product version ), the date of entry into force of the contract to pay a one-time. B:乙方同意自 _ 年_ 月起一次性甲方上缴汇美秀管理加盟费人民币_ 元,于 _ 年_ 月_ 日一次付清。B: Party B agrees to _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ _ month Party A to business management department of disposable joining fee of RMB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ element, in _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ _ _ _ day at once. 3、甲方所牵涉的债权债务与乙方无关。3, Party A and Party B involved in debt. 4、乙方所牵涉的债权债务、经济纠纷及劳务纠纷等,乙方付全部责任与甲方无关。4, Party B shall involve debt, economic disputes and labor disputes, Party B shall pay all the responsibility has nothing to do with the party. 5、乙方如需聘职员,应严格遵循劳动法的相关规定合法用工,乙方所聘员工不属甲方员工,其一切法律责任由乙方负责。5, Party B hires, should strictly follow the labor law provisions related to the legitimate employment, Party B shall belong to party a staff employed by the employee, the Party B shall be responsible for all legal liabilities. 二、甲方权利义务:Two, rights and obligations of Party a: 1、甲方提供汇美商城平台给乙方加盟使用,无需设立实体店面,亦可实体店同时经营,实体店经营场所内外装潢及办公用品等,其所需费用则由乙方承担。1, Party A shall provide the U.S. shopping platform to B join the use, without the establishment of entity store, or entity shop operators at the same time, the entity store business place both inside and outside decoration and office supplies, its cost is borne by the seller. 2、甲方协助乙方开拓加盟区域市场。2, Party A shall assist Party B to open up to join the regional market. 3、甲方负责宣传汇美秀网站及营销策划,无需乙方支付任何费用。3, Party A is responsible for the Publicity Department of business website and marketing planning, without Party B to pay any costs. 4、甲方提供商城所有货品的样品及配货供应,如产品出现质量问题及无法销售的产品,非人为造成的情况下,甲方负责调换或退货,退、换货所产生的费用由甲方负责支付, 乙方负责物流费。 乙方所订的货物运费由乙方自付,甲方协助办理托运或者邮寄手续。4, Party A shall provide mall all goods samples and distribution of supplies, such as product quality problems arise and unable to sell products, non-human causes, circumstances, Party A is responsible for replacement or return, refund, replacement of the costs incurred by the party responsible for payment, Party B is responsible for logistics cost. Party B shall the goods freight paid by Party B pays, Party A shall assist check or mailing procedures. 5、甲方保证乙方供货同等产品同等质量的产品是市场最低拿货价,但供销商促销活动除外。5, Party B to ensure supply the same products of equal quality products are the lowest market with price, but with the exception of supply and marketing promotion. 三、乙方权利与义务In three, the rights and obligations of Party B 1、乙方加盟后需配合甲方将汇美秀商务平台共同维护及创造1, Party B should cooperate with Party A shall remit after joining together to maintain and create business e-commerce platform 2、乙方拥有产品后台的所有出货价格及成本价。2, Party B has product background all shipping price and cost price. 3、乙方在客服期间必须维护好网站客户In 3, Party B must preserve the website customer service period 4、乙方区域客户定单交易成功后须按时将产品发放不可耽误,如因乙方原因耽误,涉及赔偿及法律问题,均由乙方全部承担。4, B region customer orders after the success of the transaction shall be product release not delay, if Party B delays, relating to compensation and legal issues, by Party B shall be borne. 5、乙方不得销售、陈列、代理任何违反法规的商品,不得采取不正当手段开展业务和作出有损甲方声誉的事情, 如有违反、视其情节轻重,乙方须给予甲方 _万元人民币的赔偿,并要承担其法律责任。5, Party B shall not sell, display, the agent of any violation of laws and regulations of goods, shall not take improper means to carry out business and make a loss of Partys reputation thing, if violated, according to the seriousness of Party A, Party B should give _ _ _ million yuan compensation, and to bear the legal liability. 6、乙方有权义服务及配合公司所有客户6, Party B has the right semantic service and cooperate with all the customers 7、乙方必须与甲方做好配合并在当地建立良好的公共关系,并依法经营,否则所引起的一切责任均由乙方承担,如有触犯法律,甲方有权终止合约。7, Party B must do a good job in with Party A with local establish a good public relations, and operate in accordance with the law, or arising from all liability shall be borne by Party B, such as breaking the law, Party A has the right to terminate the contract. 四、保密条款In four, a confidentiality clause 1、除法律规定必须公开外,甲方不得向第三方透露乙方的客户资料及有损乙方的情报。1, in addition to the legal provisions must be open, Party A shall not disclose to any third party b customer data and information loss B. 2、乙方不得向第三方泄露公司的商业秘密。包括但不限于产品或本供货价、经营技术、客户资料、知识产权等商业秘密。否则给甲方造成损失,乙方应给予甲方_万元的经济赔偿,并要承担相应的法律责任。2, Party B shall not divulge to any third person company business secret. Including but not limited to product or the supply price, sales techniques, customer information, intellectual property rights and trade secrets. Otherwise the losses caused to Party A, Party B should give the party a _ _ _ _ _ million yuan economic compensation, and shall bear corresponding legal liability. 五、合同的期限及延续条件In five, the duration of the contract and the continuity conditions 本合同期限为自双方签约之日起_年,即自 _年_月_ 日至_ 年_ 月_ 日止。The term of this contract signing date for both _ _ _ _ _ years, namely from _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ _ to _ _ _ _ _ years _ _ _ _ _ month _ _ _ _ _ date. 乙方在本合同履行期间, 乙方无违规经营, 未给甲方造成不良影响和损失,甲方优先考虑与乙方续签加盟合同, 乙方需在合同期满前2 个月内向甲方提出续签申请,双方协商续签。In the contract period, Party B shall not violate compasses manage, without adverse effects and losses caused to Party A, Party A is preferred and renewal to Party B join in the contract before the expiration of the contract, Party B shall within 2 months of a visa application, both parties renew. 六、合同的解除终止In six, the rescission of contract termination 有下列情形之一的甲方有权随时解除本合同。Under any of the following circumstances, Party A has the right to terminate this contract. 1、乙方拖欠甲方的加盟费用或管理服务费;1, Party B in the party to join the cost or management service fee; 2、乙方违反法律法规受到查处的。2, Party B violates laws and regulations be punished. 3、乙方违反本合同其他条款的。3, Party B violates any provision of this agreement.
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