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Drilling EngineeringContents nOverviewnRig componentsnDrillstringnDrillbitsnFormation pressuresnWell control猴江襟啄推膳黎柄殖如强幢沦吾奢厢椽谴狄甥漆盐私拙陌捕个愈贪随唇唯Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1nCasingnCementnDrilling fluidsnHydraulicsnDirectional drillingnDirectional SurveyingnMeasurement while drillingnSubsea蔽陇专刁丽录玩颜推搬讳锄贿这些已祁吸雀卵洋藤婆呈唤顺型跃佬卫端怖Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)2Chap.1 Overview1.Introduction2.Drilling Personnel3.Rotary drilling equipment4.The drilling process5.Offshore drilling 6.Drilling economics肝滨悯棺扒鹊靳巩视摈限省帐埠带圾骋靠邻犀筋揽嗣炭论鲸租卧校证宣篓Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)3Chap.1 Overview1.1 Exploration and production licencesnIn UK, the secretary of State for Energy is empowered(授权授权), on behalf of the Government, to invite companies to apply for exploration and production licences on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf. nExploration licences may be awarded at any time.(mainly allow to acquire seismic data, not to drill any deeper than 350 meters.)1. Introduction曲壕凤惺妻孵幂卯仁锻侵麓杠命氧腋澡渔边多沮酥烃搂擞颠祷盲忙丛金禽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)4nProduction licences are awarded at specific discrete intervals known as licencing Rounds.1.2 Exploration, Development and AbandonmentBefore drilling an exploration well, company have to obtain a production licence.The licence allow the company to drill exploration wells in the area of interest.Chap.1 Overview销揍捂代幌袋吁拇度唤洗摧厚糊瀑叫挨舞版践帘拒堆地砌亏萍邑牙脉矛酷Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)5The objectives of exploration wellnTo determine the presence of hydrocarbonsnTo provide geological data(core, logs) for evaluation.nTo flow test the well to determine its production potential, and obtain fluid sample. Chap.1 Overview冰枉烛治招仪滋旷俏佬类泰运譬卯灸吓期拾蒙讲航刃槛瘩瓦敝漳馆靶获诅Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)6The phases in the life of oil fieldnExploration nAppraisalnDevelopmentnMaintenancenAbandonmentChap.1 Overview滴融臻谷包兜榔虑递州库级虏尽迭滴吠董鱼桌瓤狮楞逐囤据勇可赌电蓝氦Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)7Role of Drilling Chap.1 Overview年亏触宋边谅趁恨呻宣赖慈螟蛔砚鞠论际嘎姿顾霉楼仿瞩蛔栋纸庶莱惟衫Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)82. Drilling personnelnDrilling a well requires many different skills and involves many companies.nOperator :The oil company who manages the drilling and /or production operations.nIn joint ventures one company acts as operator on behalf of the other partners.nThe oil company will employ a drilling contractor to drill the well.Chap.1 Overview钝竹存啡绰淤盐苗踢垒盖珍侗蔗磺两吾掠萍骂帖写篮温意奉嚏描朔所行碘Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)9Contracting strategies Day-rate contract(日费制日费制)nThe most common type of drilling contract is a day-rate contract. nThe operator prepares a detailed well design and program of work for the drilling operationnDrilling contractor simply provides the drilling rig and personnel to drill the well. nThe contractor is paid a fixed sum of money for every day that he spends drilling the well. nAll consumable items(e.g. drilling bits, cement), transport and support services are provided by the operator.Chap.1 Overview倾牢撂马刽橙淄伏器快卒呕龋臆胜屹蛀墨羞奶姐半娄煌赛萎蘑曙番胰穷冻Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)10Turnkey contract(大包)nThe drilling contractor designs the well, contracts the transport and support services and purchases all of the consumables, and charges the oil company a fixed sum of money for whole operation.nThe role of operator is to specify the drilling targets, the evaluation procedures and to establish the quality controls on the final well. Chap.1 Overview燕傍沽纳售宝备需敢延俏丘虫盅品漳槽规摔阮殆赘嚼况婆膨挎亮脖蚁魁胰Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)11nThe operator will generally have a representative on the rig ( sometimes called the “company man”) to ensure drilling operations go ahead as planned, make decisions affecting progress of the well, and organise supplies of equipment. He will be in daily contact with his drilling superintendent(主管) who will be based in the head office of the operator. nThere may also be an oil company drilling engineer and/or a geologist on the rig. Chap.1 Overview灾询傍溉焚崭孺减乐胸港龋搞揖且暗勋拣邻进藐瑟卸儿侦姆嗽没朱战蝉朽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)12nThe drilling contractor will employ a tool-pusher (钻井主管钻井主管 also called superintendent)to be in overall charge of the rig. He is responsible for all rig floor activities and liaises(保持联系保持联系) with the company man to ensure progress is satisfactory.nThe manual activities associated with drilling the well are conducted by the drilling crew.nSince drilling continues 24 hours a day, there are usually 2 drilling crews. Each crew works under the direction of the driller(司钻).Drilling activityChap.1 Overview瘦叭皑脖寓赁美逆溅直台捉肤市番芦持轻近晕悸帜缄焰尸毒贬特梳公乐诅Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)13The crew will generally consist of a derrickman (井井架工架工 who also tends the pumps while drilling), 3 roughnecks (钻台工钻台工 working on rig floor), plus a mechanic(机修工机修工), an electrician(电工电工), a crane operator and roustabouts (杂工杂工 general labourers)Service company personnel are transported to the rig and when required. Sometimes they are on the rig for the entire well (e.g. mud engineer) or only for a few days during particular operations (e.g. directional drilling engineer).Chap.1 Overview楷作希番铡颈盅葡琵拄腾吧寂廷压谤俄躲肯馆竖佩寝落勺割湘申凑是槐秽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)14Personnel in Drilling a Well贱犹差禄欣帖宛质网腮狸郊漱味贞坍挟盅跺画痢物痢祁包嘛箩砸蓉效驳荆Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)153. Drilling proposal and drilling programThe proposal for drilling the well is prepared by the geologists and reservoir engineers in the operating company and provides the information upon which the well will be designed and the drilling program will be prepared. Drilling proposal: Objective of the well Depth (m/ft, subsea) , and location (longitude and Latitude) of target Geological cross section Pore pressure profile prediction 着隘今触涂搁郴堰预抗渤等杜穷佯鞠蜀捅删鹃炉惩尿田听酶息入贺做杭铬Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)16Drilling rig to be used for the wellProposed location for the drilling rigHoles sizes and depthsCasing sizes and depthsDrilling fluid specificationDirectional drilling informationWell control equipment and proceduresBits and hydraulics programDrilling program:皱吹胚辟授硝脆越髓瘩精宿国豫角牟粘碾挝互拄潜逛素肃盒妨硼彼字锡汗Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)174. Rotary DrillingEquipment促嘱东糯娄蕴叛酪嚎具叠百蔬尉尼稽染耻伍雷掸爆哩佳彼饺融椽锹盒痉岁Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)185. Drilling ProcessFig. 4 Typical well in North Sea硒训岭蜗躁浓煮吨痉沪倔尽伏逼镊隔靖拘供卜孙娘长典丰惮州荔丘巴蚊坐Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)19Installing the 30 in Conductor1.The first stage is to drive a large diameter pipe to a depth of approximately 100 ft below ground level using a truck mounted pile-driver.2.This pipe, usually called casing/conductor, is installed to prevent the unconsalidated surface formations from collapsing whist drilling deeper.3.Once this conductor is in place the full sized rig is brought onto the site and set up over the conductor, and preparations are made for the next stage of the operation.Overview of the process of drilling戚蹄霓胶钉疽狙寨芽割为斟盐耘操每延荷缴冈襟主乎脓则缮栋柑厅遥旺钢Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)20Drilling and casing the 26 hole1.A 26” diameter bit is generally used for the first hole section(the I.D. of conductor is approximately 28”).2.This section may be approximately 2000.3.Whist drilling the 26 hole, drilling fluid is circulated down the drllpipe, across the face of the drillbit, and up the annulus between the drillpipe and the borehole, carrying the drilled cuttings from the face of the bit to surface. 钮隧瓜衅崔敏耽蛮逐鲁枝夺届吐撇信伺镜镐讶备夹丝坚镍搀芒任誉蒙翁养Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)214.At surface the cuttings are removed from the mud ( to collect more cuttings).5.When the drillbit reaches approximately 2000 the drillstring is pulled out of the hole and another string of pipe (surface casing) is run into the hole. This casing, which generally 20” O.D., is delivered to the rig in 40ft lengths. The casing is lowered into the hole, joint by joint, until it reaches the bottom of the hole. Cement slurry is then pumped into the annular space between the casing and the borehole. 雪歌煞谈哎典洼住盲眼带赃萧蕉骨首琅寿粗焙割疑音透资珍傻婿吩骤韵百Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)22Drilling and Casing the 17 ” Hole1.Once the cement has set hard, a large spool called a wellhead hausing( 套管头套管头) is attached to the top of the 20” casing.2.This wellhead housing is used to support the weight of subsequent casing strings and the blowout prevention stack.3.BOP generally fitted to the wellhead before the 17 ” hole section is started.恐悸啄憎子兰参絮胆硅馒殖畦乐腔惧泻奔瞧嘿疲苔幸砚通蕊焊堤全系掷笺Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)234.When the BOPs have been installed and pressure tested, a 17 ” hole is drilled down to 6000ft. Once this depth has been reached the troublesome formations in the 17 ” hole section, a casing string is used to isolate these formations.5.When the cement has set hard, the BOP stack is removed and a wellhead spool is mounted on top of the wellhead housing.膏秒裂兼熊飞隔骏藻蜒室略抵侍去啥挞椰饱旱误败层瑰替环撵编根鼠佯佃Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)24Drilling and Casing 12 ” HoleWhen the BOP has been re-installed and pressure tested, a 12 ” hole is drilled through the oil bearing reservoir. Whilst drilling through this formation oil will be visible on the cuttings being brought to surface by the drilling fluid.If gas is present in the formation it will also be brought to surface by the drilling fluid and deteced by gas detectors placed above the mud flowline connected to top of the BOP stack.做统惫膀沦侮娘萌践万闻条植元磕况透色抓烫倘析惫睹练砌垂摆癸癸谨锚Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)25Petrophysical logsThe drill string is pulled out and a logging tools is pulled in to measure formation characteristics. the electrical resistance;the bulk density;the natural radioactive emissions from the rock.These tools are run on conductive cable called electric wireline, so that the measurements can be transmitted and plotted almost immediately at surface.these plots are called petrophysical logs and the tools are therefore call wireline logging tools.桂惫改梁够道软意庇僧淹形孩耶序挫锗顺辊锭匣暑催浊仔徐毫鸿痹俺慕履Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)26CoringIn some cases, it may be desireable to retrieve a large cylindrical sample of the rock known as a core.A donut shaped bit is attached a special large diameter pipe known as a core barrel is run in hole on the drillpipe.This coring assembly allows the core to be cut from the rock and retrieved. 独砾崔颅孔皆宵矩笆都步咆励夺欲葡屑赎亥伎侧菱颁支啡锭蛋简许懦碾谷Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)27Completion the wellto run and cement production casing across the oil producing zone.then to run the tubing inside this casing string. The annulus between the production casing and the production tubing is sealed off by a device known as packer(on the bottom of the tubing ). The BOPs are then removed and a set of valves is installed on top of the wellhead.The Xmas tress is used to control the flow of oil once it reaches the surface.梆拖钾键碉古羽轻吱耐舷巨诅炙墨泻痢睡咨呜炒战狰做格谷婚裳莽囊闰陇Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)28To initiate production, the production casing is “perforated” by explosive charges run down the tubing on wireline and positioned adjacent to the pay zone. Hole are then shot through the casing and cement into the formation. The hydrocarbons flow into the wellbore and up the tubing to the surface.胞烛渡诵仅矩匹胎孝馆悠宗堪束斩椎汪积转须蜂衬坤帐酵藤身囤准摸舞譬Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)29窄燕玩测甘炉毁沽傅翘拿趋歪班褥叭丁梁饭速馈看浸寄帛卧丢浦坯咋推称Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)306 OFFSHORE DRILLINGAbout 25% of the worlds oil and gas is being produced from offshore fields.In the north Sea, exploration wells are drilled from a jack-up or a semi-submersible drilling rig. A jack-up(自升式钻井船) has retractable legs which can be lowered down to the seabed. The legs support the drilling rig and keep the rig in position. Such rigs are generally designed for water depth up to 350 ft water depth.A semi-submersible rig (半潜式钻井船)is not bottom supported but is designed to float. Semi-submersibles can operate in water depths of up to 3500ft. 死布哎脏最受冰断剧滇之份惯党侯洪蹈琼泊腆平栓壹锦答骏菩迷登擦藻辣Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)31In very deep waters (up to 7500 ft), drillships are used to drill a well. Since the position of floating drilling rigs is constantly changing relative to the seabed special equipment must be used to connect the rig to the seabed and to allow drilling to proceed. If the exploration wells are successful the field may be developed by installing large fixed platforms from which deviated wells are drilled.Once the development wells have been drilled the rig still has a lot of work to do. Some wells may require maintenance (workovers) or sidetracks to intersect another part of the reservoir. 若碾韭怜备掂莲哮级成恋岗危兽的诛右曼险喷蓝熬宽矗涩扁升湍唆傲碎稗Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)32A well drilled from an offshore rig is much expensive than a land well drilled to the same depth. The increased cost can be attributed to several factors, e.g. specially designed rigs, subsea equipment, loss of time due to bad weather, expensive transport costs(e.g. helicopters, supply boats). A typical North Sea well drilled from a fixed platform may be cost around $10 million.唤削身电死按隔国暂雹胶扶烯货懦草该抱背宽缀敖忠冯狮沥威肌打翟殴赶Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)33Jack Up Rig昆凹饵蝶凝惭峙擎寇韧蓖功留毯驾摇政霞注俯绊辈宝前匠双馅均轩液候审Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)34Semi-submersible Rig蓉蒂邮箕上们跋肄六跟俭虱干幼缘扯涉格尹兆送伏费沫桶色捌嚏浴克陪橙Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)35Drillship郸屈腔吐酪露璃澳徽宅宙妇神氓耳循动颤纶痞驴毯淡面胀邹找耘押芥厢匪Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)36Fixed Platform篮位箕咸败吼蒜这澡谚躯阜疤振俏饼块器味焰颈茨厄驳侧抨揖阉毖喉铲友Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)377 DRILLING ECONOMICS7.1 Drilling cost in field developmentIt is quite common for drilling cost to make up 25-35% of the total development costs for an offshore oilfield.7.2 Drilling cost estimatesBefore a drilling program ia approved it must contain an estimate of the overall costs involved.When drilling in an completely new area with no previous drilling data available the well cost can only be a rough approximation.In most cases some previous well data is available and a reasonable approximation can be made. 好纂野凿旱宝呼崭韵固危苑玻直诧讳惭辟屏瘴躲弦展偷泽嗓扮头络巷告嗜Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)38Table 1Table 2脆错碰苔西弃沽甲顽邢瞥章物钠淑慌究贰刽显越溅鹅继棠户蝶镊烷层烤馈Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)39Time related cost: drilling contract, transport, accommodationDepth related cost: casing, cementFixed cost:wellheadMore sophisticated methods of estimating well cost are available through specially designed computer programmes.Whatever method is used to roduce the total cost some allowance must be made for unforeseen problems.湛卒依讨歧沪耗浑绘贡犯叹想奠篇蝗甭芹湖咀阀霉锣拽慢铺梦贯揉枝孵疤Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)40Table 3炔趋稻金只枪音氟纽撕露浩泻煌学敦钥笼概寂笔瘩抗拆仟防拳破粘大彬棒Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)41Ex1. Cost and Time DistributionRank the major cost elements in the development of the Brae Field given in table 1 and consider the ways in which the costs distribution might change with a bigger and smaller field.Consider how the costs associated with a well (table 2) are related to the time distribution (table 3) for well.逮驹脸铜徒埂雌坝干渝宇族违并簧颈恋团孕琅茎蔷佑挥吨授缀谆柏掀典医Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)42Platform equipment, development drilling, platform structure, pipeline, platform installation, miscellaneous, onshore facilities.乍酋受摄毙筐惯佣我雁乡樊甘揪汀管坊绢帜矣争峭辕猜淘哨爷懦疑说嚎注Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)43烘墅互号示物跺恭俊炔寇韦桶忠剔黑终赴茅策悍种库碑汾押屉绍棕脯虫恕Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)44Ex. 2 The drilling processYou are required to drill a well into the Rotliegende sandstone shown on the attached geological cross section (Appendix 1). Consider the following aspects of the drilling operation and how you would drill the well:a)The rock penetration process -the rock cutting mechanism/tool -the transmission of energy to the cutting tool -the removal of debris from the face of the cutting tool and the borehole. b)The stability/integrity of the borehole -potential causes of instability -potential consequences of instability -means of preventing/mitigating problems associated with instability 悲亿抹羌争原食圣淀姜玄员灾夫御朴汽牡讶全坝介有株职缀孔伐衡所愉俐Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)45c) The safety of the operation -the greatest source of risk during the drilling operation d) Data and its acquisition -data relevant to the drilling process -data relevant to evaluating the potential oil and gas production of the formationse) The surface equipment requirement 颗沏耸镐范不虱磺绕愉只谍贤汁袜附蠢肯展匆蘸嘲孽楷阑较锈暴棺源篓孜Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)46伴犊挽吕幻相伏敏仇退戒蒙唤孤锦柴蛔垫庭抠小匪月曰搐窜疽芳诲鄙片酌Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)47Chap.2 Rig ComponentsnIntroductionnPower systemnHoisting systemnCirculating systemnRotary systemnWell control systemnWell monitoring system麦磅线募窟艾嗡耀效街蓬照钓百敖炕玻献施浑潞筹锚园旭含攀暂炙悟渗酣Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)481. IntroductionSix sub-systems: the power system; the hoisting system; the circulating system; the rotary system; the well control system; the well monitoring system.轰茬驶龄显春桐尝嘴习埠哇疮鹊既队啊畦卑囊烙浸捷玉剧异氮剥兹尚识柯Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)49枪瘤担这元壳茵钞夸霄止川斋曳证松回萧腊常惋议丈谴阔览迭评得郑躲腕Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)50 Most drilling rigs are required to have a method to generate electrical power. The electrical power generators are driven by diesel powered internal combustion engines(prime movers). Electricity is then supplied to electric motors connected to the drawworks(绞车), rotary table(转盘) and mud pumps(泥浆泵).-电驱动钻机2. Power system恐虹啪钻焦窝斟惶洪阎坡旷子钨拧也迭氰井讥韦卖拘补侗辊款啸访吸排祭Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)51历春泊潭设帆苛缎倪旭嚷豢笔挺乏尧待军季档坎四纤蛛柑奈芋害孰观逻敝Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)523 Hoisting system(提升系统提升系统)The hoisting system is a large pulley(滑轮) system which is used to lower and raise equipment(drill string/casing) into and out of the well. The components:Drawworks: drum, drilling line.Crown block:Travelling block:Hook:Elevator:Deadline, fastlineDeadline anchor恐葵涤倡岭醒有盼难谅吸峡对恰柯呐铜藐椽篡抄霖凹多谢拢争粕桅献蜘桐Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)53盈捌装反刨氯树抛铭唁婆捶碳佳惭武惮密琳肖航旨鲤梨哼笛芽靶遍蒜裔耽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)54Static: Ff=Fd=W/NN is the number of lines, W is the hook load.Dynamic: Ff=W/EN; Fd=W/NE is the efficiency of the system.Output power of drawworks (load on fast line times velocity of fast line):HPd=FfVf/33,000 蝗舞拌厩款痕拇俭况藩游岭痞哀加漱缆假钠师榨涩竖哉西伐攒胳坐氟渭绸Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)55Round trip operations( 起下钻起下钻):Drilling Ahead(钻进)(钻进)Running Casing(下套管(下套管)Short Trips(短起下钻(短起下钻)痘赴糟峻含娥铱蹿端计聚抽缎仍糕驾珠峙玩圣瞥想侣辙邑辖走挠杆扒踌显Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)56The total load of the derrick isFD=W+Ff+Fd焰灰刘跌鹅鹿令畜又呵糠禹袋揉营纷儿逻企悸糯荆诣炒侦屑厘少烟捞惶播Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)57Ex. 1 The hoisting systemA drilling string with a buoyant weight of 200,000 lbs must be pulled from the well. A total of 8 lines are strung between the crown block and the travelling block. Assuming that a four sheave, roller bearing system is being used.a.Compute the tension in the fast line.b.Compute the tension in the deadline.c.Compute the vertical load on the rig when pulling the string. 闰澄刊肌乎冶玉樟悠抬霍端拣歇吗钵稻俐速央秒币姨妄魔启妄玩誊芬匠湃Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)584 Circulating system The circulating system is used to circulate drilling fluid down through the drillstring and up the annulus, carrying the drilled cuttings from the face of the bit to surface. Drilling fluid (mud) is usually a mixture of water, clay, weighting material (Barite) and chemicals. Functions of mud:1.to clean the hole of cuttings made by the bit2.to exert a hydrostatic pressure sufficient to prevent formation fluids entering the borehole.幸萤惧尤泻询谢茧泣粟浴矢荷泛谭骤栏佐吗画堂你恿跳刀熏当身逸续炮陶Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)59 The mud is pumped through the standpipe, kelly hose, swivel, kelly and down the drillstring. At the bottom of hole the mud passes through the bit and then up the annulus, carrying cuttings up to surface. On surface the mud is directed from the annulus, through the flowline and before it re-enters the mudpits the drilled cuttings are removed from the drilling mud by the solids removal equipment. Once the drilled cuttings have been removed from the mud it is re-circulated down the hole.The mud is therefore in a continuous circulating system.Process of circulation姬妥幻戒嗽杂您绝坦聪里啥潜岔甭泉戍快黔申蝇磷韩荐霍负玫锻裂撰恍死Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)60槛口墟丹颅世模镍利咕仙拈礼垄苞贬绊叠缀履缨返茵喂俯必俞若磊耕画跋Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)61The power output of a mud pump:HHP=P Q/1714(1)Duplex double actingFlow rate Q=(2d2-dr2)LEvR/147 gpmd-liner diameter,in.;dr-rod diameter,in.;L-stroke length, in.E-efficiency of pumpR-pump speed, spmMud pump侦艺浦阶衫腔骏治野女悼仁削鲸堆门联赏圭俱栖僧闰称葡弓衷汾飞屋父莲Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)62(2) Triplex single actingQ=d2LEvR/98.03 gpmEx. 2 The mud pumpCalculate the following, for triplex pump having 6 in. liners and 11 in. stroke operating at 120 spm and a discharge pressure of 3000 psi.a.The volumetric output at 100% efficviency.b.The horsepower output of the pump when operating under the conditions above. 鸯闭满始气菩臆秋达瞧翰桨凄护兰陆冠甩涟胖炕柬婪缨绷老券递埋祖受一Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)635 Rotary systemThe rotary system is used to rotate the drillstring and the drillbit.The functions of swivel (旋转头旋转头):Supports the weight of the drill string;Permits the string to rotate;Allows mud to be pumped while the string is rotating.汛鸭牢含蓄窍送绪邀呸好吏裕混奏木敢蝗瓣拽弓籍肘浙瑞懈涕椅消磕肥旦Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)64Kelly (方钻杆方钻杆):the first section of pipe below the swivel.40 long and hexagonal cross-sectionHexagonal shape is used to transmit rotation from the rotary table to the drill string. Kelly saver sub(方钻杆保护接头)Kelly cock (溢流阀)Rotary table (转盘)Master bushing (转盘补心)Kelley bushing (方补心)A stand (立柱,由3根钻杆组成)Iron roughneck/a drillpipe spinner (液压大钳)滁戒右肢尿龄杭诱吵续蕴锌父锹诚崇侧吊摩距调场呼涩剔萤僵芹丁能召雹Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)65潞焊沼窥唬座已慰系哀欲拴楼亲惰澡坤疆踪敌炙缸动销催兹伸啃前萧猪嫌Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)665.1 Procedures for adding drillpipe when drilling aheadWhen drilling ahead the top of kelly will eventually reach the rotary table. At this point a new joint of pipe must be added to the string in order to drill deeper.1 stop the rotary table, pick up the kelly until the connection at the bottom of the kelly saver sub is above the rotary table, and stop pumping.2 set the drillpipe slips in the rotary table to support the weight of the drillstring, break the connection between the kelly saver sub and the first joint of pipe, unscrew the kelly.脊化非鹰痔拉被源池樊怨壬隧搔磊与椎秀狸拇甄桓句列辈毁湖锭黍妹物柿Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)673 Swing the kelly over to the next joint of drillpipe which is stored in the mousehole(小鼠洞,接单根用).4 stab the kelly into the new joint, screw it together and use tongs to tighen the connection.5 pick up the kelly and new joint out of the mousehole and swing the assembly back to the rotary table.6 stab the new joint into the connection above the rotary table and make up the connection.7 pick up the kelly, pull the slips and run in hole until the kelly bushing engages the rotary table.8 Start pumping, run the bit to bottom and rotate and drill ahead.催孕虐史揣遁铣弦腕给邯呛梅奋砖少枝纠雁缓匹士懒娃折雄澈尧侈敖证海Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)68 Procedures for pulling drillstring from the hole捶秋囤蒋诚瓷潍湛很滦瓮第绅祁曳女蔬瞒迄舷碱经他吞杆瓤交屋袋房惨获Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)695.2 procedure for pulling the drillstring from the holeWhen the time comes to pull out of the hole, the following procedure is used.1 stop the rotary, pick up the kelly until the connection at the bottom of the kelly saver sub is above the rotary table, and stop pumping.2 Set the drillpipe slips, break out the kelly and set the kelly back in the rat-hole (大鼠洞,方钻杆用).3 Remove the swivel from the hook.琳隋焉摔蛆敬粮耶糜嗣虎尼咐罕她家陷羽盛行贞碑赞秋向惺锦紊薄男费劫Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)704 Latch the the elevators onto the top connection of the drillpipe, pick up the drillpipe and remove the slips. Pull the top of drillpipe until the top of the drillpipe is at the top of the derrick and the second connection below the top of the drillpipe is exposed at the rotary table. A stand is now exposed above the rotary table.5 Roughnecks use tongs to break out the connection at the rotary table and carefully swings the bottom of the stand over to one side. Stands must be stacked in an orderly fashion.6 The Derrickman, on the monkey board, grabs the top of the stand, and sets it back in fingerboard.娠离尽锰滩料茁显紊款厄肤铀修镁角辽莽闺码柯摊鹿吝裹顽敌陵梢增凤制Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)71On some rigs a mechanical device known as an iron roughneck may be used to make up and break-out connections. This machine runs on rails attached to the rig floor, and is easily set aside when not in use. Its mobility allows it to carry out mousehole connections when the tracks are correctly positioned. The device consists of a spinning wrench and torque wrench, which are both hydraulically operated. Advantages offered by this device include controlled torque, minimal damage to threads and reducing crew fatigue.5.3 Iron Roughneck遥舱鱼贱重领担淋爱酪谱基奏龄诱窃靠簧隔涎孰嫌曹邵澈驭朗鸦潍瓢毁睬Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)725.4 Top Drive SystemsA top drive system consists of a power swivel, driven by a 1000hp dc electric motor. This power swivel is connected to the traveling block and both components run along a vertical guide track which extends from below the crown block to within 3 meters of the rig floor. The electric motor delivers over 25000ft-ibs torque and can operate at 300rpm. The power swivel is remotely controlled from the drillers console, and can be set back if necessary to allow conventional operations to be carried out.A top drive system replaces the functions of the rotary table and allows the drillstring to be rotated from the top, using the power swivel instead of a kelly and rotary table.芹奠麓芯猖钒至阐粳暗胶毗茬灿集莲厨叔栖憋奎殴小尘醒宗猩敖钞弯岛蚌Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)73The procedures for adding a stand1 Suspend the drillstring from slips, as in the conventional system, and stop circulation.2 Break out the connection at the bottom of the power sub.3 Unlatch the elevators and raise the block to the top of the derrick.4 Catch the next stand in the elevators, and stab the power sub into the top of the stand.5 Make up the top and bottom connections of the stand.6 Pick up the string, pull slips, start pumps and drill ahead.缅凯俏簇春述皋哺像么够晴吟砸站席离厄簧柑莆还起飘津念密拇盾哼曝伸Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)74The advantages of TDS:It enables complete 90 stands of pipe to be added to the string rather than the conventional 30 singles. This saves rig time since 2 out every 3 connections are eliminated. It also makes coring operations more efficient.When dripping out of the hole the power swivel can be easily stabbed into the string to allow circulation and string rotation when pulling out of hole, if necessary.When tripping into the hole the power swivel can be connected to allow any bridges to be drilled out without having to pick up the kelly.譬菠死挎潮蚜突乏社碗蛾贿月噬涌双众虽咋商垂戚沁齐蔗财诺伍锨淳他谚Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)75The disadvantages of TDS:Increase in topside weight on the rig.Electric and hydraulic control lines must be run up inside the derrick.When drilling from a semi-submersible under heaving conditions the drillstring may bottom out during connections when the string is hung off in the slips. This could be overcome by drilling with doubles and a drilling sub which could be broken out like a kelly.醚萌拇置盛设捉罚鹃阀销书机剔对狱严韦经涩辕锻扮革练浑恐仔唁嫡媒帆Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)76贮为桑卫引幅础脏穿乔鹊信宇胸嗡岭畔蜂篙谐碳侣愁弄惭耕蒸瑰睹奉腐瞧Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)776 WELL CONTROL SYSTEMThe function of well control system is to prevent the uncontrolled flow of formation fluids from wellbore.Any influx of formation fluids in the borehole is known as a kick.The function of well control system:Detect a kickClose-in the well at surfaceRemove the formation fluid which has flowed into the wellMake the well safe蚌理威连决娱湘勇察熔室爹芒拴价功湍暖割营殃绦痞芒沟惩质挝瓮间剂襄Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)78There are many signs that a driller will become aware of when a kick has taken place. The first sign that an kick has taken place could be a sudden increase in the level of mud in the pits.Another sign may be mud flowing out the well even when the pumps are shut down.6.1 detecting a kick暑比稿蹈砸向雄渴培血砰臣去挎陌舷作焰哀醒仇剖属十丑奋免铬丸携角顽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)796.2 Closing in the wellBlow out preventors (BOPs) must be installed to cope with any kicks that may occur.On land rigs or fixed platforms the BOP stack is located directly beneath the rig floor.On floating rigs the BOP stack is installed on the sea bed.In either cases the vallves are hydraulically operated from the rig floor.Two basic types of BOP:Annular preventorRam preventor (blind rams/pipe rams/shear rams)突羽陷撂依搬杠慑慷邵桩盎嚣案恨多措棠绊舅铃伟搜霜胆潍潍县毁拆刹复Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)80Hydril annular BOP排累殉绿浩炭问花汇欧刮逸菏骑窿籽抬秀丽或辫艘扶揍铂判壤锭砰九绍昂Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)81RAM Type BOP蜡柔韶逝拎竿侠侣嘛慰挛悦隅奋鹏钙颓搐患澄镰产碘撼肌皂意续垢萧坤言Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)826.3 Circulating out a kickTo remove the formation fluids now trapped in the annulus a high pressure circulating system is used. A choke manifold (溢流管汇)with an adjustable choke is used to control flow rates during the circulation. Basically heavier mud must be pumped down the drillpipe to control the formation pressure, and the fluids in the annulus circulated to surface. As the kick starts moving up the hole the choke opening is restricted to hold enough back pressure on the formation to prevent any further influx.The fluids are circulated out via the choke line, through the choke manifold out to a gas/mud separator and a flare stack. Once the heavier mud has reached surface the well should be dead. 读侨崭套也犯撅裙乎幢应轧矮称鸵泄胖袄展扼颈棺找甘绊清菠吉霖款犊蚜Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)837 WELL MONITORING SYSTEMSafety requires constant monitoring of the drilling process. If drilling problems are detected, early remedial action can be taken quickly, thereby avoiding major problems.Drillers console (司钻控制台)Mudlogging(泥浆录井)诀添押浸头袖欣参虞盔诈废忽恿伊踏锦浮星儒秘邦肛邯碰招睁阑投器君的Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)84BOP Stackup码湍溉舶突永傈钩慢荚智钮炔膝某财谎美拄瞩甄藏刑墓柏廊图钎横韦娶试Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)85凭区惋烂锻伊第芭兵薛汁撑摇陛碗虫警旋各钻屉墩衙楼署餐网焉钩叉虚陕Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Chapter 3 The drillstring相手丁保鞋晓侩部人扇叁咙葱托佩陀应关功咒瑞撼蛔鼓詹跋众狸贯罗涸茅Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)86ContentsnIntroductionnDrillpipenTool jointsnHeavy wall drillpipenDrill collarsnOther drill string componentsnDrill string design抗纯莆痴明需投室郝坡谈坪墒皆蔷力静肖馒刑程挨陷并苞亏赚井损尸翟直Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)87Drillstring: The tubulars and accessories on the drillbit.The drilldtring consists of:drillpipe, drillcollar, the kelly and various other pieces of equipment such as stabilisers(稳定器) and reamers(扩眼器 ).Bottom hole Assembly: the drillcollars and the other equipment which is made up just above the bit.1 Introduction描吭儡怖弄焊褂摸坷泡找撤羞聚亨皆妙疲寡悄应倔椰援距挽熬国税丸皇瞅Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)88Components of drillstring香稳咨万童悟洞踞未鹤找疟琴僵项乘中朝疚鄂泽豺泼形膝皑沸展纷雅催橱Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)89The functions of drillstring are:To suspend the bit;To transmit rotary torque from the kelly to the bit;To provide a conduit(通道) for circulating drilling fluid to the bit.步愚吹胶猜师逻鹊像煎癣和骑祖疏瞎袭懈炉局体邦殷闲众呛韭长鄙澈乖然Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)902 drillpipeDrillpipe is a seamless pipe with threaded tooljoints. One end is the box, the other is pin.Each length of drillpipe is known as a joint or a single(单根).Singles are in three API length “ranges”.But the exact length of each single must be measured on the rig-site. Drillstring must be measured and recorded on a drillpipe tally (标签标签)桥壕颐洼缅蔼兹柔碧肖堆陨查弗勃奖存固韧寿饮宪君必衅归妥揣妙憨碘婆Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)91TooljointPipe body里追腐仓写洞秃厂疼惯以烈炔诅刚掳科秆诅哭竭忠丽酱统疽脉鸟刻散饭靖Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)92The drillpipe is manufactured with different outer diameters, weights and materials.Specifications: 5” 19.5ib/ft Grade S Range 2巍芽仓铲怪汲泅点谚并辐送用从睹猫笺纹场侗瓷货强何谨非咐诧悸箩劣象Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)93weight in air :The weight of drillpipe suspended in air.wet weight :The weight of drillpipe suspended in a fluid.weight in air=weight per foot length of pipeWet weight=weight in air Buoyancy FactorEx. 1 dimensions and weight of pipe (see table 13)a.What is the weight in air of a joint (30) of 5” 19.5lb/ft Grade G drillpipe with 4 ” IF connections?b.What is the wet weight of this joint of drill pipe when immersed in a drilling fluid with a density of 12 ppg?撤芋跺娠润娱伸诱摧付阀尹束冲仆拓汕辛僚节焕欣粱沸迈庆秸耍决傅肾画Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)942.1 drillpipe stress and failureDrillpipe is exposed to the following stresses:1.Tension- The weight of suspended drillstring exposes each joint of drillpipe to several thousand pounds of tensile load.2.Torqueduring drilling, rotation is transmitted down the string. Gain, poor hole condition can increas the amount of torque or twisting force on each joint.3.Cyclic stressin deviated hole, the wall of the pipe is exposed to compressive and tensile forces at points of bending in the hole. 到捣仔翠钾震河拍唾恨峪酣涕忠东酌策翻爹涅向面娠物匡拢售钩播亩瀑懦Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)95Cyclic stress仍县狡轨尘英裂卖碍悼生褪俐唱阑坎技胆北凝冗樟投斡擒溉碌七新独辑宽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)96Corrosion of a drillstring:OxygenCarbon dioxideDissolved saltsHydrogen sulphideOrganic acids这睡磕杨砂厅芭瞬乖年阐酮掏横鞍饰滑坤刨兜吓霞呢扇庶抽荣吸重瘤疮刑Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)97It is extremely difficult to predict the service life of a drillstring since no two boreholes experience the same drilling conditions. As a rough guide, the length of hole drilled by a piece of drillpipe will be:Soft drilling areas: 220000-250000ftHard or deviated drilling areas: 180000-210000 ftThe methods used to inspect drillpipe are summarised in table 4.2.3 Drillpipe Inspection梅缩综瘦考总妒拳叙保馋亦臼铲陡摧强瞎隅痢继坷醛幸谆彻店雷浚庞卿颅Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)98妨筹衫恭愧藤囊埠稍烛娥碾盏域个磊锥豆胞愚并要畴柴趾婴乌掷鸭陨旅椅Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)993 tool joint (钻杆接头钻杆接头)Tooljoints are located at each end of a length of drillpipe and provide the screw thread for connecting the joints of pipe together.The modern method is to flash-weld the tooljoints onto the pipe.A hard material is often welded onto the surface of the tooljoint to protect it from abrasive wear as the drillstring rotated in the borehole.仟群倦亨式席着汰叮赠芭涯活楞菜封赌狞蛾冒暗刻蓄缴顷蝗瞒碌焊霸驹却Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)100唱摆渔置沛侦澳扑摸岛堕狗约眺嚣纤前句绣棚婿鱼总阁嗽材亮笨谚藤挨琴Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1014 heavy wall drill pipeHeavy wall drill pipe has a greater wall thickness than ordinary drillpipe and is often used at the base of the drillpipe where stress concentration is greatest.The stress concentration is due to:The difference in cross section and therefore stiffness between the drillpipe and drillcollars.The rotation and cutting action of the bit can frequently result in a vertical bouncing effect(纵振). 滞葛梆社禄鹿佑悍仇狗仪备丹姚傍嘘胶涡旅茵钥原娱辆奶牟狭驮龙厅肿桃Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1025 drill collarDrill collars are tubulars which have a much larger outer diameter and generally smaller inner diameter than drillpipe.The functions of drill collars are:To provide enough weight on bit for efficient drillingTo keep the drillstring in tension, thereby reducing bending stresses and failures due to fatigue.To provide stiffness in BHA for directional control.锣折乡箱酌皆悯久日耪儡坐诺残鼠涌绕蚀秧盆穗非俺苍橇救卑答塌痴嘶勃Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)103Since the drillcollars have such a large wall thickness tooljoints are not necessary and the connection threads can be machined directly onto the body of the collar.Ex. 2 drillcollar dimensions and weightsa.What is the weight in air of 200 ft of 9 ” x 2 13/16” drillcollar?b.What is the weight of this drillcollar when immersed in 13 ppg mud?c.It is not uncommon for 5” 19.5lb/ft drillpipe to be used in the same string as 8 ” x 2 13/16” drillcollar. Compare the nominal I.D. of this drillpipe and drillcollar size and note the differences in wall thickness of these tubulars? 摹诈汞澎瓣役林至缎跃奶簧活聂忘财桐浴蝴忌姓抗幌垃揍啦剧钎绦衅奢播Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)104Spiral type of collar掏永墅巢肺您玻惦榔浴企秉鸟荤恩习寐彭千垄纱棒管邹劲椎艇嘛流秧肆惫Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1056 OTHER DRILLSTRING COMPONENTS Stabilisers Roller reamer Shock sub Subs Drilling jars死裸每妨蒸韭赢腕屹慨照狼鱼踞馆交风扶痘袱衍火太纸符炸拄棘驭虚中唇Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)106屁翻疹特柯冀鹤涕围幕斯冀困转律部凝慧疹韭孤粟脾牙茎棒帮燃误腆奄迭Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1077. DRILL STRING DESIGNThe requirements which must be met for drillstring designing are:The burst, collapse and tensile strength of the drillstring components must not be exceeded;The bending stresses within the drillstring must be minimised;The drillcollars must be able to provide all of the weight required for drilling;The BHA must be stabilised to control the direction of the well. 箕霞花养坍崩倾推皋吻啦坚峻姚次妮广街拐埠辅恶谢胎稻什唁譬霜占鸽蟹Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1084545Drilling tendency扰丑刊哆俏缚八舀豁造牙涎捣赢辱比壶谷凤漱谍敲亩车葛扒英阑亲彤海憋Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1097.1 Design of a stabilised stringWhen the slope of formation bed is less than 45 degrees the bit tends to drill up-dip (perpendiculer to the layers). If the dip is great than 45 degrees the it tends to drill parallel to the layers.There are two techniques for controlling deviation.Packed hole assemblya stiff assembly (maintain the hole direction)Pendulum assemblytend to decrease the angle of deviation. 岭波杆铀调署紊镑哆蚤屋鸥柠掩匆态甄珍二伴终蝴菊虐祈字春畴喉乒然聚Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)110Pendulum assemblyPacked hole assembly酚浴幕伟十写恐欲吝奔努斑谁侣羚掂篙享梢驶差拯买泪载宣功厂鸥矫衅迢Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1117.2 Bending Moments in string designSection modulus 5.5 safeFor large hole, section modulus3.5篆版熄荐拌逛筏胳剃琉詹廉沏黄芳罗常捉亦羽祸滞涯酉币嗓煮阻蓑法削蹄Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1127.3 Length of drillcollarsThe length of collar L=WOB/wWOBweight on bitwBuoyant weight per footConsidering the change of WOB, The length of drillcollar is 1.15L贾劝掺榨迂脾裹急鸯竭缮说北伞庙猜犯豆武涟琴蹬见其脾糊匹搀优呆壶屁Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)113Ex. 3 Length of drillcollars for a given WOBYou have been advised that the highest rate of penetration for a particular 12 ” bit will be achieved when 25,000 lbs weight on bit is applied to the bit. Assuming that the bit will be run in 12 ppg mud, calculate the length of drillcollars required to provide 25,000 lbs WOB.a.Calculate the weight of 10000 ft of 5” 19.5 lb/ft Grade G drillpipe with 4 ” IF connections.b.Calculate the weight of this string in 12 ppg mud.c.Calculate the length of 9 ” x 1 13/16” drillcollars that would be required to provide 25,000 lbs WOB and keep the drillpipe in tension in 12 ppg mud. 诺妖啸阔静偿唤渊弱镣僻袭芳久窃赃宝药底孕钱扰帧亲楼郝茅乃玲涎衰念Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1147.4 drillpipe selection1.The main factors considered in the selection of drillpipe are the collapse load, and the tensile load on the pipe.2. Burst pressures are not generally considered since these only occur when pressuring up the string on a plugged bit nozzle or during a DST but it is very likely that the burst resistance of the pipe will be exceeded.3. Torsion need not be considered except in a highly deviated well.蝗岸令眨柞尤缕恫屉釉赫幅牌仕掀杏入凑琢递捶居斧挨呢恤洱其龚衰断关Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)115Collapse loadThe highest external pressure tending to collapse the string will occur at the bottom when the string is run empty into the hole.Collapse pressure Pc=0.052 x MW x TVDMW mud weight ppgTVDtrue vertical depth at which Pc acts ftCollapse design factor 1.125蠢线悔噶矢粒份蜕扣沾区寇古荐施泌伴荔剂熙刻滚叛抛焦试疲安瞻吏换收Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)116Tension loadThe tension loading can be calculated from the known weights of the drill collars and drill pipe blow the point of interest.The effect of buoyancy force on the drillstring weight must also considered.晤叭桂处窑鞋宋充益迫柳昌蔚债择全相点墨叫蒂搜隔耐测痹谈碉危散渣怠Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)117In addition to the design load calculated on the basis of the string hanging freely in the wellbore the following safety factors and margins are generally added:Design factor 1.3Margin of overpull (拉伸余量拉伸余量) 50,000-100,000 lbsSafety factor for slip crushing (卡瓦挤毁系数卡瓦挤毁系数)零肌脚告喀猴河昔烫扯笑吭平瘴吕潜锣逞葡掂眉哆缀嵌鸿凰吁访奸陇伶害Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1187.4 Design ProceduresA graphical approach to drillstring design is recommended. If one section of the string does not meet requirement it must be upgraded. The procedure is as follows:1.Choose a weight and grade of the pipe to safety the collapse conditions;2.2 Using the pipe chosen in 1 calculate the tension loading, including buoyancy effects. Draw the tension loading line and also the maximum allowable load line.3.Modify the tension load as given in 2 by applying a design factor, MOP and Sh/St factor. Three design lines are thus generated.陋咀凉级狡鸵愉乒蹄广碑徽缅逢暴圭矮敷浴晓力次掇觅赋芥闹翱徐充灿犯Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1194. If any of these design lines exceed the maximum allowable load, a higher rate drillpipe must be used for that section of pipe.5. Calculate the new tension loading line for the new drill string and repeat step 3 and 4.Design Example: Design a 5” 19.5 lb/ft drill string using new pipe to reach a TD of 12000 ft in a vertical hole. The BHA consists of 20 drill collars 6 ” x 2 13/14” (82.6 lb/ft) each 30 ft long. For design purposes assume the following:MW=10ppgMOP=100000 lbsLength of slips =12”Design factors= 1.125(collapse) =85%(tension)二年裴戒远糊半里官骑蜗顾瞅搏渊睁因集滇惨掩谢激迹栏滤致绵桅诉煞酗Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1201.Collapse loading at 12000 Pc=0.052x10x12000=6240psiFrom table 11OD Grade Wt Collapse rating5” E 19.5lb/ft 10000/1.125=88895” E 25.6lb/ft 13500/1.125=12000Choose: 19.5 lb/ft grade E drill pipe (ID=4.276”)宦疮酶苏钮桩墅郸皮剔任招枯开着于旋柞辕暖砌憎纠办攒簇暖轨蕾巷邑片Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1212. Tension loading lineAt 12000 F1=P x A=0.052x10x12000 x 3.14/4(6.252-2.8122) =152683 lbs W1=20x30x82.6=49560 lbsAt 11400 F2=P x AP=0.052x10x11400=5928 lbsA=3.14/4(6.252-52)+3.14/4(4.2762-2.81252)=19.19 in2F2=5928x19.19=113758 lbsW2=11400x19.5=2223000 lbsCalculating the tension at the top and bottom of each section:At bottom of collars T=-152693 lbsAt top of collars T=-152693+49560=-103133 lbs的结植登谜斥疲丹少访冀侈尾啪夸键倦锡捉彦免袋灿古骆犯莱叙坚针深遍Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)122At bottom of drillpipe T=-103133+113758=10625 lbsAt top of drillpipe T=10625+222300=232925 lbsPlot these figures on a graph, along with the maximum allowable load = 0.85x 395000 = 335750 lbs3. Construct design loading lines:a.Multiply actual loads by 1.3 to obtain the design loads(Td)at surface Td=1.3x 232925= 302802 lbsat 11400 Td=1.3x10625=13812 lbsb. add 10000 MOP to obtain Tdat surface Td=232925+100000=332925 lbsat 11400 Td=10625+100000=110625 lbs韩借函笨嗡亿藩堑寨逸钮漂主私郡尺柿旺肝到蓑铭降沙充蚁啄钩挪侠面斟Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)123c. Apply slip crushing factorAt surface Td=1.59x232925=370351 lbsAt 11400 Td=1.59x 10625=16894 lbs4. Above 2000 the design loading line exceeds the maximum allowable tensile load, therefore a stronger section of pipe must be used from 0-2000.Choose 25.6 lb/ft grade E drill pipe.5. Re-calculate tensile loading for new string and repeat 3 and 4.境振枯笆痹者欺谚晃高坟撕匆愧屉漾砧乾弘兴糖律林慎兢猖藕抨泥婉哈头Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)124獭挽扁梦疏珠倒杏酉蔬皖擂鸽荣秉广识淌扬肄胖介奸矢掖皱涧聂签歉臭玲Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1256. Final design0-2000 25.6 lb/ft grade E2000-11400 19.5 lb/ft grade E11400-12000 6 ” x 2 13/16” collars鸥初拍胎娶窗幂剿得惋跋抠晚益痕妻缔功髓掏明淳掷砾铜翠蒂摔蚁跺狞稀Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)126Chapter 4 Drilling BitsnTypes of drilling bitnBit designnBit selectionnRock bit evaluationnBit performance撂憋炕文屎建咖膳丽碍灭囊执繁屈找氮蚁贾潘炬豺黑伸谊稼洲馁招也池镶Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)127柬占矾仇驹午陷郝婆检世莆枪烹搪捐置潘事茹掏谷隅薪盒赦湖饼禾锁然怠Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1281. Types of drilling bit1.1 Drag BitsDrag bits were the first bits used in rotary drilling, but are no longer in common use.A drag bit consists of rigid steel blades shaped like a fish-tail which rotate as a single unit.Due to the dragging/scraping action of this type of bit, high RPM and low WOB are applied.贰先踌顺馅潮抄丘路懦娃名秸反蔬慈椒贵峙甘猩赞玉蝇茵寐网阂娘秤认努Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)129The decline in the use of drag bit was due to:The introduction of roller cone bits, which could drill soft formation more efficiently;If too much WOB was applied, excessive torque led to bit failure of drill pipe failure;Drag bit s tend to drill crooked(弯曲的弯曲的) hole, therefore some means of controlling deviation was require;Drag bits were limited to drilling through uniformly, soft, unconsolidated formations where no hard abrasive layers.倪佯鱼缨豹拷物餐狮巾锋饲帚粳秽芽雨刀哎腐秩驾劈厢污矣朵臻浊硬介蚊Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1301.2 Roller cone bitsRoller cone bits or rock bits are still most common type of bit used world wide.The cutting action is provided by cones which have either steel teeth or tungsten carbide inserts.These cones rotate on the bottom of the hole and drill hole predominantly with a grinding and chipping action.Rock bits are classified as milled tooth bits or insert bits depending on the cutting surface on the cones.The cones of 3 cone bit are mounted on bearing pins, or arm journals which extend from the bit body. The bearings allow each cone to turn about its own axis as the bit is rotated.骇利孙论冶议坤摇锗具薪侗衙关叮胁甥客祈左陡它野菌企亨廓汽远淳球骂Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)131距邓势连巳谜炔洁盎被苇斡廊瓶肃浇像缺滨及廉住叁戒允季驯卜宰捕勋痢Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1321.3 Diamond BitsNatural Diamond BitsThe diamond bit is really a type of drag bit since it has no moving cones and operates as a single unit. The cutting action of a diamond is achieved by scraping away the rock.Despite its high wear resistance diamond is sensitive to shock and vibration and therefore great care must be taken when running a diamond bit.Effective fluid circulation across the face of the bit is also very important to prevent overheating of the diamonds and matrix material and to prevent the face of the bit becoming smeared with the rock cuttings (bit balling).吵舞钱涩醉衍佃涨绸栏竣纶忻禾学娇听郧缸佃胁烬既朝奢饵瞬骚童值颖忽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)133PDC bitsA new generation of diamond bits known as polycrystalline diamond compact bits were introduced in the 1980s. this bit uses small discs of synthetic diamond to provide the scraping cutting surface.TSP bitsA further development of the PDC bit concept was the introduction in the later 1980s of thermally Stable Polycrystalline diamond bits. These bits are manufactured in a similar fashion to PDC bits but are tolerance of much higher temperatures than PDC bits.囊园岩废瓦脸宋慌韩写悦梢撅帅肾虞陨码螟棘逻梗蜕扛抑臻晶篆云小椰翌Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1342. BIT DESIGNRoller Cone Bit DesignBearing assembliesConesCutting elementsFluid circulation 想桓跋恿嗅透地削辽乏肢火辆营导豪腥国懂鼓粟诌兼敖润粕侦亦氖秀顷秆Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)135Bearing assemblyThere are three types of bearings:Roller bearings, which form the outer assembly and help to support the radial loading;Ball bearings, which resist longitudial or thrust loads and also help to secure the cones on the journals.A friction bearing, in the nose assembly which helps to support the radial loading.The friction bearing consists of a special bushing pressed into the nose of the cone.狼零斤谓讽苛囤拟钾酶宛馈谱龄揭硝渴棍痪株垂公酪孽袁馈畸献兹堕喀粥Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)136蔽珍举傀射堤冉牵灿洗撮仁蛇择恫骏徽铲齐啪糖孔锌肘噎舔鸿殴倚测嗽咽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)137Cone DesignCone slipage(超顶)Offsetting(移轴)姜鼎杠潞姿娩浚煽说祝醚嫌绊拨甜杀迄广饿露噬译猴茵渔资祈猪架踩婆女Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)138Cutting StructureThe selection of a milled tooth or insert bit is largely based on the hardness of the formation to be drilled. The main considerations in the design of the cutting structure is the height and spacing of teeth or inserts.Soft formation bits require deep penetration into the rock so the teeth are long, thin and widely spaced to prevent bit balling. Bit balling occurs when soft formations are drilled and the soft material accumulates on the surface of the bit preventing the teeth from penetrating the rock. 丫邓削峨顽睛升罕盏俘寻辱兹恳姚驶渝怔巳阐拼天迈独倔美钢坚棠吕呸蔗Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)139Moderately hard formation bits are required to withstand heavier loads so tooth height is decreased, and tooth width increased. Such bits rely on scraping/gouging action with only limited penetration.Hard formation bits rely on a chipping action and not on tooth penetration to drill, so the teeth are short and stubbier than those used for softer formations. The teeth must be strong enough to withstand the crushing/chipping action and sufficient numbers of teeth should be used to reduce the unit load. 敞恩笨靡档垒另缉沪饵抢簿拦咕真流氦膛谭互历服哆刽衬餐名寸膀碾帛魄Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)140Fluid circulationDrilling fluid passes from the drillstring and out through nozzles in the bit. As it passes across the face of the bit it carries the drilled cutting from the cones and into the annulus.The fluid is now generally ejected through three jet nozzles around the outside of the bit body. Jet nozzles are small rings of tungsten carbide and are available in many sizes.The outside diameter of the ring is standard so that the nozzle can fit into any bit size.衔厩橱兢潍欺掸佃奥怪塌两拯抉拖址筷膏伙携埃棠课腮替箱轧惋钵毛判缓Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1412.2 PDC BIT DESIGNThe five major components of PDC bit design areCutting MaterialBit Body MaterialCutter RakeBit ProfileCutter DensityCutter ExposureFluid Circulation悼姑彝卤屁妻攻运旧怠坦脚蹦榷踞认褪功狗掣嘿讹俩恰叮瞳炯鹏榜轿腋旭Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)142There are three basic types of PDC bit crown profiles: flat or shallow cone; tapered or double cone; and parabolic.The flat or shallow profile enenly distributes the WOB among each of the cutters on the bit. Two disadvantages of this profile are limited rotational stability and uneven wear. Rocking can occur at high RPM, because of the flat profile. This can cause high instantaneous loading, high temperatures and loss of cooling to the PDC cutters.The taper or double cone profile allows increased distribution of the cutters toward the OD of the bit and therefore greater rotational and directional stability and even wear is achieved.The parabolic profile provides a smooth loading over the bit profile and the largest constant area. This bit profile therefore provides even greater rotational and directional stability and even wear. Tjis profile is typically used for motor or turbine drilling.搂噪旭腑锦同诚怔馅怖招瞪恿材再竣辖久峨芳汹瓮粕闲阅朔锻喳障蕴巷哥Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)143你疥底晓篱爬娃彝圃掠辕丫科拎渝狞竣竹尝靠氢衅兆富壬苑距蚜摇垮惮粹Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1443. BIT SELECTION3.1 Roller Cone BitsThe IADC bit comparison charts are often used to select the best bit for a particular application. The bits are classified according to the international association of drilling contractors code.The position of each bit in the chart is defined by three numbers and one character. The sequence of numeric characters defines the “series, type and features” of the bit. The additional character defines additional design features.Column 1 SeriesThe series classification is split into two broad categories: milled tooth bits (series 1-3) and insert bits(series 4-8). The characters 1-8 represent a particular formation drillability.赫斟刷居懂值剿眷矾碧泄蠕奋专绒诽谦蹬上勤材捕挖灼勺掐草印值纽被匝Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)145Series 1-3 bits are milled tooth bits which are suitable for soft, medium or hard formations.Series 4-8 bits are insert bits and are suitable for soft, medium, hard and extra hard formations.Column 2 TypeEach series category is subdivided into 4 types according to the drillability of the formation.Row 1 FeaturesThe design features of the bit are defined on the horizontal axis of the system. 窒确箭夺剖可访子芍陇床窥脯辽钟顷略悍卒侈莉淋顾凶裹捞洋狸尺俺佩停Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)146The numerical characters define the following features:1 means s standard roller bearings2 means air cooled roller bearings3 means a roller bearing bit with gauge protection5 means sealed roller bearings are included5 means both sealed roller bearings and gauge protection included6 means sealed friction bearings included7 means both sealed friction bearings and gauge protection included役州寸企码榷丸惕捡更传兆滴道王粹登羡冒猛烙驻翰崩指俞盆枣逝内确抵Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)147Additional Tableadditional design featuresAn additional table is supplied with the bit classification chart. This table defines additional features of the bit. Eleven characters are used to describe features such as: extended nozzles; additional nozzles; suitability for air drilling etc. If a bit is classified as 1-2-4-E this means that it is a soft formation, milled tooth bit with sealed roller bearings and extended nozzles.索忱砖划惧谱傣践蚂课叭杜膜诈沈野郎搅炽抉宙检房辱仓俄肄坪豌样党眯Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)148Fixed cutter bitsThe fixed cutter bit (diamond, PDC, TSP) classification system was introduced by the IADC in 1987. The system is comprised of a four character classification code indicating a total of seven bit design features: cutter type, Body material, Bit profile, fluid discharge, flow distribution, cutter size, and cutter density. Column 1 primary type and body material:Five letters are used to describe the cutter type and body material, as shown in table 4. Column 2 Cross sectional profile:The numbers 1-9 are used to define the bits cross sectional profile, according to the 3x3 chart shown in table 4. 移丰讫宴烈暮趁繁啦皑胎肩莹桥忧剃鬼贞而珐颓究祷赌霓批度许橙形克窑Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)149Column 3 Hydraulic design:The numbers 1-9 in the third character of the system refers to the hydraulic design of the bit. Column 4 Cutter size and placement Density:The numbers 1-9 in the forth character of the system refers to the cutter size and placement density, according to the 3x3 matrix chart shown in table 4.墟奔燎巴佐郊她荣源佣予软矮体点撕爬呐贵摘搔侄承氮写票禽顶档豢碳净Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1504. ROCK BIT EVALUATIONThe evaluation of bits is useful for the following reasons:To improve bit type selectionTo identify the effects of WOB,RPM,etc., To allow drilling personnel to improve their ability to recognis when a bit should be pulled.To evaluate bit performance and help to improve their design.A bit record (table 5) will always be kept by the operating company, drilling contractor and/or bit vendor. 龚瘟露荆宏软心托字征笛唆锻海熔坷锑住坞芍矣造绷圭瞄将旧典狂二挚凛Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)151The IADC Dull Grading System is based on the chart shown in figure 25 and will be described in terms of each column:Column 1Cutting structure Inner Rows:Report the condition of the cutting structure on inner 2/3 rds of the bit for roller cone bits and inner 2/3 rds radius of a fixed cutter bit.Column 2Cutting structure Outer Row:Report the condition of the cutting structure on the outer 1/3 rd of the bit for roller cone bits and outer 1/3 rds radius of a fixed cutter bit. 亢船挎筒致操弱扬感骑换趾藕弱溶纫春篱宫炬悲耽驹次傲咸呜惊拣全答评Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)152STEEL TOOTH BITS: a measure of the lost tooth height.8 indicates total loss of tooth height due to wear or breakageINSERT BITS: a measure of total cutting structure reduction due to lost, worn and/or broken inserts0 indicate not lost, worn and /or broken inserts8 indicates total loss of cutting structure due to lost, worn and/or broken insertsFIXED CUTTER: a measure of the cutting structure wear0-indicates no loss of cutter or diamond height due to wear or breakage8 indicates total loss of cutter or diamond height due to wear or breakage斡美莽泉淀鞋碟狱董雍耶窝越屡母缺庆吼查柞袜见隙致折拯纸泌消帘却囚Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)153Column 3 Cutting structure Dull Characteristics(D):Column 4 Cutting structure Location (L):Column 5 Bearing Condition (B):Column 6 Remarks (O)Column 8 Reason for Pulling (R)奋帕甩云跌疟央袜惊刘驾讣嫁勃巾揭慈伟粟属淘绚谓淆圭严梧怯栏堡组部Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1545 BIT PERFORMANCEThe performance of a bit may be judged on the following criteria:How much footage it drilled How fast it drilledHow much it cost to run per foot of hole drilled.The best method of assessing the bits performance is the last of the above.C=overall cost per foot($/foot); Cb=cost of bit($); Rt=rotating time with bit on bottom(hrs); Tt=round trip time(hrs); Cr=cost of operating rig($/hrs).渠睬爸足琳疯邪蘑舀邑嘴稳讯褪禽郁醚灵鼓诌唯泊妙凸汀饿滞芥罐齐延峨Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1555.1 Roller cone bits:In addition to correct bit selection, penetration rate is a function of many parameters:Weight on bit(WOB)Rotary speed(RPM)Mud propertiesHydraulic efficiencyWeight on bitA certain minimum WOB is required to overcome the compressibility of the formation. It has been found experimentally that once this threshold is exceeded, penetration rate increases linearly with WOB.式杭嚏舷闯婿显铡梦讨谬铡枫抛斜讯院撇粕琵高翔嗜轴陶宦奄监竟储复所Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)156Certain limitation to the WOB are as follows:a.Hydraulic horsepower at the bitIf the HHP at the bit is not sufficient to ensure good bit cleaning the ROP is reduced either by bit balling or bottom hole balling.The HHP at the bit is given by: HHPb=Pb x Q /1714 Pb=pressure drop across the nozzles of the bit Q=flow rate through the bitTo increase HHP requires an increase in Pb (small nozzles) or Q (faster pump speed or larger liners).Hole cleaning may be improved by using extended nozzles to bring the fluid stream nearer to the bottom of the hole.矩靶足搂珍巾凡鹃婉腋游烤煮鸦家息醉喀浪它炊阔盒帽粤郝绞掺羔片员腿Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)157b. Type of formationWOB is often limited in soft formations, where excessive weight will only bury the teeth into the rock and cause increased torque, with no increase in ROP.c. Hole deviationIn some areas, WOB will produce bending in the drilstring, leading to a crooked hole. The drillstring should be properly stabilised to prevent this happening.d. Bearing lifeThe greater the load on the bearings the shorter their operational life. Optimising ROP will depend on a compromise between WOB and bearing wear.e. Tooth lifeIn hard formations, with high compressive strength, excessive WOB will cause the teeth break.湛芽霞窘遏缔不菜据奎喝视闲义诱缠摸恩吮扣做诽磺绪瑟魏祥堆始偶淋磊Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)158Rotary speedThe ROP will also affected by rotary speed of the bit and optimum speed must be determined. The RPM influences the ROPExperience plays a large part in selecting the correct rotary speed in any given situation.The RPM applied to a bot will be a function of a.Type of bit (In general lower RPMs is used for insert bits than for milled tooth bits.)b.Type of formation (Harder formations are less easily penetrated and so require low RPM. )训法串洗鸿谆勾古所踌嘘碘艳耗瑟访谱权规形荚挨向凰伯窍刨夕澄顾移瓢Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)159Mud propertiesIn order to prevent an influx of formation fluids into the wellbore the hydrostatic mud pressure must be slightly greater than the formation pressure. This overbalance, or positive pressure differential, forces the liquid portion of the mud into the formation, leaving the solids to form a filter cake on the wall of the borehole. In porous formations this filter cake prevents any further entry of mud into the formation. This overbalance and filter cake also exists at the bottom of the hole where it affects the removal of cuttings. The differential pressure on the chip tends to keep the chip against the formation. This is known as the static chip hold down effect, and leads to lower penetration rates.To reduce the hold down effect:Reduce the positive differential pressure Reduce the solids content of the mud期洼钳耳蹿霉惟喳卷较免邀现足妹洒嘴虏递阴宗诀从箕腔肠钵黍祥遥肚妈Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)1605.2 PDC Bits:WOB/RPMPDC bits tend to drill faster with low WOB and high RPM. They are also found to require higher torque than roller cone bits. The general recommendation is that the highest RPM that can be achieved should be used. Although the torque is fairly constant in shale sections the bit will tend to dig in and torque up in sandy sections.When drilling in these sandy sections, or when the bit drills into hard sections and penetration rate drops, the WOB should be reduced but should be maintained to produce a rotary torque at least equal to that of a roller cone bit. 爸瑚蠕唁丈酿槛逊骸洞涸姻焚柯橡椭汾栽耗抉聊窜祈膨咱童构盟搪停纪斋Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)161Mud PropertiesThe best ROP results have been achieved with oil based muds but a good deal of success has been achieved with water based muds.Hydraulic EfficiencyThe effects of increased hydraulic horsepower at the bit are similar to their effect on roller cone bits.所抒谆尊删熙恋灸币怜匙谨堤仰衫劈痢折叼臆神镍呢跋傲诅彪矮孺怯搂菇Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)162Ex. 2 cost per foot of a bit runThe following bit records are taken from the offset wells used in the design of the well shown in Appendix 1 of Chapter 1.Assuming: tahta the geological conditions in this well are the same as those in the offset wells below; that the 12 ” section will be drilled from around 7000ft; an average trip time of 8 hrs; and a rig rate of 400/hr. select the best bit type to drill the 12 ” hole section. WELL BIT COST DEPTH(IN) DEPTH (OUT) TIME ft ft hr 1 A 350 7100 7306 14.92 B 1600 7250 7982 58.13 C 1600 7000 7983 96.3详律哄勾熟姆财烙晾越炬哲钻扒豪纷却靛底购撮刀魂钡激倡耳栅杨了填绽Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)163Ex.3 Cost per foot whist drillingWhist drilling the 12 ” hole section of the new well the following drilling data is being recorded and provided to the company man. At what point in time would you have suggested that the bit be pulled and why? Assume n average trip time of 8hrs, rig rate of 400/hr and the bit type selected above had been run in hole.Time footage drilled1 342 623 864 1105 1266 154 7 180 8 210 9 21610 22611 23412 240 慎沈横莉篡坟蠕酱想车功擂邯蛹店萍央敲挡周傻坝温连梅束弯持凝钳汐屠Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)Drilling Engineering(钻井工程英文课件)164
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