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Words to noteLanguage in useInformation relatedActive reading 2: ResourcesActive reading 2: ResourcesPreview Difficult sentences Difficult sentences 1 Our many Jewish friends and acquaintances are being taken away in droves. The Gestapo is treating them very roughly and transporting them in cattle cars to Westerbork, the big camp in Drenthe to which theyre sending all the Jews (Para. 8)句中 the big camp in Drenthe 与 Westerbork 是同位语,同样译成了同位语,并把 to which 与前面断开。我们的许多犹太人朋友和熟人都被成群地带走了。盖世太保对他们非常粗暴,用运牲口的拖车把他们运送到德伦特最大的集中营威斯特伯克,他们把所有犹太人都遣送到那里。Active reading 2: ResourcesBackAnalsTransDifficult sentences 2 If its that bad in Holland, what must it be like in those faraway and uncivilized places where the Germans are sending them? (Para. 8)What must it be?意思为 “又会是什么样呢?”如果说在荷兰都这么糟,那么在德国人送他们去的那些遥远的蛮荒之地又会是什么样呢? Work in pairs and answer the questions after you rewrite the sentences. Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreAnalsTrans1.Houses are expensive in this part of country. I wonder how expensive they are in Paris.RewriteItIf houses are expensive in this part of country, what must they be like in Paris?Answer:Suggested answer: Their prices must have soared in Paris as a result of inflation.Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreExercises2. The reading list is rather long in the first year. I wonder how long it will be in the second year.RewriteItIf the reading list is rather long in the first year, what must it be like in the second year?Answer:Suggested answer: It must be much lengthier in the second year.Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreExercises3. The rules are completely crazy in peace-time. I wonder how crazy they are during wartime.RewriteItIf the rules are completely crazy in peacetime, what must they have been like during wartime?Answer:Suggested answer: They must have been more insane than Catch 22.Active reading 2: ResourcesBackExercisesDifficult sentences 3 I must hold to my ideals. Perhaps the day will come when I will be able to realise them. (Para. 10)Perhaps the day will come when 意思 “为也许在将来的某一天”。我必须坚持我的理想。也许在将来的某一天我的理想会实现。Rewrite the sentences, beginning with the expressions in brackets. Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreAnalsTransExercises1) One day he will be able to speak fluent English. (The day will come) The day will come when he will be able to speak fluent English.2) One day you will have a chance to write about the experience. (There will come a day)There will come a day when you will have a chance to write about the experience.3) Perhaps one day I will understand. (Perhaps the day will come) Perhaps the day will come when I will understand.Active reading 2: ResourcesBackDifficult sentences 4 The voice that comes across is of a solitary young girl writing for herself, yet at the same time it is the cry of all those innocent victims of evil whose fate was to suffer in the Second World War. That is why Anne Franks diary has achieved fame as the voice of the Holocaust in which six million Jews were murdered: She speaks for all of humanity. (Para. 12)注意第一句中三个介词 of 词组,汉译时应注意语序和措词。第二句的定语从句较难处理,汉译可利用括号作插入语。它传来的是一个孤独少女的声音,她为自己写作,但同时也是所有无辜受邪恶迫害者的呐喊,他们的命运就是在第二次世界大战期间受难。这就是安妮弗兰克的日记被誉为犹太人大屠杀(其间有六百万犹太人被杀害)之声的原因:她的话代表了全人类的心声。Active reading 2: ResourcesBackAnalsTransWords to noteNew WordsPhrases 1.emigrate2.invade3.conceal4.confine5.considerable6.display7.uphold8.survivor9.Spellings 1. at heart2. come across Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreemigrateto live your country in order to live in another country immigrateto come into a country because you want to live there emigrate vi. Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreemigrate vs imigrate Choose the suitable words. Some German Jews _ to the US during the World War II. They _ from South Africa into Finland, a Scandinavian country where Santa Claus is said to be. emigratedimmigratedActive reading 2: Resourcesinvade vt. Work in pairs. Find the suitable collocations of the verb and noun. Cultural _ be _ by worry and anxiety _ someones privacy. (1) to take or send an army into another country in order to get control of it(2) to get involved in someones life without their permission invasion/invaderinvadedinvadeActive reading 2: Resourcesconceal vt. to prevent someone from seeing or knowing your feelingsconceal sth. from sb. He tried to conceal the fact that he was self-important.concealed turning 隐蔽弯路Active reading 2: Resourcesconfine v. Match the meanings with corresponding sentences. Active reading 2: Resourcesbe confined to (passive voice only)1to keep an activity within particular limits 2 (old-fashioned) (of a pregnant woman) to give birth to a child 分娩a She expects to be confined next month.b Please confine your remarks to the subject we are debating.1 b; 2aconsiderable adj. Work in pairs and work out the collocations.There was a considerable purchasing _ before the financial crisis.She began to show considerable _ in painting at 3.Jack is a writer of considerable _. Jane has achieved considerable _ in her research.Active reading 2: Resourceslarge in size, amount, or degreeforceinterestinfluencesuccessdisplay v. Translate the sentences into Chinese.What they said displayed their ignorance. 他们的话暴露了他们的无知。The cakes were displayed in the window. 蛋糕陈列在橱窗里。Active reading 2: Resources(1)to show a feeling, quality, or attitude by the way you behave(2)to put something in a particular place so that people can see it easilyuphold vt. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.Eight columns uphold the big dome. 八根柱子支撑着这个大穹顶。We uphold the principle of racial equality. 我们支持种族平等原则。If a court of law upholds a legal decision that has already been made, it decides that it was the correct decision. 如果法庭支持已作出的法律决定,那表明它认为那是一个正确的决定。Active reading 2: Resourcesto show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or doActive reading 2: Resourcessurvivor n. someone or something that still exists after an event that could have killed or destroyed them v. Survive: to stay alive despite an injury, illness, war etc n. survival: the fact or state of continuing to live or exist, especially in difficult conditionsthe survival of the Fittest to survive a shipwrecksurvivors of a tough examto survive an operationSpellings Find the correct spelling of the following words with the help of their definition. 1. to prevent someone from seeing or knowing your feelingsa e c c l n o conceal2. to keep an activity within particular limits c e f i n n o confine 3. large in size, amount, or degreea b c d e e i l n o r s considerable Active reading 1: Resources4. to show a feeling, quality, or attitude by the way you behavea d i l p s y displayMoreSpellings Find the correct spelling of the following words with the help of their definition. 5. to live your country in order to live in another country a e e g i m r t emigrate6. to take or send an army into another country in order to get control of it a d e i n v invade7. someone or something that still exists after an event that could have killed or destroyed them i o r r s u v v survivor Active reading 1: Resources8. to show that you support something such as an idea by what you say or dod h l o p u upholdat heart used for saying what someones basic characters is He seems nice, but hes dishonest at heart. In reality, she is very kind at heart. Work in pairs. Match the phrases with their collocations.Active reading 2: ResourcesMoreat heart Active reading 2: Resourcesin good heartout of hearta change of heart learn by heart take heart 肥沃的不肥沃洗心革面牢记有信心Moreat heart Active reading 2: Resourcescan (could) have the heart to do sthsweetheartheart-strings heartburn n. 硬心肠干某事爱人心弦 胃灼热 come across to have a particular opinion of something or someone when you meet them or see themWhat they said have come across in such a particular way that I can still remember most of it so many years later. come across as being sthShe comes across as being very self-centred. Active reading 2: ResourcesLanguage in useActive reading 2: Resourcesl Useful expressions lWord formation:prefix up- & under-Useful expressions1.秘室 2.定居阿姆斯特丹3.逃避纳粹的迫害4.被禁止去上学5.被纳粹变成了一种耻辱的标志6.劳改集中营7.死亡集中营8.关在六个小房间里1.the secret annexe 2.settle in Amsterdam 3.escape from Nazi persecution 4.be forbidden to attend school5.be transformed into a badge of shame by the Nazis6.labour camps 7.death camps8.be confined to just six small roomsActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreUseful expressions9.生活在贫困状态之中10.逐日叙述“秘室”里的日常活动11.梦想和憧憬12.用运牲口的拖车把他们运送到13.那些遥远的蛮荒之地14.被毒气熏死15.相当有天赋的诚实的作者9.live in a state of poverty10.described the day-to-day activity in the annexe 11.her dreams and aspirations12.transport them in cattle cars to13.in those faraway and uncivilized places 14.be gassed 15.an honest writer of considerable talentActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreUseful expressions16.赋予了她的日记如此强大的力量17.内心是真正善良的18.建立在混乱、苦难基础上19.和平和安宁将再度回归20.展示简单幼稚的乐观主义21.她的信念和人类尊严权利的宣言16.give the diary such power17.truly good at heart18.build ones life on a foundation of chaos, suffering19.that peace and tranquillity will return once more20.display simple childish optimism21.a declaration of her principles and of the right to human dignityActive reading 2: ResourcesMoreUseful expressions22.所有无辜受邪恶迫害者的呐喊23.犹太人大屠杀之声24.代表了全人类的心声25.藏身处被突袭了26.过渡性集中营27.以表彰她的勇气28.对全世界的支持和安慰 22.the cry of all those innocent victims of evil 23.the voice of the Holocaust 24.speaks for all of humanity25.the hiding place was stormed26.transit camp27.in recognition of her courage28.a support and comfort to the whole world Active reading 2: ResourcesWord formationActive reading 2: ResourcesUp- and under- are common prefixes. We can find them before nouns, verbs, and adverbs.underestimateudergroundunderpants underwater undergoupdateupgrade uphill uprightupstreamMore Word formation Complete the sentences with the words in the column.(1)I had to swim _ for a long way to get out of their sight. (2)Whats happened since Ive been away. Can you _ me?(3) The first rule in any combat is: Never_ your enemy. (4)My men spent most of the morning carrying heavy equipment _.undergroundunderestimateunderpantsunderwaterupdateupgradeuphilluprightunderwateruphillunderestimateupdateActive reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: ResourcesMore Word formation Active reading 1: ResourcesActive reading 1: Resources(5)As he didnt have his bathing costume with him, the child went swimming with his _.(6)This computer isnt very powerful. I need an _. (7)You should stand _to salute theGeneral. (8)In London the subway is known as the _.underpantsupgradeuprightundergroundsComplete the sentences with the words in the column.undergroundunderestimateunderpantsunderwaterupdateupgradeuphillupright
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