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Unit 9 Picnics Are FunModule 3 Food and drink2Watch a video.Brainstorm Maybetheyareeating/drinkingsweetswi:t Sweet apples-apples are sweet.Sweet cakes -cakes are sweet.Sweet bananas -bananas are sweet.Sweet oranges-oranges are sweet.Bitter coffee-coffee is bitter.bt(r) sourSour lemons-lemons are sour.our-soursa(r) Spicy chillies-chillies are spicy.chilli-chilliesSpicy sausages-sausages are spicy.tlspasi nutssaltybaconSaltynuts-nutsaresalty.Salty bacon-bacon is salty.s:lti vegetable saladdelicioustastytaste-tasty Tastyvegetablesalad-vegetablesaladistasty.testi dls cakesnutschillieslemonssaltysourspicysweetbittertasty/delicioussweetsaltyspicysourcoffeebittervegetable saladtasty/deliciousShall we buy some food and drink?Work in pairs to talk like:A:S1:Lets buy S2:Why do you like? S1:I like becauseB:S1:Shall we buy? S2:I dont like S1:Why not? S2:I dont likebecause its/theyre tooListenandfillinthetable.food and drinklike or dont like(/)Why/Why notapple juiceorangesspicy sausageschicken wingssweetsweettoo spicytastyLOOK AND READLetsgotothesupermarkettobuysomefoodanddrinkforthepicnic.Shallwebuysomeapplejuice?Whydoyoulikeapplejuice?Ilikeitbecauseitssweet.Shallwebuysomeoranges?Yes,Ilikeoranges.Whydoyoulikeoranges?Ilikethembecausetheyresweet.Letsbuysomespicysausages.Idontlikespicysausages.Whynot?Theyretoospicy.Whatwouldyoulike,Joe?Idlikesomechickenwings.Theyretasty.Workingroupstoreadthedialogueinroles.AttheMcDonaldsMum,itstimeforlunch.LetsgotoMcDonalds. Work in groups to make a dialogue according to the situation. A good medicine tastes bitter. The fox said the grapes were sour.Businessisthesaltoflife. 良药苦口良药苦口 吃不到葡萄吃不到葡萄,就说它是酸的就说它是酸的事业是人生的第一需要。事业是人生的第一需要。Proverbs No sweet without sweat. 先苦后甜先苦后甜 Homework: Oral work:1.Listen and imitate the recording to read the dialogue in page 63 fluently.2.Try to recite the dialogue.3.If you are able, recite the proverbs. Written work:1. Write a passage: Preparing for a picnic
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