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上六个月初中英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)第四批初中英语Cartoon一、考题回忆1 . 题目:Cartoon 2 . 内容:When people say culture: we mk of art and history. But one very famous symbol in American culture is acartoon. We all know and love die black mouse b社 two large round ears-Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago. hefirst speared m e cartoon Steamboat Willies. When is cartoon came out m New York on November 18.1928. itwas e first cartoon wt sound and music. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich andsuccessful. In die 1930s, he made 9: cartoons w汕 Mickey.3基本要求:( 1)用视频导入;( 2)全英授课;( 3)教学过程中要有相应的板书。一籍题目L简述下,阅下教学中每次阅读的作用目的分别是什么?2. 你怎么理解为人师宾?二、考题解析Cartoon重要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Greeting to Ss.2. Show a cartoon Steamboat Willie to Ss, and then askthem some questions: Do you like to watch cartoon?-What is your favorite cartoon? Why do you like it?Step 2 Pre-readingAccording to the pictures on ppt. and the movie they sawin Lead-in part, Ss need to predict which one is the main ideaof this passage.The options present on PPT: Mickey Mouse, a famous symbol in American culture.-Some cartoons with Mickey Mouse. Disney theme parks around the world. What people think of cartoons?Step 3 While-reading1. Fast readingAsk students to read the passage quickly and then checktheir prediction answers.2. Careful readingHave Ss to read this passage carefully and talk about themain character in the cartoon. And then work with theirpartners to discuss the following chart:Then talk about their favorite Disney characters. T writesWhen did he firstappeared in the cartoon?Who created him?How many cartoonsdid Wilt Disney makewith XDckey?MickeyMousedown their answers on the blackboard and ask Ss vote fortheir favorite Disney characters and write the number of voteon the board.Disney characters: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, DonaldDuck, Mulan, Goofy, Snow WhiteThen four students a group to discuss why people love thisDisney characters.Step 4 Post-readingFour students in a group, find another cartoon characterjust as famous as Mickey, and then to discuss why is thecharacter popular.Step 5 Summary and Homework1 . Summary: ask students to review what they1 ve learnttoday, and then T makes a conclusion.2. Homework: Does a role playDivide the class into several groups; each group has 5-6students. They need to choose their favorite carton and eachgroup member act as a role of the cartoon.板书设计CartoonWhen did hefirst appeared inthe cartoon?Whocreated him?How many cartoons didWalt Disney make withMickey?XCckeyMouseKey words:CultureFamousSuccessfulcome out答辩题目解析1 . 简述下,阅读教学中每次阅读日勺作用/ 目的分别是什么?【 参照答案】首先,在迅速阅读环节中,让学生第一遍迅速阅读全文,判断自己在pre-reading部分所做的推测与否对时。该环节训练学生日勺阅读技巧,意在获取文章日勺大意,不规定学生获取所有细节信息。带着期待去阅读, 并在阅读中检测和不停修正自己的预测, 这种交互式阅读可以增进学生对文章内容的理解。另一方面,在迅速阅读环节中,让学生再次迅速阅读全文,并所搜集几种信息,完毕该活动。该环节的目的是培养学生寻读时方略。寻读一般规定搜索某些特殊的细节信息, 该信息提供的信息是一种动画片日勺名字和两个时间, 这些信息在文字形式上有特点,目的就是培养学生学会根据这些信息特点迅速找出答案。最终,在精读环节,让学生放慢速度再次阅读文章,并补全表格信息。此处波及到文章中的某些细节信息, 学生需要理解文章传递时基本信息和深层含义。有助于学生理清文章的脉络, 理解其中的深层次含义。2. 你怎么理解为人师表?【 参照答案】古 语 有 云 “ 师者,因此传道、授业、解惑也。”对于我们目前的教学来看,学生通过教师的教导,才能具有知识,掌握技能,培养道德 ,启发思想,教师对学生的影响既深又远。我认为,一名合格的教师应当具有如下的基本素质:首先传道。身为老师,其教导的内容要合乎道德、合乎伦理、合乎人间正义、 合乎做人道理。 要专家学生老式美德, 并时刻以身作则,不做有违道德伦理的事情, 不损害教师的形象。另一方面授业。教师除了交给学生专业基础知识以外, 还要专家某些基本技能。让学生在此后的人生路上受益无穷,无论是在职场、人际关系、学习能力上,都能发挥更大的能量, 具有良好的体现。 解惑。 学生在学习的过程中,难免会碰到这样或那样的问题, 作为教师, 一定要对学生进行专业化时指导。除此之外, 还要加强对教师内心的指导, 协助学生克服碰到的挫折和困难。 要对时时引导学生, 能对时时看待生活中碰到的问题,积极的面对生活中的难题, 体会战胜困难的喜悦。示范。所 谓 “ 身教重于言传”。教师要时刻意识到自己的身份,不能随意妄行,要以更高的原则来规定和规范自己的言行举止, 并且要时刻时提高自己的各项技能。要以身作则,树立模范形象,潜移默化的影响学生。上六个月初中英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)第三批初中英语New school life一、考题回忆1 题目:New school life2内容:How about your school life in New York? I think I didnt feel very well in Beijing. Tm tired and didnt enjoythe sdiool life because I have too much headaches. Fm stressed out because my Putonghua isnt nnprox-mE. 1 studylate every mght but it is still not improving. I didnt fed well because I have got a cold. Oh. by e way: my hostfamily is very nice?3. 基本要求:( 1)清完整的朗读这篇听力材料;( 2 )全英语试讲;( 3)适当配以板书。管箫题目L你本堂课的情感态度价值观目标是什么? 你认为听前活动主要有什么?二、考题解析New school life重要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Stepl Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, the teacher shows a segmentof the film St, Trinians, which is about some trouble-makingstudents, and invite the students to have a free talk abouttheir headaches in the new semester.Step2 Pre-listeningThe teacher tells the story of John, the speaker, who is anew comer of Beijing, and shows several pictures of John sschool life to teach the new phrases “have a hecidciche” ,stress out” and get a cold” .Ask students to predict the reasons why John feels bad inBeijing, any presumptions are encouraged.Step3 While-listening1. Fast-listeningGet students to listen to the tape for a first time to get themain idea of the listening material and think over thefollowing questions:Question!: Did John enjoy his school life in Beijing?Question2: Is John s Putonghua improving?Questions: How is John s host family?2. Careful-listeningGet students to listen again and try to figure out the table below:TroubleReasonDidnt enjoy the school lifeHave too much headachesStressed outDidnt feel well3. Listen for a third time: students are required to read after the tape and pay attention to the pronunciationand intonation of the passage. What: s more, the teacher will read the whole passage for them.Step4 post-listening1. Group discussion: divide the students into groups of 6 and try their best to work out solutions for John.They should fill in the table below:ReasonSolutionsHave too much headachesStressed outHave got a cold2. Role-play: encourage students to play out the passage in pairs, one acts as John and the other acts asJohns friend in New York. They are supposed to talk about their school life and solutions to the problems.Step5 Summary and homeworkSummary: ask a student to retell the story of John according to the table on the blackboard.Homework: students are required to talk about their troubles with their parents and write down theirparents solutions. In the next class: 3 of them will be invited to share in front of the class.板书设计CNew school lifeReasonSolutionsHave too much headachesStressed outHave got a cold答辩题目解析1 . 你本堂课的情感态度价值观目的是什么?【 参照答案】我本次设定的情感态度目的重要有如下两个:一是学生能锻炼积极克服学习过程中所遇困难的能力, 二是学生可以深入加深其对英语学习日勺爱好及动机。2. 你认为听前活动重要有什么?【 参照答案】听前活动的重要作用在于让学生对所学材料内容有所准备,因而,老师可以采用如下几种方式:(1)简介有关的背景知识, 用图片或是视觉影响吸引学生对听力材料的注意力,激发学生的观测能力和描述能力;(2)提供某些词汇或有关问题,让学生预测所要听的材料内容;(3)提出某些开放性问题锻炼学生的想象能力和分析问题的能力。上六个月初中英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选) 第二批初 中 英 语 Charity一、考题回忆L题目:Charity2 . 内容:Im talking to you from e Hilltop School Skatmg Marathon. Here, students are skatmg to raise money fbrcharity. For every hour diey skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skatmg marathon has been gomg fbrfive hours now. and several skaters are still skatmg. Alison was e first one to start and has been skatmg for diewhole five hours. Next is Sam: and he has been skatmg for four hours. Lu Ning has been skatmg fbr four hours too.And Li Chen just started an hour ago.3 . 基本要求:( 1)朗读一遍材料;( 2)适当的设计板书;( 3)听说课。苔箝题目1 . 听力教学的原则是什么?2 . 如何提高英语中课堂小组合作学习的实效性?二、考题解析初中英语 Charity重要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Step 1 Lead-inFree talk: Ask students to talk with their partners about twoquestions and make a chart including each other, s sportsand time:Q I: What kind of sports do you like and why?Q2: When did you start to-? Share some interestingstories during the process.Step 2 Pre-listeningDiscussion: Divide the whole class into several groups anddiscuss over the following questions:Q I: What kind of ways of raising money can you see inyour daily life?Q2: Have you ever joined in some meaningful activities ordone some things which were used to raise money? If any,share with us.Q3: What do you think is the most effective way in raisingmoney? Share some detailed information.Step 3 While-listening1. Ask students to listen to the passage for the first timeand think about two questions:Q I: What kind of article it is?Q2: What does it mainly talk about?2. Ask students to listen for the second time carefully andanswer the following questions:Q I: Why are students skating?Q2: How much money can they raise for one hour sskating?Q3: How long have been Sam and Lu Ning skating?Q4: How much money together has been raised byskaters mentioned in the passage?3. Ask students to listen for the third time and see whetherthey have got the right answers or not. Pay attention to theintonation and rhythm of the news reporter and try to readwith the tape.Step 4 Post-listeningTask 1 : Ask students to underline some new words and allthe structures of the present perfect progressive tense and tryto guess the meaning of the new words and figure out therules of the present perfect progressive tense. Give themsome help if necessary, for example, give out some examples.At last, summarize the rules of the present perfect progressivetense together.Task 2: Do a competition: Show students some video dipsabout sports matches and ask them to act as news reportersto report the news. During report, try to use the presentperfect progressive tense to express. Compete with thewhole class and select the best reporter. The best one can begiven some rewards.Step 5 Summary and homeworkSummary: Ask students to make a summary about whatwe have learned together to end up the class.Homework:1 . Use the information in the chart which is asked to makeat the beginning of the class to make sentences with thepresent perfect progressive tense.2. Think about what we can do in our daily life to makecontribution to our charity and share with the class next time.板书设计News reportmarathonhave has been doingcharity答辩题目解析1 . 听力教学的原则是什么?【 参照答案】。 . 听力教学要与其他方面技能相结合。对于发展听力技能和其他技能相结合是很重要的, 尤其是口语技能。在现实生活中听力总是结合说与写而进行。b.要确定听力的合适难度。进行听力练习时,教师要选择符合学生听力水平的听力材料。c.要把听力过程与文意理解相结合,在掌握听力技能日勺同步可以理解听力内容。2 . 怎样提高英语中课堂小组合作学习日勺实效性?【 参照答案】提高英语课堂中小组合作学习的实效性,我认为应包括如下要素:1 . 确定好小组日勺人数,规模不能太大,3-4人为宜,这样可以使得互动更有成效。2 . 每个小组组员都必须承担一定的任务, 感受自身对于集体的价值。3 . 小组组员之间互相鼓励和支持。在课堂上一般体现为:个体互相提供足够和有效的协助; 交流各自所需的信息和材料; 互相提供反馈信息; 对彼此的结论进行质疑等。4 . 小组之间进行互评,定期地评价共同活动日勺状况,评估组员任务完毕的状况。上六个月初中英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)第一批初 中 英 语 What are you going to be when you grow up?一、考题回忆1 题目: Vliat are you going to be when you grow up?2 . 内容A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Pm going to be a reporter.A: Well, how are you going to do for whatB: Im going to write articles to magazines.A: Where are you gomg to work?B: Pm not sure yet Maybe Shanghai or Beytng.3基本要求:( 1)适当板书;( 2)全英授课;( 3)教学生学会应用。答箫题目1为什么你想成为一名英语老师呢?工你本节课的难点是什么呢?你是如何克服的?二、考题解析 Whcit are you going to be when you grow up? 重要教学过程及板书设计教学过程Stepl Warming-up:Listen to a song, KBe what you wanna ben . And afterlistening, I will ask a question: what can you hear from thesong? Yes, many professions, such as lawyer, doctor and soon. And then I will ask students, “ what do they want to bewhen they grow up” and ask some students to answer thequestion. And then I will tell students we can also say Kwhatare you going to be when you grow up” and lead to today;s class.Step2 Pre-listening:I will show some pictures on the PPL the first picture isabout reporter and the second picture is about the article. Iwill write down the two words on the blackboard and then Iwill ask the students to read after me.Step3 While-listening:I will ask students to listen to the radio for the first time andthen match the sentence with the picture on the PPT. The firstpicture is about the reporter, the second picture is aboutwriting magazines and the third picture is about Shanghai.Then I will ask students to listen to the radio for the secondtime and after listening, I will ask them to answer threequestions on the blackboard, the first one is “What is hegoing to do when he grows up” , the second one is “how ishe going to do for that and the third one is “where is hegoing to work” .I will ask students to listen to the radio for the third timeand they need to read after the radio. And then I will dividethe students into two groups, group A acts as A, and group Bacts as B, and read the passage.Step 4 Post-listeningWe will play a game called “hotpotcito” . When themusic begins to play, students need to pass the flower. Andwhen the music stops, the student who is holding the flowerneed to answer the question about what is he going to dowhen he grows up, how is he going to do for that or where ishe going to w o rk .And then we will have a group work, four students as agroup and students need to make a survey about what istheir group members going to be, how is he or she going todo for that and where is he going to work. Five minutes later, Iwill ask some groups to show their report.Step5 Summary and homeworkI will ask students to read the passage to summarize whatwe have learned today. After class, they need to searchmore information about the job they want to do.板书设计What are you going to be when you grow up?How are you going to do for that?Where are you going to work?答辩题目解析1 . 为何你想成为一名英语老师呢?【 参照答案】由于我曰勺妈妈是一名老师,她为学生奉献的精神深深感动了我。她告诉我教师这个职业是非常伟大的, 对于整个国家的意义重大。当面对学生那渴望知识的眼睛,可以协助学生掌握知识, 认识社会,见证他们一点一滴的成长和进步, 你会为此感到欣慰和骄傲。因此我从小日勺愿望就是和妈妈同样成为一名老师。学习英语之后, 我一直很喜欢英语,英语成绩一直不错,因此我想成为一名英语老师。在此后的工作中, 我会继续深化自己的专业知识, 掌握一定的教学措施和班级管理措施等,争取成为一名优秀的英语教师。2 . 你本节课时难点是什么呢? 你是怎样克服日勺?【 参照答案】这节课日勺难点是让学生把所学知识用于实际生活的体现中,学会论述他们想做的工作以及他们决定怎么做。 本节课时重要内容都是围绕重难点展开, 花了大篇幅去讲解并且让同学理解详细意义, 让学生体会其在现实生活中是怎样应用的。 并且通过某些图片描述让学生对其含义和使用范围有更清晰的理解。 通过组织班级游戏以及小组活动来让学生把句型用在真实情境中, 游戏及小组活动可以吸引学生的爱好 , 并且游戏和小组活动都是全班同学共同参与, 这让全班同学都得到了练习, 并且也能协助老师检查学生对于所学知识的掌握程度, 最终协助学生攻克本节课时难点。下六个月英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)(1)初 中 英 语 What are you going to be when you grow up?一、考题回忆1 .题目: What are you going to be when you grow up?2 . 内容:A: What are you going to be when you grow up?B: Im going to be a reporter.A: Well, how are you going to do for what?B: Im going to write articles to magazines.A: Where are you going to work?B: Im not sure yet. Maybe Shanghai or Beijing.3. 基本要求:( 1)适当板书;( 2)全英授课;( 3)教学生学会应用。答箫题目L为什么你想成为一名英语老师呢? 2.你本节课的难点是什么呢? 你是如何克服的?【 答辩题目类型】结构化、 教学实施二、考题解析What are you going to be when you grow up? 重要教学过程及板书设计( 一) 教学过程Step! Warming-up:Listen to a song, “Be what you wanna be” . And afterlistening, I will ask a question: what can you hear from thesong? Yes, many professions, such as lawyer, doctor and soon. And then I will ask students, “ what do they want to bewhen they grow up” and ask some students to answer thequestion. And then I will tell students we can also say ”whatare you going to be when you grow up” and lead to today)s class.Step2 Pre-listening:I will show some pictures on the PPT, the first picture isabout reporter and the second picture is about the article. Iwill write down the two words on the blackboard and then Iwill ask the students to read after me.Step3 While-listening:I will ask students to listen to the radio for the first time andthen match the sentence with the picture on the PPT. The firstpicture is about the reporter, thee second picture is aboutwriting magazines and the third picture is about Shanghai.Then I will ask students to listen to the radio for the secondtime and after listening, I will ask them to answer threequestions on the blackboard, the first one is aWhat is hegoing to do when he grows up” , the second one is “how ishe going to do for thatn and the third one is “where is hegoing to w o rk .I will ask students to listen to the radio for the third timeand they need to read after the radio. And then I will dividethe students into two groups, group A acts as A, and group Bacts as B, and read the passage.Step 4 Post-listeningWe will play a game called “ hot potato . When themusic begins to play, students need to pass the flower. Andwhen the music stops, the students who is holding the flowerneed to answer the question about “what is he going to dowhen he grows up, how is he going to do for that or where ishe going to work” .And then we will have a group work, four students as agroup and students need to make a survey about what istheir group members going to be, how is he or she going todo for that and where is he going to work. Five minutes later, Iwill ask some groups to show their report.Step5 Summary and homeworkI will ask students to read the passage to summarize whatwe have learned today. After class, they need to searchmore information about the job they want to do.( 二) 板书设计Blackboard Design:What are you going to be when you grow up?How are you going to do for that?Where are you going to work?答辩题目解析1 . 为何你想成为一名英语老师呢?【 构造化类】【 参照答案】由于我的妈妈是一名老师,她为学生奉献的精神深深感动了我。她告诉我教师这个职业是非常伟大的, 对于整个国家的意义重大。当面对学生那渴望知识的眼睛,可以协助学生掌握知识, 认识社会,见证他们一点一滴的成长和进步, 你会为此感到欣慰和骄傲。因此我从小时愿望就是和妈妈同样成为一名老师。学习英语之后, 我一直很喜欢英语,英语成绩一直不错,因此我想成为一名英语老师。在此后的工作中, 我会继续深化自己的专业知识, 掌握一定的教学措施和班级管理措施等,争取成为一名优秀的英语教师。2 . 你本节课时难点是什么呢? 你是怎样克服的?【 教学实行类】【 参照答案】这节课时难点是让学生把所学知识用于实际生活的体现中,学会论述他们想做日勺工作以及他们决定怎么做。 本节课时重要内容都是围绕重难点展开, 花了大篇幅去讲解并且让同学理解详细意义, 让学生体会其在现实生活中是怎样应用日勺。 并且通过某些图片描述让学生对其含义和使用范围有更清晰的理解。 通过组织班级游戏以及小组活动来让学生把句型用在真实情境中, 游戏及小组活动可以吸引学生的爱好 , 并且游戏和小组活动都是全班同学共同参与, 这让全班同学都得到了练习, 并且也能协助老师检查学生对于所学知识的掌握程度, 最终协助学生克服本节课时难点。下六个月英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)( 2)初 中 英 语 Cartoon一、考题回忆1 .题目:Cartoon2 . 内容:When people say “culture”, we think of art and history. But one very famous symbol inAmerican culture is a cartoon. We all know and love the black mouse with two large roundears- Mickey Mouse. Over 80 years ago, he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat Willies. Whenthis cartoon came out in New York on November 18,1928, it was the first cartoon with sound andmusic. The man behind Mickey was Walt Disney. He became very rich and successful. In the1930s, he made 87 cartoons with Mickey.3 . 基本要求:( 1)用视频导入;( 2)全英授课;( 3)教学过程中要有相应的板书。答箝题目1简述下,阅读教学中每次阅读的作用目的分别是什么? 【 教学设计类】2你怎么理解为人师表, 【 结构化类】二、考题解析Cartoon重要教学过程及板书设计( 一) 教学过程Step 1 Lead-in1. Greeting to Ss.2. Show a cartoon Steamboat Willie to Ss, and then askthem some questions: Do you like to watch cartoon?-What is your favorite cartoon? Why do you like it?Step 2 Pre-readingAccording to the pictures on ppt. and the movie they sawin Lead-in part Ss need to predict which one is the main ideaof this passage.The options present on PPT: Mickey Mouse, a famous symbol in American culture.-Some cartoons with Mickey Mouse. Disney theme parks around the world. What people think of cartoons?Step 3 While-reading1. Fast readingAsk students to read the passage quickly and then checktheir prediction answers.2. Careful readingHave Ss to read this passage carefully and talk about themain character in the cartoon. And then work with theirpartners to discuss the following chart:When did he firstappeared in the cartoon?Who created him?How many cartoonsdid Walt Disney makewith Mickey?MickeyMouseThen talk about their favorite Disney characters. T writesdown their answers on the blackboard and ask Ss vote fortheir favorite Disney characters and write the number of voteon the board.Disney characters: Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, DonaldDuck, Mulan, Goofy, Snow White-Then four students a group to discuss why people love thisDisney characters.Step 4 Post-readingFour students in a group, find another cartoon characterjust as famous as Mickey, and then to discuss why is thecharacter popular.Step 5 Summary and Homework1. Summary: ask students to review what they ve learnttoday, and then T makes a conclusion.2. Homework: Does a role playDivide the class into several groups; each group has 5-6students. They need to choose their favorite carton and eachgroup member act as a role of the cartoon.( 二) 板书设计Blackboard Design:CartoonWhen did he firstappeared in thecartoon?Who created him?How many cartoonsdid Walt Disney makewith Mickey?MickeyMouseKey words:CultureFamousSuccessfulcome out答辩题目解析1 .简述下, 阅读教学中每次阅读的作用/ 目的分别是什么?【 教学设计类】【 参照答案】首先,在迅速阅读环节中,让学生第一遍迅速阅读全文,判断自己在pre-reading部分所做的推测与否对时。该环节训练学生的阅读技巧,意在获取文章日勺大意,不规定学生获取所有细节信息。带着期待去阅读, 并在阅读中检测和不停修正自己的预测, 这种交互式阅读可以增进学生对文章内容的理解。另一方面,在迅速阅读环节中,让学生再次迅速阅读全文,并所搜集几种信息,完毕该活动。该环节的目的是培养学生寻读时方略。寻读一般规定搜索某些特殊的细节信息, 该信息提供的信息是一种动画片的名字和两个时间, 这些信息在文字形式上有特点,目的就是培养学生学会根据这些信息特点迅速找出答案。最终,在精读环节,让学生放慢速度再次阅读文章,并补全表格信息。此处波及到文章中的某些细节信息, 学生需要理解文章传递时基本信息和深层含义。有助于学生理清文章的脉络, 理解其中的深层次含义。2 . 你怎么理解为人师表? 【 构造化类】【 参照答案】古 语 有 云 “ 师者,因此传道、授业、解惑也。”对于我们目前的教学来看,学生通过教师的教导,才能具有知识,掌握技能,培养道德 ,启发思想,教师对学生的影响既深又远。我认为,一名合格的教师应当具有如下的基本素质:首先传道。身为老师,其教导的内容要合乎道德、合乎伦理、合乎人间正义、 合乎做人道理。 要专家学生老式美德, 并时刻以身作则,不做有违道德伦理的事情, 不损害教师日勺形象。另一方面授业。教师除了交给学生专业基础知识以外, 还要专家某些基本技能。让学生在此后的人生路上受益无穷,无论是在职场、人际关系、学习能力上,都能发挥更大日勺能量, 具有良好的体现。 解惑。 学生在学习的过程中,难免会碰到这样或那样的问题, 作为教师, 一定要对学生进行专业化时指导。除此之外, 还要加强对教师内心的指导,协助学生克服碰到的挫折和困难。 要对时时引导学生, 能对时时看待生活中碰到的问题,积极的面对生活中的难题, 体会战胜困难的喜悦。示范。所 谓 “ 身教重于言传”。教师要时刻意识到自己的身份,不能随意妄行,要以更高的原则来规定和规范自己的言行举止, 并且要时刻时提高自己的各项技能。要以身作则,树立模范形象,潜移默化的影响学生。下六个月英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)( 3)初 中 英 语 Describe ways1 题目:Describe w ays2 . 内容:A: Excuse me. Is tfiere a hotel m tiie neighborhood?B: Yes: there is. Just go straight and turn left. Its down Bridge Street on the right. Ifs next to a supermarket.A: Thank you very much.B: Youre welcome.词汇:go straight turn: down: next to.3. 基本要求:( 1)全英文授课;( 2 )要求词汇重点练习;( 3)教学过程中要合相应的板书设计。答辩题目1 .谈谈你的导入环节。 【 教学设计类】2 .在授课时你会用什么方法吸引学生的注意力? 【 教学实施类】二、考题解析Describe ways重要教学过程及板书设计( 一) 教学过程Step 1 Warming up and leading-inShow some pictures of well-known places in our city, andask student, “Do you know something about these places?Step 2 Presentation and practiceSet a scene that our foreign friend Tom is visiting our cityand he is in the school gate, Can you help him?Show the map of our city and the dialog given. Ask wherethe hotel is. Students find the position. Teacher point the mapand read the dialogue. Write down these words in theblackboard.Students read the dialog together. Then teacher showsthe pictures of places quickly and students say the way.Pair work: students working in pair to practice the wordsand sentences. One says “Q place” , another gives the way,and vice versa.Step 3 ProductionGame: I say you guess. Two groups compete with eachother. Teacher shows the place to one student, this studentsays the way and the other follow the way to find the positionof it and guess the name of the place.Step 4 Summary and HomeworkSummary: Ask students to think about what they havelearned today. And then make a summary.Homework: Draw a map about the way from school toyour home and write down the brief introduction. Andintroduce it to the desk-mate next day.( 二) 板书设计Blackboard Design:Describe waysgo straightturn.d o w n :next to.答辩题目解析:1 .请谈谈你的导入环节。 【 教学设计】答 :杰出时导入环节会极大程度的吸引学生的注意力,让学生在导入环节对本节课所要学习的知识有一种大体的理解也会利于之后讲课环节的顺利进行。本节课我运用图片导入法,本节课要专家有关问路日勺英文体现方式 ,在讲课最初展现出本市医院、学校、图书馆、宾馆等地理位置的照片,之后问某些于此有关的问题,像 D。you know somethingabout these places? Is 计 on the left or right?等问题,协助学生整体感知方位, 让学生通过一种直观的形式理解要学习的单词, 这样更利于他们之后应用所学的单词到实际生活当中。在此后的讲课当中我也会时刻注意设置恰当有效的导入环节,重视吸引学生的注意力, 在吸引学生注意力的基础上自然的展现新知识。2. 在讲课时你会用什么措施吸引学生的注意力?【 教学实行类】答 :学生由于活泼好动,注意力不轻易集中,在注意力不集中的状况下进行教学不利于学生吸取所学的知识, 因此教师在教学的过程当中要时刻注意运用不一样的手段吸引学生的注意力, 详细措施有如下几点:首先,在音量的控制上要注意,不要一直用一种声调进行讲课,在讲授重点知识的时候声音要合适时放大, 学生假如忽然感到教师声音时变大就会感知到这一部分知识是重点, 会合适时将注意力集中在教师讲授时知识上。另一方面,可以在学生疲惫的时候安排游戏环节,游戏最能吸引学生的注意力,学生由于年龄小, 对游戏都比较痴迷,因此设置合适的游戏会极大程度的吸引学生的注意力,并且游戏会让全员都参与到游戏当中,会比很好的检查学生的知识掌握程度。最终,假如教师在课堂上发现某名同学注意力不集中可以合适时让该名学生回答问题, 学生起立回答完问题之后注意力也会有极大的士 曰 _占 _IAEIRJ。总之,教师在教学的过程当中要时刻注意观测学生日勺注意力和课堂参与度, 调动学生们用最佳的精力来学习知识是一名教师要时刻谨记 叽下六个月英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)( 4)考题:初 中 英 语 升降调讲授一、考题回忆1 .题目:升降调讲授2 . 内容:Woman: Can I help vou?Mary: Yesr please. I need a sweater for school.Woman: OK What color do you want?Mary: Blue.Woman: How about tins one?Mary: It looks nice. HOK much is it?Woman: Nine dollars.Man,: r 1 1 take itWoman: Here you are.Mary: Thank yoitWoman: You* re welcome.3基本要求:( 1)对划线部分练习。( 2)教师示范读。( 3)全英文授课。( 4 )酉i!合适当板书设计。咨箝题目 一1 .清谈谈你这节课的导入设计意图是什么? 【 教学设计类】2 . 清谈谈你在这节语音课中,运用的巩固方法有哪些? 【 教学设计类】二、考题解析初中英语 升降调讲授重要教学过程及板书设计( 一) 教学过程Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Warming-upShow a video of two people talking about something,their conversation contains lots of questions and specialquestions, then ask students what kind of tone they hearduring the conversation.Step 2 Presentation1. Students read the text on the book and find out thedifficult new words and solve the problems by themselves.2. Read after the teacher and experience the change ofthe tone. Then, teacher tells students that falling tonerepresents doubts and falling tone represents affirmation.Step 3 Practice1 . Read after the tape and pay attention to theirpronunciations.2. Peer editing: Read the dialogue with desk mates andcorrect the pronunciation for each other.Step 4 Production1 . Role-play: Two students a group to play out theconversation in the text book. One act as the woman andthe other act as Mary, during reading, students should payattention to the change of the rising and falling tone.2. Make conversation. Two students a group to make aconversation which contains rising and falling tone and thenask some students to show their work in front of the class.Step 5 Summary and homeworkSummary: Ask one student to act as the little assistantteacher and summarize the knowledge learned today.Homework: Surf the internet to find out more sentencesthat contains raising and falling tone, and then share it withthe rest of the class next day.( 二) 板书设计Blackboard Design:Raising and falling toneRising tone: Can I help you?Falling tone: what color do you want?答辩题目解析1 . 请谈谈你这节课的教学目的是什么?【 教学设计类】【 参照答案】这节课时教学目的分为三维目的。首先,知识目的是:学生可以理解和掌握升降调的使用方法。另一方面,能力目的是:学生可以在平常交流中运用升降调来体现自己的情感。最终, 情感目日勺是:学生可以理讲解话者在升降调背后体现日勺语意, 并且对英语学习愈加感爱好。2 . 请谈谈你在这节语音课中,运用的巩固措施有哪些?【 教学设计类】【 参照答案】这节课日勺语音巩固措施有:学生跟读,角色饰演和小组编对话。下六个月英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)(5)考题:初中英语Charity一、考题回忆1 .题目:Charity2内容:Fm talking to you &om the Hilltop School Skating Marathon. Here: students are skatmg to raise money forcharity. For every hour 也ey skate, each student raises ten yuan for charity. The skatmg marathon has been gomg forfhe hours now: and several skaters are still skatmg. Alison was the first one to start and has been skatmg for ewhole five hours. Next is Sam. and he has been skatmg fbr four hours. Lu Ning has been skatmg for four hours too.And Li Chen just started an hour ago.3. 基本要求:( 1)朗读一遍材料。( 2 )适当的设计板书。( 3 ),听说课。答箫题目L听力教学的原则是什么?1如何提高英语中课堂小组合作学习的实效性?【 苔箫题目类型】教学实施二、考题解析初中英语 Charity重要教学过程及板书设计( 一) 教学过程Step 1 Lead-inFree talk: Ask students to talk with their partners about twoquestions and make a chart including each otherJ s sportsand time:Q I: What kind of sports do you like and why?Q2: When did you start to-? Share some interestingstories during the process.Step 2 Pre-listeningDiscussion: Divide the whole class into several groups anddiscuss over the following questions:Q I: What kind of ways of raising money can you see inyour daily life?Q2: Have you ever joined in some meaningful activities ordone some things which were used to raise money? If any,share with us.Q2: What do you think is the most effective way in raisingmoney? Share some detailed information.Step 3 While-listening1 .Ask students to listen to the passage for the first time andthink about two questions:Q I: What kind of article it is?Q2: What does it mainly talk about?2 . Ask students to listen for the second time carefully andanswer the following questions:Q I: Why are students skating?Q2: How much money can they raise for one hour sskating?Q3: How long have been Sam and Lu Ning skating?Q4: How much money together has been raised byskaters mentioned in the passage?3. Ask students to listen for the third time and see whetherthey have got the right answers or not. Pay attention to theintonation and rhythm of the news reporter and try to readwith the tape.Step 4 Post-listeningTask 1 : Ask students to underline some new words and allthe structures of the present perfect progressive tense and tryto guess the meaning of the new words and figure out therules of the present perfect progressive tense. Give themsome help if necessary, for example, give out some examples.At last, summarize the rules of the present perfect progressivetense together.Task 2: Do a competition: Show students some video clipsabout sports matches and ask them to act as news reportersto report the news. During report, try to use the presentperfect progressive tense to express. Compete with thewhole class and select the best reporter. The best one can begiven some rewards.Step 5 Summary and homeworkSummary: Ask students to make a summary about whatwe have learned together to end up the class.Homework:1. Use the information in the chart which is asked to makeat the beginning of the class to make sentences with thepresent perfect progressive tense.2. Think about what we can do in our daily life to makecontribution to our charity and share with the class next time.( 二) 板书设计Blackboard Design:答辩题目解析News reportmarathoncharityhave has been doing1 . 听力教学的原则是什么? 【 教学实行类】【 参照答案】。 . 听力教学要与其他方面技能相结合。对于发展听力技能和其他技能相结合是很重要的, 尤其是口语技能。在现实生活中听力总是结合说与写而进行。b. 要确定听力的合适难度。进行听力练习时,教师要选择符合学生听力水平的听力材料。c.要把听力过程与文意理解相结合,在掌握听力技能的同步可以理解听力内容。2. 怎样提高英语中课堂小组合作学习的实效性?【 教学实行类】【 参照答案】提高英语课堂中小组合作学习的实效性,我认为应包括如下要素:1 . 确定好小组的人数,规模不能太大,3 - 4人为宜,这样可以使得互动更有成效。2. 每个小组组员都必须承担一定的任务,感受自身对于集体的价值。3. 小组组员之间互鼓励和支持。在课堂上一般体现为:个体互相提供足够和有效的协助; 交流各自所需的信息和材料; 互相提供反馈信息; 对彼此的结论进行质疑等。4. 小组之间进行互评, 定期地评价共同活动的状况,评估组员任务完毕的状况。下六个月英语教师资格证面试真题( 精选)( 6 )考题:初 中 英 语N e w s c h o o l life一、考题回忆1 .题目:New school life2 . 内 容 :How about your school life in New York? I think I didnt feel very well in Beijing. Im tiredand didnt enjoy the school life because I have too much headaches. Fm stressed out because myPutonghua isnt improving. I study late every night but it is still not impronng. I didnt feel wellbecause I have got a cold. Oh, by the way, my host family is very nice!3 . 基本要求:( 1)请完整的朗读这篇听力材料( 2)全英语试讲( 3)适当配以板书苔蓊题目1 .你本堂课的情感态度价值观目标是什么? 【 教学设计类】2 . 你认为听前活动主要有什么? 【 教学设计类】二、考题解析N e w s c h o o l life重要教学过程及板书设计( 一) 教学过程Stepl Warming-up and lead-inAfter greeting the students, the teacher shows a segmentof the film St, Trinians, which is about some trouble-makingstudents, and invite the students to have a free talk abouttheir headaches in the new semester.Step2 Pre-listeningThe teacher tells the story of John, the speaker, who is anew comer of Beijing, and shows several pictures of John sschool life to teach the new phrases “have a headache) ,“stress out and get a co ld .Ask students to predict the reasons why John feels bad inBeijing, any presumptions are encouraged.Step3 While-listening1. Fast-listeningGet students to listen to the tape for a first time to get themain idea of the listening material and think over thefollowing questions:Question 1: Did John enjoy his school life in Beijing?Question2: Is John, s Putonghua improving?Questions: How is John s host family?2. Careful-listeningGet students to listen again and try to figure out the tablebelow:TroubleReasonDidnt enjoy the school lifeHave too much headachesStressed outDidnt feel well3. Listen for a third time: students are required to readafter the tape and pay attention to the pronunciation andintonation of the passage. W haf s more, the teacher willread the whole passage for them.Step4 post-listening1. Group discussion: divide the students into groups of 6and try their best to work out solutions for John. They should fillin the table below:ReasonSolutionsHave too much headachesStressed outHave got a cold2. Role-play: encourage students to play out the passagein pairs, one acts as John and the other acts as John, s friendin New York. They are supposed to talk about their school lifeand solutions to the problems.Step5 Summary and homeworkSummary: ask a student to retell the story of Johnaccording to the table on the blackboard.Homework: students are required to talk about theirtroubles with their parents and write down their parents)solutions. In the next class, 3 of them will be invited to share infront of the class.( 二) 板书设计Blackboard Design:答辩题目解析Unit 3 What would you like?ice creamWhat would you like to eat?hamburgersandwichId like a .please.saladtea1 . 你本堂课的情感态度价值观目的是什么? 【 教学设计问题】【 参照答案】我本次设定的情感态度目的重要有如下两个:一是学生能锻炼积极克服学习过程中所遇困难的能力, 二是学生可以深入加深其对英语学习日勺爱好及动机。2 . 你认为听前活动重要有什么? 【 教学设计问题】【 参照答案】听前活动的重要作用在于让学生对所学材料内容有所准备,因而,老师可以采用如下几种方式:(1)简介有关的背景知识, 用图片或是视觉影响吸引学生对听力材料日勺注意力,激发学生日勺观测能力和描述能力;提供某些词汇或有关问题,让学生预测所要听的材料内容;提出某些开放性问题锻炼学生的想象能力和分析问题的能力。
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