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Part2 考点8考点考点8 非谓语动词非谓语动词1.主要考查的知识点:(1)非谓语动词的基本用法及句法功能;不同的非谓语动词的用法区别。(2)非谓语动词在一些特定的结构,如with复合结构等的用法。2.复习重点:(1)分词、不定式作定语、状语、补语的用法(2)动名词作主语、宾语的用法(3)现在分词、过去分词、动名词及不定式的用法区别 形式对比项目 动词不定式 to do动名词 doing现在分词 doing过去分词 done意义相当于名词、形容词、副词,往往有将来意味相当于名词,指经常性、习惯性的动作相当于形容词、副词,往往有现在意味相当于形容词、副词,本身兼有被动,完成意义充当句子成分主语、宾语、表语、宾补、定语、状语主语、宾语、表语、定语表语、宾补、定语、状语表语、宾补、定语、状语形式主动一般式 to dodoingdoingdone被动式to be donebeing done (被)being done (正在被)无形式主动完成式 to have donehaving donehaving done无被动完成式 to have been donehaving been donehaving been done无否定式在上述各种非谓语动词形式之前直接加not(1)Smoking(抽烟) is prohibited(禁止)here. (2) Having studied computer is an important qualification for the job. (3) Jacks_suddenly_disappearing(杰克的突然失踪) made them worried. (4) I found it impossible for him to do the job alone. (5) It is no use/good crying(哭). 1. 不定式和动名词作主语 非谓语动词包括不定式(to do)、动名词(ing)、现在分词(ing)与过去分词(ed)。 它们不受主语人称和数的限制,在句子中不能充当谓语,但可以充当句子的其他成分,并且有时态和语态的变化。所以,要正确使用非谓语形式,一定要充分理解不同形式所表现的意义,要明确非谓语动词与逻辑主语之间是“主动”还是“被动(或状态)”,所表示的动作是“过去”、“现在”还是“将来”,以及和谓语动词所表示的动作是同步发生还是有先后之分。规则1:动名词作主语通常表示抽象动作, 而不定式作主语表示具体动作,如:(1)。规则2:动名词和不定式的完成式表示该动作比谓语动词动作先发生,如:(2)。规则3:动名词的独立主格结构:当动名词带逻辑主语时,只可在其前加上物主代词或名词的所有格,如:(3)。规则4:不定式及动名词短语作主语时可转换成it作形式主语,如:(4)、(5)。2. 不定式和动名词作宾语(1)Do you mind my/me reading your paper? (2) I regretted not_having_taken(没有采取) her advice.(3) I appreciate having been given the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.(4) You would be well advised to_stay(stay) indoors.The teacher advised taking(take) a different approach.2. 不定式和动名词作宾语(5) The road is covered with some fallen trees and they need removing/to be removed immediately.(6) Dont you remember seeing the man before? You must remember to leave tomorrow. (7) I should like to see him tomorrow.(8) There is no use crying over spilt milk.(9) He had a good time in travelling abroad this summer vacation.2. 不定式和动名词作宾语(10) They cant lose time playing computer games as usual.(11) There is no telling what he is going to do.(12)Last night I did nothing but watch(watch) TV.The doctor told him nothing but to_stop(stop) smoking.(13)When I consider how talented he is as a painter, I cannot help but believe that the public will appreciate his gift. 2. 不定式和动名词作宾语(14)We dont want there to be any comrades lagging behind.(15)I dont mind there being(be) a chair here. (16)There being nobody else at hand, I had to do by myself.(17)John didnt pass his driving test, but I expected him to.规则1:动名词作宾语时,其逻辑主语既可以是物主代词或名词的所有格,也可以是人称代词宾格和名词的普通格,如:(1)。规则2:作宾语的动名词和不定式,完成式表示该动作在谓语动词动作之前发生,如:(2)。规则3:介词以及少数动词和词组后只能用动名词作宾语,如:admit, dislike, appreciate, avoid, enjoy, bear(忍受), envy, cant help(不禁), delay, escape, cant stand(受不了), deny, excuse(借口), consider(考虑), fancy, mind, miss(错过), mention, finish, pardon, resist, forgive, imagine, risk, practice, suggest(建议), keep, quit, put off, give up, feel like, be worth, set about, burst out, be/get/become used to(习惯于), look forward to, pay attention to, devoteto, lead to, stick to, get close to, object to, contribute to, get down to, be equal to(能胜任), turn to(求助于)等,如:(3)。规则4:动词advise / allow / permit / forbid后既可跟doing sth.作宾语,又可跟to do(不定式作宾补),如:(4)。规则5:need, require, want, deserve doing 动名词的主动形式表被动意义,相当于to be done,如:(5)。规则6:有些动词后使用动名词和动词不定式作宾语有差别,如:(6)。常用的还有:(1)forget to do 忘记要去做某事(此事未做) forget doing忘记做过某事(此事已做过或已发生) (2)stop to do 停止、中断(某件事),目的是去做另一件事 stop doing 停止正在或经常做的事 (3)remember to do 记住去做某事(未做) remember doing记得做过某事(已做) (4)regret to do对要做的事遗憾(后常跟动词say, tell, inform等) regret doing对做过的事后悔 (5)try to do努力、企图做某事 try doing试验、试一试某种办法 (6) mean to do打算,有意要 mean doing意味着 (7)go on to do 继而(去做另外一件事情) go on doing 继续(原先没有做完的事情) (8)propose to do 打算(要做某事) proposing doing建议(做某事)(9) like /love/hate/ preferto do 表示具体行为; doing sth.表示抽象、倾向概念。【注意】 如果like/love/hate/prefer这几个动词前有should/ would,其后宾语只跟不定式,不能跟动名词,如:(7)。规则7:常见的带不定式作宾语的动词(口诀助记)如下:想要干want, wish, hope, expect, seek, attempt, aim, claim,would like/love, desire, swear早打算plan, prepare, mean, arrange同意否agree, promise, undertake, offer, choose, refuse, afford问问看ask(ask to do 要求做), beg决定了decide, determine, make up ones mind, be determined尽力干try, manage(反义词fail), struggle, strive, attempt 努力做care别装蒜pretend【注意】口诀内的动词后跟动词不定式,几乎都有将来意味。规则8:固定句型(1)There is no good/point/sense/harmdoing sth. 做某事没用(不好/没意义/没有害处),如:(8)。(2)have difficulty /trouble/problem/a hard time/a good time/fun (in)doing,如:(9)。 (3)spend/waste/lose time(in) doing sth.,如:(10)。 (4)There is no doing sth. (there is no 表“不可能”),如:(11)。(5)come/become/grow/gettolike/love/realize/understand/know等表示心理活动的过程,意为“渐渐地喜欢上/意识到/懂了/知道了”。(6)do/did/does nothing/anything/everything but (except) 动词原形;如果谓语动词不是do/did/does, but (except)所跟的不定式须带to,如:(12)。(7)can not (help/choose) but do, can do nothing but do, have no choice/alternative to do表示“不得不”,如:(13)。(8)“Why not 动词原形”表达向某人提出建议,意为:“为什么不?”,“干嘛不?”(9)“would rather/had better(not)动词原形”意为“宁愿/最好(不)做某事”。(10)there be的非谓语形式 作动词expect,like,mean,intend,want,prefer,hate宾语时,通常用there to be结构,在mind, object to等后面用there being,如:(14)、(15)。作状语多用there being结构,如:(16)。(11)为避免重复,在hope, expect, wish, want, like, love, decide, plan, need, mean, forget, refuse, tell, know, have to, be going to, used to, ought to等动词后面再次出现相同的不定式作宾语时,常出现单独使用的to,而把曾出现过的动词省略掉。但是,如果在省略的不定式结构中含有be, have, have been时,要保留这些词,如:(17)。3. 不定式、动名词和分词作表语(1) What I would suggest is to start work at once.(2) His hobby is collecting stamps.(3) Travelling is interesting but tiring. (4) The pupils will get confused if they are made to learn too much.(5) What the workers have been told is that they get paid by the hour. 规则1:不定式作表语一般表示具体动作,特别是表示将来的动作。动名词作表语,表示抽象的一般性的行为,如:(1)、(2)。 规则2:表心理状态的interesting, exciting, delighting, disappointing, encouraging, worrying, puzzling, satisfying, surprising, pleasing等形容词转为分词作表语时,表示客观“令人的”;interested, excited, delighted, disappointed, encouraged, pleased, puzzled, worried, surprised等表示主观“感到”,如:(3)、(4)。规则3:get, become, look, seem, appear, remain等系动词后都可跟done,表示被动或主语的状态。如remain seated/hidden,get paid/dressed/changed/stuck/hurt/injured/burnt等,如:(5)。常用be done介词短语表示所处的状态,如下:be addicted to沉迷于be absorbed in全神贯注于be aimed at旨在/意图be armed with有装备 be buried in埋葬在be based on/upon以 为基础be born出生于 be burdened with担负着be crowded with挤满了be covered with/by覆盖着be coated with涂抹了be combined with与联合be compared with与相比较be caught in陷入 be lost in沉迷于be concerned about关心 be dressed in穿着be devoted to专心致志于be divided into分成(几份/几组)be designed/meant/intended for专为而设计be engaged in忙于 be engaged to sb.与订婚be fixed on专注于 be faced with面临着be filled with装满了be greeted with受到了问候be grown up 已经长大了 be hidden in躲在be linked to与有关be connected with与相连/有关be made of/from/up of 由制成/由组成be known as/for/to以著称/因著名be recovered from从中康复be loaded with载有 be located in/on/at位于be married(to sb.)与某人结婚了 be matched 很般配 be mistaken 弄错了 be paved with铺着be replaced with更换为be related to/with与有关be separated from与隔开be shouldered with肩负着be stationed in驻扎在 be seated 坐着be surrounded with/by四周环绕着be supposed to do应该做
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