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1. _, a good rest is needed because I do feel tired after the hard work of all these years. 首先首先, 需要休需要休息息, 因为在这几年努力学习之后我的确因为在这几年努力学习之后我的确感到累了。感到累了。 First of all 2. _, slightly more than half of the school children in our country are short-sighted. 根据王教授所说根据王教授所说, 我国略高于我国略高于一半的中小学生有近视。一半的中小学生有近视。 According to Professor Wang 3. So _, while we are confident in ourselves, we should recognize strengths in others and show due respect for them. 因此因此, 依我看依我看, 在在我们自信的同时我们自信的同时, 也要承认别人的力量也要承认别人的力量和给足别人的面子。和给足别人的面子。 in my opinion 4. _,Im preparing to enter a university and leaving the high school where Ive been studying for three years. 就就我我自己而言自己而言, 我正准备上大学了我正准备上大学了, 就要离就要离开我学习了三年的母校了。开我学习了三年的母校了。As far as I am concerned 5. _, everyone is happy about this new arrangement of things. 据我所知据我所知, 每个人都对这样的安每个人都对这样的安排感到高兴。排感到高兴。As far as I know 6. People may also choose to work in a team, where they can learn from each other and help each other. _, they may work out better ways to get work done by discussion. 人们也可以选择团人们也可以选择团队合作队合作, 在团队里他们可以互相学习在团队里他们可以互相学习, 互相帮助。互相帮助。此外此外, 他们通过讨论还可以他们通过讨论还可以想到完成工作的更好的办法。想到完成工作的更好的办法。 Besides 7. So I think “Friday News Hour” can broaden our mind and enrich our school life. _, it will help us improve our reading skills. 所以我认为所以我认为, 星期五星期五读报活动可以开阔我们的眼界和丰富校读报活动可以开阔我们的眼界和丰富校园生活。园生活。而且而且(况且况且/更重要的是更重要的是), 还有还有助于我们提高阅读技巧。助于我们提高阅读技巧。 Whats more 8. There are many advantages of smiling. It can _make us happy, _ please others. 微笑微笑有许多益处有许多益处, 它它不但不但能使我们快乐能使我们快乐, 而而且也且也能使别人开心。能使别人开心。but also not only9. It seems to me the ideal college life is that I become matured _ physically _mentally. 对我来说对我来说, 理想的大学生活是身体上和心理上理想的大学生活是身体上和心理上两方两方面面都变得成熟。都变得成熟。and both10. To keep fit, we should have various healthy diets, which generally include proper amounts of fish, meat, vegetables, fruit _ main food. 为了保持身体健康为了保持身体健康, 我们应该我们应该饮食多样化饮食多样化, 除除主食主食外外, 通常通常还还包括食量包括食量的渔、肉、蔬菜和水果。的渔、肉、蔬菜和水果。as well as /in addition to/besides 11. When English is the only language used in the classroom, students will have more opportunities to practise listening and speaking. _, they will be able to learn more quickly. 当英语是课当英语是课堂上使用的唯一一种语言时堂上使用的唯一一种语言时, 学生就有学生就有更多机会练习听说。更多机会练习听说。因此因此, 他们就能够他们就能够学得更快。学得更快。Therefore 12. Li Ming used to be a healthy boy, _ over a year ago, he got into the habit of eating a lot of junk food and snacks. _, he spent a lot of time lying on the sofa, watching TV, and did little exercise. _, he put on so much weight that he found it difficult to climb the stairs. 李明曾是一位健李明曾是一位健康的男孩康的男孩, 但是但是就在一年多前就在一年多前, 他养成了吃垃他养成了吃垃圾食品和零食的习惯。圾食品和零食的习惯。此外此外, 他躺在沙发上他躺在沙发上看电视的时间多又很少锻炼。看电视的时间多又很少锻炼。结果结果, 他胖了他胖了很多以致爬楼梯都感到困难。很多以致爬楼梯都感到困难。As a result butBesides13. I think Im fit for the job. As a student, Ive read a lot and have much knowledge in many fields. Im fond of English and do well in both speaking and writing. _, Im easy to get along with and enjoy working together with others. _, I once worked as a reporter for my school broadcasting station . Above all Besides_Im sure I can do the job well if I get the position. 我认为我适合这个工作。我认为我适合这个工作。作为学生作为学生, 我进行了大量的阅读我进行了大量的阅读, 广泛涉猎广泛涉猎, 知识面广博。我喜爱英语知识面广博。我喜爱英语, 口头和笔头表达口头和笔头表达都不错。都不错。此外此外, 我易于与人相处我易于与人相处, 乐于与他乐于与他人合作。人合作。尤其是尤其是(最重要的是最重要的是), 我曾是校广我曾是校广播站的记者。播站的记者。因此因此, 我相信我相信, 如果我得到这如果我得到这个职位个职位, 我能做好这项工作。我能做好这项工作。(应聘某英文应聘某英文报兼职记者报兼职记者)So 14. It was snowing heavily on Monday morning. Li Hua was at the bus stop, waiting for Bus No. 601 to go to school. _, a bus came and she got on it. 星期一早上下着大雪星期一早上下着大雪, 李华在公共李华在公共汽车站等车去上学。汽车站等车去上学。片刻之后片刻之后, 一辆公一辆公交车来了交车来了, 他就上车了。他就上车了。After a while 15. I studied in Guangming Primary School from 1984 to 1990. _I went to No. 6 Middle School of Dalian and graduated this summer. 1984到到1990年我在光明小学读书。年我在光明小学读书。自那以后自那以后, 我就我就上了大连六中上了大连六中, 今年夏天毕业。今年夏天毕业。 After that 16. She became deaf and blind when she was 19 months old. _ she lived in a world of darkness and silence. 她她19个月时变得又聋又瞎。个月时变得又聋又瞎。自自那时起那时起, 她就生活在一片寂静漆黑的世她就生活在一片寂静漆黑的世界里。界里。 Since then 17. I was walking along Park Road towards the east when an elderly man came out of the park on the other side of the street. _ I saw a yellow car drive up Third Street and make a right turn into Park Road. _ _the car hit the man while he was crossing the road. 我正沿着公园路向东走着我正沿着公园路向东走着, 突然一位老人从街道对面的公园里走出来。突然一位老人从街道对面的公园里走出来。然后然后, 我看到一辆黄色汽车从我看到一辆黄色汽车从Third Street开开过来过来, 向若右转驶入公园路。向若右转驶入公园路。接下来接下来, 就在那就在那个老人横过公路时个老人横过公路时, 那辆汽车撞到了他。那辆汽车撞到了他。Thenmoment The next18. If I were an animal in the wildlife park, I would feel annoyed when people keep photographing with me. ._, I dont agree if it is announced illegal to take photos with animals. 如果我是野生动物园的动物如果我是野生动物园的动物, 人人们不停地同我拍照们不停地同我拍照, 我也会感到烦恼。我也会感到烦恼。然而然而, 我不赞成同动物拍照是违法的。我不赞成同动物拍照是违法的。 However 19. 60% of the students are against the idea of entrance fees. They believed ._, 40% think that fees should be charged because .百分之六十百分之六十的学生反对收公园收门票的学生反对收公园收门票, 们认为们认为另一方面另一方面, 有百分之四十的学生认为应有百分之四十的学生认为应当收门票当收门票, 因为因为On the other hand 20. In some large American city schools, as many as 20-40% of the students are absent each day. _ _for such absences: _ is sickness, and _is truancy. 在美在美国某些大城市的学校里国某些大城市的学校里, 每天多达每天多达20-40%的学生缺课。缺课主要有两个原因的学生缺课。缺课主要有两个原因, 一个是有病一个是有病, 另一个是逃避现。另一个是逃避现。the other There are two major reasonsone21. There are a number of reasons for my decision. _, as the College Entrance Exam is just around the corner, study is the top priority for me._ , I dont think I can be a good dancing partner. In this case, its better for me to be a spectator cheering for my classmates. 我作为我作为这个决定有几方面的原因。这个决定有几方面的原因。首先首先, 由于高考由于高考临近临近, 学习是我的头等大事学习是我的头等大事; 更何况更何况, 我不会我不会跳舞。在这种情况下跳舞。在这种情况下, 我最好是做一个观众我最好是做一个观众为同学们喝彩。为同学们喝彩。Whats more First and foremost22. As I am away from my parents, it is necessary for me to learn to live on my own, _ doing some washing and cleaning by myself. In my spare time, I will take part in different kinds of school activities, _, I will often go to the English Corner to practice my spoken English. 由由于我远离父母于我远离父母, 有必要学会独立生活有必要学会独立生活, 如如自己洗衣自己洗衣服打扫卫生。在业余时间服打扫卫生。在业余时间, 我将参加学校各种活动我将参加学校各种活动, 例如例如, 我将常去英语角练习英语口语。我将常去英语角练习英语口语。(谈谈如何谈谈如何安排大学生活安排大学生活)解析:解析: (后多接名词或相当于名词用法的词语后多接名词或相当于名词用法的词语, 其后一般其后一般没有标点没有标点) . (后面多接句子后面多接句子, 且前后一般应有标点且前后一般应有标点) such asfor example23. _, it is one of the oldest cities in the world. 就拿就拿北京来说吧北京来说吧, 它是世界上最古老的都市它是世界上最古老的都市之一。之一。Take Beijing for example 24. I am very glad that your school will hold the English Summer Camp that contains many courses, _ gardening, cooking, self-defence, nursing_. 很高兴很高兴, 你们学校你们学校将举行英语夏令营将举行英语夏令营, 包括许多课程包括许多课程, 如如园艺、烹饪、防身术和护理园艺、烹饪、防身术和护理等等。and so on such as25. _ , lets greet every day with a smile. 总而言之总而言之 (一言以蔽之一言以蔽之), 让我们每天面带笑容给每个人打招呼吧。让我们每天面带笑容给每个人打招呼吧。In a word
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