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7B Unit 4 Amazing things Grammar作者单位:常州市翠竹中学作者姓名:鲍燕7B Unit 4 Amazing thingsGrammar作者单位作者单位: 常州市翠竹中学常州市翠竹中学作者姓名作者姓名: 鲍燕鲍燕Different forms of the verb to beamwasbeiswasarewereSimple past tense of the verb to be1.We form the positive and negative sentences with the verb to be like this:2.I/He/She/It was at home yesterday. I/He/She/It was not/wasnt at home yesterday.You/We/They were at home yesterday.You/We/They were not/werent at home yesterday.2. We ask and answer questions with the verb to be like this: -Was I/he/she/it at home yesterday. -Yes, I/he/she/it was. -No, I/he/she/it was not / wasnt.-Were you/we/they at home yesterday. -Yes, you/we/they were.- No, you/we/they were not / werent.Translation:1).我昨天在家里。2).他们昨天晚上不在学校里.3).-你妈妈昨天很忙吗?-是的,她很忙。/不,她不忙。4).-你上个星期天在电影院吗?-是的,在./不,不在.5).-Simon和Sandy昨天在哪里?-他们在超市里。Simon is talking to Sandy about their visit to the Funny World Museum. Complete their conversation with the correct form of the verb to be .Simon: It _ a happy day yesterday, right?Sandy: Yes, it _. But I didnt see Daniel. Where _ he?Simon: He _ ill. He _ at home.Sandy: What a pity! There _ so many amazing animals in the museum!Simon: _ you afraid of those strange animals?Sandy: Yes, I _ a little afraid.Simon: How about Millie and Amy?Sandy: They _ afraid at all. They _ quite fond of amazing things.Simon: _ you tired after the visit?Sandy: No, I _. I _ very excited to see so many amazing things.waswaswaswaswaswerewerewasWerentwereWerewasntwasAfter visiting the Funny World Museum, Simon became interested in finding out more about amazing things in the world. He found some information about dinosaurs. He is writing about them in his diary. Help him complete his diary entry with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.I _ (read) some amazing things about dinosaurs today.Dinosaurs _ (live) on Earth a long time ago. We now knowthat the first dinosaurs _ (appear) about 230 million yearsago. However scientists believe they _ (be) not the firstanimals on Earth. There _ (be) hundreds of different kindsof dinosaurs, but they _ (not live) at the same time.Some dinosaurs _ (be) really small. One of the smallestdinosaurs _ (be) about one metre long and _(weigh) about three kilograms. Others _ (be) really big. Some very large ones _ (weigh) over 100,000 kilogramsand some _ (be) about 40 metres long.readlivedappearedwereweredidnt livewerewasweighedwereweighedwereSome dinosaurs _ (eat) plants and others _ (eat) meat, but they _ (not eat) grass. All dinosaurs _(have) four legs. They all _ (live) on land.Dinosaurs _ (lay) eggs. Some parent dinosaurs_ (take) care of their babies, some _ (do not).The last ones _ (die) more than 60 million years ago.Nobody knows why. ateatedidnt eathadlivedlaidtookdidntdiedUsefulexpressions:1.beafraidof2.notatall3.befondof4.alongtimeago5.hundredsof6.differentkindsof7.atthesametime8.weigh(aboutthreekilograms)9.over(100,000kilograms)10.onland11.takecareof12.morethanHomework:1.Recitethesimplepasttenseoftheverb“tobe”.2.Writeapassageaboutanactivitythatstudentshadinthepast.1)字数60字左右。2)什么时间去了哪里(公园、动物园)。3)做了什么有趣的事情。4)看到或了解到什么有趣的事物。
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