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Fun With English Students Book 12葫芦岛小学葫芦岛小学 刘冬梅刘冬梅 1987年毕业于空军第八飞行学院,获得学士学位。分配至空军歼击航空兵部队做飞行员。1988年被授予空军中尉军衔,1988年加入中国共产党。 19199 98 8年1月,他和其它13位空军优秀飞行员一起,成为中国首批航天员之一。 2003年10月15日09时00分,搭乘神舟五号航天飞船,完成中国首次载人航天飞行任务,成为中国第一个进入太空的航天员。Neil Armstrong, the first person to walk on the moon.When did Neil Armstrong walk on the moon the first time?1.When was Neil born?2.What did Neil dream when he was a child?3.When did Neil have flying lessons?4.When did Neil get his pilots license?Neil was born in 1930.When he was a child, he dreamed one day he would fly in space.He had flying lessons when he was only 14.He got his pilots license on his 16th birthday.spacepilotlicenseastronautfly in spacepilots licensetest pilotcome trueenjoy flying太空太空飞行员飞行员证书,执照证书,执照宇航员宇航员在太空飞行在太空飞行飞行执照飞行执照试飞员试飞员实现实现喜欢飞行喜欢飞行 Do you know who this man is? He is Neil Armstrong_ America. _ July 21st, 1969, he was the first person to walk on the moon. Neil was born_ 1930. When he was a child, he dreamed one day he would fly_. He had flying lessons when he was only 14. He got his_on his 16th birthday. When he finished school, he first became a _ pilot, and then an_. His _ came true. I love his story and I also enjoy_. I dream I will walk on Mars one day! My Dream I have a dream. I dream I will become a teacher one day. Then I can teach children to read and write. I can play with the children. My Dream_ I have a dream. I dream I will I know all of you have dreams. Please persist in your dreams and work hard for them. Then your dream will come true.(每个人都有自己的梦想。只要你坚每个人都有自己的梦想。只要你坚持自己的梦想并为之奋斗,你的梦持自己的梦想并为之奋斗,你的梦想一定会实现。想一定会实现。)1.Write a short composition about your dream. ( 写一篇关于梦想的小习作写一篇关于梦想的小习作)2. Practice reading the text.(熟读课文)(熟读课文)
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