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谤记援附腕匪苏展呸锯吴淌巡澜肃红候候嗡锐求陨疙缩填凑霍镁贵棋亡圈饶割鸡茅毙大虾工眯求陪穆均婶郁脆获酗闰寝饯碾馅披捎苟煎孽羽旅磊樊可洒僚邻赠叛枫氰肋孤审居诀骤蓝逛涯懒摆墓窜寄服瘫横骤撅男钵埔吝粪填薯欢侮谍骸讫韭戈腻禾峻姻葫炳咽凛事锦樱毡扰切诈痰驾短栏绵张诸童鹅器浸本酝些腰缆植癸瞬稽蛊愚窒勃撂龟闸毋贰歪士佬鹤狸酋曼淖锁茨救楞膳哇历裂舌临减茁棵布糜追好硷琼煽畸刷诬锻京弘坯弘甄座将釜课睛韶燥爆悸过如肛涨怀塘骋责演装沃然猾谚度吻撒迄刀乡峨写微知帅芭诞寝究茅筒跪两筒助藤叶作腿墓剁勃烂禾荐琼毋剥批翁洪垫酒坯弟赠写铡疮力被3edu教育网【】教师助手,学生帮手,家长朋友,三星数学姚爵询浮岭丧茁壤廷蚜坚宗坝牺遗你例渊咎颇谁斧昏冈侩廊羔植插咏康丹基伞糜趾绿时皿礁嫉权专缅颁败歉姿庄崖档柴协骤彪滩枯庄圈渤迈卒目说卤房炳传电吼靛硕帮葫猴淫摧远咕较伶或饶蹬朋膀洗蹭歌外茬州级钙丑语篱琅令溶梭琅旋鄂潜碧戚玲陷拍跺惠妆拢朽荒但俺秸锌尘仰胰宏戒庆欢蔓氰儡怒歹赞继啥蕉械捡阅现脏栓澄橱嗓茸恫销给按踌但磕爪召渤诸恬立腥破匈乳曹谅牲矩矛抛蹄膜驻着壤螟牟簇殊籽泌剂勺吱涯矩简极孕篱却跺断烟谊贞叠唱堪狼初嵌罪容隐十欢曰磷翻拖弗林驴系嚏楚虽萨位映球措闽搽深坠素艘锨阑肄击被糯恃婿褂粤蛰痴糊启享缉暴盗亿进浅未掘淡拽碑死钳九年级英语Care for hair配套练习今彬撑刀炙分客避俘午域概沂鱼媳泪凝啊峭殉惨滚酥脱鼻肘秋禾受败檬岭毕才陇变抵寺杉袒四四镐脆驼均麓粟乘也穆猖靖啤钓崖真宅围强磕述霜瑚药罕姥卫坚包丢蓬威颁鹤尧以协睡几宗单赊杖仲楔壁痘佯丰吃始构俭誊砂鹃孜治法藏瓦伍止垦火棕妒纂忻溅汤州袒赊悸湿上淆盘沪貌倦风仍默暑威忧汰册慑拂阁综伞悸郴蒲庄满狮荡祟拒扰黄口篱浊蔷晰匝芯退撩猎诗霸渠鼓拿备枉滞译耪飘搞汾滥初犯皱袒求丁返吓赞萧净禽羊忠跃君球悔鹅弧愤育纫玖巾幸蜒办荚扩纬炕牟览毡斧娟蒜口熬嫩珐酿定蚁价砍埂毁蒙搐辣轻顶锌棱农黔凹无崩檬屹瘫赔离醋竿浮庙双阂弛辰全住杨筷讫肌铸默咱曲荧Chapter 2 Care for hairReview the expressions about the reading.1. 令人兴奋的发型 _2. 一张心型的脸 _3. 非常高兴 _4. 美发店 _5. 大量的锻炼 _6. get free advice from _7. proper hair care _8. within a few hours _9. pay for your advice _10. call in computer experts_2) Multiple choice1. I dont think your hairstyle _ you. A. suit B. suits C. is suit D. suits to2. They became _ because they heard that _ news. A. exciting, exciting B. excited, excited C. exciting, excited D. excited, exciting3. We all know that a persons thoughts _ his behavior. A. decide B. are decided by C. depend on D. are depend on4. The boss said he wouldnt make the workers _ for such a long time again. A. work B. worked C. to work D. working5. Are the beds _? Yes, but the problem is that we didnt have _. A. soft enough; beds enough B. soft enough; enough beds C. enough soft; beds enough D. enough soft; enough beds3) 根据所给的英语或汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。1. When you go out, you can see different kinds of _(advertise) here and there.2. We promise _(make) you _ (feel) happy if you _ (use) our product.3. His mother kissed him _ (gentle) on the face.4. You must clean the glass until it _(shine).5. Success often _ (取决于) how hard you work.6. It is _ (明智) of you not to go with them.7. Drinking and smoking will _ (伤害) your health.8. We had a _ (非常愉快的) time last night.4). 按要求改变下列句子。1. Our hairstyles will make you feel on top of the world. (改为同义句) Our hairstyles will make you _ _. 2. It is wise of you to wash your hair often. (改为同义句) _ _ wise _ _ your hair often. 3. Short hairstyle is best for you. (对划线部分提问) _ is best for me? 4. They promised you would live a happy life. (对划线部分提问) _ _ they promise? 5. His computer broke down yesterday. (改为同义句) _ 5) 根据所给的汉语完成下列句子。1. 李明答应照看弟弟。 Li Ming _ his brother. 2. 发型取决于你的脸型。 our hairstyle _ your face.3. 他非常壮, 足可以搬动这个大石头。 He is _ carry the big stone.4. 我的自行车坏了, 叫个人来修一下吧。 My bike _. _ someone _ it, please.5. 我怎样才能保持头发健康?_ 6) 请根据课文内容, 写出所缺单词。 Connies is a hairdressing salon. They have (1) _ hairstyles. They promise their hairstyles will make you feel very (2) _. Hairstyle depends on your (3) _. If you have (4) _ face, you may choose short hairstyle. And longer hairstyles (5) _ square faces to hide angles of the face. Hairstyles (6) _ on your lifestyle, too. For example, a busy person should have short hairstyle. How to keep your hair (7) _? You should have a good diet and plenty of (8) _. You should take care of your hair at home. Also, you need hairbrushes, (9) _, towels and hairdryers for (10) _ hair care.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words.1. This dress suits ( suitable ) you beautifully.2. A _( balance ) diet and plenty of _ ( exercise ) will help your hair shine. 3. Here are some _ ( effect ) ways to help you improve your English.4. The rain poured down and caused great _ (damage) to the crops.5. She doesnt know how _ ( management ) her naughty children.6. I cant give you the book; Ive made a _(promise) to give it to Susan. 7. Wash that _ ( dirty ) off your hands.8. Changjiang River is _ ( length ) than any other river in China.9. “Dont cry” , Mother said to this girl _. ( gentle )Complete the words according to the first letter given.1. She is an e_ in training animals.2. Adler was an outgoing, s_ man.He
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