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THE GREAT DEPRESSION 经济大萧条Brief introductionEffectsCausesMeasuresThe Great DepressionBrief introductionThe Great Depression(1929-1933),originated in U.S. history, the severe(严重的) economic crisis supposedly precipitated by the U.S. stock-market crash of October 29, 1929 (known as Black Tuesday). From there, it quickly spread to almost every country in the world.It was the longest, most widespread, and deepest depression of the 20th century.Effects:Unemployment and homelessness increasedBank Closings - the collapse of the nations financial systemPolitical UnrestFarm Foreclosures 在布鲁克林区的“血汗工厂”里,15岁左右的童工每周只挣二元七角八分。女工每周工作50小时,报酬是二元三角九分。 当然,人在街头流浪久了,也能找到一些窍门。譬如,花五分钱要一杯咖啡,然后白要一杯开水,把柜台上的番茄酱倒一些同开水一搅和,就算是番茄汤了。 -摘自威廉.曼彻斯特光荣与梦想 1932年6月,美国东北各名牌大学的应届毕业生步21974名老学长的后尘,也在拼命找工作了。那时连在纽约百货公司开电梯也要有学士学位,而且对他们当中好些人说来,这已是最好的差使了 -摘自威廉.曼彻斯特光荣与梦想Causes:It had been the immense disparity between the countrys productive power and the American peoples ability to consume.Herbert Clark Hoover(赫伯特克拉克胡佛)
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