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Unit 11Turn it down你对分贝了解多少?分贝是以美国发明家亚历山大格雷厄姆贝尔命名的,他因发明电话而闻名于世。因为贝尔的单位太粗略而不能充分用来描述我们对声音的感觉,因此前面加了“分”字,代表十分之一。一贝尔等于十分贝。声学领域中,分贝的定义是声源功率与基准声功率比值的对数乘以10的数值。按普通人的听觉 0 2 0 分贝 很静、几乎感觉不到; 2 0 4 0 分贝安静、犹如轻声絮语; 4 0 6 0 分贝一般。普通室内谈话; 6 0 7 0 分贝吵闹、有损神经; 7 0 9 0 分贝很吵、神经细胞受到破坏; 9 0 1 0 0 分贝 吵闹加剧、听力受损; 1 0 0 1 2 0 分贝难以忍受、呆一分钟即暂时致聋; 120分贝以上:极度聋或全聋。 一般声音在30分贝左右时,不会影响正常的生活和休息;而达到50分贝以上时,人们又较大的感觉,很难入睡。 New words and Expressionsloud /lad/ adj.大声的,喧闹的turn down v.+adv.把.关小,调低interrupt /ntrpt/ v.打断hearing /hr/ n.听觉sound /sand/ n.声音,响声deaf /def/ adj.聋的limit /lmt/ n.限度,极限decibel /desbel/ n.分贝(音量单位)continuous /kntnjus/ adj.连续不断的sudden /sdn/ adj.突然的damage /dmd/ n.损害nightclub /nait klb/ n.夜总会MP3 player /ple/ n.MP3播放器experience /ksprns/ v.经历,体验if /f/ adv.conj.如果 unlucky /nlk/ adj.不幸的,倒霉的for ever /fr ev/ adv.永远level /levl/ n.水平LUCY: Dad,that musics loud! Turn it down!WILLIAM: Sorry,Lucy! Am I interrupting your homework?LUCY: Its not that,Dad. We had a lesson today about hearing. Look at this.One person in seven in the UK is deaf,and many of them are deaf because of noise.For most people,the safe limit is 85 decibels(dB) for continuous noise,and 103 dB for sudden noise.After fifteen minutes at 105 dB,most people will have some damage to their hearing.Music in nightclubs is ofen much louder than the safe limit.19% of young people listen to their MP3 players at 105 to 110 dB for many hours.75% of them will experience ringing in the ears,and they will fell a bit deaf.If they are lucky,this will last for one or two days.If they are unlucky,the damage will last for ever. LUCY: Youre always listening to loud music,Dad. If you arent careful,youll become deaf.WILLIAM: Sorry,Lucy!What did you say?LUCY: Oh,Dad!It isnt funny!WILLIAM: Of course it isnt. And I will turn the sound down. I promise! HomeWork1.words:三英一汉,音标一遍2.text:背过3.recording:课文录音每天十分钟New words and Expressionsit doesnt matter 没关系hire /ha/ v.租用fail /fel/ v.没有通过(考试)accident /ksdnt/ n.事故ambulance /mbjlns/ n.救护车robbery /rbr/ n.抢劫fire /fa/ n.火灾,失火fire service /s:vs/ n.消防署,消防队thief /i:f/ n.贼,小偷prison /przn/ n.监狱apologize /pldaz/ v.道歉a day off / dei f/ 休息一天pop concert /pp knst/ n.流行音乐会Pattern Practice1.A:What will you do if you miss the bus? B:Ill get a taxi.2.A:Why dont you get a taxi? B:Ill only get a taxi if I miss the bus.3.A:Are you going to get a taxi? B:No,but I will if I miss the bus.4.A:Youre going to miss the bus! B:It doesnt matter. If I miss the bus,Ill get a taxi. 5.A:What will / Whatll happen if it rains tomorrow? B:Theyll get wet.6.A:Itll probably rain tomorrow. B:If it does,theyll get wet.7.A:They wont get wet tomorrow. B:They will if it rains.1.Lucy asks her father to turn the music down,because it is too loud.2.He apologizes to her and asks her,Am I interrupting your homework?3.He isnt but Lucy had a lesson today about hearing,and she shows him a webpage about noise and hearing.4.She tells him,If you arent careful,youll become deaf.And he says,I will turn the sound down.I promise.1.If the weathers fine tomorrow,Ill go to the beach.2.If the weathers terrible next week,Ill stay at home.3.If I get up very late tomorrow,Ill be late for college/work/school.4.If I have a day off next week,Ill visit my grandparents.5.If I go to a pop concert and the musics too loud,Ill leave. 6.If someone invites me to an art exhibition next week,Ill wear my best clothes.How to enjoy a partyPicture this.You get an email.someone has invited you to a party.How do you feel about it?Happy?Excited?Or miserable?If you feel miserable,you are not alone.Many people feel the same.But a shy person can enjoy a party.Heres how.First,dont go to the party late.If you go early ,it will be easier for you to meet one or two people and talk to them.Second,dont look down.If you look at people and smile,you will seem friendly.People will want to talk to you.Third,be interested in other people.Ask questions,and listen to the answers,If its difficult for you to ask good questions,why dont you try these six?What do you do?Where do you do it?How do you do it?How do you feel about it?Why do you feel like that?What are you like,as a person?If you ask these questions,you will forget about being shy,and youll make some friends too.HomeWork1.单词:三英一汉,音标一遍2.录音:U11第2,3,4部分录音 每天十分钟3.作文:Page88 Part4
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