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2024年译林三起版英语上册四年级五单元语法提升专练卷一、用be动词am, is, are 填空。1Where my skirts?2I hungry.3How you?4It in the living room.5They on the bed.6Where my dress?7Your books in the desk.8Where your father?9My brother a student.10Tim and I good friends.二、根据提示,完成句子。1、 Where are my (doll)?They are in the living room.2、 We have a (冰箱) in the living room.3、 We have two (卫生间) in our new home.4、 The purple grapes (不在桌子上面).5、 Look at your new (sofa). Wow! They are nice.6、 My skirts (be) on the sofa.7、 Is the robot (in / on) the kitchen?No, (it / they) isnt.8、 Come and look. Your toy (is / are) in the living room, on the sofa.9、 Wheres my jacket, Nancy?Is it in (you) bedroom?10、Where are our (sofa)?Theyre in the (live) room.11、Wheres (这对双胞胎的卧室)? Can you show me?12、We can take a bath in the b .13、I can see a (钟) in the (卧室).14、Your (鞋子) are under the (桌子).15、My brother is in the b (卫生间).三、选择题1、 The sofa is _.( )Aon the bedroomBin the bedroomCin the kitchen2、 I cant find the twins. _( )Theyre in the bathroom.AWho are they?BWhere is she?CWhere are they?3、 I sleep in my _. And I take a shower (洗澡) in the _.( )Abedroom; bathroom Bbathroom; bedroom Cbathroom; kitchen4、 Wheres the clock?( )Its _ the living room, _ the wall.Ain; inBon; onCin; on5、 We have a _ in the kitchen.( )AbedBsofaCfridge6、 He cant play basketball _.( )AeitherBtooCgood7、 _the toy lion?( )Its on the bed.AWheresBWhatsCDo8、 _ is Uncle John?( )Hes on the farm.AWhatBWhereCWho9、 Where _ the dolls?( )They _ on the chair.Aare; isBare; areCis; are10、_ is your father?( )Hes in the kitchen.AWhereBWheresCWhat11、Where _ my new shoes?( )Look. _ in the living room, under the sofa.Aare; TheyreBis; ItsCare; Its12、Sarah has a _. She likes _.( )Adoll; dollBdolls; dollCdoll; dolls13、Is my clock _ the living room?( )Yes, _Ain; it isBin; they areCon; they are14、_ my skirts?( )Theyre on the sofa.AWheresBWhere areCWhere is15、Excuse me, _ my pencils?( )Look! Theyre over there.AwheresBwhereCwhere are16、We have a bed in the _.( )AbathroomBkitchenCbedroom17、_Tina and Helen?( )Theyre in the living room.AWho areBWhat areCWhere are18、Is your jacket on the sofa?( )Yes, _.Ait isntBitsCit is19、Wheres the football?( ) _ATheyre under the bed.BIt under the bed. CIts under the bed.20、_ are my shoes?( )_ under the bed.AWhere; ItsBWhat; TheyreCWhere; Theyre21、I cant see my red ball, Jim.( )Oh, look, its _ the door.AonBbehindCat22、_ is your aunt?( )_ in the living room.AWho; ImBWhere; ShesCWheres; Shes23、Wheres the fish?( )Its _ the kitchen, _ the fridge.Ain; inBon; inCon; at24、They are _ new dolls.( )AIBweCour25、Is the fridge _ Mrs Fox?( )Yes, _.Abehind; it isBin; it isntCon; it isnt26、Where are our bags?( )_ bag is in the desk, and _ bag is under the chair.AMy; sheBMy; yourCI; you27、_ is my bag?( )Its on the sofa.AWhat BWhere CHow28、Wheres the _?( )_ on the sofa.Aclock; ItsBa clock; ItsCclocks; Theyre29、_ in the kitchen?( )Yes, _.AIs it; it isBIt is; it isCIs it; is it30、Where _ my _?( )_ in the bathroom.Ais; cap; TheyreBare; caps; ItsCare; caps; Theyre31、Where _ the milk?( )_ in the fridge.Ais; TheyreBare; TheyreCis; Its32、_ are my shoes?( )Theyre under your bed.AWhoBWhatCWhere33、Wheres Miss Li?( )_ in the classroom.AShesBHesCIts34、_ your pencils on the desk?( )Yes, _.AAre; theyreBAre; they areCIs; it is35、Would you like _ apple?( )No, Id like _ oranges.Aan; anBan; someCan; any36、Wheres the _?( )_ in the kitchen.Amilk; ItsBmy apple; ItsCeggs; Theyre37、I like _ some cakes.( )Ato drinkBto eatCdrink38、We have two sofas in the _.( )AkitchenBbathroomCliving room39、Where _ my skirts?( )_ on the sofa.Ais; ItsBare; TheyreCare; Its40、The fridge is _
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