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太平中学2024-2025(下)第一次月过关质量检测 七 年级 英语 科试题(卷)考场_ 班级_ 姓名_ 考号_密封线内不得答题题号一二总分得分 说明:本试卷共2道大题页,满分60分,45分钟完成。七年级英语第卷I.听力选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分1 5分)A. 对话理解,每段对话读两遍。( )1. How does Ricky go to school every day? ( )2. What does Tim want to be when he grows up?A. A volunteer. B. A manager. C. An office worker.( )3. When will Mary get to the party? A. At 6. B. At 7. C. At 6:30.( )4. Whats the mans telephone number? A. 6513 4589 B. 6544 3589 C. 6531 4589( )5. What will the girl do tomorrow? A. Go camping. B. Do housework. C. Have a picnic. ( )6. Why will they have a party tonight? A. Because Peter is leaving. B. Because Peter is coming. C. Because its Peters birthday.( )7. How much should the woman pay? A. 10 yuan. B. 80 yuan. C. 18 yuan. B .听一段对话,回答8-10小题。( )8. When will Kitty go to the boys new house? A. This evening. B. Tomorrow evening. C. Tomorrow afternoon.( )9. How will Kitty get there? A. By bike. B. By bus. C. On foot.( )10. How long does it take to get to the boys new house? A. About ten minutes by bus. B. About fifty minutes on foot. C. About fifteen minutes by bus. C .听下面一篇短文,回答11-15小题。( )11. Where did Tom work? A. In a school. B. In a post office. C. In a factory.( )12. How did Tom send the letters? A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By bike.( )13. What did Tom see when he arrives at the house? A. A big door. B. A big dog. C. A little dog.( )14. Did the dog run after Tom? A. No, it didnt. B. Yes, it did. C. Yes, it didnt.( )15. What did the dog come to Tom to do? A. To carry the letter. B. To read the letter. C. To throw(扔)the letter.II.完形填空(每题1分,共10分) AMy English name is David. I am short _1_ black hair. I am from China. Frank is my classmate and neighbour. He is tall and has black hair. He _2_ from the USA, and now he is in Beijing. Frank and I have different _3_ habits. He likes having fruit and vegetables very much, _4_ I only like meat. Coke is Franks favourite _5_, but I like tea best. I look much fatter than him. Frank often _6_ early and does sports. I like staying in my bedroom and _7_ computer games. I often have a cold. When I am ill, I always stay at home and take some _8_. The doctor asks me to take _9_ often, but it is difficult for me to get up early. At last, Frank has an idea. He calls _10_ in the morning every day, and then we do some sports together.( )1. A. for B. to C. with D. about( )2. A. goes B. comes C. walks D. takes ( )3. A. eating B. learning C. talking D. sleeping( )4. A. / B. so C. or D. but( )5. A. food B. time C. drink D. box( )6. A. looks for B. looks after C. stays up D. gets up( )7. A. making B. running C. playing D. eating( )8. A. medicineB. food C. meat D. Coke( )9. A. photos B. exercise C. homework D. housework( )10. A. me B. her C. us D. him III.阅读理解。(1*5;+2*10;分)AThere are many people on the bus. Some have seats, but some have to stand. At a bus stop, a woman gets on the bus. An old man tries to stand up.“Oh, no, thank you,” the woman asks him back to the seat. “Please dont do that. I can stand.”“But, madam, let me,” says the man.“I ask you to sit on your seat,” the woman says. She puts her hands on the old mans shoulder.But the man still tries to stand up, “Madam, will you please let me?” “Oh, no,” says the woman. She again asks the man to sit back to his seat.At last the old man shouts, “I want to get off the bus!”依据短文内容推断正(T)误(F)。( )1. All the people have seats on the bus.( )2. An old man gets on the bus at the bus stop.( )3. The old man wants to give his seat to the woman.( )4. The woman sits on the old mans seat.( )5. The old man wants to get off the bus.BOne day a rich man meets Sam. The rich man asks, I hear youre very clever and nothing is difficult to you. Can you tell me why you are so clever?Sam answers with a smile, Oh, I am not clever. Instead (相反) , you are too foolish(愚蠢). The rich man becomes very angry.Sam says, Please dont be angry(生气). If you dont believe(信任) me, now let me ask you a question. If you put together one group of sheep and another group of sheep, how many groups of sheep do you have?Why! Thats an easy question. One and one is two, and anybody knows that. I have two groups of sheep.Sam laughs and says, You are wrong. When two groups of sheep are put together, there is still one group. Thats the easiest(最简洁)question in the world.( ) 6. On
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