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cakefacenamemake a / a-e / ei /bag bat bake datefat has fate game jam man lake taketap hand make page -e /i:/ /e/ -e- bepen redshe/i:/_/e/_petletweleghenhepencilte读一读,分一分读一读,分一分kitefivelikeninerice i/i/ i-e/ai/ bitbiteMissMikefishfiveTimTimethinfinepigice读一读,比一比读一读,比一比o / (恍然小悟音恍然小悟音 )o-e /u/ boxlotoJonesnotenoseo-eCokeu hotnotU / /(被踩小叫音(被踩小叫音 )u-e/ju: / underrunduckfunLets read ju: :study cute cup use ducktube funcutumbrellaexcuse underupmule你学到了什么?你学到了什么?a-eai-eio-eo-e-e-u-eu当当“e”和好朋友和好朋友“a”、 “i” 、“o”、 “u”在一起且躲在结在一起且躲在结尾时尾时(a/i/o/u _ e)不发音不发音; 没有好朋友且躲在结尾时没有好朋友且躲在结尾时(_e)发字母本身的音发字母本身的音ei:; 没有好朋友且在中间时没有好朋友且在中间时发出怪声发出怪声/e/quiet “e”good “e”naughty “e”We like the _ .A. cut B. catcat Oh, hes _ !A. cut B. cutecute Hes got a _ !A. cake B. CokecakeA red rose on the cake . A cup of milk . Read,listen and circle. cake likerose cutehecatcupmilkitredgota-e i-e o-e u-e -e aui-e-ooncut你学到了什么?a-eai-eio-eo-e-e-u-euLets chantHe and she,She and he,_ play together,_ ,_ and _.He and she,She and he,_all play together.1,2,3.HeshemeLetsWeboxcakeusemaplateheshewepenredGoodbye!
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