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Unit 1 School lifeWelcome to our schoolHow do you feel about your new life here in the first two days?example:I feel so good in my new school . The school is beautiful. My classmates are very friendly.And all the teachers are kindEnjoy some information about school lifelockersPlaying table tennis Dancing DrawingDancingWoodworkHuge campus and low-rise buildingsTall buildings and large campusdifferencefewer students in each classcrowded in a classbe at ease and comfortable with teachersBesides,they also work hard every day for more knowledge.What is made up of school life?school lifein the United Kingdomin ChinaHuge campus &low-rise buildingsLarge campus and taller buildingsLockers for every studentNone have such equipment.in the United Kingdomin ChinaFewer students in each class40-50-60At ease with our teachersBe friendly to each other1. What kind of after-school activities do you enjoy?a. Discuss in a group of 4(timer, note-maker, reporter, etc.)b. report to the whole class (Which group did best?) Background美国学生的课余活动美国学生的课余活动(After-school Activities) 老师会要求学生定期写读书报告(老师会要求学生定期写读书报告(report),),例如:传记(例如:传记(biography)、动物故事)、动物故事(animal stories)、科幻小说()、科幻小说(science fiction)、推理小说()、推理小说(mystery fiction)、)、历史事件(历史事件(historic events)、家族史)、家族史(family history)等。老师只是给读书报告)等。老师只是给读书报告搭个框架(搭个框架(outline),具体选题(),具体选题(topic)由)由学生自己来定。学生自己来定。 比如写比如写“传记传记”: 学生可以根据自己的学生可以根据自己的爱好,或写林肯总统(爱好,或写林肯总统(President Lincoln),或写第一位登月宇航员),或写第一位登月宇航员(astronaut)、科学家()、科学家(scientist)、体)、体育明星(育明星(sports star)、歌手()、歌手(singer)等一些有影响的人物。等一些有影响的人物。学生确定了选题后,通常需要到图书馆学生确定了选题后,通常需要到图书馆(library)阅读书籍收集资料。)阅读书籍收集资料。 常见课外活动项目:常见课外活动项目:如游泳(如游泳(swimming)、球类()、球类(ball games)、体操()、体操(gymnastics)、溜冰)、溜冰(roller-skating)等体育活动;)等体育活动;钢琴(钢琴(piano)、小提琴()、小提琴(violin)等乐)等乐器;芭蕾(器;芭蕾(ballet)、踢踏舞()、踢踏舞(tap dance)、绘画()、绘画(painting)、唱歌)、唱歌(singing)、棋类()、棋类(chess)每个社区(每个社区(community)都有这样的青少年)都有这样的青少年活动中心(活动中心(youth center)。家长可以根据)。家长可以根据孩子的特点(孩子的特点(character)和爱好()和爱好(hobby),),有选择地让他们参加某项活动。有选择地让他们参加某项活动。 美国孩子从美国孩子从12岁到法定工作年龄之前,会在岁到法定工作年龄之前,会在课余、周末或假期里干些零活(课余、周末或假期里干些零活(odd jobs),),挣些小钱。女孩子帮助亲朋或邻里照看小孩挣些小钱。女孩子帮助亲朋或邻里照看小孩(babysitting)、打扫卫生()、打扫卫生(cleaning)等;)等;男孩子则会每天清晨把当天报纸送到各家各男孩子则会每天清晨把当天报纸送到各家各户门口(户门口(delivering the newspapers),也会),也会帮助街坊割草(帮助街坊割草(mowing the lawn)、修饰庭)、修饰庭院(院(renovating the yard)。这不仅让他们学)。这不仅让他们学会自己挣零用钱(会自己挣零用钱(pocket money),更能培),更能培养他们独立自主(养他们独立自主(independent)和社交的能)和社交的能力(力(social skills)。)。School activities:Morning reading, having lessons, examinations, self-study, academic reports, social consulting services, speech contests, poets club, painting clubs, singing and dancing groups and so onSchool life our school activitiesour school activities2. What is your dream school life like? Teachers?Classmates?tteeaacchheerrssssttuuddeennttssMy dream school In my opinion,-I think,-The perfect school in my mind is like this-The teachers should be-(adj)The students should be-(adj)teachersstudentsloveunderstandrespectlearnhelpencourage Confucius不不亦亦悦悦乎乎 Where there is a will, Where there is a will, there is a way.there is a way.Perseverance is the Perseverance is the only road to success.only road to success.Write down your own opinion on what your dream school is like in about 100 words.Different schools 1. pre-school education (2-5years old) 2. primary education (5/6-12/13) 3. secondary education (12/13-16/18) 4. further/ higher education (18+) (China) kindergarten(China) kindergarten(UK) nursery school(UK) nursery school(托儿所)(托儿所) play school(play school(幼幼稚园稚园) ) (China) primary school (China) primary school (UK) junior school(UK) junior school(China) junior and senior high (China) junior and senior high schoolschool(UK) comprehensive school / grammar schoolUK) comprehensive school / grammar schoolcollege / universitycollege / universityWords about schools president(大学校长)(大学校长) principal 中学校长(美)中学校长(美)headmaster 中小学校长(英)中小学校长(英)Headmistress中小学校长(女)中小学校长(女)class teacher班主任班主任 / headteachermonitor 班长班长 vice-monitor 副班长副班长commissary in charge of studies 学习委员学习委员commissary in charge of entertainment 文娱委员文娱委员commissary in charge of sports 体育委员体育委员commissary in charge of physical labor 劳动委员劳动委员Party branch secretary 党支部书记党支部书记League branch secretary 团支部书记团支部书记commissary in charge of organization 组织委员组织委员commissary in charge of publicity 宣传委员宣传委员Word focusYou may use the following words in your discussion.Campus Locker at ease is a field on which the buildings of a university or college are located.is a small box where you leave your belongings such as outdoor clothes, bags etc while you work or play sports.feel free and relaxedFill in the blanks according to what we discussed just now.In the UK, very _ houses and huge campus can be seen. In China, each school also has a large campus, but the buildings are much _. In the UK, there are _for students outside the class-room, just like those in our _. In the UK, the classroom is very big, with a few students in it. Theyre usuallylow-risehigherlockersdormitories_ in class, eager to answer the teachers questions. In China, we always have a _ number of students in each classroom and students are not so eager to answer the teachers questions, _ senior school students.activelargerespecially Students and teachers in both countries have established a good _ with each other. Therefore, students feel _ with their teachers.relationshipat ease
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