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the-policeman-and-the-policeman-and-the-thiefthe-thief解析解析1.1.rob 2.catch 3.3.local 4.4.order 5.5.station 6.6.cheat 抢劫抢劫抓住,抓获抓住,抓获地方的,特有的,本地的地方的,特有的,本地的命令命令局,站局,站欺骗,诈骗,骗术欺骗,诈骗,骗术l cleverl carefull logical l strictl foolishl lazyl dishonestWhat Happened!WhathappenedinthesmallvillageonedayWhathappenedinthesmallvillageoneday?HowwouldtheygotothecityHowwouldtheygotothecity?Whowasorderedtotakethethieftothecity?Whowasorderedtotakethethieftothecity?小村庄发生了什么事情?小村庄发生了什么事情?小村庄发生了什么事情?小村庄发生了什么事情?他们怎样去城市?他们怎样去城市?他们怎样去城市?他们怎样去城市?Whoaskedtobuysomebreadfirst?Whoaskedtobuysomebreadfirst? 第一次是谁要买面包的?第一次是谁要买面包的?第一次是谁要买面包的?第一次是谁要买面包的?谁被安排送小偷去市里的?谁被安排送小偷去市里的?谁被安排送小偷去市里的?谁被安排送小偷去市里的?WhathappenedinthesmallvillageonedayWhathappenedinthesmallvillageoneday?Whoaskedtobuysomebreadfirst?Whoaskedtobuysomebreadfirst?Whowasorderedtotakethethieftothecity?Whowasorderedtotakethethieftothecity? TheyshouldgotherebytrainTheyshouldgotherebytrain. . . . ThethiefaskedtobuysomebreadfirstThethiefaskedtobuysomebreadfirst. . . . Anewpolicemanwasorderedtotakethethieftothecity.Anewpolicemanwasorderedtotakethethieftothecity. Ahousewasrobbed.Ahousewasrobbed.HowwouldtheygotothecityHowwouldtheygotothecity? In a small village, a house was robbed. Two days later, the thief was caught by the local police. A new policeman was ordered to take the thief to the railway station. They passed by a shop, and saw that bread of all kinds was sold in it. The thief said to the policeman: robcaught catchstation “It is a long way to the city. We will get hungry if we have nothing to eat on the train. Why dont we buy some bread here? They seem to have very nice ones. Please wait for me outside.” The thief ran into the shop quickly. The policeman waited for him for a long time. But the thief didnt come out. He rushed into the shop angrily. But the thief wasnt there. He realized he was cheated. have nothing to eat没有什么吃的run into the shop跑进商店rush into the shop冲进商店 Later the thief was caught again. Again the same policeman was ordered to take him to the city. He was told to be more careful this time. Then they set off. On their way to the railway station, they passed by the shop again. The thief asked to buy some bread for the trip. He promised not to run away this time. “NO!” said the policeman,” Dont want to fool me again! I will never trust you. You just wait here; I will go inside the shop to buy some bread!” An with these words, he rushed into the shop again. set off出发,开始旅行Eg:We set off to go to Beijing.我们出发去北京了。Ahousewasrobbed. .Anewpolicemanwasorderedtotakethethieftothecity.They passed by a shop that bread of all kinds was sold in it .The policeman was cheated first time.They passed by the shop again. The thief said the same words.The policeman rushed into the shop.WhatHappened?Language Points: rob steal catch stationExercises on page34Design the different result of the story.robrob V. V. V. V. 抢劫,抢劫,抢劫,抢劫, 盗抢盗抢盗抢盗抢 peoplepeople ( ( ( (人人人人) ) ) ) buildingbuilding(建筑物)(建筑物)(建筑物)(建筑物)object (object (object (object (宾语宾语宾语宾语) ) ) )RobPetertopayPaul.RobPetertopayPaul.拆东墙补西墙。robsb.ofsth.EgEg: She robbed me of my watch yesterdayShe robbed me of my watch yesterday. .昨天她抢了我的手表昨天她抢了我的手表。这个男人抢了银行里所有的钱。 The man robbed the bank of all the The man robbed the bank of all the moneymoney . .stealv.偷或抢偷或抢object(object(宾语宾语宾语宾语):things():things(只能是东西只能是东西只能是东西只能是东西) )stealsth.fromsb.EgEg:TheboystolefivebooksfromTheboystolefivebooksfromhisfriend.hisfriend. 男孩从他的朋友那里偷了五本书。catch v.v. 抓住,逮住人、动物或东西,赶上抓住,逮住人、动物或东西,赶上抓住,逮住人、动物或东西,赶上抓住,逮住人、动物或东西,赶上EgEg:WheredidyoucatchthefishWheredidyoucatchthefish? ? 这条鱼你在哪抓的? He didnt catch the last train.他没赶上末班火车。station局,站局,站RailwayStationRailwayStationPoliceStationPoliceStationPowerStationPowerStation火车站警察局发电站结束结束
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