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Unit 1 第一课时第一课时1.once 2.reading(like doing sth.) 3.boys(most+复数名词复数名词) 4.Does work5.to play(want to do sth.)6-10 ACBCB11-15 often, never, sometimes, hardly, always 16-20 FTTFF第二课时第二课时 1-5 program, twice,Internet,exercises, hardly6-10 CAACB11-15 once or twice, results of/for, As for, usually plays soccer, play computer games16. 846(students)17. They didnt have time. They couldnt eat early in the morning.18. 144.19. Milk, orange juice and bread.(或者答文中最后一句或者答文中最后一句)第三课时第三课时1-5 for, of, after, in, with6-10 BCABA11.Do you 12.His favorite color13. How often does 14.What does do16.Do 17. vegetables 18.how 19.many20.stand第四课时第四课时1.differences 2.waiting(keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事让某人一直做某事)3.reading 4.to speak(try to do sth.) 5. get6-10 CABBB 11-15 CEADB16.它(垃圾食品)对他们的健康有害。它(垃圾食品)对他们的健康有害。17.尽管他们知道(吃垃圾食品)不是个好习惯,尽管他们知道(吃垃圾食品)不是个好习惯,但他们仍然吃。但他们仍然吃。18.Some(of them)only eat once or twice a week.19.He hardly ever exercises.20.他的父母担心他。他的父母担心他。/他的父母对他的(身体)他的父母对他的(身体)很担忧。很担忧。第五课时第五课时1-5 after, habit(s), ever, keep, with6-10 BABAB11. the same as 12.junk food 13.kind of/a little 14. healthy lifestyle 15.lots of16-20 CBABA 21-25 CCABB书面表达:书面表达:My classmate Maria does her homeworkevery day. And she is very busy with her lessons, so she hardly watches TV. She surfs the Internet twice a day to get some news. She likes English very much. She reads English books every day. She has a good habit. She exercises three or four times a day. She goes to the movies once a month to relax herself.Unit 2 Period One1-5 hand, eye, ear, feet, mouth 6-10 ACACC11.good idea 12.should go 13.have a sore throat 14.Maybe, see a doctor 15.had a cold16-20 ABACB 21-25 ABBACPeriod Two1-5 neck, toothache, fever, tired, mouth6-10 CBBAC (7.what to do/how to do it怎么办怎么办)11.Whats the matter 12.When did start 13.shouldnt drink 14.Does have 15.You should16-20 FTTFTPeriod Three1.keep healthy/stay healthy/keep in good health2.listen to music 3.have a stomachache4.be stressed out 5.lie down 6.a few 7.at the moment 8.看牙医看牙医 9.多喝水多喝水 10.寄宿家庭寄宿家庭11-15 CCBBA 16-20 AACBBPeriod Four1-5 angry, important, western, medicine, weak6-10 CAAAB11.feel tired 12.are good for 13.didnt until 14.hope, have fun15.believe, to sleep16.Exercise and a balanced diet (can reduce stress).17.Breakfast( is the most important meal of a day).18.Yes, they do.19.Vegetables, fruits, fish and chicken.20.At school.Period Five1-5 CAACC6.I was ill. 7.How are you feeling now? 8.Did you see/a doctor? 9.I can/will help you with your lessons. 10.Youre welcome.11.Headaches and stomachaches12.A very sore throat after eating13.Something wrong with his hands14.Stopping drinking milk15.Stopping eating breadI think you should have one healthy habit and lifestyle. You shouldexercise every day and eat a balanced diet. If you are always tired, you should eat hot yang foods, like beef. If you are always stressed out, you should eat more yin foods, like tofu. Its also important to keep a balance of studying and rest. Unit 3 Period 11-5 visit, babysit, sounds, send,tired6-10 ABCCA11.is visiting12.for vacation13.is babysitting14.leaving for15.am going camping16-20 FTFTFPeriod 21-5 babysitting; to travel; is doing, relaxing;going; swimming/to swim6-10 BACAB11-15 DABEC16.They come from America.17.For three months.18.He is a taxi driver.19.Three.20.Because they want the American people know more about China.Period Three1-5 fishing, famous, going sightseeing, relaxing vacation, How long6-10 BCACA11.to send12.postcards13.staying14.hiking15.twice16-20 CBACB21-25 BACBCPeriod 41-5 tourist/visitor, rented, finish, something different, spend time6-10 ABCBB11.When are12.What are doing13.are going14.How long staying15.Is leaving16-20 FTFTTPeriod 56-10 thinking about; take walks; making,last; to go sightseeing; take a vacation1-5 ACBBC11.What are you doing for vacation?12.Who are you going with?13.What are you doing there?14.How long are you staying there?15.have an exciting vacation16.我计划去看一部新电影。我计划去看一部新电影。17.这部电影很著名、很有趣。这部电影很著名、很有趣。18.我将骑单车去乡下。我将骑单车去乡下。19.你将在乡下呆多久?你将在乡下呆多久?20.我希望能忘掉烦恼。我希望能忘掉烦恼。Dear Tom, Im glad to write to you. This summer Im going to Dalian for vacation. I hope you can come to China. We can spend our vacation together. We can go swimming, go fishing, climb the mountains and so on. At the same time, we may learn from each other. Im sure well have a good time together. Please write to me soon. Yours, Lin PingUnit 4 Period 11.take a taxi2.takes the plane 3.Walking4.rides the bike5.by train6-10 B A C A B11.How does12.How many13.How far14.How often 15.How long16-20 ABAAB21-25 AABCAPeriod 21-5minutes, bicycle, early, quick, walk6-10 B B A C A11. took, to finish reading12.by subway13.takes the bus14.get to15.leaving for16-20 CABBCPeriod 31-5 took, hundred, Chinese, kilometers, feet6-10 A C B B B11. rides, to12.How, do, go13.How far14. How long did15.doesnt walk16-20 T F F T FPeriod 41-5ninety, town, more, worry, river6-10 B B C A C11. have to12.depends on13.is different from14.around the world15.must be16.near, walks 17.Mary, thirty18. usually,rainsPeriod 51.A (ten minutes walk:十分钟:十分钟的路程,复数名词的所有格的路程,复数名词的所有格)2.C3.B4.C5.B6.Wheres the Childrens Hospital?7.How far is it from here?8.Can I take a bus?9.Wheres the bus stop?10.Thanks/Thank you.11. He felt very happy.12.Some of his classmates.13.No, he didnt.14.He was going to buy a sleeping bag.15.If Charles told Barry the truth, his close friends would be angry with him. Bicycles are still very popular in many big cities. Its easy to go to school or go to work by bike. Now many people buy cars and theymake air polluted. But riding bikes can help people keep healthy and save energy. I like riding bikes because its cheap and it canalso keep air clean.Unit 5 Period 11-5 lesson, has, another, Sure, study6-10 A B B A A11-15 C E B A D16-20 C C C B BPeriod 21-5 going, to have, to play, his, did get6-10 B B B C B11.have to 12.am sorry 13.see the/a doctor 14.Can, go, to 15.for calling16-20 C B C A B 21-25 B C A C BPeriod 31-5 tomorrow, whole, match, invitation, chemistry6-10 C B B C B11.keep/be quiet 12.come over to 13.have to 14.with us 15.the day after tomorrow18. For 5 hours.19.They will swim and dance.20.Yes, they can.16.Mr. and Mrs. Wilson.17.Richards birthdayPeriod 41-5 cousins, quiet, really, to discuss, to study6-10 A C A A B11.Can, come, your/my 12.Maybe, is 13.No, cant 14.What, does,do15.When do16.father/dad17.Christmas Carols18.Girl Guides19.Rick20.Christmas presents21.City Party第五课时第五课时 1-5 C A A C B6.Would you like/love to come?Can you come to my party?7. I cant come.8. It doesnt matter./Dont worry./Never mind.9. When/What time shall/ can/should I come/arrive?When will it start?10.I can find it./ I cant miss it.11.你知道为什么美国人在聚会前要写请柬?你知道为什么美国人在聚会前要写请柬?12.So its important for people to invite their friends before the party.13.通过这样做,通过这样做, 你的朋友们就知道他们需你的朋友们就知道他们需要带什么。要带什么。14. Then write down your name, place and time.15.你可以在电话里告诉你的朋友们时间你可以在电话里告诉你的朋友们时间和地点。和地点。Dear Frank,Thanks a lot for your invitation. Im sorry I cant come to your party. On Monday I have to go to the doctor. On Tuesday, Im playing basketball with my friends. On Wednesday, I have to help my mom. On Thursday, Im studying for my math test.And on Friday, I have to help my friend with English. Yours, Wang PingUnit 6 Period 11-10 taller, longer, calmer, heavier, curlier, thinner, fatter, nicer, more athletic, friendlier11-15 A C B A C16-20 thin, wild, different, quiet, tall21-25 C B A B C26-30 A A B C CPeriod 21-5 serious, Physics, twin, calmer, mean6-10 A B C B C11. athletic, both enjoy/like sports 12.really interesting, more outgoing13.as good at as14. In some ways15. a little16-20 F F F T TPeriod 31-5 more, different, laughs, important, opposite11-15 earlier, telling, thinner, laugh, information6-10 C A C B A16-20 C B A B CPeriod 41-5 to watch, friendly, speak, listening, does6-10 C B B A C11-15 bigger than, different from, isnt as as, swims well, are both16.Friendship is very important to everybody.17.友谊是给予和爱。友谊是给予和爱。18.如果你想拥有一个真正的朋友,你必须学会给予。如果你想拥有一个真正的朋友,你必须学会给予。19.It also brings you happiness to help other people.20. 在我们漫长的一生中会遇到很多人,在我们漫长的一生中会遇到很多人, 但只有但只有其中的一些人能成为我们真正的朋友。其中的一些人能成为我们真正的朋友。Period 51-5 B C C C B6.Yes, I do.7.What do you think a good friend should be like?8.Who is your best friend?9.We are different.10.Why are you such good friends?11.Ten years old.12.Hes a student.13.By car.14.He wanted to get a bike.15.Yes, he did.Its not necessary to be the same. I like to have friends who are different from me. My best friend is Mary. She is taller and more outgoing than me. We both like sports, but Mary is more athletic than me. She always beats me in tennis. Also, Im quieter than she is. She is good at math, but my English is better. We learn from each other and help each other.Unit 7 Period 11-5 many, peel, finally, mix, cup6-10 B C B A A11. put, into12. eight watermelons13.how to make14.beef, rice15.Dont pour16-20 T T F F TUnit 7 Period 21-5 wash, tomatoes, more, cut, to wear6-10 B A A C C11. Dont turn12. Are there any13. How many do14.No, he doesnt15.What would16-20 two; two teaspoons of; two cups of; butter; eggsUnit 7 Period 31-5 Sandwich, check, top, turkey, Duck6-10 C B A C B11. Add, to12. mix,up13.Turn on14.cut up15.kind of17.拿一把刀,切下一片薄如纸片的土豆。拿一把刀,切下一片薄如纸片的土豆。18.你会发现土豆就像一枚鸡蛋。你会发现土豆就像一枚鸡蛋。19.可是我们常常把它跟土豆皮一起扔掉。可是我们常常把它跟土豆皮一起扔掉。20.如果你不能吃掉整个土豆,请吃外面如果你不能吃掉整个土豆,请吃外面的部分,把里面的留下。的部分,把里面的留下。16.土豆在许多国家是深受喜爱的食物。土豆在许多国家是深受喜爱的食物。Unit 7 Period 41-5 ingredients, make, didnt do, butter, teaspoons6-10 B A B A B11. Dont worry12. What do we need?13. How many bananas do we need?14.What should we do?/ Then how to make it?15.Is that all?16-20 C A C C B21-25 A C A C B Unit 7 Period 51-5 B C B C A6.多吃水果对健康有益。多吃水果对健康有益。7.谢谢你给我制作的美味的三明治。谢谢你给我制作的美味的三明治。8.他们把东西放在了车顶上。他们把东西放在了车顶上。 9.我们需要多少黄油我们需要多少黄油?10.不要把牛奶倒进搅拌机里。不要把牛奶倒进搅拌机里。11-15 B C A B AFirst,put one teaspoon of cheese on a slice of bread. Then cut up a greenpepper and an onion. Add these to the bread. Next add three slices of beef. Put two teaspoons of relish on the beef. Finally, put the other slice of bread on the top. Oh, how delicious it tastes!Unit 8 Period 11-5 aquarium, gift, monitor, autograph, prize6-10 C A C A B11. Were there any 12. didnt play13.Yes, did14.What did do15.had fun/enjoyed ourselves16-20 B A C B C21-25 B C A B AUnit 8 Period 21-5 won, sharks, photos, met, didnt watch6-10 B B B C C11. hung out12. sounds interesting13.won the first prize14.went to the beach15.a souvenir16-19 T F T FUnit 8 Period 31-5 go for a drive, sleep late, day off, 上课,上课, 去野营去野营6-10 C A B A C11. Did you go to the zoo last Saturday?12. No, there werent13.What/How about you?14.How was the weather there?/ What was the weather like there?15.Yes, I did.16-20 B A A C CUnit 8 Period 41-5 wet, Luckily, player, competition, umbrella6-10 A A B C B11. went for a drive12. rained all day13.in the future14.really boring15.to buy raincoat16.They usually climb mountains, go hiking,fly kites or go to a martyres park.17.Yes, they do.18. April.19. The scientists.20.Because they can see beautiful birds and learn lots of new things.Unit 8 Period 51-5 slept late, in the future, had fun, go for a drive, day off6-10 C B A B C11. 我们俩都非常喜欢户外活动。我们俩都非常喜欢户外活动。12. 那儿有许多海洋动物,如海豹、海豚、那儿有许多海洋动物,如海豹、海豚、鲨鱼和章鱼等。鲨鱼和章鱼等。 13.鲨鱼非常丑陋可怕。鲨鱼非常丑陋可怕。14.当饿了的时候,我们就买了一些汉堡包当饿了的时候,我们就买了一些汉堡包和巧克力吃。和巧克力吃。15.虽然我们很疲惫,但我们感到非常高兴。虽然我们很疲惫,但我们感到非常高兴。Sunday, November 5 Sunny The weather was fine today. Tom and I went to visit Beijing Aquarium. Its about 2 kilometers away from my house, so we decided to go there by bike. We left home at 7:00. We watched a dolphin show, saw seals and sharks, and so on. We met some famous actors. There were many visitors. At 10:00 we left the aquarium for home. We were tired, but we had a good time.Unit 9 Period 11-5 become, national, golf, record, player6-10 A B A C A11. hiccupping/to hiccup12. to have13.named14.could15.found16-20 B A B C BUnit 9 Period 21-5 become, achievement, won, months,toured6-10 A C B B C11. achievements, famous12. Chinese ping-pong player13.the world record14.was born in15.gold medal16-20 1979; practice the piano; a writer; 2000; the large concertUnit 9 Period 31-5 violinist, unusual, beautiful, well-known,person6-10 C A C C A11. Where were12. How long did live13.When did go14. didnt do15.What did do16.火车是最伟大的一项火车是最伟大的一项(发明发明)。 17.He was born in 1781, in a poor family.18.所以他花大量的时间研究它们所以他花大量的时间研究它们/发动机。发动机。 19.He began/started to learn English letters when he was seventeen years old.20.十八岁生日那天,他第一次写自己的名字。十八岁生日那天,他第一次写自己的名字。Unit 9 Period 41-5 outstanding, loving, alive, pianist,grandsons6-10 A B C C C11. Yes./Sure./ Of course.12. Whats your name?13.When were you born?14.Where were you born ?15.How long have you learnt English?How long did you learn English?16-20 C B A C B21-25 A C B A CUnit 9 Period 51-5 B C A A B11. No, he didnt.12. Because she was going to boil an egg for him.13. Because he wanted to stay by himself.14.His watch.15.He works hard but often forgets other things.6-10 C B B A AAs we know, Yang Wei is a great gymnast. He was born on February 8 1980, in Hubei. He is 1.63 meters tall and weighs 56 kg. At the age of five, he began to practice gymnastics. In 2004, he took part in the Athens Olympic Games. Four years later, he won the gymnastics all-round champion at Beijing Olympic Games. Yang Wei likes listening to music and reading books when he isnt busy. I think he is one of the best gymnasts in the world.Unit 10 Period 11-5 prefessional, save, engineer, part-time,somewhere6-10 B A A B B11. Are going12. arent going13.Where are going14.What is do15.is going to have16-20 C C A A B21-25 A B B C CUnit 10 Period 21-5 grows up, retired, all over the world, hold,at the same time6-10 C B C A C11. acting12. writer13.programmer14.laugh15.speaking16. Because he likes helping people and makes them feel better.17. She is going to be an infant school teacher.18. Jenny.19.He wants to live in Greece. 20.No, they dont.Unit 10 Period 31-5 ladies, built, resolutions, travel,readers6-10 A B B C A11. Whats it about?12. Of course not.13.Sounds great!14.What are you going to be?15.How are you going to do that?16. 我的家乡正在飞速地变化着。我的家乡正在飞速地变化着。17. 这些建筑使我的家乡变得更好,这些建筑使我的家乡变得更好, 人们更幸福。人们更幸福。因为人们有了更好的地方工作、生活和锻炼。因为人们有了更好的地方工作、生活和锻炼。18. 他们告诉我那也曾是他们梦想的工作。他们告诉我那也曾是他们梦想的工作。19.它们(电脑程序)真的很有趣。它们(电脑程序)真的很有趣。20.我只能在周末或者假期使用电脑。我只能在周末或者假期使用电脑。Unit 10 Period 41-5 keep fit, play an intrument, , travel,readers6-10 A B B C A11. Whats it about?12. Of course not.13.Sounds great!14.What are you going to be?15.How are you going to do that?Unit 10 Period 51-5 B C C A A6. are going to make7. eat more vegetables8.practice singing9.is going to buy10.Is going to be11.more time doing12.TVs and computers13.fun14.reading books15.sports activitiesA new year is coming. Everyone in Jims has resolutions. Jims father is going to find a part-time job to make more money. At the same time, he is going to do more exercise to keep fit. Jims mother is going to learn an instrument and learn to cook more delicious food. Jim wants to do better in his schoolwork and learn to play basketball. Mary,Jims sister,is going to eat less junk food and communicate more with her teacher.Unit 11 Period 11-5 living, meeting, fold, sweep, dishes6-10 B C B C C11. do the laundry12. take out the trash13.do chores14.work on15.make breakfast16.她开始要约翰帮她做饭菜。她开始要约翰帮她做饭菜。17.男孩子们也打扫房间、整理床铺。男孩子们也打扫房间、整理床铺。18.除了这些之外,男孩子们也知道当他们的父除了这些之外,男孩子们也知道当他们的父母不在家时怎样做饭。母不在家时怎样做饭。19.当我年轻时,我的父亲告诉我学会如何照顾当我年轻时,我的父亲告诉我学会如何照顾自己。自己。20.你能学到重要的生活技能。你能学到重要的生活技能。Unit 11 Period 21-5 give, unhappy, clean, does,children6-10 C A A C C11. see a film12. eat/have breakfast13.do the laundry14.has to15.Certainly/Of course.16-20 A B A A C21-25 C A B B AUnit 11 Period 31-5 feed, player, borrow, invited, use6-10 B C C A A11. Dont forget12. Yes can13.Why do you like14.Did do chores15.doesnt have16-20 A B C A BUnit 11 Period 41-5 sweep, disagree, feed, laundry,wash6-10 B B C A B11. hates to12. take care of13.drinks snacks14.dont think should15.Thanks for16. Yes, they do.17. They should say “Thank you”.18.Because they are just trying to be friendly.19.The date or time.20.They should say“Sure, that would be great.”or “OK, thank you.”Do chores I hate to do some chores. I dont like sweeping the floor, its boring. I hate to take out the trash, because its very dirty. But I like other chores. I like to wash the car, because I can be outside. I dont hate to do the dishes, it can make me have a rest. Also I like to cook. I will be happy after I finish a dish. In fact, we should do some chores at home. Not only can we give parents a hand, but also learn a lot from it.Unit 11 Period 41-5 sweep, disagree, feed, laundry,wash6-10 B B C A B11. hates to12. take care of13.drinks snacks14.dont think should15.Thanks forUnit 12 Period 111-15 B B C A A16. much taller17. most expensive18.clothing store19.radio station20.friendliest service21-25 F T F T FUnit 12 Period 21. busier2.the most difficult3.me4.old5.more outgoing11-15 A B C C C6-10 C A C A BUnit 12 Period 31. loud 2.together3.success 4.performer5.jeans16-20 C C B B A6-10 B C C A C21-25 C A C B B11. most delicious 12.northern13.fastest14. dull15.womenUnit 12 Period 46. The price of9.still remembered10.talent show8. warm clothes7.in southern China11-15 E C G D A1-5 B C A A A16. delicious17.busy18.close19. takes20.meals21.bad22.friendlier23.bigger24.better25.neverUnit 12 Period 51. far2.cheap3.worst4.most outgoing5.northern6-10 B C B C A11. The Turks Delight12.comfortable13.a computer14. Viper Boy15.most interesting We did a survey of our readers and this is what we learned. All the movie theaters are good. However, Red Star Theater is the best, because it has the friendliest service. The most popular supermarket is Zhongbai because it has the best quality things. As for the radio station, most people think Beijing Music 97.4FM is the best because it plays the most interesting music.
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