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Unit 17 DisabilitiesUnit 17 Disabilities基础落实基础落实.重点单词思忆重点单词思忆1.A good teacher has to be able to1.A good teacher has to be able to ( (激发激发) his students.) his students.2.The old man dressed in rags was present 2.The old man dressed in rags was present at the wedding at the wedding ( (仪式仪式).).3.The streets were full of crowds,all 3.The streets were full of crowds,all celebrating an Italian celebrating an Italian ( (胜利胜利). ). motivatemotivateceremonyceremonyvictoryvictory4.The orchestra is 4.The orchestra is ( (指挥指挥) by John.) by John.5.Buchan succeeds in making a difficult 5.Buchan succeeds in making a difficult subject subject ( (易接近的易接近的) to the ) to the readers. readers.conductedconductedaccessibleaccessible.考纲词汇拓展考纲词汇拓展1.1. adjadj. .有天赋的有天赋的 n n. .礼物;天赋礼物;天赋2.2. vtvt. .援助,帮助援助,帮助 adjadj. .副副 的;助理的;的;助理的;n n. .助手助手 n n. .帮助;帮助; 辅助辅助3.3. n n. .鼓励鼓励 vtvt. .鼓鼓 励,激励励,激励 adjadj. .令人鼓舞的令人鼓舞的 adjadj. .感到鼓舞的感到鼓舞的giftedgiftedgiftgiftassistassistassistantassistantassistanceassistanceencouragementencouragementencourageencourageencouragingencouragingencouragedencouraged4.4. vivi. .参与参与, ,参加参加 n n. . 参加参加 n n. .参与者参与者5.5. vtvt. .主持;引导;控制主持;引导;控制 n n. . 管理者;售票员管理者;售票员6.6. n n. .同情(心)同情(心) v v. .同同 情;赞同情;赞同 adjadj. . 同情的;有同情同情的;有同情 心的心的 participateparticipateparticipationparticipationparticipantparticipantconductconductconductorconductorsympathysympathysympathizesympathizesympatheticsympathetic.重要短语识记重要短语识记1.1. ones dream ones dream实现某人的梦想实现某人的梦想2.make a 2.make a to.to.对对做出贡献做出贡献3.get 3.get toto适应于;习惯于适应于;习惯于4.develop ones 4.develop ones 发挥某人的潜力发挥某人的潜力5.adjust 5.adjust 适应于适应于6.get 6.get 四处走动四处走动7.prepare 7.prepare 为为做准备做准备8.8. in in参加参加9.9. in in参加参加比赛比赛10.compete 10.compete 为得到为得到而竞争而竞争11.live 11.live 与与一起生活;忍受一起生活;忍受12.belong 12.belong 属于属于realizerealizecontributioncontributionbe/usedbe/usedpotentialpotentialtotoaroundaroundforforparticipateparticipatecompetecompeteforforwithwithtoto.经典句式再现经典句式再现1.I know people are trying to help,but I 1.I know people are trying to help,but I ( (希望他们不要把我看成小孩希望他们不要把我看成小孩).).2.But when class is over and her classmates 2.But when class is over and her classmates ( (起来四处走动起来四处走动) ), (很显然)(很显然)that Xiaowens that Xiaowens life is different. life is different. wish they wouldnt treat me as if I werewish they wouldnt treat me as if I werea childa childget up to move aroundget up to move aroundititbecomes obviousbecomes obvious3.She uses a wheelchair to get around and 3.She uses a wheelchair to get around and ( (她常常用稍微长一些的时间她常常用稍微长一些的时间 做日常事情做日常事情),such as getting out of bed,),such as getting out of bed, getting dressed and going to class. getting dressed and going to class.4.We know that4.We know that ( (我们我们 不能让身体残疾限制一个人的生活不能让身体残疾限制一个人的生活).).5. 5. ( (三分之一的学生是盲人,三分之一的学生是盲人, 其余的是聋子其余的是聋子)or have no disability. )or have no disability. it often takes her a little longer to doit often takes her a little longer to doeveryday thingseveryday thingswe cant let physicalwe cant let physicaldisabilities limit a persons lifedisabilities limit a persons lifeOne third of the students are blind andOne third of the students are blind andthe rest are deafthe rest are deaf6.They not only learn how to assist disabled 6.They not only learn how to assist disabled people, people, ( (而而 且也学习相互协作的重要性以便实现人生的目标且也学习相互协作的重要性以便实现人生的目标).).7.Maybe it is time for the rest of society to 7.Maybe it is time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the fact accept me as I am and get used to the fact that that ( (虽然我虽然我 不能走路,但我能做许多其他了不起的事情不能走路,但我能做许多其他了不起的事情).).8.Fortunately,we have now realised that8.Fortunately,we have now realised that ( (有许多有益有许多有益 的事情可做的事情可做). ). but also learn the importance ofbut also learn the importance ofcooperating to reach their goals in lifecooperating to reach their goals in lifewhile I may not be able to walk,therewhile I may not be able to walk,thereare many other great things I can doare many other great things I can dotherethereis much that can be done to helpis much that can be done to help导练互动导练互动重点单词重点单词1.assist1.assist They not only learn how to They not only learn how to disabled people,.( disabled people,.(回归课本回归课本P P5252) )观察思考观察思考 She assisted her sister with her lesson. She assisted her sister with her lesson. 她帮助妹妹做功课。她帮助妹妹做功课。 We will assist you in finding somewhere We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. to live.我们将帮你找个住的地方。我们将帮你找个住的地方。 assistassist 归纳拓展归纳拓展 assist assist词性:词性: 意思:意思: with sth. with sth. to do sth. to do sth. in (doing) sth. in (doing) sth.(2 2)assistance assistance n n. .帮助;辅助帮助;辅助 come to ones assistance come to ones assistance帮助某人帮助某人 with the assistance of with the assistance of在在的帮助的帮助/ /协助之下协助之下(3 3)assistant n.assistant n.助理助理, ,助手;助手;adjadj. .助理的;副的助理的;副的 (1 1)assist sb.assist sb.帮助某人做某事帮助某人做某事vt.vt.帮助,援助帮助,援助 能力转化能力转化(1 1)售货员经常帮助顾客找他们所寻找的东西。)售货员经常帮助顾客找他们所寻找的东西。 Salesmen always Salesmen always what they are looking for. what they are looking for.(2 2)她请求我们帮她实施那个计划。)她请求我们帮她实施那个计划。 She asked us to She asked us to carrying carrying out that plan. out that plan.(3 3)李先生是这个公司的副经理。)李先生是这个公司的副经理。 Mr.Lee is Mr.Lee is in the in the company. company. assist customers withassist customers withassist her inassist her inan assistant manageran assistant manager2.adjust2.adjust I have learnt to live with my body as it I have learnt to live with my body as it is and is and my way of life.my way of life. (回归课本(回归课本P P5252)观察思考观察思考 He adjusted (himself) very quickly to the He adjusted (himself) very quickly to the heat of the country. heat of the country. 他很快就适应了这个国家炎热的气候。他很快就适应了这个国家炎热的气候。 Check and adjust the brakes regularly. Check and adjust the brakes regularly. 定期检查和调节刹车装置。定期检查和调节刹车装置。 adjustedadjusted 归纳拓展归纳拓展 adjust adjust词性:词性: & & 意思:意思:(1 1)adjust oneself to.adjust oneself to.使自己适应使自己适应 adjust to adjust to适应适应 adapt sth.to/for. adapt sth.to/for.使某物适应或适合使某物适应或适合 adapt oneself to. adapt oneself to.使自己适应或适合使自己适应或适合(2 2)adjustment adjustment n n. .调整,修正调整,修正 adjustable adjustable adjadj. .可调节的;可调整的可调节的;可调整的 vt.vt.vi.vi.调整;调节;适应调整;调节;适应 能力转化能力转化(1 1)如果你到了一个新地方,你必须尽快调整自)如果你到了一个新地方,你必须尽快调整自 己,适应新的环境。己,适应新的环境。 If you go to a new place,you must If you go to a new place,you must the new surroundings quickly.the new surroundings quickly.(2 2)我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。)我的眼睛还没有适应黑暗。 My eyes My eyes the dark the dark yet.yet.(3 3)这辆自行车车座的高度是可以调节的。)这辆自行车车座的高度是可以调节的。 The height of the bicycle seat is The height of the bicycle seat is . . adjustadjustyourself toyourself tohavent adjusted tohavent adjusted toadjustableadjustable3.participate3.participate By preparing for and By preparing for and in the in the Special Olympics,. Special Olympics,.(回归课本(回归课本P P5555)观察思考观察思考 After class they often participate in After class they often participate in sports activities. sports activities. 课后他们常常参加体育活动。课后他们常常参加体育活动。 A true friend should participate with A true friend should participate with sufferings. sufferings. 真朋友应当共患难。真朋友应当共患难。 participatingparticipating 归纳拓展归纳拓展 participate participate词性:词性: 意思:意思:(1 1)participate in sth.participate in sth.参加某事参加某事 participate with sb. participate with sb.与某人一起分担(分享)与某人一起分担(分享) participate in=take part in, participate in=take part in,但但participate participate in in更正式更正式(2 2)participant n.participant n.参加者,参与者参加者,参与者 participation n. participation n.参与,参加参与,参加注意注意:participate in,take part in,happen,participate in,take part in,happen,occur,come about,run out,come true,break occur,come about,run out,come true,break outout等都不能用于被动语态。等都不能用于被动语态。 vi.vi.参加,参与参加,参与 能力转化能力转化(1 1)希望全班同学都参加这些讨论。)希望全班同学都参加这些讨论。 Everyone in the class is expected Everyone in the class is expected these discussions.these discussions.(2 2)我们想更多地参与决策。)我们想更多地参与决策。 We want We want in the in the decision decisionmaking. making. totoparticipate inparticipate inmore participationmore participation4.conduct4.conduct One way you can help is by One way you can help is by a a survey of the public places where you survey of the public places where you live. live.(回归课本(回归课本P P5656)观察思考观察思考 The guide conducted us around the ruins The guide conducted us around the ruins of the ancient city. of the ancient city. 导游引导我们游览了古城废墟。导游引导我们游览了古城废墟。 He conducted himself far better than He conducted himself far better than expected. expected.他表现得比预料的要好得多。他表现得比预料的要好得多。 The sport has a strict code of conduct. The sport has a strict code of conduct. 体育运动有严格的行为规范。体育运动有严格的行为规范。 conductingconducting 归纳拓展归纳拓展 conduct conduct词性:词性: & & 意思:意思: (1 1)conduct sb.conduct sb.带领某人带领某人 conduct oneself conduct oneself表现表现(2 2)under the conduct ofunder the conduct of在在指导指导/ /管理下管理下 good/bad conduct good/bad conduct好好/ /坏品行坏品行(3 3)conductor conductor n n. .指挥;售票员;管理者指挥;售票员;管理者vt.vt.n.n.实施;指挥;带实施;指挥;带领;举止,表现;行为领;举止,表现;行为 能力转化能力转化(1 1)他言行不一。)他言行不一。 His His his words.his words.(2 2)他引领观众到他们的座位上。)他引领观众到他们的座位上。 He He their their seats. seats.conduct disagrees withconduct disagrees withconducted the audience toconducted the audience to重点短语与句型重点短语与句型5.get around5.get around She uses a wheelchair to She uses a wheelchair to and and it often takes her a little longer to do it often takes her a little longer to do everyday things,. everyday things,.(回归课本(回归课本P P5151)观察思考观察思考 He was ill last week,but hes getting He was ill last week,but hes getting around/about now. around/about now. 他上周病了,但现在他正四处行走。他上周病了,但现在他正四处行走。 The child can get around. The child can get around. 这孩子会走了。这孩子会走了。 get aroundget around归纳拓展归纳拓展get around=get aboutget around=get aboutget acrossget across度过;使(某事物)被人了解度过;使(某事物)被人了解get along/onget along/on进行;过活;相处进行;过活;相处get away fromget away from避免;摆脱;离开避免;摆脱;离开get away withget away with避开责备、惩罚或灾难而顺利行事;避开责备、惩罚或灾难而顺利行事;偷走偷走get backget back回来;收回;找回回来;收回;找回get downget down记下来;打下来记下来;打下来get down toget down to开始;着手开始;着手四处走动四处走动/ /活动;(消息等)活动;(消息等)传开;逃避传开;逃避get hold ofget hold of拿到;找到;抓住拿到;找到;抓住get overget over回复;克服;复习回复;克服;复习get rid ofget rid of消灭;摆脱;除掉消灭;摆脱;除掉get throughget through做完;结束;通过;用完做完;结束;通过;用完get togetherget together聚会;联欢聚会;联欢get upget up起床;站起来;举办;打扮起床;站起来;举办;打扮get sth.inget sth.in收割;购买收割;购买 能力转化能力转化 用用getget的相关短语填空的相关短语填空(1 1)He didnt even offer to help us,but He didnt even offer to help us,but Im sure we can Im sure we can quite quite well without him. well without him.(2 2)The thieves The thieves all our all our money. money.(3 3)Its hard to Its hard to working hard working hard at our lessons after a long holiday. at our lessons after a long holiday.(4 4)Its harvest time now.The peasants Its harvest time now.The peasants are are the cropsthe crops . .(5 5)The news that they had The news that they had the the bill bill (=spread) quickly. (=spread) quickly. get along/onget along/ongot away withgot away withget down toget down togettinggettinggot throughgot throughgot aroundgot aroundinin6.I have learnt to live with my body6.I have learnt to live with my body .我已经学会了接受我的身体现状我已经学会了接受我的身体现状典例体验典例体验 We were hoping to finish it by next week We were hoping to finish it by next week ,it may be the week after.,it may be the week after. 我们本希望在下周完成我们本希望在下周完成看样子要下下周才行。看样子要下下周才行。 Teachers must put the brakes on, Teachers must put the brakes on, , , when they notice students looking puzzled. when they notice students looking puzzled. 当老师们发现学生神色茫然时,就应该在一定程度当老师们发现学生神色茫然时,就应该在一定程度 上放慢速度。上放慢速度。 as itas itisisas it isas it isas it wereas it were归纳拓展归纳拓展as it isas it isas it wereas it wereas foras for至于;关于至于;关于as a resultas a result结果结果as a result ofas a result of由于由于的结果的结果as usualas usual照例;照常;像往常一样照例;照常;像往常一样as toas to至于;根据,依照至于;根据,依照as withas with和和一样一样 照现状看,看样子;已经照现状看,看样子;已经可以说可以说; ;在一定程度上在一定程度上能力转化能力转化(1 1)他们希望星期五把厨房建完,但事实上,他)他们希望星期五把厨房建完,但事实上,他 们很可能下周还得回来。们很可能下周还得回来。 They hoped to finish the kitchen by They hoped to finish the kitchen by Friday,but Friday,but ,theyll probably ,theyll probably have to come back next week. have to come back next week.(2 2)纺织品按规格和颜色排列。)纺织品按规格和颜色排列。 The fabrics were arranged The fabrics were arranged . .as it isas it isas to sizeas to sizeand colourand colour(3 3)尼克可以留下来,至于你,你可以从我眼前)尼克可以留下来,至于你,你可以从我眼前 消失。消失。 Nick can stay,but Nick can stay,but ,you can ,you can get out of my sight. get out of my sight.(4 4)由于他犯的一次大错,他丢了工作。)由于他犯的一次大错,他丢了工作。 he made,he made, he lost his job. he lost his job.(5 5)尽管她有困难,她照样继续工作。)尽管她有困难,她照样继续工作。 Despite her problems,she carried on Despite her problems,she carried on working working . . as for youas for youAs a result of the big mistakeAs a result of the big mistakeas usualas usual【例例1 1】Frank put the medicine in a top Frank put the medicine in a top drawer to make sure it would not be drawer to make sure it would not be to the kids.( to the kids.(江西高考江西高考) ) A.accessible B.relative A.accessible B.relative C.acceptable D.sensitive C.acceptable D.sensitive 解析解析 句意为:弗兰克把药放到最上面的抽屉句意为:弗兰克把药放到最上面的抽屉 里,确保它不被孩子们够到。里,确保它不被孩子们够到。accessibleaccessible意为意为 “ “易接近的易接近的”;relativerelative意为意为“相对的;比较相对的;比较 的的”;acceptableacceptable意为意为“合意的,受欢迎的,合意的,受欢迎的, 可接受的可接受的”;sensitivesensitive意为意为“敏感的敏感的”。根。根 据句意应该选据句意应该选A A。 A考题回扣考题回扣课文原文课文原文Visit other public buildings and find out Visit other public buildings and find out whether they are whether they are or not.or not.accessibleaccessible【例例2 2】Dogs have a very good Dogs have a very good of smell of smell and are often used to search for survivors and are often used to search for survivors in an earthquake.( in an earthquake.(浙江高考浙江高考) ) A.sense B.view A.sense B.view C.means D.idea C.means D.idea 解析解析 a sense of smella sense of smell嗅觉。句意为:狗嗅觉嗅觉。句意为:狗嗅觉 灵敏,经常被用来搜寻地震中的幸存者。灵敏,经常被用来搜寻地震中的幸存者。 课文原文课文原文 . .,but there is also a strong but there is also a strong of of unity and friendship. unity and friendship. Asensesense【例例3 3】The system has been designed to give The system has been designed to give students quick and easy students quick and easy to the to the digital resources of the library. digital resources of the library. ( (浙江高考浙江高考) ) A.access B.passage A.access B.passage C.way D.approach C.way D.approach 解析解析 句意为:这个系统的目的在于让学生们句意为:这个系统的目的在于让学生们 方便快捷地使用图书馆的数字资源。方便快捷地使用图书馆的数字资源。access access to to为固定用法为固定用法, ,意为意为“可以利用,可以达到可以利用,可以达到”。 词用复数,且句子的时态用了过去时,所以词用复数,且句子的时态用了过去时,所以 D D项正确。项正确。 A课文原文课文原文We must make sure that all of us have equal We must make sure that all of us have equal to all areas and facilities.to all areas and facilities.accessaccess【例例4 4】 I really dont like art,I I really dont like art,I find his work impressive.( find his work impressive.(山东高考山东高考) ) A.As B.Since C.If D.While A.As B.Since C.If D.While 解析解析 whilewhile在此意为在此意为“尽管尽管”,相当于,相当于 although although。句意为:尽管我不是真正地喜欢艺。句意为:尽管我不是真正地喜欢艺 术,但我觉得他的作品确实能打动人术,但我觉得他的作品确实能打动人。 课文原文课文原文 Maybe its time for the rest of society Maybe its time for the rest of society to accept me as I am and get used to the to accept me as I am and get used to the fact that fact that I may not be able to I may not be able to walk,there are many other great things I walk,there are many other great things I can do. can do. Dwhilewhile技能提升技能提升高考书面表达中常见的错误分析高考书面表达中常见的错误分析( (一一) ) 1. 1.关系不一致关系不一致 英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不英语语法要求意义一致。所谓意义一致,不仅指谓语要与主语在人称和数上保持一致,还指仅指谓语要与主语在人称和数上保持一致,还指谓语要与主语所表达的实际意义一致。谓语要与主语所表达的实际意义一致。 2. 2.词性混淆词性混淆 词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越有利词汇对于写作相当重要,词汇量越大越有利于写作。但是,有的学生平时在记单词时,只记于写作。但是,有的学生平时在记单词时,只记拼写、读音和词义而忽略词性,这是不对的。因拼写、读音和词义而忽略词性,这是不对的。因为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充为英语句子的各个成分都是由一定词性的词来充当的。当的。 3. 3.用词累赘用词累赘 “ “累赘累赘”现象普遍存在于习作之中,要避免这现象普遍存在于习作之中,要避免这一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学习一现象的发生,必须加强语言基本功训练,学习中要勤思多练。中要勤思多练。 4. 4.无连接词错误无连接词错误 汉语句子是重汉语句子是重“意合意合”,句子前后连接主要,句子前后连接主要通过上下文的逻辑意义来实现,连接词的使用远通过上下文的逻辑意义来实现,连接词的使用远少于英语;而英语句子的特点之一是重少于英语;而英语句子的特点之一是重“形合形合”,”,句子的各个部分要由各种连词、关系代词等连接句子的各个部分要由各种连词、关系代词等连接起来,由于这一特点,很多学生在写作时往往忘起来,由于这一特点,很多学生在写作时往往忘了使用连接词,造成诸多病句。了使用连接词,造成诸多病句。 5. 5.非完整句错误非完整句错误 一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分一个句子至少包括主语和谓语两部分( (祈使句祈使句除外除外) ),如果将句子的某一部分当作一个完整的句,如果将句子的某一部分当作一个完整的句子,就会导致非完整句错误。写作中,很多学生子,就会导致非完整句错误。写作中,很多学生会犯此错误,对此应特别注意。会犯此错误,对此应特别注意。 6. 6.选词或搭配不当选词或搭配不当 对英语词汇的理解,不能只停留在了解其表对英语词汇的理解,不能只停留在了解其表面意义上,而应掌握内在含义,同时要熟悉它们面意义上,而应掌握内在含义,同时要熟悉它们的习惯搭配。平时学习词汇时,要勤于思考,勤的习惯搭配。平时学习词汇时,要勤于思考,勤查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切查词典,尤其要多记英语解释,弄清它们的确切意思和用法,以免造成错误。意思和用法,以免造成错误。 自主检测自主检测.品句填词品句填词1.The new graduates receive their degrees 1.The new graduates receive their degrees at a special at a special ( (典礼典礼).).2.The documentary aroused public2.The documentary aroused public ( (同情同情) for victims of the disaster.) for victims of the disaster.3.The agency offers practical 3.The agency offers practical ( (指指 导导)to people starting their own business.)to people starting their own business.4.4. ( (残疾残疾) is a physical or mental ) is a physical or mental injury or illness that prevents someone injury or illness that prevents someone from living a normal life. from living a normal life.ceremonyceremonysympathysympathyguidanceguidanceDisabilityDisability5.Despite his cries,no one came to his 5.Despite his cries,no one came to his ( (帮助帮助).).6.All children should be encouraged to 6.All children should be encouraged to realize their full realize their full ( (潜力潜力).).7.Her designs have a good 7.Her designs have a good ( (视觉的视觉的) ) appeal. appeal.8.He is really an extraordinary 8.He is really an extraordinary ( (有有 天赋的天赋的) biochemist.) biochemist.9.Our 9.Our ( (胜利胜利)is well worth celebrating.)is well worth celebrating.10.The island is 10.The island is ( (能进入的能进入的) only ) only by boat. by boat. assistanceassistancepotentialpotentialvisualvisualgiftedgiftedvictoryvictoryaccessibleaccessible.用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空1.It is time that the rest of society 1.It is time that the rest of society (accept) me as (accept) me as I am and get used to the fact. I am and get used to the fact.2.Creative thinking is one of the most 2.Creative thinking is one of the most highly highly (value) skills in society.(value) skills in society.3.Every new thought or idea has to3.Every new thought or idea has to (connect) to what we already (connect) to what we already know. know.should accept/acceptedshould accept/acceptedvaluedvaluedconnectedconnectedbebe4.A computer 4.A computer (keep) information in (keep) information in its memory. its memory.5.By preparing for and5.By preparing for and (participate) in the Special Olympics, (participate) in the Special Olympics, mentally disabled children and adults can mentally disabled children and adults can develop their ability to move and gain develop their ability to move and gain their self their selfconfidence.confidence.keepskeepsparticipatingparticipating.翻译句子翻译句子1.1.这本书的大部分我都读过了,其余的部分比较这本书的大部分我都读过了,其余的部分比较 难。(难。(the restthe rest) . .2.2.我已经逐渐习惯了这里的气候和饮食。(我已经逐渐习惯了这里的气候和饮食。(get get used to used to) . .I have read a large part of the book;theI have read a large part of the book;therest is more difficultrest is more difficultI have got used to the climate and foodI have got used to the climate and foodherehere3.3.她必须使自己能适应新的环境。(她必须使自己能适应新的环境。(adjustadjust) . .4.4.是我妹妹该下定决心努力学习的时候了。是我妹妹该下定决心努力学习的时候了。 (Its time.Its time.) . .5.5.心理上的疾病比身体上的疾病更难治愈。心理上的疾病比身体上的疾病更难治愈。 (more thanmore than) . . She will have to adjust herself to newShe will have to adjust herself to newconditionsconditionsIts time that my sister made up herIts time that my sister made up hermind to work hardmind to work hardMental diseases are more difficult toMental diseases are more difficult tocure than physical onescure than physical ones.单句改错单句改错1.Skiing is one of my most favorite sports. 1.Skiing is one of my most favorite sports. 2.How much time will it spend you to finish 2.How much time will it spend you to finish your report? your report? 3.He came here aiming to getting his lost 3.He came here aiming to getting his lost watch back. watch back.4.Dont you think it shame that you missed 4.Dont you think it shame that you missed the concert? the concert? 5.How many athletes participated the 2004 5.How many athletes participated the 2004 Athens Summer Olympics? Athens Summer Olympics?去掉去掉mostmostspendtakespendtakegettinggetgettinggetshameshame前加前加a aparticipatedparticipated后加后加in in 6.Never to rely on him to get something new 6.Never to rely on him to get something new about the murder. about the murder.7.Do you think he will bring you that you 7.Do you think he will bring you that you want this time? want this time? 8.The recent studies has shown that heart 8.The recent studies has shown that heart attack is usually linked with eating too attack is usually linked with eating too much fat. much fat. 9.After a long period of trial and errors,9.After a long period of trial and errors, they made the new machine more efficient. they made the new machine more efficient. 10.I preferred to getting the article typed 10.I preferred to getting the article typed rather than copy it myself. rather than copy it myself.去掉第一个去掉第一个totothatwhatthatwhathashavehashaveerrorserrorerrorserrorgettingget gettingget .单项填空单项填空1.Every four years,many athletes from 1.Every four years,many athletes from different countries different countries the Olympic the Olympic Games. Games. A.play a part in A.play a part in B.join B.join C.participate in C.participate in D.attend to D.attend to 解析解析 “参加奥运会参加奥运会”用用participate inparticipate in或或 take part in take part in或或join injoin in。C2.I dont think there is much sense 2.I dont think there is much sense them advice.They wont take it. them advice.They wont take it. A.to give B.to giving A.to give B.to giving C.in give D.in giving C.in give D.in giving 解析解析 there is no sense in doing sth.there is no sense in doing sth.是固是固 定句式,意思是定句式,意思是“做某事没有意义做某事没有意义”。 D3.I learned how to ski 3.I learned how to ski his guidance. his guidance. A.under B.over A.under B.over C.at D.for C.at D.for 解析解析 句意为:我在他的指导下学习滑雪。句意为:我在他的指导下学习滑雪。 under ones guidance under ones guidance在某人的指导下。在某人的指导下。4.He has 4.He has for them in their suffering.for them in their suffering. A.no sympathies A.no sympathies B.no sympathy B.no sympathy C.not a sympathy C.not a sympathy D.not any sympathies D.not any sympathies 解析解析 sympathysympathy是不可数名词。是不可数名词。 AB5.I have been having violin lessons 5.I have been having violin lessons two weeks,but I think Ill make it every two weeks,but I think Ill make it every week from next month. week from next month. A.every B.each A.every B.each C.another D.a C.another D.a 解析解析 “every+“every+基数词基数词+ +复数名词复数名词”译为:每译为:每 隔隔。 A6.Did you make sense of what the man said 6.Did you make sense of what the man said just now? just now? No,his meaning didnt No,his meaning didnt .Would you .Would you explain it for me? explain it for me? A.get through B.get off A.get through B.get off C.get across D.get out C.get across D.get out 解析解析 get acrossget across传达;使某人明白意义。传达;使某人明白意义。 C7.We had a very 7.We had a very meetingI felt we meetingI felt we sorted out a lot of problems. sorted out a lot of problems. A.proper B.principal A.proper B.principal C.promising D.productive C.promising D.productive 解析解析 productiveproductive富有成效的。富有成效的。8.Last Saturday evening we went to a 8.Last Saturday evening we went to a concert that was concert that was by a world by a world famous conductor. famous conductor. A.conducted B.performed A.conducted B.performed C.appreciated D.recognized C.appreciated D.recognized 解析解析 conductconduct主持。主持。DA9.I hit him 9.I hit him on on nose. nose. A.fair;his A.fair;his B.fairly;the B.fairly;the C.fair;the C.fair;the D.fairly;his D.fairly;his 解析解析 fairfair可作副词,意为可作副词,意为“直接地,正好直接地,正好”,”, 而而fairlyfairly作副词时意为作副词时意为“颇为,相当地颇为,相当地”。根。根 据句意据句意“我正好打中他的鼻子我正好打中他的鼻子”可推知可推知C C为正确为正确 选项。选项。 C10.Liu Xiang has become young peoples 10.Liu Xiang has become young peoples idol idol ,the man they all want to ,the man they all want to be. be. A.as it is B.as it were A.as it is B.as it were C.as well as D.as if C.as well as D.as if 解析解析 as it isas it is侧重于侧重于“照现状看,是某人照现状看,是某人/ / 某物本身的形式某物本身的形式”,as it wereas it were侧重于侧重于“一定一定 程度上程度上”,”,相当于相当于to some degreeto some degree。句意为。句意为: :在在 一定程度上刘翔已经成了年轻人的偶像,一个一定程度上刘翔已经成了年轻人的偶像,一个 他们都想成为的人。他们都想成为的人。as it wereas it were为正确选项。为正确选项。 B11.Its high time I 11.Its high time I my daughter. my daughter. A.fetch B.to fetch A.fetch B.to fetch C.fetched D.will fetch C.fetched D.will fetch 解析解析 Its time that.Its time that.中,中,thatthat从句中的从句中的 谓语动词用过去式或者谓语动词用过去式或者“should+“should+动词原形动词原形”。 C12.Half of the class12.Half of the class most of the work.most of the work. The rest The rest really difficult. really difficult. A.have done;is A.have done;is B.has done;are B.has done;are C.has done;is C.has done;is D.have done;are D.have done;are 解析解析 从句意看,此句中的从句意看,此句中的classclass指全班人,指全班人, 谓语用复数。谓语用复数。the restthe rest作主语时,谓语形式的作主语时,谓语形式的 单复数取决于单复数取决于restrest所指代的内容,此句中的所指代的内容,此句中的 rest rest指前句中的指前句中的workwork,故谓语用单数。,故谓语用单数。 A13.People believe that we 13.People believe that we a special a special ability to learn language and that our ability to learn language and that our brain brain itself to the language we itself to the language we heard around us. heard around us. A.are prepared for;adjusts A.are prepared for;adjusts B.are equipped for;adapts B.are equipped for;adapts C.are armed with;fits C.are armed with;fits D.are equipped with;adjusts D.are equipped with;adjusts 解析解析 句意为:人们相信我们具有学习语言的句意为:人们相信我们具有学习语言的 能力,而且我们的大脑能够根据我们听到的语能力,而且我们的大脑能够根据我们听到的语 言调整它自己。根据句意知言调整它自己。根据句意知D D正确。正确。 D14.She had to go abroad for further 14.She had to go abroad for further education,education, for universities in her country were not for universities in her country were not to women at that time.to women at that time. A.accessible B.beneficial A.accessible B.beneficial C.independent D.remarkable C.independent D.remarkable 解析解析 accessible accessible adjadj. .可接近的;可进入的;可接近的;可进入的; 可使用的,常用于短语可使用的,常用于短语be accessible to sb.be accessible to sb.。 beneficial beneficial有益的;有益的;independentindependent独立的;独立的; remarkable remarkable明显的。明显的。 A15.My granny 15.My granny live in the country by live in the country by herself,but now she has been used to herself,but now she has been used to together with us in the city.together with us in the city. A.used to;live A.used to;live B.got used to;living B.got used to;living C.used to;living C.used to;living D.was used to;live D.was used to;live 解析解析 used to doused to do过去常常;过去常常;be used to be used to doing sth. doing sth.习惯于做某事,根据句意选习惯于做某事,根据句意选C C。 C返回9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。2024/7/292024/7/29Monday, July 29, 202410、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/2024 9:21:51 AM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29Jul-2429-Jul-2412、故人江海别,几度隔山川。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29Monday, July 29, 202413、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/202414、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。29 七月 20242024/7/292024/7/292024/7/2915、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。七月 242024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/202416、行动出成果,工作出财富。2024/7/292024/7/2929 July 202417、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/292024/7/299、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。2024/7/292024/7/29Monday, July 29, 202410、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/2024 9:21:51 AM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29Jul-2429-Jul-2412、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29Monday, July 29, 202413、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。29 七月 20242024/7/292024/7/292024/7/2915、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。七月 242024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/202416、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2024/7/292024/7/2929 July 202417、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/292024/7/299、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。2024/7/292024/7/29Monday, July 29, 202410、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/2024 9:21:51 AM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29Jul-2429-Jul-2412、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29Monday, July 29, 202413、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/202414、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。29 七月 20242024/7/292024/7/292024/7/2915、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。七月 242024/7/292024/7/292024/7/297/29/202416、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2024/7/292024/7/2929 July 202417、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。2024/7/292024/7/292024/7/292024/7/29MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce id urna blandit, eleifend nulla ac, fringilla purus. Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus. 感感 谢谢 您您 的的 下下 载载 观观 看看专家告诉
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