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Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学文学创作与作与电影影Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1_(vt.)解决2_(vi.)(雨)倾盆而下3_(adj.)非常害怕的;极度恐慌的4_(vt.)打扰核心单词核心单词核心单词核心单词solvepourterrifieddisturbModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影5_(vt.)塑造;创作6_(vt.)警告7_(vt.)建立;确立;确定8_(vt.)强迫;迫使9exception (n.)_createwarnestablishforce例外例外Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影10resemble (vt.)_11shelter (n.)_12companion (n.)_13account (n.)_14The boy was _ to know what the bag contained so he opened it just to satisfy his _.(curious)与与相似相似遮蔽物;栖身之地遮蔽物;栖身之地同伴;伙伴同伴;伙伴叙述;描写;报道叙述;描写;报道curiouscuriosityModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影高频短语高频短语高频短语高频短语1_与有联系/有关联2_ 捉弄某人,对某人搞恶作剧have connection withplay a trick on sb.Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3_ 有意(做某事);有(做某事的)心情4_ 设置(戏剧、小说等的)背景5_ (秘密地)逃跑be/feel in the mood(for sth./to do sth.)set (a play,novel,etc.)inrun awayModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影6_ 编造(说法、解释等)7_ 发财8_ 出发;启程9_ 令人惊讶的是make upmake ones fortuneset offto ones astonishmentModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影10_ 过着的生活11_ 下沉;消失;跌落12_ 拿走;拆去;解除13_ 不挂断(电话);等待ead/live a.lifego downtake awayhang onModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1as if在句中常引导表语从句或状语从句It looks _(好像)itll go under soon.典型句式典型句式典型句式典型句式as ifModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2see宾语宾语补足语结构It was quite dark,but I could see a man _(躺在地上),tied up with rope.lying on the floorModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3形容词(短语)在句中作伴随状语He left school early,and as an adolescent,_(决心发财)in South America.determined to make hisfortuneModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4only to do作结果状语,表意外结果He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket _(却发现)that there were no boats for South America.only to findModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影5过去分词作状语_(迫不得已改变计划),he worked for several years as a pilot on a steamboat.Forced to change his plansModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影非非谓语动词1The difference in thickness and weight from the earlier version makes the iPad 2 more comfortable _.Aheld BholdingCbe held Dto hold解析:解析:选D。句意:与前一个版本厚度与重量的不同使得。句意:与前一个版本厚度与重量的不同使得iPad 2拿着更舒服。仔拿着更舒服。仔细观察句子可知,察句子可知,题干中含有一个句干中含有一个句式:式:make宾语形容形容词动词不定式。分析此句式不定式。分析此句式结构构可知,可知,hold与与宾语iPad 2之之间为逻辑上的上的动宾关系,但与其关系,但与其逻辑主主语(for)us之之间为主主谓关系,在此省略了关系,在此省略了逻辑主主语,故,故用用动词不定式的主不定式的主动形式表达被形式表达被动意意义。单元语法单元语法单元语法单元语法Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2With Fathers Day around the corner,I have taken some money out of the bank _ presents for my dad.Abuy Bto buyCbuying Dto have bought解析:解析:选B。句意:父。句意:父亲节就要到了,我已就要到了,我已经从从银行取了行取了些些钱出来准出来准备给爸爸爸爸买些礼物些礼物 。本。本题考考查非非谓语动词作状作状语。从。从语境看,本空在句中作目的状境看,本空在句中作目的状语,用不定式,因此,用不定式,因此A项动词原形、原形、C项现在分在分词、D项不定式完成式都不符合不定式完成式都不符合题意。意。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3Recently a survey_prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated debate among citizens.Acompared BcomparingCcompares Dbeing compared解析:解析:选B。句意:最近,在两家不同超市。句意:最近,在两家不同超市对相同商品相同商品进行的一行的一次价格比次价格比较调查引起了市民引起了市民热烈的烈的讨论。分析句子。分析句子结构可知,构可知,句子句子谓语动词为has caused,故空格,故空格处应为非非谓语动词形式,来形式,来充当充当a survey的后置定的后置定语。a survey与与compare之之间存在主存在主动关系关系,故用,故用现在分在分词。实际上上现在分在分词短短语comparing prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets相当于定相当于定语从句从句which/that compares.。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4_ the right kind of training,these teenage soccer players may one day grow into international stars.AGiving BHaving givenCTo give DGiven解析解析:选D。本。本题考考查非非谓语动词作条件状作条件状语。由。由于非于非谓语动词与其与其逻辑主主语soccer players之之间有有被被动关系,故用关系,故用过去分去分词given。句意:假如向。句意:假如向这些青少年足球运些青少年足球运动员提供合适的提供合适的训练,他,他们将来将来某一天就有可能成某一天就有可能成为国国际巨星。巨星。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1. accountn叙述;描写;叙述;描写;报道;道;账单,账户 v.说明,解明,解释单词精研单词精研单词精研单词精研Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影The difficulty is that it did not take the human mind into account.问题是它没有把人的思想考虑在内。We delayed our departure on account of the bad weather.由于天气不好,我们将启程的时间推迟了。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影(朗文P13)On no account must you tell him about our plans.你决不能把我们的计划告诉他。We had to account to our boss for every penny we spent.我们得向老板交代清楚我们花的每一分钱。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2 . disturbvt.弄乱;打乱;打扰;扰乱 vi.扰乱disturb the peace 扰乱治安disturbance n. 干扰;骚乱disturbed adj. (精神)受到困扰的;失常的Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影(2010高考四川卷)However,his visit in his present condition will disturb the childrens stable(稳定的)life.然而以他目前的状况,他的探视将会打搅孩子们稳定的生活。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影Sorry to disturb you,but I have an urgent message from your husband.对不起,打扰一下,我这儿有你丈夫的一份急电。Dont disturb the papers on my writing-desk.别把我写字台上的文件弄乱了。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影辨析disturb,interruptdisturb指人的心情、睡眠、安静被干指人的心情、睡眠、安静被干扰,妨碍,妨碍,还可表示可表示“使使不安不安”。interrupt多指由于某种外界因素如多指由于某种外界因素如“插嘴插嘴”,而中断、打断而中断、打断别人的人的讲话或行或行动。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影It is not polite to interrupt when someone else is speaking.在别人讲话时插嘴是不礼貌的。It disturbed her to realize that she was alone.她意识到自己孤单一人,心里感到很不安。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3 . warnvt.警告,告诫;预告,提醒(1)warn sb. of/against sth.提醒/警告某人注意某事warn sb.(not)to do sth.提醒某人(不)做某事warn sb. that提醒某人,预先通知warn sb. against(doing)sth.提醒某人提防(不做)(2)warning n提醒;警告Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt,which might be responsible for the spread of disease.许多第一次做父母的人非常紧张地尽力警告他们的孩子不要接触灰尘,这可能会传播疾病。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影He warned Billy to keep away from his daughter.他警告比利离他女儿远点。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影(牛津P2265)She was warned that if she did it again she would lose her job.她被警告说如果她再这样做就会丢掉工作。The bridge broke down without any warning.那座桥在没有任何先兆的情况下坍塌了。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4 determinedadj.坚决的,坚定的;果断的;确定的a determined look坚决的表情be determined to do决心做某事(状态)1)determine v.决心determine to dodecide to do决心做某事(动作)determine that.决心/决定2)determination n决心a man of great determination一个意志坚定的人Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影(2011高考陕西卷)According to the text,what was the author determined to do in that autumn?根据短文,作者那年秋天决定做什么?Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影Im determined to find out who is responsible for this.我决心要查清楚谁应该为此事负责。She is a determined woman.她是个意志坚强的女人。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影跟踪训练.品句填词1Most of the buildings in this town are rather unattractive,but this church is an _(例外)exceptionModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2He was one of my Chinese _(同伴)during my stay in America.3_(打扰)others while they are working is not polite.companionsDisturbingModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4As we all know,she _(看起来像)her brother in looks.5I was _(恐怖)that my father would find out I had lied to him.resemblesterrifiedModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影6He gained a national _(声誉)as a campaigner against drugs.7The mother told her son to be a good boy,_(警告)him to keep out of trouble.reputationwarningModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影8They believe that God _(创造)the world.createdModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1_ to carry out the plan in time,they will make careful preparations.ADetermineBHaving been determinedCDetermined DBeing determined解析:解析:选C。句意:决心要及。句意:决心要及时实施施计划,他划,他们会做周密会做周密的准的准备。determined为形容形容词,有决心的,有决心的,表示主表示主语的状的状态。determine为动词,A、B、D三三项皆皆为其其动词用法,故用法,故都排除。都排除。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2Voters expect the new national leaders to _ the country from the financial crisis.Ashelter BstopCprovide Dprevent解析:解析:选A。句意:。句意:选民希望民希望这些国家新些国家新领导人人们能能保保护国家免遭金融危机。国家免遭金融危机。shelter.from.“保保护/庇庇护免遭免遭(风险)。”Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4She was told to wear flat shoes _ her back problem.Aon account of Bregardless ofCin terms of Din case of解析解析:选A。考。考查介介词短短语。句意:由于她腰部有。句意:由于她腰部有伤,被告知要穿平底鞋。被告知要穿平底鞋。in terms of “在在方面,从方面,从方面来方面来说”;regardless of “不管,不不管,不顾”;in case of “以免以免”。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影5She opened the door quietly so as not to _the sleeping child.Ainterrupt BbotherCdisturb Dannoy解析:解析:选C。句意:她。句意:她轻轻地开地开门,以免惊,以免惊扰了睡着了睡着的孩子。此句要用的孩子。此句要用disturb表示表示“扰乱乱”。interrupt打断;打断;bother和和annoy都指都指“使某人使某人烦恼”。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3I _ her not to walk on the thin ice but she woundnt listen.Asuggested BhopedCwarned Dpersuaded解析:解析:选C。句意:我警告她不要在薄冰上行走,可她。句意:我警告她不要在薄冰上行走,可她就是不听。就是不听。suggest和和hope都不能跟都不能跟to do作作宾补,而,而persuade表示表示“说服服”,这和本句后面的和本句后面的语境不吻合。境不吻合。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影短语精释短语精释短语精释短语精释1. make up编造;组成;占;和解;化妆,化装;补足,凑足;整理,收拾Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影It is common that girls make up in public.女孩在公共场所化妆是很普遍的事。Do remember to make up your bed before you leave.千万要记得在你离开之前整理好床铺。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影He and his wife usually make up after their quarrel the same day.他和妻子吵架通常当天就言归于好。Theyll do all they can to make up the economic losses.他们要尽一切努力弥补这些经济损失。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影(2011高考浙江卷)A team made up of “yes men” can make disastrous decisions that few people honestly agreed with in the first place.一个只有“好好先生”组成的团队会做出灾难性的决定,这决定很少有人会在起初心服口服地同意。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影跟踪训练.选词填空set in,set off,make up,play a trick on,to start withModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1With the guide leading the way,we _ on foot into the dark night.2He didnt know the answer to the question so he just _ an answer.set offmade upModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3This film was _ California in the middle of the nineteenth century.4I didnt buy the trousers._,I disliked its pattern.Besides,the colour didnt suit me.set inTo start withModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影5Tom got very angry when the other boys _ him.played a trick onModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1It wont work._,its a bad idea,and secondly itll cost too much.AAbove all BTo begin withCAfter all DAt first解析:解析:选B。题干中干中secondly暗示着所填短暗示着所填短语表示表示“首先首先”。above all侧重于表达重于表达“最重要的是最重要的是”;after all“毕竟,竟,终究究”;at first表示表示“起初起初”。只有。只有to begin with符合符合题意。意。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2Determined to try out “Happy Girls”,she _ from home without telling her parents.Aran away Btook awayCkept away Dgot away解析解析:选D。考。考查动词短短语辨析。句意辨析。句意:决心要参加决心要参加“快快乐女女声声”选拔拔赛,她没有告,她没有告诉父母就离家出走了。父母就离家出走了。run away from“逃离,逃跑逃离,逃跑”,不合句意。,不合句意。get away“逃离,离开逃离,离开”,本本题采用了其第二个意采用了其第二个意义。keep away from“防范,不接近防范,不接近”;take away“拿走,取走拿走,取走”。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3Dont _ any excuse for your failing in the exam this time.We wont believe you.Aput up Bshow upCmake up Dkeep up解析:解析:选C。句意:不要。句意:不要为这次考次考试不及格找借口,我不及格找借口,我们不会相信的。此句要用不会相信的。此句要用make up表示表示“编造造(借口借口)”。put up举起;支起;起;支起;show up出出现;keep up保持。保持。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4The moment we heard the news of the earthquake,we began to _ the work to rescue those trapped in the building.Aset off Bset downCset aside Dset about解析:解析:选D。句意:我。句意:我们一听到地震的消息,一听到地震的消息,就开始着手救援那些困在建筑物里的人就开始着手救援那些困在建筑物里的人员的的工作。工作。set about(doing)sth.着手做某事。着手做某事。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1.(教材教材P22)It looks as if itll go under soon.看起来好像很快就要下沉了看起来好像很快就要下沉了【点津】此【点津】此处as if引引导的从句的从句为表表语从句。从句。as if还可引可引导方式状方式状语从句。因从句中从句。因从句中动作作发生的可能性生的可能性较大,故用大,故用陈述述语气。气。句型精析句型精析句型精析句型精析Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影We have missed the bus,it looks as if well have to walk.我我们错过了公共汽了公共汽车,看来我,看来我们得步行了。得步行了。It sounds as if you had a good time in Qingdao.听起来你在青听起来你在青岛好像玩得很高好像玩得很高兴。【注意】【注意】1)as if/though还可引可引导状状语从句,当从句,当说话人人认为从句所从句所陈述的是不真述的是不真实的或没有可能的或没有可能发生或存在的情况生或存在的情况时,从句从句谓语常用虚常用虚拟语气。气。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影The old couple loved the orphan girl as if she had been their daughter.(与与过去去事事实相反相反)这对老夫老夫妇很很爱这个孤女,好像她已个孤女,好像她已经是他是他们的女儿了。的女儿了。与与现在事在事实相反相反从句从句谓语用用过去去时与与过去事去事实相反相反从句从句谓语用用过去完成去完成时Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影The woman loves the children deeply as if she were their mother.(与与现在事在事实相反相反)这个个妇女深女深爱这些孩子,就好像她是他些孩子,就好像她是他们的的妈妈一一样。2)as if后可直接加不定式、分后可直接加不定式、分词、名、名词或介或介词短短语。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影He waved his hand to me as if to have something to tell me.他向我他向我挥挥手,好像有事情要告手,好像有事情要告诉我。我。She stood at the gate as if waiting for someone.她站在她站在门口好像在等人。口好像在等人。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影Manette stood with the lamp in his hand as if a statue.孟孟纳特手特手执油灯站立一旁就像个雕像。油灯站立一旁就像个雕像。His shoulders were bent as though under a weight.他的肩膀好像他的肩膀好像负着重荷似的弯曲了。着重荷似的弯曲了。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影7.(教材教材P29)He arrived in New Orleans without a penny in his pocket only to find that there were no boats for South America.他身无分文地到新奥他身无分文地到新奥尔尔良良时,却,却发现那里没有开往南美洲的那里没有开往南美洲的船了。船了。【点津】在本句中【点津】在本句中only to find.是不定式是不定式结构作构作结果状果状语的的用法。另外,不定式用法。另外,不定式结构所引构所引导的的结果状果状语常表示出人意料常表示出人意料的的结果,而果,而v.-ing形式所引形式所引导的的结果状果状语常表达自然常表达自然结果。果。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影I hurried to the station,only to find that the train had left.我我匆匆忙忙赶到匆匆忙忙赶到车站,站,结果果发现火火车已开走了。已开走了。The man hurriedly returned home,only to find he had left his key in the office.这个人匆匆忙忙地回到家,个人匆匆忙忙地回到家,结果果发现他把他把钥匙落在匙落在办公室里了。公室里了。The fire lasted nearly a month,only leaving nothing valuable.大火持大火持续了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有价了近一个月,几乎没剩下什么有价值的的东西。西。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影跟踪训练.完成句子1I stared at everything _(就像是初次看到一样)as if I was looking at it for the first timeModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2I arrived at the shop _(却发现钱全忘在家里了).3She was seen _(从现场跑开)only to find Id left all my money at homerunning away from the sceneModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4He stood there,_(心中充满恐惧)5_(再给一小时),I can also work out the problem.full of fearGiven another hourModule 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影1We found a little boy _ on the ground with both hands _ up with a rope.Alying;tying Blay;tiedClying;tied Dlaid;tying解析解析:选C。lie与与boy之之间是主是主动关系关系,故用故用lying on the ground作作宾;hands与与tie之之间是被是被动关系,所以关系,所以用用过去分去分词作作宾补。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影2Creating world peace is a rather difficult goal,_ calls for efforts of many generations.Aone that BoneCthat Dit解析:解析:选A。根据句子。根据句子结构看出,首先需要构看出,首先需要one作作goal的同的同位位语,表示,表示“一个一个样的目的目标”;one后再接定后再接定语从句,从句,定定语从句中需要主从句中需要主语,所以用,所以用that作主作主语,答案,答案为A项。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影3Though they met for the first time,they talked _ they were good friends.Aeven if Bas ifCeven though Dif only解析解析:选B。even if/though “即使即使”;as if “好像好像”;if only “但但愿愿”。句意。句意:尽管他尽管他们第一次第一次见面面,但是他但是他们谈起来像好朋起来像好朋友似的。所以友似的。所以B项为正确答案。正确答案。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影4For nearly three hours we waited for the decision,only _ to come again the next day.Ato tell BtellingCto be told Dbeing told解析:解析:选C。句意:将近三个小。句意:将近三个小时我我们在等待决定,在等待决定,结果被果被告知第二天再来。告知第二天再来。only to do sth.表示出乎意料的表示出乎意料的结果,而果,而且且逻辑主主语we与与tell之之间是被是被动关系,所以关系,所以应用用C。Module 3Adventure in Literature and the Cinema文学创作与电影文学创作与电影
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