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英语科技论文摘要写作英语科技论文摘要写作u科技论文框架u标题u书写格式u本卷须知u摘要u长短u内容u特点u本卷须知u句子结构u常用句型科技论文的标准框架科技论文的标准框架标题Title作者Authors and their companies摘要Abstract关键词Key words引言Introduction实验Experiments结果与讨论Results and analysis结论Conclusion致谢Acknowledgment参考文献Reference标题标题TITLE书写格式书写格式: 1. 开头第一个字母大写,专有名词大写,其余全部小写。lOverview of Fischer-Tropsch synthesis in slurry reactorslSteam reforming of hydrocarbon fuels 2.开头及每个实词开头字母大写,5个字母的介词、连词第一个字母大写lMarco-kinetics of Vinyl Acetate Synthesis over a New Type Hollow Cylindrical CatalystlPetrochemical Coke Combustion and Catalytic Reaction Mechanism 3. 全部字母大写RUNAWAY PHENOMENON FOR PARALLEL REACTIONS IN FIXED BED CATALYTIC REACTORSPHASE EQUILIBRIA BETWEEN FLUOROTHENE聚三氟氯乙烯 AND ORGANIC SOLVENTS第1、2种形式最常用,普遍用于各种刊物和文摘杂志。一般主张采用第1种形式,可读性较强。第3种形式一般用于计算机检索系统,比较难读。一般标题多带有“研究、“试验 、“初探、“初报、“效果、“ 影响等等。 e.g.Study of Study on Experiments of Experimental study of Effect of on An preliminary report of本卷须知:本卷须知:1. 标题不宜太长,也不宜太短标题不宜太长,也不宜太短标题太长易显繁琐,不易引起读者兴趣,太短那标题太长易显繁琐,不易引起读者兴趣,太短那么易流于笼统、空泛甚至模糊。么易流于笼统、空泛甚至模糊。一般不超过一般不超过20个词,控制在个词,控制在12个词左右为宜。个词左右为宜。英美科技期刊要求题目不超过英美科技期刊要求题目不超过12个词或个词或100个字符个字符包括间隔在内。包括间隔在内。Solubility Studies (太笼统Solubility of Fluorothene 模糊A Study of the Phase Equilibria Between Fluorothene and Some Solvents Such as Dibuty/Phthalate and Chlorotrifluoroethylene at Elevated Temperature (冗长、繁琐Phase Equilibria Between Fluorothene and Organic Solvents 简明、具体phthalate邻苯二甲酸酯 chlorotrifluoroethylene三氟氯乙烯u如果一个短标题不足以概括文章的内容,可考虑增加副标题,两者之间用冒号分开。u如果是系列文章,可采用多报形式。e.g.lStudy on engineering parameters of A301 ammonia synthesis catalyst. I. Determination of shape factorlStudy on engineering parameters of A301 ammonia synthesis catalyst. II. Experimental measurement of fix-bed heat-transfer parameters 2 .采用名词短语作标题。不使用句子或不定式短语,一般也不使用介词短语,不出现从句。An exploration and study of the production methods of industrial cupric sulfate 繁琐Introduce the exploration and study of the production methods of industrial cupric sulfate 祈使句Methods of producing of industrial cupric sulfate3. 标题必须包括主要的关键词。标题的主要目的吸引可能的读者协助检索因此标题一定要包含一些关键词,应该尽可能多的提供计算机题目检索所需要的信息。4. 标题中开头的冠词可以省去(The) application of microprocessors on processing of chemical heat-treatment5. 标题中所有的术语都应该拼写,而不要用俗语、符号、公式、略语以及缩写词;在可能的情况下,能够用词汇,就不要用带有上标、下标或其他符号的表达式;不要引用公司的名称、特定的商标,或者化学品、药物、材料及仪器的品牌。6. 避免使用以下写法19世纪或更早的标题中常出现:Some Thoughts on A Few Observations on Some Studies on 摘要摘要ABSTRACT一篇论文或专著的摘要,无论是自写还是他写,统称为abstract,尤其是放在索引资料中一律要用abstract这个术语,在论文的题目下也一律用这个词。summary现在更多的是用于对文章主要内容作再一次扼要的陈述,放在文章的结尾,目的是为已经读过正文的读者归纳出方向性结论,因此也可称为小结。摘要的长短摘要的长短摘要一般不宜过长,多在100150词左右,更确切地说,约为原文长度的15。华东理工大学规定:学士学位论文摘要至少500印刷符号,硕士学位论文摘要250词,博士学位论文摘要500词。摘要的写作内容摘要的写作内容 The Abstract should (1) state the principal objective and scope of the investigation, (2) describe the methods employed, (3) summarize the results,(4) state the principal conclusions. The abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. 研究的目的和范围 研究的方法 研究的结果 作者对研究的主要结论四段式现在有些杂志明确地提出“结构化摘要,整篇摘要分为四段,其标题为:Background or Objective, Methods, Results, Conclusion。优点:精练有利于检索、编排使摘要的写作规范化更方便确保其内容完整无缺这种格式要求很有可能成为一种普遍规范.即使有些杂志并不要求写出如此完整的格式,在撰写摘要时,不妨以此为准绳。摘要摘要的的写作特点写作特点u谓语动词很简单而句子其余成份十分复杂。u使用不提及人的陈述句。u经常以第三人称作为主语。以一个主题句开头,可以用主动态,主语为“作者、本文、本文的目的 等。也可用被动态,句尾一般不加“in this paperu时态可用一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时。摘要写作本卷须知摘要写作本卷须知u首先写正确的句子u语法一定要正确。u进一步写地道的句子u熟悉常用的固定句型,注意积累句型。u用“稳重的规范词汇u从词汇方面突出科技英语正式、庄重的语体特征。 u必须浓缩或改写原文的句子。同时摘要写作还应该注意同时摘要写作还应该注意n简明扼要conciseness:去除文献中的次要材料或辅助细节。n客观公正objectivity:摘要中不应有原文中没有的信息资料。n全面完整completeness:要包括主题思想,主要资料,结论或建议。摘要的句子结构摘要的句子结构1.研究目的和范围主题句谓语动词:常用表示研究、讨论、提供、描述、获得等意义的动词,如:be describedbe obtainedbe outlinedbe givenbe presentedbe proposedl动词的时态:常用三种时态一般现在时、一般过去时、现在完成时u一般现在时:Water requirements for construction and operation of a 950 MW nuclear power plant are estimated.u一般过去时: Baffle effects on the performance of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor were examined experimentally. u现在完成时:A comparison of air pollution levels with that of other European countries has been made.l动词的语态:多用被动语态lA new computer aided design method is presented (in this paper 一般不用.lThis paper presents a new computer aided design method.l常用第一种句型Selective oxidation kinetics of n-butane to maleic anhydride in air were studied over a commercial, fixed-bed vanadium-phosphor oxide catalyst.This article studies the selective oxidation kinetics of n-butane to maleic anhydride in air over a commercial, fixed-bed vanadium-phosphor oxide catalyst.l主题句常用句型the principle of is outlinedthe apparatus for is describedthe use of is addressedthe mechanism of is examinedthe analysis of was carried outthe dependence ofwas establishedan account ofis givenautomation of is discussed2. 研究方法l谓语动词的时态: 标准方法、标准设备一般现在时 非标准方法、自建设备一般过去时l谓语动词的语态:方法、步骤被动语态设备主动语态The powdered rapeseed was extracted simultaneously by two immiscible solvents with different polarity. Kinetic parameters were estimated using a multiresponse, nonlinear regression algorithm showing intercorrelation effects.The circulating fluidized bed reactor or riser was 102 mm in diameter and 6.32 m in height. The test section was a horizontal double tube heat exchanger of 2,000mm in length with an entrance section of 800mm in length. 3. 研究结果谓语动词的时态在表达研究结果或对结果作总结时,因为所述的内容是过去事件的事实,所以通常采用一般过去时态。表示研究过程中得到的具有普遍性的结果,可用一般现在时。由数学模型和理论推到得到的结果,往往用一般现在时。l谓语动词的语态:可以采用被动语态或主动语态, 取决于句子强调的内容及主语部分的长度。由于结果部分的焦点是结果本身,所以在介绍研究结果时,最好把名词短语作为主语,此时句子采用被动语态。名词短语作为主语很长时,会使整个句子出现不平衡、不自然的结构,此时宜采用主动语态。Axial dispersion coefficients, E, were found to be 10-20 times higher than the values in systems with uniform densities. E decreased with increasing agitation to 30% of the value with no agitation.The results obtained demonstrate that the above equation holds for all cases.The measured temperatures along the heat pipe were all highly consistent with the predictions of the theoretical model.It is found that the enhancement factor increased after more heat flux was added.The results showed that the power throughput of the condenser increased much slower than that of the evaporator.4. 主要结论指出研究结果的实际应用一般现在时,情态动词may, might)Different of these properties between liquid and vapor phase may be useful for various control means such as oil level or liquid level controls, measurements of oil contents.The results of this study may lead to the development of effective methods for measuring the air velocity in various shapes of ducts.The technique presented here should be useful in producing ethanol from corn kernels.用should,表示作者对自己研究的应用价值相当肯定。n对进一步的研究方向或新的研究题目做出建议一般现在时,情态动词Would、could或shouldAnother interesting topic would be to examine how learning outcomes are related to concept attainment心理学术语:概念获得.nFuture research could explore the possibility to apply in chaos theory analysis. A further experiment should be conducted with a more sophisticated measuring system.Further research should focus on doubling or tripling the conversion efficiency of commercial plants, reducing costs further, and resolving issues related to biomass residual ash.用should,表示比较强烈的建议。n指出研究方法的限制及可能产生的影响The method presented here is accurate, but cannot be implemented in real time applications. The proposed model is based on three simplifying assumptions.Tests with other kinds of lubricates might yield different results.摘要的类型摘要的类型按对原文的压缩程度,摘要一般分为三类:指示性或说明性摘要indicative or descriptive abstract资料性或报道性摘要informative abstract报道指示性摘要 informative- indicative abstract指示性摘要指示性摘要指示性摘要indicative or descriptive abstract,也称说明性摘要,只向读者指出文献的主要内容是什么,主要概括论文的涉及范围、研究方向和研究目的,以便读者决定是否有必要阅读全文。因此,说明性摘要的篇幅较短,一般词数在50词以内。这类摘要主是泛泛表达,不涉及实质问题,所以一般在科研论文中不予使用,只刊登在文献索引这类期刊中,也可用于讨论性文章、综述性文章、图书或某些会议论文集。Descriptive abstract 1. Tell readers what information the report, article, or paper contains; 2. Include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper; 3. Do not provide results, conclusions, or recommendations; 4. Are always very short, usually under 50 words; 5. Introduce the subject to readers, who must then read the report, article, or paper to find out the authors results, conclusions, or recommendations.Sample 1nThis paper presents an analysis of principles of magnetic refrigeration with application to air conditioning. A comparison with conventional evaporation-condensation gas cycle device is presented. Conclusion concerning the applicability of magnetic refrigeration to air conditioning are made.nCooling water requirements in the petroleum refining, oil shale retorting, coal liquefaction, and coal gasification industries are described.资料性摘要资料性摘要资料性摘要informative abstract是原文内容要点的总结,尽量多而完整地报道原文献中的具体内容,涉及论文的主题范围、研究对象装置、流程、工艺、材料等及原理、所使用的研究手段和方法、主要研究结果和结论、以及建议等方面的内容,并列出主要数据、公式、图表。反映论文的基本面貌,一般情况下能够代替阅读论文全文。这类摘要适用于研究或试验报告、研究论文及专题论文。此类文摘篇幅稍长,但不应超过正文的10。一般为100250词,多者可达500词1000词。Informative Abstract1.Communicate specific information from the report, article, or paper;2.Include the purpose, methods, and scope of the report, article, or paper;3.Provide the report, article, or papers results, conclusions, and recommendations;4.Are short. Usually informative abstract are 10% or less of the length of the original piece;5.Allow readers to decide whether they want to read the report, article, or paper.Sample 2Field experience with several industrial reciprocating plate liquid-liquid extraction columns indicated that large density gradients in the continuous phase resulted in excessive backmixing. Since there are no published data on the effect of higher density in the upper section compared to lower density in the bottom section of the column, experiments were performed with the calcium chloride brine-water system in a 76.2 mm diameter reciprocating plate column. Axial dispersion coefficients, E, were found to be 10-20 times higher than the values in systems with uniform densities. E decreased with increasing agitation to 30% of the value with no agitation. The effect of increasing flow rate of water up the column was to increase both E and the Peclet number. E was correlated with the density difference between any point in the column and tap water. Another correlation was obtained showing the effects of buoyant and mechanical energy input on axial dispersionSample 3Selective oxidation kinetics of n-butane to maleic anhydride in air were studied over a commercial, fixed-bed vanadium-phosphor oxide catalyst. The temperature range was 573-653 K with butane concentrations up to 3 mol % in the feed, which is within flammability limits but below ignition temperatures.The rate data were modeled using power low kinetics with product inhibition and included total oxidation and decomposition reactions. Kinetic parameters were estimated using a multiresponse, nonlinear regression algorithm showing intercorrelation effects. The kinetics were combined with independentmeasurements of catalyst diffusivity and reactor heat transfer using a one-dimensional heterogeneous reactor model. Model predictions and observed temperatures and concentrations from non-isothermal pilot plants compared up to 115 days on stream. Agreement was acceptable with inlet butane concentrations up to 2.7 mol %. For example, runaway was predicted at a temperature 3 K higher than observed. Effectiveness factors around the hot spot were estimated at o.6 with catalyst surface temperature 2-3 K higher than average gas temperature.报道指示性摘要报道指示性摘要对文献中的基本内容作较为详尽的报道性介绍,对其它部分那么作指示性的表述。以最短的篇幅传递最大信息量。Sample 4Baffle effects on the performance of a catalytic fluidized bed reactor were examined experimentally. The circulating fluidized bed reactor or riser was 102 mm in diameter and 6.32 m in height. Reaction was the catalytic decomposition of ozone using FCC particles with a mean diameter of 89 um, impregnated with ferric oxide as catalyst. Four ring-type baffles, mounted horizontally around the riser wall, were used in this study. Ozone concentrations were measured in bothaxial and radial directions under various operating conditions in a riser with baffles, the ozone concentration in the radial direction was more uniform and the ozone conversion was higher than that in a riser without baffles except at the lowest gas velocity used. A mathematical model developed accounted for the gas-phase ozone conversion under various operating conditions. The gas-solid contact efficiency in the riser was discussed in light of the model. 本课程要求的摘要写作内容本课程要求的摘要写作内容 The Abstract should (1) state the principal objective and scope of the investigation, (2) describe the methods employed, (3) summarize the results,(4) state the principal conclusions. The abstract should never give any information or conclusion that is not stated in the paper. 研究的目的和范围 研究的方法 研究的结果 作者对研究的主要结论 研究目的和范围A new method for preparation of biodiesel directly from rapeseed oil was studied. 实验方法The powdered rapeseed was extracted simultaneously by two immiscible solvents. In this experiment methanol-additive-water and ligarine (petroleum ether) were used. The ligarine extract (rapeseed oil containing phase) was reacted with methanol in the presence of sodium hydroxide as catalyst to form biodiesel. SAMPLE 实验结果It was found that the yield of glycerol, which can be considered as equivalent to the yield of triglyceride, was up to 98.2% under the temperature of 60 for 120min when the proportion of sodium hydroxide was 1.1%, and the molar ratio of methanol to oil 9:1. 结论This method is simple and may lead to the reduction of energy consumption and process cost.
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