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医护英语三级医护英语三级unit5partiiiiipptunit5partiiiiippt课件课件Review 复习提问复习提问 Dictation.New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading. (P101)2. “Moderate portions” refers to _.Para 4Furthermore, in regards to the weight-losing effectiveness, most people soon lose interest in the regimen and turn back to their initial diet habit, getting extra pounds rather than losing weight.New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading. (P101)3. High-protein and low- carbonhydrate diet is unbalanced due to _.Para 6New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading. (P101)4. Why do we say an eating plan with recommended amouts of carbohydrate, protein and fat is easier to stick with?Para 6People taking high-protein and low-carbohydrate diets often eat quite little amount of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, which makes the body more prone to nausea, fatigue, weakness and constipation.New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading. (P101)5. Which of the following is NOT included in the strategies of eating red meats?Para 8 It is wise to choose low-fat meat, or at least cuts of meat with fewer visible fat, and limit the size of each single piece of meat so as to limit the intake of fat.New lesson Reading Comprehension Golden rules of reading. (P101)6. According to the passage, which of the following statements if TRUE?Para 13 New lesson Text StudyMore and more people fall into the obese population, which poses big challenges to the health care system and the society as well. posepose an obstacle to pose a questionpose as a writerShe is always posing.New lesson Text Study形容形容词词短短语语作状作状语语High-protein and low-carbohydrate diets, often low in calories due to strictly limited food choices, may cause short-term weight loss. 原因状原因状语语Summary 课堂小结课堂小结 New words and phrases. Reading and translation skills.Exercises 巩固练习巩固练习Translation.Exercises TranslationThese short-term regimens have common features including low calories, strict restriction in food types, unusual combination of foods in a monotonous menu. 此此类类短期短期饮饮食食疗疗法常常都有一些共同特征,例如法常常都有一些共同特征,例如热热量量低、低、对对食物种食物种类类有有严严格限制、菜品格限制、菜品单单一,采用一,采用组组合特合特别别等。等。Furthermore, in regards to the weight-losing effectiveness, most people soon lose interest in the regimen and turn back to their initial diet habit, getting extra pounds rather than losing weight. 此外,在减肥效果方面,大多数人会很快此外,在减肥效果方面,大多数人会很快对对瘦身餐失瘦身餐失去去兴兴趣,恢复原先的趣,恢复原先的饮饮食食习惯习惯,因此反而会增肥而不,因此反而会增肥而不是减肥。是减肥。Exercises TranslationWhile a low-carbohydrate intake can increase the production of ketones in the bloodstream, or called ketosis, which successively results in an increased production of uric acid, a risk factor for gout and kidney stones.而低碳水化合物而低碳水化合物饮饮食可增加人体血液中食可增加人体血液中酮酮的生成,出的生成,出现酮现酮症,从而症,从而继发继发引起尿酸生成增加,加大引起尿酸生成增加,加大发发生痛生痛风风和和肾结肾结石的石的风险风险。Exercises TranslationA reduced-calorie eating plan with recommended amounts of carbohydrate, protein and fat will efficiently help the body get rid of redundant weights, which is much easier to stick with.总热总热量量较较低,但含有适量的碳水化合物、蛋白低,但含有适量的碳水化合物、蛋白质质和脂和脂肪的肪的饮饮食方案有助于人体食方案有助于人体摆摆脱多余脂肪,且脱多余脂肪,且对对于减肥于减肥者而言,也更容易者而言,也更容易坚坚持。持。Exercises TranslationIt is wise to choose low-fat meat, or at least cuts of meat with fewer visible fat, and limit the size of each single piece of meat so as to limit the intake of fat. 选购选购肉肉类时选择类时选择脂肪脂肪较较少的大小,都是限制脂肪少的大小,都是限制脂肪摄摄入入的明智之的明智之举举。Exercises TranslationHowever, it has been proved that those who skip breakfast and eat fewer times a day tend to weigh heavier than those eating a healthy breakfast and having four to five meals a day. 然而,研究然而,研究证实证实,相比那些吃,相比那些吃营营养丰富的早餐,一天养丰富的早餐,一天吃四至五餐的人来吃四至五餐的人来说说,那些不吃早餐,或少餐的人体,那些不吃早餐,或少餐的人体重反而更重。重反而更重。Exercises TranslationIt is the amount of food versus the time and intesity of physical activity rather than the time of eating that attributes to the amount of weight gain. 人体人体摄摄入食物的量与其一天的运入食物的量与其一天的运动时间动时间和和强强度度 才是才是决定体重增决定体重增长长多少的因素,多少的因素,进进食食时间时间与之无关。与之无关。Exercises TranslationHomework 作业布置作业布置 Recite the words. Practice the reading and translation skills. Assign task to the little teacher.结束语结束语谢谢大家聆听!谢谢大家聆听!26
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