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Read the passage and choose the topics it mentions.1.Different carnivals2.The origins of carnival3.Special food4.Carnival in Venice1. c2. b3. c4. a5. b6. b7. b8. bWhats your general impression of carnival? Whenever you think of carnival, you may think of _, _ and _. The sights may differ in different countries, but the _ is the same everywhere. crowdscostumesconfusionexcitementWhat does carnival mean?What do people do at carnival?“Carnival” comes from two Latin words, _ “no more meat”.meaningPeople saw Carnival as a last chance to _ at the end of the winter season. They eat, drink and _.have fundress upWhere does the writer say we can see the most famous carnival? What was it like at first?The most famous carnival in Europe was in _. People ate, drank and wore _. At the beginning, it lasted for just one day. As time passed, the carnival period was _ and people walked round the streets for weeks _doing what they wanted without _. Many crimes went _.Venicemasksextendedon endbeing recognizedunpunishedWhat was the law about wearing masks? The first of laws about wearing masks _ the 14th century. Men were not allowed to wear masks at night. In later times people who wore masks could not carry _. At the end of the 18th century masks were totally _ and carnival became just a _.dates back tofirearmsbannedmemoryWhen and how was the tradition of celebrating carnival revived? In the late 1970s the tradition_ by students, who began making masks and organizing parties and threw _ paper at tourists. The town council realized carnival _ business and the festival _ for tourists.was revivedbrightly-coloredwas good forwas developedHow is carnival celebrated in Venice today? Today carnival in Venice _ for five days in February. People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy the fun. Hotels are fully _ and the streets _ wonderful costumes.is celebratedbookedare crowded withWhat is the feature of the carnival in Venice?The spirit of Venice carnival is a little different from other carnivals. The _ to Rio is music and movement,_ in Venice it is the _ of the masks. As you _ the streets you may see varieties of masks- _ or frightening, sad or _, _ or modern. Nobody takes it off as the _ will be lost if the masks _.keywhilemysterywander throughelegantamusingtraditionalmagiccome off
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