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M1-U1There-wasnt-a-M1-U1There-wasnt-a-clock-here-before.clock-here-before.五年级上册英语知识点五年级上册英语知识点时态:一般现在时时态:一般现在时 一般将来时一般将来时 一般过去时一般过去时语法:形容词的用法语法:形容词的用法 名词性物主代词名词性物主代词 情态动词情态动词can/could/should的用法的用法西方文化:节日、学校教育等西方文化:节日、学校教育等五年级英语学习要求五年级英语学习要求单词:背会,写会。单词:背会,写会。重点句型:背会,写会。重点句型:背会,写会。课文:熟背课文。课文:熟背课文。 Module 1 Unit 1There wasnt a clock here before.Where did you go this summer vacation?How did you get there? What did you see? What did you eat? What did you buy?This summer vacation has passed, are you happy? Warm up:differentbenchesplaygroundhouseparkclockfeed the birdsBeforeNowThis was This is There was There isnt There be.be am is arewaswereThere is a book.There are some books.There was a book.There were some books.nowbefore否定式直接在否定式直接在be后加后加notThere isnt a book.There wasnt a book.There arent any books.There werent any books.There be “这儿有”be动词变形:benowbefore单数单数iswas复数复数arewere否定否定isntarentwasntwerent听课文,找出文中的“There be”句型,并划出来。1.There werent any benches here before.2. There was a house.3. Theres a clock.4. There wasnt a clock here before!5. There are birds, too.重点句型重点句型Does the park look different now?Listen and answerYes, it does.What are the differences of the park?Read and underlineThere werent any benches here before.There was a house.There wasnt a clock here before.There is one now.Listen and repeat!There werent any fish here before.There are lots of fish now.BeforeNowThere wasnt a pig here before.There is a pig now.BeforeNowThere werent any chickens here before.There are chickens now.BeforeNow1.There was a cat before.There isnt a cat now.2.There were flowers before.There arent flowers now.3.There were trees before.There arent any trees now.There is a cat now.1.There wasnt a cat before. There are flowers now.2. There werent any flowers before.BeforeNowNowBefore复习过去式seesawiswasarewereeataterunrancomecamedodid gowentbuyboughtsaysaid getgotlearnlearnt结束!结束!
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