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中学英语教学研讨会中学英语教学研讨会 M11 Unit 1 Careers and skillsTask Choosing a job for yourself (2)Writing a diary entryDavid ClarkWhat David Clark likes about being a male nurse: get to meet a lot of new people (have more) training opportunities (have some) flexibility(灵活性灵活性) in the time you get off work be wonderful to think that you can help patients get betterBenefits of having male nurses in hospitals: be equally as good as women at taking care of others be physically stronger than women be of a great help in keeping patients still see things from a different angle from women bring a male way of thinking to problem-solving help create a fun atmosphere with a mix of male and female nurses, which helps patient recover faster help create a positive balance between male and female staff with more male nurses, allowing patients the choice of a male or female carer .Other possible benefits of being a male nurse: Be able to specialize in what Im really interested in Be likely to make friends with different people Possibly live with parents Have more chances to meet with girls . Wearing a uniform at work means saving more money because I dont need to buy clothes for work.Are you for or against being a male nurse? Positive point of viewNegative point of view angles in white be in great need help society function well meet with different people daily . a career for girls a lower salary long working hours Every day will be the same. .angels in whiteas essential as water to society as busy as a bee as poor as a church mouse When writing a diary, you first need to make a note of the date. Then you need to think about what kind of things you will write about. Often diary entries include the following: what happened during a day how you felt or how you feel now your opinions what you think will happen next what you might do nextYou also need to think about which tense to use. You need to use adjectives to describe emotions, and you can use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid.Skills building 3: writing a diary entryAfter todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice审题审题: _: _1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2. Write the diary entry in about 120 words.a diary entry 体裁体裁 要点要点 要求要求(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . . They believed . However, I explained. (事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心) 日记多用日记多用I/ I/ we we our class I 多用过去时态多用过去时态toldhad agreed 展望未来,发表感想、展望未来,发表感想、决心可用一般将来时决心可用一般将来时Ill have 审题审题: _: _体裁体裁 要点要点人称人称 时态时态要求要求日记模板日记模板日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.日记模板日记模板(Saturday) November 7th Fine Today our class had a discussion about. / Today I found out some facts about . (主要事件主要事件) I told my parents about . / I had a conversation with my parents about . At first, they were strongly against . They believed . However, I explained.(事件过程事件过程) Finally, they agreed . (事件结果事件结果) I felt . (感想感想) I think ./ From now on, Ill have . Im sure Ill make myself . (决心决心)After todays discussion about “choosing a job for yourself”, youve decided to be a male nurse and have managed to persuade your parents to agree with your career choice. Now please write a diary entry including the following: 1.What facts do you know about male nurses from the discussion?2.How did you persuade your parents to agree with you? What will you do to achieve your goal?Writing practice1.Try to use similes and metaphors to make your writing more vivid and persuasive.2.Write the diary entry in about 120 words.Saturday November 7th Fine Today, I found out some facts about a job as a male nurse. I am quite interested in the job and think I am qualified for it. Therefore, I have decided to be a male nurse after graduation. I told my parents about my decision. At first, they were strongly against my choice and tried to persuade me to give it up. They thought that it was a job that better suits women than men and that I might be as busy as a bee every day. However, I explained that times are changing and nursing is no longer a career for girls only. In contrast, more male angels in white are in great need. Many ordinary jobs like the nurse may look dull, but they are as essential as water to our society. Besides, I was so caring, practical, patient and hard-working that I could make an excellent carer. In the end, they agreed to my choice. I felt as happy as a king because they understood and support my decision. I think I will study hard to make myself a qualified nurse. I feel that it is the ideal career for me.What do you like about being a cleaner?Japanese cleanersIf no one was to collect the rubbish,.mountains of rubbishmouse disaster If no one was to collect the rubbish, the streets would soon become very dirty and unpleasant, the number of rats would increase and disease would spread. Without cleaners, there would be mountains of rubbish in the street over one night, and thus a mouse disaster would occur. Many ordinary jobs may look dull, but they are as essential as water to society. These people perform such ordinary but vital tasks that they allow us to go about our daily life.Different careers need different qualities.If you want to succeed in life, you need to be as hungry as a lion.Wish everybody good luck in the future!All the jobs help society function.Homework Please write another diary about cleaners and think about what you really want to do in the future.
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