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1. He just said that the earth around the sun.A. move B. moves C. moved D. moving2. Ill come to ask you some questions tomorrow if you time.A. have B. will have C. are having D. had3. The train at 8 oclock tomorrow morning, dont be late.A. is going to start B. is starting C. starts D. start4. My mind wasnt on what he was saying, so Im afraid I half of it.A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed15. The year 2002 remarked changes in Shanghais landscape.A. sees B. has seen C. saw D. had seen6. It five years since I here.A. is; have come B. was; came C. is; came D. has been; have come7. Its high time that you .A. studied hard B. had studied hard C. studied hard D. to study hard28. Turn on the TV or open a magazine and you ads showing happy families.A. will see B. often see C. are often seeing D. have often seen9. You have left the light on. -Oh, so I have. and turn it off.A. Ill go B. Ive gone C. I go D. Im going10. Look! So many clouds in the sky! It rain.A. will B. is about C. is going to D. is to312时态的规则以时间为标准:按照进行状态一般一般过去现在将来进行行过去进行现在进行将来进行完成完成过去完成现在完成将来完成完成完成进行行过去完成进行现在完成进行将来完成进行42.一般将来时u 考试中常考的是:使用be going to 的情况使用will的情况表示将来的其他情况其中,表示将来的最有代表性的两种方式是使用will和be going to。这两种方式有时是可以通用的,有时却要注意区分。如果说will是用来表示一般将来或说话时的意愿,那么be going to则是用来表示对将来的预测或是计划比较成熟的有意图的事件。52.一般将来时A. will& be going to01. will 和be going to 都可以使用的情况:对将来事件的预测或是描述将来会发生的客观事实(fact)时。 I think the economy will grow next year. = I think the economy is going to grow next year. (对明年经济状况的预测)u There will be a midterm next Monday.= Theres going to be a midterm next Monday. (下星期一的考试是将来确定会发生的客观性事实。)62.一般将来时02.只能使用will的情况1)表示约定或意愿时。 I wont forget you, I promise.we will serve the nation gladly.2)表示在说话的瞬间决定的事情时。A: Tom! Youve left the water on.B: Oh, Im sorry, mom. Ill turn it off. 现在说话时决定过去将来对话时间点Ill72.一般将来时03.只能使用be going to 的情况:1)表达意图、打算或已经计划好的事情。A:What a mess! Your room is too dirty.B: I know. Im going to clean it tonight.2)表示现在的事情预测(有明确的根据)将来的情况时。Look at the traffic jam! Were going to be late.She is going to have a baby next month.比较:she will have a baby when she gets married.(没有具体的征兆或根据,是对未来不确定的预测。)82.一般将来时04.用be to的情况:表示正式的安排、约定、指示或职责、义务。The manage is to meet the foreign guests next Sunday.05.用be about to的情况:表示说话间即将发生的事情。The football match is about to begin.92.一般将来时B: 表示将来的其他情况一般现在时/现在进行时时刻表常用一般现在时表示将来,表达确定的形成或已经确定好的计划,主要与表示出发或到达的动词一起使用。a. What time does the train leave tomorrow? -It leaves at 7:30 in the evening.表达已经确定的将来的计划时可以用现在进行时表示将来,常用在日常口语中。b. What are you doing on Sunday evening? -Im leaving for Shanghai.102.一般将来时经常在一般将来时中出现的时间副词:in the near future 在不久的将来 next time 下次 before long 很快,马上the day after tomorrow 后天later、tomorrow、next year 现在进行时be doing可表示马上就要发生的行为或安排好要做的事情,很少变更。常用于这种结构的动词有come,go , leave, start, begin, run, stay, do, take等。注意此用法与will, be going to的区别,做题时可通过前后文或语境来判断。Kevin will get married next year.()What will you do tonight?()is gettingare you doing113.进行时A. 现在进行时(am, is, are+ V- ing)1)现在正在进行的动作It is raining now.2)最近一段时间内发生的动作Im studying Chinese this semester.(用现在进行时表示最近从事的事情时一般与these days, this month, this year, this semester等表示时间的词连用。) 3)不远的将来发生的事情We are leaving for Beijing tonight.(表示已经确定的不远的将来发生的事情时也可以用现在进行时,表示在那时候(today, this week, tonight等)确定要发生或安排好的事情。)4)always和现在进行时连用。My mom is always telling me to study.(always主要用在一般进行时中,若用在现在进行时中,常表示带有责备或不满。)123.进行时B. 过去进行时(was, were+ V- ing)1)过去的特定时间点正在发生的事情,或在某一段时间内一直持续的动作。-What were you doing yesterday afternoon?-I was having a swimming lesson.( yesterday afternoon过去的特定时间点) John and I were sitting together under the tree.(过去的某个时间点正在进行或反复的动作)133.进行时B. 过去进行时(was, were+ V- ing)2)在过去的某个时间点看将要发生的动作。Christmas was drawing near.(常表示过去“快要、马上、渐渐、越来越”等含义)3)过去同时发生的两件事或动作。He was sleeping when I called him.I was waiting for the bus when I ran into one of my old friends.(过去时和一般过去时同时使用时,短动作e.g. call, run into等用一般过去时,长动作e. g. sleep, wait等用一般过去进行时。)143.进行时C.将来进行时(will be+ V-ing )表示将来的特定时间点正在进行的动作时用将来进行时。意为“将会在做”。My exams will be over tomorrow. At this time tomorrow(将来的特定时间点), I will be sleeping.A: What kind of computer will you be buying? B:IMB compatible, I think. Macintosh computers are very expensive.(问对方的计划时往往用将来进行时)151.Ive won two holiday for two to Florida. I my mum. A.am taking B. have taken C. take D. will have taken2. I jump into the river to have a swim when the guide saw me. A. am about to B. will C. was about to D. would3.Alice, why didnt you come yesterday? -I , but I had an unexpected visitor. A. had B. would C. was going to D. did4. I part-time in a middle school. A. am teaching B. teach C. will teach D. am going to teach5. Has William finished writing his graduation paper yet?-I dont know exactly, but he all day.A. is writing B. has been writing C. was writing D. wrote 16
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