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Meeting your ancestorsUnit 5Unit 5Section Warming up; Prereading, Reading & Comprehending课堂要点探究课堂要点探究 2课堂达标验收课堂达标验收3课前新知预习课前新知预习1课课 时时 作作 业业4课前新知预习课前新知预习词汇过关1音意记忆(1)_(n)可能的选择(adj)供选择的;其他的(2)_(adj)有观察力的;敏锐的;严重的;深刻的(3)_ (n)被子;棉被(4)_ (adj)足够的;充足的;富裕的(5)_ (adj)原始的;远古的;简陋的alternativeacutequiltampleprimitive2形意记忆(1)starvation (n)挨饿;饿死_ (v) (使)挨饿(2)accuracy (n) 精确;准确_ (adj) 精确的(3)_ (vt& vi) 打断讲话;打岔;暂时中断或中止interruption (n) 打断starveaccurateinterrupt(4)_ (vt) 假定;设想assumption (n) 假设(5)_ (vi& vt)(使)锋利;尖锐;清晰sharpener(n)磨具;削具_ (adj)锋利的(6)messy (adj)凌乱的;脏的_ (n) 混乱;纷乱assumesharpen sharpmess短语自查1带领某人参观_2把和比较_3生火_4至多;最多_5由制成_6scare away_7keep out_8cut up_show sbaroundcompare withmake firesat mostbe made of/from吓跑关在门外;不准进入切碎根据课文内容填空Choose the best answers according to the text A VISIT TO THE ZHOUKOUDIAN CAVES1The main idea of the text is about the _ of the earliest people in the Zhoukoudian cavesAlife and habitsBfood and clothingChomes and fishingDfarming and hunting2Through the conversation, everything about the earliest people is mentioned EXCEPT _AhomesBtoolsCdress Dentertainment3 The earliest people in the Zhoukoudian caves kept themselves warm by _Aworking BfightingCmaking fires Dhunting4Evidence has shown that the earliest people in the cave used _ to make clothes according to the conversationAleaves Btree skinsCanimal skins Dcotton5From the conversation we can infer that the earliest people in the caves were very _Abusy and richBidle and lazyCclever and hardworkingDstupid and cruel答案:15ADCCC课堂要点探究课堂要点探究1alternative n可能的选择adj供选择的;其他的Can you think of the alternatives we would use today?你能想到我们今天可以利用的选择吗?You have the alternative of riding or walking你可以在坐车和步行中选择一种。The alternative plans of having a picnic or taking a boat trip put them in a dilemma去野餐或者去乘船旅游二者只能择一的计划使他们左右为难。知识拓展an alternative to.的替代品have no alternative but to do sth别无选择只好做alternative energy 可替代能源She had no alternative but to ask for a few days leave实在不得已,她只好请几天假。活学活用(1)完成句子除了继续下去,我们没有选择的余地。We _ _ _ _ _ _ _除了战斗,没有其他的办法。There is _ _ _ _ _(2)用恰当词语填空As there is less and less coal and oil, scientists are exploring new ways of making use of _ (可替代的)energy, such as sunlight, wind and water for power and fuel答案:(1)have no alternative but to go onno alternative but to fight(2)alternative考查形容词词义辨析。句意:因为煤和石油的储量越来越少,科学家正在探索利用诸如太阳光、风和水等其他的替代能源新形式以获取能量和燃料。alternative表示“可供替代的”。2starvation n挨饿;饿死Millions will face starvation next year as a result of the drought由于发生旱灾,明年将有数百万人面临饥饿的威胁。知识拓展starve vt& vi(使)饿死;渴望starve to death 饿死starve for sth渴求/需要什么starve to do sth想要干某事starve sbinto sth/into doing sth断绝食物(或资金)来源以迫使某人做某事活学活用(1)完成句子They tried_ _ _ _(用饥饿来迫使他)submissionThe plants are_ _ _(需要水)答案:to starve him intostarving for water(2)用恰当形式填空Unless these people get food in the next two weeks they will starve _(die)答案:to death句意:这些人会饿死,除非他们在接下来的两周里得到食物。starve to death“饿死”,为固定搭配。3interrupt vt& vi打断讲话;打岔;打扰;暂时中断或中止He interrupted his work to have lunch他停止工作去吃午餐。We interrupt this programme to bring you a news flash我们暂时中断这个节目,插播新闻快讯。The traffic in the city was interrupted by a snowstorm市内交通被暴风雪所阻断。图解助记知识拓展interrupt sb/sthwith.用打扰/打断某人或某事interruption n阻断物;中断时间;插嘴;打岔活学活用(1)用interrupt或 disturb填空Once warned,nobody_the quiet evening by the lake once moreEverything returned to normal after we_our regularly scheduled program答案:disturbedinterrupted(2)完成句子我们去找个说话不受打扰的地方吧。Lets go somewhere where we can talk_ _ 答案:without interruption知识拓展(1)assume sth假设;假装assume sb/sthto be 假定/假设某人/某事为It is assumed that.据认为(2)assumption n假定;设想assuming (that).假定;设想His look of astonishment was assumed他那惊讶的样子是装出来的。We assumed him to be the best writer of our time我们认为他是我们这个时代最好的作家。活学活用完成句子(1)在证实他有罪之前我们必须要假定他是清白的。We _ _ _ _ _ innocent until he is proved guilty答案:must assume him to be(2) 假如今天下午下雨我们该怎么办呢?_ _ _ this afternoon, what shall we do?答案:Assuming it rains(3)人们普遍认为,压力是由工作过多且得不到放松所致。_ _ _ _that stress is caused by too much work and little relaxation答案:It is generally assumed5preserve v保护;维持;保存We must preserve our natural resources我们必须保护自然资源。He preserved the girl from the danger他保护这个女孩免遭危险。Fish are preserved in ice and salt until they are sold鱼在卖出之前保存于冰和盐中。注意:preserve sthfrom 使免遭知识拓展preservable adj可保存的preservation n保存preserver n保护者;保存者Well preservable primary paleooil reservoir may exist in the desert沙漠可能存在保存较好的原生古油藏。One of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial保存的必要条件之一是迅速掩埋。We should award a prize to the preservers of the culture relics我们应该奖励那些文物保护者。比较网站preserve,conserve,reserve与protectpreserve v保护;维持;保存This program emphasized the necessity for preserving natural resources这个节目强调了保护自然资源的必要性。conserve v“保存,保护”,强调珍惜。The objective of resource management is to conserve our resources资源管理的目的就在于保护好我们的资源。reserve v指“意见、看法的保留或座位的预定”。The first three rows of the hall are reserved for special guests大厅的前3排留给特别来宾。protect v“保护”,强调使其免受破坏或损害。He was wearing dark glasses to protect his eyes from the sun他戴一副墨镜以保护眼睛不受阳光的刺激。活学活用用恰当形式填空(1)In spite of failing to save every endangered species, we may preserve the majority _ extinction答案:from句意:尽管不能保护每一个濒临灭绝的物种,我们能保护大部分物种免遭灭绝。preserve sthfrom“使免遭”。(2)It is the duty of the police _ (preserve)social order答案:to preserve6analysis n分析,它的复数形式是analysesHis analysis was always convincing他的分析总是令人信服的。I want a detailed report of all the analyses我想要一份所有分析的详细报告。知识拓展analyse/analyze v分析;分解analysable adj可分析的;可分解的We should analyse what they said and not just agree with everything我们应该对他们的意见加以分析,不要随声附和。Many compounds are analysable许多化合物是可分解的。活学活用完成句子(1)他对形势作了周密的分析。He _ _ _ _of the situation(2)他们对这个题目进行了分析。They _ _ _ _of this subject(3)这些分析为我们进一步研究做了理论铺垫。_ _make the basis for our further study(4)这项工作包括搜集和分析资料。The job involves gathering and _ data(5)(2015真题改编湖北)团队正在努力分析这一问题以便找到解决问题的方法。The team are working hard to_the problem so that they can find the best solution答案:(1)made a close analysis(2)carried out an analysis(3)These analyses(4)analysing(5)analyze1regardless of 不顾;不管怎样;无论如何The law requires equal treatment for everyone, regardless of race, religion, or sex这一法律要求平等对待每一个人,不管种族、宗教信仰或性别。Regardless of whether he is right or wrong, we have to follow his advice不论他是对还是错,我们不得不听从他的建议。比较网站regardless of,despite和in spite of 这三个短语都可以表示“不管,不顾”,但是用法不同。(1)regardless of不管;不顾;不理会。一般用语。(2)despite虽然;尽管;不顾。语气较弱,多用于诗歌或正式的文体中。(3)in spite of虽然;尽管;不顾。 多用于书面语,语气较重。The training class welcomes all students regardless of age培训班欢迎各个年龄段的学生参加。Despite the fact that the doctor told him to rest,Jack went to Spain尽管医生嘱咐他休息,但杰克还是去了西班牙。In spite of all his efforts,he failed in his English exam尽管他付出了极大努力,他的英语考试还是不及格。注意:regardless of,despite,in spite of后不能直接跟从句,但可以接the fact that.。活学活用(1)用恰当词语填空(真题改编福建)Our club is open to everyone _ age, sex or educational background答案:regardless of考查介词短语的辨析。regardless of“不管;不顾”。根据语境中的to everyone 可知。句意:我们俱乐部向每一个人开放,不管年龄、性别和教育背景。(2)选用in spite of或regardless of 填空He decided to hold on the job_any difficulty_the high mountains and thick forests,the doctors and nurses rushed to the scene of the rescue without hesitation答案:regardless ofIn spite of2at most 至多;最多Its at most three centimetres long它最多有三厘米长。It will take two hours at most to get there最多两小时便可到达那里。知识拓展at most也可写成at the most,其反义词组为at (the) least。活学活用完成句子(1)这次旅行最多只会花去你50英镑。The trip will only _ _ _ _ _ _(2)尽可能多锻炼身体,每周锻炼四至六次,每次至少30分钟。Get as much exercise as possible _ _ _ _ every time, four to six times a week答案:(1)cost you fifty pounds at most (2)at least 30 minutes3cut up把砍成碎片;使伤心;使难受He has to have his food cut up for him他需要有人替他把食物切碎。He was badly cut up by the news of his sons death得知儿子死讯,他极为悲痛。知识拓展cut down 减少;砍倒cut away 切除;砍掉cut in 插嘴;打断cut off 中断(气、电、水等的)供应;切断;使隔绝cut out切掉;删掉活学活用(1)用适当的介词或副词填空The gas has been cut _ due to the earthquakeYou can cut _ the last sentence of the paragraphMr Davis cut _ to ask if anyone would like a drinkThis piece of material may be cut_to make a pair of trousers答案:offoutinup(2)用cut短语填空(真题改编陕西)My uncle hasnt been able to quit smoking, but at least he has _(削减)答案:cut down1So we think it is reasonable to assume they lived in these caves, regardless of the cold因此,我们有理由认为他们不顾严寒,就住在这些洞穴里。句中think后面是一个宾语从句,在宾语从句中it是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式结构to assume.,assume后面又接了一个宾语从句。it充当形式主语或形式宾语,本身无意义,只起一种先行引导的作用。后面的真正主语或真正宾语通常是不定式结构、ing分词结构或名词性从句。It is difficult to translate this article翻译这篇文章很难。What time would it be convenient for me to call you again?我几点再给你打电话合适?It is no use going there so early这么早去那里没有用。It has been a great honour your coming to visit me你的来访是我很大的荣幸。It is strange that we havent heard from him真奇怪,我们一直没有收到他的信。活学活用用恰当词语填空New technologies have made_possible to turn out new products faster and at a lower cost答案:it句意:新技术已经使得以更快的速度且更低的价格生产新产品成为可能。在句式make it possible to do sth中,it为形式宾语,真正的宾语为to do sth,possible作宾补。2It must have been very uncomfortable那肯定是很不舒服的了。本句中must have done结构表示对过去发生的事情的肯定推测,意思是“一定做过某事”,该结构只用于肯定句。It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet昨晚一定下雨了,因为地面是湿的。知识拓展“情态动词have done”的其他常见结构:may/mighthave done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,把握性不大,意思是“或许做过某事”,还可表示“本可以做某事(而未做)”。He might not have heard of the news他也许没有听说过这个消息。I might have taken another path我本可以走另一条路的。should/ought to have done表示“本该做某事(实际上却没有做)”。You should have finished your homework你本该做完作业的。neednthave done表示“本不必做某事(实际上却做了)”。You neednt have told me the newsI have already known it你本不必告诉我这个消息,我已经知道了。couldhave done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,但比may/mighthave done表示推测的把握性大,意为“可能做过某事”,又可表示“本能够做某事(实际上却没做)”,暗含一种惋惜之意。Where could she have gone?她可能到哪里去了呢?You could have done it well, but you were too careless你本来可以做好,但是你太马虎了。活学活用(1)用恰当形式填空(真题改编陕西)The children _ (get)lost in the woods; otherwise, they would have been at the lakeside camp as scheduled答案:must have got本题考查情态动词。句意:孩子们一定是在树林里迷路了,否则按时间他们会在湖边野营了。根据下文可知此处是做了很有把握的肯定的推测,故用must;由would have been 可知是过去的事情,要表示对于过去的事情的推测要用情态动词have done的形式,故填must have got。(真题改编浙江)They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they _ (come)to our help答案:should/could/must/might have come本题考查虚拟语气。句意:我们实行调查时他们出国了,要不然的话,他们就会来帮助我们了。由关键信息or可知,此处是隐含的虚拟条件句,or相当于 If they hadnt been abroad,叙述与过去事实相反,主句谓语动词用would/should/could/might have done。(2)用恰当情态动词填空(2015真题改编福建)Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview againOh, its too badYou_have made full preparations答案:should3We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick, which suggests that they might have kept the fire burning all winter我们一直在挖掘一层层的积灰,几乎有六米厚,这意味着他们可能整个冬季都在烧火。本句的主句是We have been excavating layers of ash almost six metres thick,其中形容词短语almost six metres thick作后置定语,修饰ash。which引导一个非限制性定语从句,在从句中suggests后跟that引导的宾语从句。have been excavating是现在完成进行时,表示从过去开始一直延续到现在,或将继续延续至将来。We have been working on this project for over a month now到目前为止,我们一直从事这个项目,已经一个多月了。比较网站现在完成进行时和现在完成时现在完成时表示已经完成,而现在完成进行时表示还没完成还要延续下去。试比较:They have built a house(完成)They have been building a house(尚未完成)现在完成进行时是由“have/has beendoing”构成的,可表示动作的重复,而现在完成时一般不表示动作的重复。Have you been meeting him recently?你最近常和他见面吗?Have you met him recently?你最近见到过他吗?现在完成进行时有时含有感情色彩,而现在完成时一般是客观地讲述一个事实。I have been waiting for you for two hours我一直等了你两个小时。(可能表示不满)I have waited for you for two hours我等了你两个小时。(说明一个事实)现在完成进行时强调动作的延续性,而现在完成时强调结果。Who has been eating these oranges?谁一直在吃这些橘子呀?(可能还剩余一些)Who has eaten these oranges?谁把这些橘子吃了?(强调吃得一个不剩)如果强调某一动作刚刚结束,并已产生某种影响时,常用现在完成进行时。Why are you looking a bit tired?为什么你看来有点儿累?I have been cleaning the house我一直在打扫房子。活学活用用恰当形式填空(1)(真 题 改 编 湖 南 )Since the time humankind started gardening, we _(try)to make our environment more beautiful答案:have been trying考查动词时态。根据since引导的时间状语从句可知所填词表示“从过去一直持续到现在的动作”,强调其持续性,应用现在完成进行时。(2)(真题改编福建)The girl has a great interest in sport and _ (take)badminton classes twice a week over the last three years答案:has been taking本题考查时态用法。由over the last three years可知用现在完成进行时。(3)(2015真题改编陕西)Marty_(work) really hard on his book and thinks hell have finished it by Friday答案:has been working句意:Marty一直努力写书,我想他到周五为止将已经完成了。用现在完成进行时表示从过去到现在一直进行的动作。所以填has been working。4Our evidence suggests that they did wear clothes made from animal skins我们有证据表明,他们的确穿的是用兽皮做成的衣服。(1)suggest在此作“暗示,表明”解,其后的从句要用陈述语气;suggest作“建议”讲时,其后的从句要用虚拟语气,即从句谓语形式为“(should)动词原形”。The handwriting of the letter suggested that the letter was from a lady从书信的字体看,写信人是一位女士。I suggested that we go for a walk after supper我建议我们晚饭后散步。知识拓展suggest有两个意思:意为“提议,建议”,后接动词要用动名词形式;后接宾语从句时,从句用虚拟语气(“should动词原形”,should常省略)。Its noisy hereI suggest changing another hotel这里太吵了,我建议换个宾馆。I suggest that the boy be sent to the hospital at once我建议立即把这个男孩儿送往医院。意为“表明,显示,暗示”,后接宾语从句(不用虚拟语气)。His expression suggests that he has got the job他脸上的表情表明他已经得到了那份工作。注意:后接宾语从句要用虚拟语气(should动词原形)的动词可记为:一个坚持:insist两个命令:command,order四个建议:advise,suggest,recommend,propose四个要求:ask,demand,request,require(2)本句中did表强调,且只能对谓语动词进行强调。助动词do有时态和人称的变化,可以用“do/does/did”,意为“的确,确实”。Please do be quiet务请肃静。活学活用(1)用恰当形式填空Bill suggested _ (hold)a meeting on what to do for the Shanghai Expo during the vacation答案:holding考查非谓语动词作宾语的用法。suggest“建议”,其后跟动名词作宾语。句意:比尔建议在假期开一个关于为上海世博会该做什么的会议。(2)完成句子我知道他会帮助我们的,他确实这样做了。_答案:I knew he would help us, and he did5Yes, indeed, as the botanical analyses have shown us, all the fields around here used to be part of a large shallow lake很对,植物学分析结果明确告诉我们,这儿四周曾经是一个很大的浅水湖。句中as引导的是非限制性定语从句,并在从句中作宾语,指代后面句子的内容。比较网站as与which在引导非限制性定语从句时的区别:(1)as的用法:在从句中通常作主语指代整个主句;表示“正如,正像”;其引导的定语从句既可以放在主句之前也可以放在主句之后。The Pacific is the largest ocean, as we all know太平洋是最大的洋,这一点我们都知道(正如我们所知道的,太平洋是最大的洋)。As is known to all, he is the best student in our class众所周知,他是我们班上最好的学生。(正如我们所知道的一样,他是我们班上最好的学生。)(2)which的用法:关系代词,在从句中作主语或宾语,指代物。当指代整个主句时表示的意思是主句和从句之间是因果关系即因为所以。其引导的非限制性定语从句只能放在主句之后。Tom suddenly fell ill, which made us sad汤姆突然病倒,这使得我们很伤心。The road was too slippery, which caused lots of accidents路太滑了,以至于引起了很多事故。He was angry, which made him cry他太生气了以至于他哭了起来。He has to work on Sunday, which he doesnt like他周日还得上班,这是他不喜欢的。活学活用用恰当词语填空(1)(2015真题改编江苏)The number of smokers,_ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year答案:as句意:据报道,吸烟者人数仅(过去)一年就减少了17%。as引导的非限制定语从句。(2)(真题改编天津)We have launched another manmade satellite, _ is announced in todays newspaper答案:which本题考查定语从句。句意:我们又发射了一颗人造卫星,这是今天的报纸发布的。逗号前的句子是主句,作了逗号后句子的主语,故逗号后句子是非限制性定语从句。先行词在定语从句中作主语,指物,用which来引导。课堂达标验收课堂达标验收单词拼写1If you dont like the school lunch, you have the a_ of bringing your own2The match lasted nearly three hours and was i_at times by rain3Please c_this book with that one and find out the difference between them4If the package is wrapped well, we a_the contents are also wonderful5Young children have a particularly a_sense of smell6Ann s_her pencil and got down to her homework7Mother reserved her complaint about my m_room until my friend left8My elder sister died of s_during the war9I passed on my_(不确定的) conclusions to the police10 There are worries about the_(精 确 ) of government statistics among people答案:1alternative2interrupted3compare4assume5acute6sharpened7messy8starvation9tentative10accuracy5As the manager, she was_ having her orders instantly obeyed6I didnt know what happened There were_ twenty people in the classroom7When you come to our school tomorrow, I will_ you_ the campus8 A selfish person does not_ other peoples problems9As my best friend, he shared in my sorrows_ in my joys10Please_ this buildingPatients are sleeping答 案 : 1 cut up 2 move around 3 come to a conclusion4scare away5used to6at most7show;around8care about9as well as10keep out of课文概述Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks according to the text A Visit to the Zhoukoudian CavesA group of students from England have come to the Zhoukoudian caves for a visitThey have known a lot about the early people in this districtIt is 1_ that they lived here regardless of the cold At that time they had used needles One evidence suggests they wore clothes 2_ animal skins 答案:1assumed2made from3sharpened4cut up5remove6ample7primitive8cared about9analyses10gatherers
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