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Unit 6 I like music that I Unit 6 I like music that I can dance to.can dance to.Section A Period 1Section A Period 1Section AWarming upWarming up Doe, Re, MeDoe, Re, Me Doe, a deer, a female deerDoe, a deer, a female deerRe, a drop of golden sunRe, a drop of golden sunMe, a name I call myselfMe, a name I call myselfFar, a long Far, a long longlong way to run way to runSew, a needle pulling threadSew, a needle pulling threadLa, a note to follow sewLa, a note to follow sewTea, a drink with jam and breadTea, a drink with jam and breadThatll bring us back to doe Thatll bring us back to doe 12345671234567What kind of music do you like?What kind of music do you like? I like I like light music ( light music (轻音乐)轻音乐)轻音乐)轻音乐) jazz (jazz (爵士乐)爵士乐)爵士乐)爵士乐) classical music (classical music (古典音乐)古典音乐)古典音乐)古典音乐) hip hop (hip hop (街舞)街舞)街舞)街舞) folk music (folk music (民歌)民歌)民歌)民歌) pop musicpop music(流行歌)(流行歌)(流行歌)(流行歌) Some phrases describing music such as Some phrases describing music such as the following: the following: has great lyricshas great lyrics( 歌词美)歌词美)歌词美)歌词美), , is very movingis very moving(感人的)(感人的)(感人的)(感人的), , remind one of ones childhoodremind one of ones childhood(使某人想(使某人想(使某人想(使某人想起童年)起童年)起童年)起童年), , singers sing the words clearly, singers sing the words clearly, is not too loud, dance to(is not too loud, dance to(跟着一起跳舞)跟着一起跳舞)跟着一起跳舞)跟着一起跳舞)sing along with sing along with (随着一起唱)(随着一起唱)(随着一起唱)(随着一起唱)Do you like it?Do you like it?A: No, I dont like it. I like music that is A: No, I dont like it. I like music that is quiet. I dont like music that is too quiet. I dont like music that is too loud. loud.B: I like it very much. I like music that B: I like it very much. I like music that is energetic. is energetic.Practise I like music I like music that that /which/which is quiet is quiet and gentle.and gentle.What kind of What kind of music do you music do you like?like? I prefer music that/which has great lyrics. I I preferprefer musicmusic that/whichthat/which I can I can sing along with. sing along with. Listening (1b: P44)Listening (1b: P44)Music that I can dance to Music that has great lyrics Music that I can sing along with Tony Betty Oral Practice (1c: P44) Oral Practice (1c: P44) Sample dialogue 1:Sample dialogue 1:A A: What kind of music do you like?: What kind of music do you like?B B: I like music : I like music that/whichthat/which is played by is played by famous bands. What about you?famous bands. What about you?A A: I prefer music : I prefer music that/whichthat/which makes me makes me happy. happy. Sample dialogue 2:Sample dialogue 2:A A: What kind of music do you like?: What kind of music do you like?B B: I like music that is really cool. What : I like music that is really cool. What about you? about you?A A: I prefer music that has been awarded : I prefer music that has been awarded prizes. prizes. What kind of What kind of singers do you singers do you love?love? I love singersI love singers that/whothat/who write write their own music. their own music. Jay is one of Jay is one of them.them.What kind of singers do you love?I like singers that/who are good-looking.What kind of singers do you love?I love singers who/that are really famous.The attributive clausesThe attributive clauses 在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从在复合句中修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。句叫定语从句。I have an apple.An apple is red.I have an apple that is red.修饰先行词修饰先行词 an apple I like some friends. Some friends like sports.I like friends who like sports. 修饰先行词修饰先行词 friends 人人 (n.) + who + 从句从句物物 、人人(n.) + that + 从句从句 关系代词关系代词who / that的作用:的作用:a. 做代词,代替先行词做代词,代替先行词b. 在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语在从句中担任句子成分:主语或宾语c. 做连词,把主句和从句连接起来做连词,把主句和从句连接起来RULES主格主格 宾格宾格 所有格所有格 指代人指代人 指代物指代物 who who thatthatwhom/who whom/who thatthatwhose whose which which that that which which that that whose/of whose/of which which 当关系代词在从句中作宾语时当关系代词在从句中作宾语时当关系代词在从句中作宾语时当关系代词在从句中作宾语时, , 关系关系关系关系代词可以省略。代词可以省略。代词可以省略。代词可以省略。 He is the man who I met yesterday. Do you know who he is?定语从句修定语从句修饰饰 the man I prefer sandwich that is really delicious.定语从句修定语从句修饰饰sandwichWho/that Who/that 在从句中可担任主语或宾语在从句中可担任主语或宾语在从句中可担任主语或宾语在从句中可担任主语或宾语 1. I love singers who (主语主语) write their own songs. 2. He is the man who (宾语宾语) I met yesterday. 3. I like music that (宾语宾语) I can dance to. 4. I prefer a sandwich 4. I prefer a sandwich thatthat(主语)(主语)(主语)(主语) is really delicious.is really delicious. Who/that Who/that 在定语从句中作主语时在定语从句中作主语时在定语从句中作主语时在定语从句中作主语时, ,谓语动词的单复数与先行词保持一谓语动词的单复数与先行词保持一谓语动词的单复数与先行词保持一谓语动词的单复数与先行词保持一致。致。致。致。 e. g. I prefer e. g. I prefer shoesshoes that that areare cool.cool. I have I have a frienda friend who who playsplays sports. sports.Fill in the blanks with “ which, that, who”. 1. The girl _ you saw just now is my sister.2. Do you remember the words _ we learned last years.3. This is the watch _ my mother gave me for my birthday. whothat thatwhich thatwhich4. Tom is the first boy _ left the room.5. Uncle Li is a person _ is always ready to help others. whothat whothatprefer是及物动词,意为是及物动词,意为“更喜欢,更喜更喜欢,更喜爱爱”,相当于,相当于like . better。其用法如下:其用法如下:1) prefer sth.意为意为“更喜欢更喜欢”。例如:例如:My grandma preferred country life when she was old. 我奶奶老了以后更喜欢乡村生活。我奶奶老了以后更喜欢乡村生活。2) prefer doing / to do sth.意为意为“更喜欢更喜欢干干”。例如:例如:I prefer watching / to watch a football match. 我更喜欢看足球比赛。我更喜欢看足球比赛。3) prefer sb. to do sth.意为意为“宁愿某人做宁愿某人做”。例如:例如:My mother prefers me to stay with her a little longer. 我妈妈更喜欢我和她多呆一会儿。我妈妈更喜欢我和她多呆一会儿。4) prefer sth. to sth.意为意为“比起比起更喜欢更喜欢”。例如:例如:She prefers loud music to quiet music.比起轻音乐来她更喜欢韵律强劲的音乐。比起轻音乐来她更喜欢韵律强劲的音乐。5) prefer doing sth. to doing sth.= prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 意为意为“喜欢喜欢做做而不喜欢做而不喜欢做”或或“宁愿做宁愿做而不愿做而不愿做”。例如:例如: Mary prefers dancing to singing.玛丽喜欢跳舞而不喜欢唱歌。玛丽喜欢跳舞而不喜欢唱歌。They prefer to stay at home rather than go out with their parents. 他们宁愿呆在家里而不愿和父母出去。他们宁愿呆在家里而不愿和父母出去。如果你是学校广播站的广播员如果你是学校广播站的广播员, 学校委派你去购学校委派你去购买一些学生们喜欢的歌曲光碟。买一些学生们喜欢的歌曲光碟。 请你先做一个请你先做一个调查。调查。 看看学生们喜欢什么样的音乐看看学生们喜欢什么样的音乐, 什么样什么样的歌手以及什么样的乐队。的歌手以及什么样的乐队。A: What kind of music /singers /groups do you like?B: I like the songs that Report: I interviewed classmates.like(s) the music like(s) the musicians like(s) the groups Thank you for listening!
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