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水煮鱼Spicy Boiled Fish Ingredients w1. 500g A grass Carp fish or catfish or Hei Fish (You can choose other less fishbone river fish) 草鱼1只(鲶鱼、黑鱼等都行约1斤半)w2. 200g soybean sprouts 黄豆芽200克 w3. 100g Dry chili pepper 干辣椒(剪成段)100克 w4. 20g Flower pepper 花椒20克 w5. 30ml Chili sauce (recommend Pixian chili sauce) 郫县豆瓣(剁碎)2汤匙(30ml) w6. 15ml Soy sauce 酱油1汤匙(15ml)w7. 10g Slice ginger 姜片10克 8. 15g Minced garlic 蒜末15克9. 30ml Corn starch 淀粉2汤匙(30ml)10. One Egg white 蛋清1只 11. 10ml Cooking wine (Yellow rice wine) 料酒2茶匙(10ml) Directions 1.First clean up the fresh fish, use the body part, the extra part can use to cook for the broth 先处理鱼。将杀好的鱼洗净,剁去鱼鳍,切下鱼头 2.Separate the fish meat and the mean fishbone 紧贴鱼骨将鱼身的肉片下 3.Keep the fish skin on the top, slice the fish like 0.5cm thick 将片下的鱼肉鱼皮朝下,斜片成厚约0.5厘米的鱼片4.Use 5 ml (=1 teaspoon) cooking wine, 10ml (=2 teaspoon) corn starch, 1/2 egg white and moderate salt mix together then let it soak for 15 minutes将鱼片和鱼排鱼头分别用1茶匙料酒、2茶匙淀粉和1/2个蛋清和适量的盐抓匀,腌制15分钟 5. heat the water to boil, put moderate salt then cook the Soybeans sprouts until see the water boil again, put the cooked yellow bean sprouts on the bottom serving bowl 锅中烧热水,放入适量盐,放入豆芽煮熟,捞出铺在一个深盆的底部待用 6. put 3 table spoon the cooked flavor oil then put the minced chili sauce stir-fry to flavor comes out. Then add 10g dry chili pepper, 10g flower pepper, 15g minced garlic and 10g slice ginger to cook until the good flavor comes out 炒锅烧热,放入炒锅烧热,放入3汤匙的五香油,放入剁碎的郫县豆瓣汤匙的五香油,放入剁碎的郫县豆瓣炒香。加入炒香。加入10克干辣椒段、克干辣椒段、10克花椒、蒜末、姜片炒香。克花椒、蒜末、姜片炒香。7. Add the light broth (or boil water) should be cover the fish meat 加入清汤(或者开水),没过鱼肉加入清汤(或者开水),没过鱼肉 8. After the flavor soup boiled, one by one put the slice fish meat in this hot soup, until see the fish meat color change like white then turn off the heat. Let the fish meat and soup together put above the yellow bean sprouts in the serving bowl. 烧沸以后,将腌制好的鱼片一片片地烧沸以后,将腌制好的鱼片一片片地放入,待鱼片煮变色以后关火。将鱼片和汤汁一起倒入铺放入,待鱼片煮变色以后关火。将鱼片和汤汁一起倒入铺好豆芽的深盆中好豆芽的深盆中9. Pour the hot flavor oil with chili pepper and flower pepper on the fish meat 将热五香油浇在鱼片上即可 Cooking Tips 1.Please do not eat the dry chili pepper and flower pepper. It is just for the flavor 不要食用辣椒2.Serving with a bowl of white rice can reduce the spicy for you if this dish is so spicy for you 配上米饭可降低辣味8 以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢以上有不当之处,请大家给与批评指正,谢谢大家!谢大家!
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