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Discuss this question in a group of four and then try to give an ending to the story. What do you think may happen to Justin? Was Justin really taken away by aliens or were there any other reasons?Unit 1 reading (2)Boy missing, police puzzled Language Focus1.Police in America have stepped up their search for a fifteen-year-old boy who went missing two days ago in Dover, New Hampshire. 1) step up ( increase, speed up) When John realized he was going to be late, he stepped up his pace.(speed up)We decided to step up production to try to meet the increased demand.We will have to step up training for the coming sports competition.(increase) (put more effort into)2)search sb. / sth. search for sb./sth in search of sb/sthsearch + sth.search + sb.搜查某物搜查某物搜某人的身搜某人的身search for 指指“寻找某人或某物寻找某人或某物”search sb/ sth for指指“搜查某人或某搜查某人或某物物以寻找以寻找”in search of sb/sth =search for sb/sth“寻找某人或某物寻找某人或某物”1.They _ him but couldnt find the film.2.Philosophers have been _ that answer for centuries.3.The judge set out together with them _the lost animal.4. The police _ the city _ the thief.searchedforsearchedin search ofsearching forPractice:B. searched for, searched forC. searched for; searched D. searched; searched forThe police have _ the thief for several days, and now they are _ the station.A. searched, searchedGeologists use artificial earth shocks in their search for the kinds of rock in which petroleum accumulates.地质学家利用人造地震来寻找寄存地质学家利用人造地震来寻找寄存石油的岩石种类。石油的岩石种类。当名词前有物主代词时,则要采当名词前有物主代词时,则要采取取in ones search for的形式。的形式。His hair has _ over the years. (变白了)(变白了)The heat has caused the milk to _ . (变(变酸了)酸了)She_ when she found out that she had failed the exam. (变疯狂了)(变疯狂了)3) go + adj. ( become + adj. )gone greygo sourwent crazygo: to pass into a different, often less favourable state.Any money _will be paid before the end of the month.1) (债务、权利等)欠下的(债务、权利等)欠下的 欠你的钱将在月底之前全部支付给你。欠你的钱将在月底之前全部支付给你。2. in his disappearance due to sightings of that is due to you2) 归功于;归功于; 我们我们由衷由衷感谢警方在制作这部影片感谢警方在制作这部影片的过程中所给予的帮助。的过程中所给予的帮助。Our grateful thanks _the policedepartment for their help in the making of this film.are due to他成为一名艺术家,这应归功于他的母亲。他成为一名艺术家,这应归功于他的母亲。He has become an artist; this _his mother. is due to(1)His disappearance was due to the storm.3) due to ( because of, caused by) 由于,因由于,因而造成而造成(2)His success is entirely due to his hard work.(3)Due to his rudeness, I didnt say one more word to him. (4)Due to illness, the scheduled visit to a factory has been put off.3. When Justin did not show up at the family lunch the next day,.(1)We have been waiting for you to show up.(2)You showed him up by calling him by his nick name in front of his girlfriend.(3)The sunlight showed up the marks on the glass. ( arrive, appear)( make sth. become visible)( make sb. embarrassed)show的相关词组的相关词组show ones face 出席;露面;出出席;露面;出现现show off1) 炫耀,夸耀;卖弄炫耀,夸耀;卖弄2) 显示;显示; 渲染(某物的优点)渲染(某物的优点)show up a fraud 揭发一件欺诈行揭发一件欺诈行为为4. I didnt see him but I heard him put on his favourite CD. put on 打开打开(= turn on); 穿上;穿上; 上演;增加上演;增加(1)他匆忙穿上外套,冲出了屋子。他匆忙穿上外套,冲出了屋子。He _hurriedly and ran out of the house.put his coat on(2)上周上演的那出戏剧很值得一看。上周上演的那出戏剧很值得一看。The play _was well worth seeing.(3)去年冬天他的体重增加了不少。去年冬天他的体重增加了不少。He _last winter.put on last weekput on a lot of weightfrightened / frightening看到那可怕的场景,她感到非常害怕。看到那可怕的场景,她感到非常害怕。Seeing the _scene, she got / was / felt_.5. I was frightened.frighteningfrightened6. Police have not ruled out the possibility that Justin was taken by aliens, but are also looking into other possibilities.1) rule out ( exclude sb/sth ) The police ruled out the possibility that the boy had been murdered by his step mother. 2) look into ( examine )The police are looking into the reason why the plane crashed into the sea.Would you mind looking into the problem for me?7. Sometimes people make up such amazing stories. Uncle Dick likes making up interesting stories for the children.I feel I have been mean to you. I want to make it up to you.( invent )( compensate sb for sth he has missed or suffered or for money he has spent )补偿某人的损失,遭受的不幸或花费的钱财补偿某人的损失,遭受的不幸或花费的钱财She had been absent from school for two weeks, so she had a lot of exams to make up. ( replace sth. that has been lost)Girls make up 45% of the student population in our school.( form )( make one more attractive by putting sth. like powder or lipstick on ones face )Tom watched his sister makeherself up for her date. (2).To our great_, it rained on the day of the picnic. (3).He is _with his son. (4).He was _to hear that they were not coming.disappointmentdisappointeddisappointed 8. disappoint v. / disappointment n. disappointing/ disappointed adj.(1).Dont _me by being late again.disappointHomework1.Reading A & B P.90-912. Review what you have learnt.
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