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Unit 4Text A American Dream:Everyone can succeed as long as he works hardAmericanDreamnThebeliefofAmericansthattheircountryoffersopportunitiesforagoodandsuccessfullife.Forminoritiesandimmigrants,thedreamalsoincludesfreedomandequalrightsnBecause Americans rejected the European system of society, they had to find a substitute for judging social status. The quality and quantity of an individuals material possessions became the accepted measure of success and social status.nHard work has been both necessary and rewarding for most Americans throughout their history. Because of this, they have come to see material possessions as the natural reward for their hard work. In some ways, material possessions are seen not only as apparent evidence of peoples work, but also of their abilities.1. What is American Dream in your opinion?2. What is the reason why there is American Dream rather than Russian Dream or Korean Dream?3. What is your personal dream? How are you going to make your dream come true?collocations:tomowthegardentoweedtheyardtosweepthelawntocleanupanylittletaskstotakecareofheavyobjectstoliftthewalkstofixthingsTextanalysisTimewordsandphrasesinthenarration:OneeveningSummerpassedintofallTony worked as a help at Mr. Crawfords houseTony got a job clearing snow at Mr. Crawfords factoryTony became a skilled worker through learningTony bought a house with the help of Mr. CrawfordTony bought a farm and sent for his family in ItalySimilarities between the fulfillment of Tonys and American industrialists American dreamDifferences between the fulfillment of Tonys and American industrialists American dreamParagraph1-10Imowyourlawn-4times:showsTonysdeterminationinfindingajobandhisoptimisticviewthatpeoplewouldhelpamanwhoneededajobdetermination,persistence,constancy,willpower,perserveranceWhatcanyouinfer?nTomowthelawnnToweedthegardennTosweepthewalksnTocleanuptheyardnTotakecareofanylittletasknToliftheavyobjectsnTofixthingshardworking,helpful,diligent,industrious,studiousHowtomakeinferenceNostatementclaimingTonytobeagoodworker.youcaninferfromotherpeoplescompliments”1,mywifesaidhewasveryhelpful2,thepersonneldepartment“saidTonywasaverygoodworker”3,Igotareportthathehadgraduatedasaskilledgrinder4,thefarmgreenwithvegetables,thelittlehouselivableandhomeyn1.turn awayv.拒绝帮助;不让进入e.g. turn away a beggar/a salesmanA true and trustworthy friend never turns down a friend in trouble.Decline ones help, invitation,Refuse 2.assumev.1)假设;认为e.g. His wallet was missing and he assumed that one of his roommates stole it.2)担任;承当assume a difficult task/a leading role Who will assume the next American president? when you are assuming the monitor, you have to be responsible for the whole class Paragraph11-16WhatsTonysrequest?1,gotafull-timejob-stable2,wantedtobeapprenticetogetskillEvaluation:1,thepersonnelsaidhewasgoodworker2,hegraduatedasaskilledgrinderPersonality:nGo-aheadismnUpandcomingnAggressivenAmbitousnSelf-motivatednpositivity3, capacity:the ability to catch or do sth. have the capacity for/to do do sth to ones full capacity 充分发挥聪明才智Those math problems were beyond my capacityHousewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full capacity.我怀疑托尼是否有能力学会看图纸,用千分尺,是否能胜任做精密加工工作。Tonytookacutinpay:TonyssalarywascutintohalfGrinder:研磨工Millionthsofaninch:百万分之一寸Hundredthsofonemeter百分之一米Shapethegrindingwheel:makewheel制作砂轮shapeagoodcharacter塑造好的性格eventswhichshapepeopleslives决定人一生的大事Aninstrumentsetwithadiamond:equippedwithdiamond镶嵌着金刚石的工具turn downv.1)拒绝;摒斥(提议、建议等)Law should be made to prevent disabled young people from being turned down by colleges and universities.2)转小或扭小(煤气、音响等)Would you please turn down the TV a little? You know I am writing a term paper.instrumentn.工具,器械,仪器musical/lab instruments辩instrument/equipment/apparatusinstrument通常指比较精密的器具、器械equipment指为了进行研究、旅行、战争等所需要的装备apparatus一般仅指仪器、成套的工具Paragraph17-21WhyTonycanbuythathouse?1,gurantee2,interest3,amanofcharacterworthyoftrust4,agoodjob5,hard-workingTonywantedtobuyahouseedge:刀刃,刀锋,锐利,边,边缘,边界,界线aknifewithasharpedge有利刃的刀theedgeofthetable桌子边theedgeofthecliff崖边Ontheedgeoftown:-suburbedger:磨边机,刨边机edges:优势nwrecknWreckage失事,沉船残骸;沉船漂浮物;残货nWreckednwreckingrekinn.失事,遇难船,营救难船nPlane,carcrashnCarsmashLoanmoneyoncredit,realpropertytogetinterest利息Loanmoneyoncharacter:loanmoneyaccordingtohisgood,reliablepersonalityLot:签,抽签,运气,命运,一块地方drawbylot,drawlotsdecidebylot抽签决定ThelotcanbeplantedwitheggplantsReluctant:unwilling to do sth. be reluctant to do sth He is reluctant to borrow me the moneyReluctance,ReluctantlyMortgage:topaythemortgage偿付抵押Lending Policies of Mortgage Banksn抵押银行的借贷政策The house was mortgaged to the bank.住宅抵押给银行。a mortgage that is subordinate to a first mortgage.次于第一按揭的抵押。Mortgage is ration for first- time buyer.n抵押只限给初次购买者downpayment首付分期付款:1,budgetplan2,dividedpayments3,InstallmentDiscard: desertnv.(正式)抛弃,丢弃discardoneswife遗弃妻子discardoldbeliefs抛弃旧信念discardprejudices放弃偏见discardthedrossandselecttheessential去粗取精discardedParagraph22-27Tonysoldhishouse,andboughtafarm-torealizehisdreamIntheeyeofTonysfriend,Tonywasamillionaire-successfulbyhisstep-by-stephardworkAbandonn放弃(=desert)遗弃,丢弃放肆,放纵;沉湎于nabandononesidea放弃自己的想法nHeabandonedhiswifeandchild.他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子。n.abandononeselfto沉缅于,陷入drug,depression,self-accusationSelf-abandoned自暴自弃的nDonotabandonyourselftodespair.自暴自弃,悲观失望nTheyabandonthemselvestodrinkingnAbandononeselftohisfate自生自灭abandon强调“完全、永远地遗弃”,尤其是指遗弃以前感兴趣或负有责任的人或物,如:Sheabandonedherchild.她遗弃了她的孩子。discard:强调丢掉“无用的东西”,遗弃desert强调“违背誓言、命令、责任、义务等”,Thesoldierdesertedhiscountryandhelpedtheenemy.那个士兵叛国助敌。forsake指“遗弃某人以前所爱的人或物”,强调“断绝情感上的依恋”,如:Shepleadedwithherhusbandnottoforsakeher.她恳求丈夫不要抛弃她。sponsor:1,n.发起者,主办者,倡仪者资助者,出资用广播电视节目做广播电视广告者【宗】教父,教母classsponsor班主任2,v.为作保证人;主办,发起 a government-sponsored research project The football game was said to have been sponsored by a famous shirt factory.Hegrowinstatureinmymind他的形象在我心目中越来越高大Stature:身材;身长才干;(身体,心智或道德)的发展;(思想的)境界,高度nbeofmeanstature个子矮小nbesmallinstature身材小nascholarofgreatstature一位了不起的学者ntheloftymoralstature崇高的精神境界1,Vision,determination,selfcontrol,optimism,self-respect,andaboveall,integrity.远见,执着,自制,乐观,自尊。以及最重要的,正直2,Thebalancesheets资产负债表wereexactlythesame.Theonlydifferencewaswhereyouputthedecimalpoint小数点-howmuchmoneyyouownTonydidntoweacent,heownedhisfarmandwasregardedassuccessfulasindustrilist.n1.If you were Tony, with no money and poor English, but in hope of a better life, what would you do?n2.In many peoples eyes, Tonys dream is too small to mention, why is it chosen here to illustrate(阐述) American Dream?n3.After reading Tonys story, what is your understanding of success?nSuccessdoesmeanmakingbigbusinessorbecomingsomebody,itmeansfullfillingyourlimitedlifenPart VIII Text BnPart IX Key words ExercisenPart X Comprehension QuestionsnPart XI Text Structuren1.Thought of having to take the exam again him, since he has failed several times before.nA. depressed B. defeated C. denied D. declinedn2.The scientist firmly that the plan will work properly after close study of it for long.nA. was; convincing B. is; convinced C. is; convincing D. is; a convincen3.The hijacker he would kill the hostages one after another if his demand was not met.nA. required B. beamed C. threatened D. argued n4.The woman felt heartbroken when her husband her after he learned their one-year-old son became disabled. nA. divorced B. divorced with C. divorced to D. divorce byn5.Asian parents know better than American parents as to how to their children to work hard.nA. memorize B. shower C. mention D. motivaten6.In a job interview, what matters is to your employers your ability to do the required job.nA. assure; with B. ensure; of C. assure; of D. insure; withn7.His parents were greatly by the news that he failed the driving test for which he had been preparing for at least three months. nA. astonished B. assigned C. addressed D. scaredn8.Before a test, an effective way to nervousness is to take a deep breath.nA. snap B. proceed C. severe D. conquern9.As a nurse, she has many duties to in caring for a sick.nA. figure out B. fulfill C. come up with D. surviven10.Up to now the police sufficient evidence to prove the suspect guilty no matter how hard he tried to deny it.nA. have obtained B. has retained C. has obtained D. have containedn11.Since the young man was CEO of the multinational company, he has less time to stay with his family.nA. appreciated B. appointed C. afforded D. approvedn12.Usually one doesnt understand what his parents have for him until one has his own children.nA. sampled B. scheduled C. sacrificed D. offeredn13.Years of civil war in that country calls for the international peace-keeping troops to n peace and order .nA. reconstruct B. release C. recall D. restoren14.It is quite normal that a teenager sometimes cant the good from the bad.nA. distinguish B. depart C. drain D. beamn15.The two old friends who hadnt seen each other for ages embraced in great excitement when they came across on a train.nA. eased B. engaged C. embrace D. estimatedn1.Why was the delicate brain-separation operation Ben Carson once performed talked about in great detail?n2.Was the dream of being a successful surgeon sought or created by Ben Carson?n(Para.1-3)A surprising beginning of Ben Carsons speech to a graduating class(Para.4-18)Stories of Ben Carsons road to success(Para.19-23)Further encouragement to the classn21.createnv.创造,创作(尤其是新东西)ncreate a piece of music创作以首乐曲nGod created the world.nIt is said that the new project will created up to 90 jobs in the small town.n Thank You!n12.spotnn.地点;斑点nmake on- the-spot observations/recordsnv.(从很多人或物中)察出;认出;看见(某人或某物)nThe thieves were spotted by the police as they were entering the bank.nHe is a very tall man, easy to spot in a crowd.n13.amazenv.使惊愕,使诧异nAll the people present were amazed at the excellent performances given by the disabled children.n14.dietnn.1)日常饮食nNow an increasing number of people are aware that a balanced diet and regular exercise are both for health.n2)某人(因医疗的理由等)被限制食用的食物na low-fat diet低脂肪饮食nThe doctor advised the fat girl to go on a diet to lose weight.n19.handlenv.管理,处理;操纵nhandle a machine/motorcar/childrennOnly an experienced pilot can handle a plane in critical situations. nIt is a difficult situation, but everyone believes that he is able to handle it very well.n20.routenn.路线,路程nWhat is the shortest route from Beijing to Guangzhou?nThe apartment they are going to buy is on the bus route.n1,wreck2,balance3,approaching4,handle5,discard6,haveworkedout7,aboveall8,passedaway9,diet10,dowith11,confidence12,cleanedup13,property14,weekly15,amuseeuphemism:1-5:dehcg68:abfStructure:1,everyday,thekidscamefromschooldustyandhungry2,thenewly-appointeddirectorwalkedtohisofficecheerfulandconfident3,benhurriedhome,anxioustowatchthefootballleaguegameonTV4,jennyopenedthedoorquietly,afraidofwakingthebabyupA:1,create2,sponsored3,amazed4,determination5,away6,capacity7,loan8,character9,hunting10,sendforB:1,with2,until3,in4,or5,kids6,up7,dream8,more9,for10,open11,house12,dont13,and14,younAftergraduatingfromcollege,Tonydecidedtostarthisownbusiness.Atthebeginning,manyabankturneddownhisrequestforaloan.Buthewasnotabitdiscouraged,andcontinuedtocallononebankerafteranotherseekinghelp.Impressedbyhisdeterminationandoptimism,onebankerfinallyagreedtoloanhimthemoney.Nowhehasbecomeawealthybusinessman.Talkingabouthisamazingachievement,tonyputsgreatemphasisontheimportanceofcreating,ratherthanwaitingforopportunities
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