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Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1x40)Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence, and then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.、1. _ difficulties they may come across, theyll help one another to overcome them.A. Whatever B. Whenever C. However D. Wherever【答案】A【翻译】无论他们会遇到什么困难,都要相互协助克服困难。【考点】Whatever引导让步状语从句。【解析】Whatever能够引导名词性从句或让步状语从句。根句子结构分析,whatever在本句引导让步状语从句。whatever修饰名词,however修饰形容词或副词。Whatever引导让步状语从句时,能够拆分为No matter what。2. Education cannot be _ in any country.A. rejected B. deleted C. neglected D. refused【答案】C【翻译】在任何国家,教育都不容忽视。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】reject 意为“拒绝;排斥”; delete意为“删除”; neglect意为“忽视”; refuse意为“拒绝”。3. Although its tough finding a job these days, Henry got a _ in a famous company.A. place B. position C. post D. patch【答案】C【翻译】尽管近些日子找工作极难,不过亨利在一家知名的企业得到了一个职位。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】place 意为“地方”; position意为“位置,方位;(级别方面的)职位; 地位”; post意为“岗位;邮件”; patch意为“补丁”。4. The doctor said that mental _ is the major cause of his sleeping problem.A. tension B. sadness C. anger D. relaxation【答案】A【翻译】医生说,精神担心是他的睡眠问题的重要原因。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】tension 意为“担心;不安”; sadness意为“伤心”; anger意为“生气;生气”; relaxation意为“放松”。5. _ comes back first is supposed to win the prize.A. One who B. Whoever C. Anyone D. Those who【答案】B【翻译】无论谁第一个回来都应当赢得奖品【考点】Whoever引导的主语从句。【解析】Whoever能够引导名词性从句或让步状语从句。依照句子结构分析,whoever在本句引导主语从句从句。6. The last time I saw her was _ my brothers wedding ceremony three years ago.A. to B. at C. in D. during【答案】B【翻译】我最后一次见到他是在四年前我哥哥的婚礼上。【考点】固定词组。【解析】ceremony n. 典礼,典礼。要体现在某典礼(典礼)上用介词at。at the graduation ceremony 在毕业典礼上。7. I have two children but _ of them likes fruits.A. none B. either C. neither D. both【答案】C【翻译】我有两个孩子,不过两个孩子都不喜欢吃水果。【考点】代词。【解析】依照题意,应表示否定意义。依照前文two children,及第二个句子谓语动词的第三人称单数形式判断“两个孩子都不喜欢吃水果”,因此选C。none意为“(三者或三者以上)都不”;either 意为“二者之一”;neither意为“(二者)都不”;both意为“两个都”。8. He might have been killed _ arrival of the police.A. except for B. with C. for D. but for【答案】D【翻译】要不是警察的到来,他有也许就被杀了。【考点】虚拟语气。【解析】but for 要不是,后接短语,表示暗含的虚拟条件。相称于表示与过去事实相反的条件句“If the police had not arrived,”。9. Some areas, _ their severe weather conditions, are sparsely populated.A. due to B. but for C. in spite of D. with regard to【答案】A【翻译】有些地区,因为恶劣的天气情况,几乎没有人居住。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】dueto意为“因为”; butfor意为“要不是”; inspiteof意为“无论”; with regard to意为“有关”。10. Many teenagers feel no difficulty _ computer.A. to learn B. learn C. in learning D. learned【答案】C【翻译】许多青少年以为学习计算机不难。【考点】固定词组。【解析】have difficulties (in) doing sth. 做某事有困难; have difficulties with sth.在某方面有困难;feel no difficulty (in) doing sth. 以为做某事不难。11. No agreement was _ in the discussion as neither side would give way to the other.A. arrived B. obtained C. reached D. gained【答案】C【翻译】在讨论中没有达成一致,因为双方各不让步。【考点】固定词组。【解析】reach an agreement 达成协议;达成一致。12. A loud noise _ may attention from cooking and everything was burnt.A. divided B. diverted C. focused D. separated【答案】B【翻译】一声巨响分散了我的注意力,(成果)饭都烧糊了。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】divide意为“划分;分开”; divert意为“使分心”; focus意为“(使)集中”; separate意为“使分离;使分开”。13. Henry planned to visit _ country besides England.(题干country应改为countries) (答案你们在推敲一下)A. some other B. every other C. several others D. other【答案】D【翻译】除了英国,亨利还计划访问其他国家。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】some other意为“某些其他的”, 背面加名词复数,相称于some others; every other意为“每隔一(个);所有其他的”; others意为“另某些”, 作代词,背面不能再加名词; other意为“另一个或另某些”是泛指,作形容词,可修饰名词。14. Before using your new pressure cooker, read the following _ carefully.A. notices B. orders C. advertisement D. instructions【答案】D【翻译】在使用你的新高压锅之前,仔细阅读下来阐明书。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】notice意为“注意;布告;预告”; order意为“命令”; advertisement意为“广告”;instruction意为“阐明书”。15. It is very expensive to _ the fashion.A. go along with B. get on with C. keep up with D. carry on with【答案】C【翻译】赶时髦是要付出昂贵的代价的。【考点】词义辨析。【解析】go along with意为“一起去;赞同;附和”; get on with意为“和友好相处”; keep up with意为“跟上;赶上”; carry on with意为“表示继续/坚持做某事”。16. If I have a good sleep Ill be _ to work out the problem.A. possible B. able C. capable D. reasonable【答案】B【翻译】假如我能睡个好觉,我就能算出来这个问题。【考点】固定词组。【解析】possible意为“也许的”; able意为“有能力的”,主语为人,常用词组be able to do sth. 有能力做某事;capable意为“能干的;有才能的”,常用词组be capable of doing sth.;reasonable意为“合理的”。17. If you get into difficulties, dont hesitate to _ help.A. ask about B. ask after C. ask for D. ask in【答案】C【翻译】你要是遇到困难,,赶紧向人求援。【考点】固定词组。【解析】ask about意为“问询,打听;打探”;ask after意为“问询的健康情况,问候”; ask for意为“祈求; 要求”;ask in意为“请(某人)进来”。18. All of them are _ at Lanas achievement.A. amazed B. interested C. fond D. proud【答案】A【翻译】他们所有人都对拉娜取得的成就感到诧异。【考点】固定词组。【解析】be amazed at意为“对感到诧异”; be interested in意为“对感兴趣”; be fond of意为
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