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第18讲九年级Units 78山西专用山西专用1poem(n.) (pl.)诗;韵文 (n.)诗人2society(n.) (adj.)社会的3value(n.) (adj.)很有用的;宝贵的4noise(n.) (adj.)吵闹的5police(n.) (pl.)警察 (n.)男警察 (n.)女警察6wolf(n.) (pl.)狼7hug(v.) (过去式/过去分词)拥抱;搂抱8energy(n.) (adj.)精力充沛的;充满活力的poemspoetsocialvaluablenoisypolicepolicemanpolicewomanwolveshuggedenergetic9regret(v.& n) (过去式/过去分词) (现在分词)感到遗憾;后悔 (adj.)后悔的;失望的 (adj.)令人惋惜的;可惜的;令人遗憾的10educate(v.) (过去式/过去分词)教育;教导 (n.)教育 (adj.)教育的;有教育意义的11manage(v.) (过去式/过去分词)完成(困难的事);应付(困难局面) (n.)经营;管理 (n.)经理;经营者regrettedregrettingregretfulregrettableeducatededucationeducationalmanagedmanagementmanager12enter(v.) (n.)大门(口)入口(处);通道13attend(v.) (过去式/过去分词)出席;参加 (n.)出席;参加;到场;上学14suit(v.) (adj.)合适的;适当的15express(v.) (n.)表达(方式);表示16lead(v.) (过去式/过去分词)带路;领路 (现在分词) (n.)领导;领袖17safe(adj.)_ (n.)安全;安全性18badly(adv.) (比较级)更差(的);更坏(的);更糟(的) (最高级)最差(的);最坏(的);最糟(的)entranceattendedattendancesuitableexpressionledleadingleadersafetyworseworst1回嘴;顶嘴_2避免接近;远离_3自己做决定_4挡的路;妨碍_5担心_6长大_7对某人严格要求_8迟到_talk backkeep.away frommake ones own decisionget in the way ofbe worried aboutgrow upbe strict with sb.be late for9追逐,追赶_10不但,而且_11属于_12捡起_13与交流_14指出_15以某种方式_run afternot only.but alsobelong topick upcommunicate withpoint outin a certain way1I _sixteenyearolds should _drive.我认为十六岁的人不应该被允许驾驶。2Sixteenyearolds should be allowed to _their ears_.十六岁的人应该被允许打耳洞。3 When I was two running through the field, she _I was safe and _me_danger.当我两岁在地上乱跑的时候,她确保我安全并且远离危险。4 Teenagers often think they should be allowed to practice their hobbies _they want.青少年常认为他们应该被允许尽可能多地实践他们的爱好。5He needs to _more time _his homework because _a professional sports star.他需要在作业上花费更多的时间,因为成为一名职业的运动明星很难。6They always talk about what _if I _他们总是谈论如果我不成功会发生什么。dont thinkbe allowed togetpiercedmade surekeptaway fromas much asspendonits difficult to becomewill happendont succeed7Only then _a chance _my dream.只有那时,我才有实现梦想的机会。8“I think it was _a dog,” she said.她说:“我认为它太大了,不可能是一只狗。”9There _the homes in our neighborhood.一定有什么东西在拜访我们邻近地区的人家。10 The noisemaker is _fear in the neighborhood.制造噪音的人很开心在小区里制造出恐惧感。11For many years,historians believed Stonehenge was a temple _ancient leaders _the gods.多年以来,历史学家相信巨石阵是一座庙宇,在那里古代统治者试图和上帝沟通。12_is how it was built _the stones are so big and heavy.最大的谜团之一就是它是如何建造的,因为这些石头如此巨大又沉重。will I haveto achievetoo big to bemust be something visitinghaving too much fun creatingwheretried to communicate withOne of the greatest mysteriesbecause同意和不同意(Agree and disagree)1I dont think sixteenyearolds should be allowed to drive.I agree.They arent serious enough.2Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?No,I dont agree with this.Teenagers are too young to make their own decisions.3Do you think we might be allowed to take some photos?I dont think so.Phototaking is not allowed in the museum.4Teenagers should not be allowed to have parttime jobs.I disagree.They can learn a lot from working.做出推测(Make inferences)1Whose volleyball is this?It must be Carlas.She loves volleyball.2Whose hair band is this?It could be Meis hair band.Or it might belong to Linda.They both have long hair.3What did you see that night?Im not sure,but it cant be a dog.It was bigger.I think it might be a bear or a wolf.1含情含情态动词的被的被动语态(如如should be allowed to)(见本本书P197)2情情态动词must,might,could和和cant表推表推测(见本本书P187)1Dear,you need to _by next week,to go to university at home or to go abroad.You are going on eighteen.(2012,山西25题)OK,Mum.I am considering it.Amake an appointmentBmake a suggestionCmake a decision Cregret【典例在线】I regret to have to do this,but I have no choice.我很遗憾必须这样做,但我实在别无选择。I dont regret telling her what I thought.我不后悔告诉她我的想法。【拓展精析】regret作动词,意为“感到遗憾,懊悔”;作名词,意为“懊悔”。regret to do sth.遗憾要做某事(事情未做)regret doing sth.遗憾/后悔做了某事(事情已做)【活学活用】1)Five years later,she regrets _her home for only a quarrel with her younger brother.Aleft Bto leave Cleaving 2)We regret _you that the 11:00 flight to Beijing has been canceled because of the bad weather.Ato tell Btell Ctelling 3)Did you talk back to your mother when you were a child?Yes.But now I realize I was wrong.I really regret _that silly thing to my mum.(2015,襄阳)Ado Bto do Cdoing DdidCACprevent【典例在线】We should try our best to prevent accidents.我们应当尽我们最大的努力防止事故发生。Nothing can prevent/stop/keep us from reaching our aims.没有什么能阻止我们达到我们的目标。【拓展精析】prevent动词,意为“阻止;阻挠”,常用于词组prevent sb./sth.(from) doing sth.中,意为“阻止某人做某事”,与stop sb./sth.(from) doing sth.和keep sb./sth.from doing sth.同义,三者可互换使用。【活学活用】4)What can we do to _bird flu from spreading?Try not to buy or eat chicken that have not been checked.Aprevent Bcause Cdiscover Dlead5)Can you tell me if/whether (the) visitors/travelers/tourists should be prevented (from) walking/stepping on the grass或if/whether they should prevent visitors travelers/tourists (from) walking/stepping on the grass (游客是否被阻止踩踏草地) in the park?(2015,襄阳)Yes,I think they should.Achance【典例在线】Ill have a chance of visiting Beijing.Ill have a chance to visit Beijing.我将有一次游览北京的机会。Thats a good chance for you.对你来说那是个好机会。【拓展精析】chance可数名词,意为“机会”,其后常跟动词不定式或of引导的介词短语。have a chance to do sth.have a chance of doing sth.有机会做某事chance后有时也跟介词for,与sb.或sth.连用,意为“对而言”。【活学活用】6)If you work harder, youll have another _to play the violin at a concert.(2014,天津)Asleep BchanceCmistake DproblemBmanage【典例在线】I managed to finish all the homework last night.我昨天晚上努力做完了所有的家庭作业。【拓展精析】manage动词,意为“完成(困难的事);应付(困难的局面)”。manage to do sth.表示“努力(做到了某事)”。【活学活用】7)How do you manage _the place so tidy?AkeepBto keepCkeeping BSixteenyearolds should be allowed to get their ears pierced.十六岁的青少年应该被允许打耳洞。【典例在线1】Teenagers shouldnt be allowed to smoke.青少年不应该被允许吸烟。【拓展精析1】该句为含有情态动词的被动语态,其构成为:情态动词be动词的过去分词。【典例在线2】Ill go to have my shoes mended tomorrow.我明天要去把我的鞋子补一下。The boss always gets the workers to work day and night.这个老板总是让工人们夜以继日地工作。【拓展精析【拓展精析2】句型get sth.done意为“使得被”,在此结构中,sth.与done之间为被动关系。此结构除get外,还有have。get sb.to do sth.“让某人做某事”,相当于have sb.do sth.。【活学活用】1)The traffic is too busy. We have to drive slowly.I think more new roads _ in our city.(2016,贺州)Ashould be built Bshould builtChave built Dbuild2)When are you going to have your hair _?This afternoon.(2015,葫芦岛模拟)Acut Bcuts Ccutting Dto cutAAWhose volleyball is this?这是是谁的排球?的排球?It must be Carlas.它一定是卡拉的。【典例在线1】Whose watch is this?这是谁的手表?It is my fathers.它是我父亲的。【拓展精析1】whose特殊疑问词,意为“谁的”,用以提问物品的所属关系,后接名词。其答语常用名词所有格、名词性物主代词或动词短语belong to。Whose volleyball is this?这是是谁的排球?的排球?It must be Carlas.它一定是卡拉的。【典例在线1】Whose watch is this?这是谁的手表?It is my fathers.它是我父亲的。【拓展精析1】whose特殊疑问词,意为“谁的”,用以提问物品的所属关系,后接名词。其答语常用名词所有格、名词性物主代词或动词短语belong to。【拓展精析1】whose特殊疑问词,意为“谁的”,用以提问物品的所属关系,后接名词。其答语常用名词所有格、名词性物主代词或动词短语belong to。【典例在线2】There must be something wrong with the computer.那台电脑一定是出毛病了。That woman cant be Miss Wang.She is ill in hospital.那位女士不可能是王小姐。她生病住院了。We must be wrong.我们一定是搞错了。(改为否定句)We cant be wrong.我们不可能搞错。【拓展精析2】must与be连用通常表示肯定的推测,意为“一定是;肯定是”。must表示推测的用法只用于肯定句中。cant be意为“不可能是”,表示有把握的否定推测。含有must be的句子变为否定句时,须把must be改为cant be。【活学活用】3)_Tshirt is this?(2015,北京)I think its Toms.AWhose BWhichCWhat DWho4)I wonder if this smart phone is Marys.It _belong to her. is totally different from this one.(2015,兰州)Amustnt;Her Bcant;HerCcant;Hers Dmay;Hers5)Mr.Zhou cant find his ID card anywhere.It _be lost.(2015,海南)Acant Bshould CmustACCattend,join,take part in与join in【典例在线】Hell attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要的会议。She joined the Young Pioneers.她加入了少先队。Hell join us in singing the song.他将和我们一起唱歌。Well take part in social practice during the summer vacation.暑假期间我们将参加社会实践。Why didnt you join in the talk last night?昨晚你为什么没参加座谈?【拓展精析】attend是正式用语,作及物动词,指参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼;上课、上学、听报告等。句子的主语只是去听,去看,自己不一定起积极作用。join有两个用法:指加入某个党派、团体组织等,成为其成员之一,意为“参军、入团、入党”等。指和某人一起做某事,其结构为:join sb.in (doing) sth.,根据上下文,in (doing) sth.也可以省去。take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,着重说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。join in多指参加小规模的活动如“球赛、游戏”等,常用于日常口语。【注意】可通过以下图示帮助记忆【活学活用】1)We all have to _the school sports meeting,with nobody excepted.Ajoin Bjoin inCtake part in DattendChappen与take place【典例在线】Miracles happen every day.奇迹每天都发生。Great changes have taken place in China.中国已经发生了很大的改变。【拓展精析】happen意为“发生”,主语一般是物,常指具体事件的发生,特别指那些偶然的或未能预见的“发生”。sth.happen to sb.意为“某事发生在某人身上”;当主语是“人”时,意为“碰巧”,sb.happen to do sth.意为“某人碰巧”。take place通常指“(某事)按计划进行或按计划发生”,此外还有“举行”之意。【活学活用】2)Our school sports meeting _ every November.Ais happenedBheldCtakes place3)I happened _ my best friend in my childhood on my way home.Ato see Bseeing Csaw CA
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