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Air Pollution Control EngineeringGeneral Theories for Air Pollution Controlv Introduction to Air Pollution v Air Pollution Effects (Chapt. 2 and Chapt. 14)v Air Pollution Laws and Regulations (Chapt. 3 )v Air Pollution Measurements (Chapt. 4 )v Meteorology for Air Pollution (Chapt. 5 )v Air Pollution Concentration Models (Chapt. 6 )v General Ideas in Air Pollution Control (Chapt. 7 )Control of Four Major Air Pollutantsv Particulate Pollutants (Chapt. 8 and Chapt. 9 )v Volatile Organic Compounds(VOCs) (Chapt. 10 )v Sulfur Oxides (Chapt. 11 )v Nitrogen Oxides (Chapt. 12 )v The Motor Vehicle Emission Problem (Chapt. 13 )q Examination and Achievementsv Attendance and Discussions (10%) v Exercises (10%)v Presentation (10%)v Final Tests (70%)Referenceq Textbook: Noel de Nevers. Air Pollution Control Engineering (Second edition). McGraw-Hill Companies, 2000q Referencesv 郝吉明、马广大编郝吉明、马广大编. 大气污染控制工程大气污染控制工程. 北京:高教出版社,北京:高教出版社,2002v 马广大编著马广大编著. 大气污染控制工程大气污染控制工程. 北京:中国环境科学出版社,北京:中国环境科学出版社,1985v 郭静、阮宜纶主编郭静、阮宜纶主编. 大气污染控制工程大气污染控制工程. 北京:化学工业出版社北京:化学工业出版社. 2001v 李广超主编李广超主编. 大气污染控制技术大气污染控制技术. 北京:化学工业出版社,北京:化学工业出版社,2001q Websitev www.epa.gov, U.S Environmental Protection Agencyv www.zhb.gov.cn, 中国环境保护部网中国环境保护部网 1. Layers of the atmosphereMount EverestIonosphereAuroras MeteorsOzonosphereTroposphere (对流层 )Lowest layer 0 to 15 kmContains 80% of the mass of the atmosphere.Layer where weather occurs.Temperature decreases with height.Stratosphere (平流层 )Occurs between 15 and 50 km above the surface.Temperature increases with height.Contains 18% of the mass of the atmosphere.Contains ozone (O3) that shields the surface from ultraviolet (UV) radiation.Atmosphere逆温层逆温层Stratosphereozone shield对流层对流层Troposphere17 km12 mi50 km31 miUltra violet penetrationphotochemical smogacidic precipitationglobal warmingIndoor air pollutionozone depletionAtmospheric Composition2. Definition of Air Pollution11112. Definition of Air PollutionvAir Pollution may be defined as any atmospheric condition in which substances are present at concentrations high enough above their normal ambient levels to produce a measurable harmful effect on man, animals, vegetation, or materials.vAir Pollution is the presence of undesirable materials in air, in quantities large enough to produce harmful effects. The undesirable materials may damage human health, vegetation, human property, or the global environment as well as create aesthetic insults in the form of brown or hazy air or unpleasant smells.v如果大气中的物质达到如果大气中的物质达到一定浓度一定浓度,并,并持续足够的时间持续足够的时间,以致对公,以致对公众健康、动物、植物、材料、大气特性或环境美学产生可测量的众健康、动物、植物、材料、大气特性或环境美学产生可测量的不利影响,这就是大气污染。不利影响,这就是大气污染。 2 Common Air PollutantsnSulfur Dioxide n Hydrocarbons n Ozone n Total Suspended Particulate Matter n Nitrogen Oxides n Carbon Monoxide n Lead n Carbon Dioxide 1313 Emission sources Source control Atmosphere Receptors Receptors Humans Animals Plants MaterialsresponseAutomatic controlLegislative action Emission sourcesAtmosphere Receptors pollutantsmixed and chemical transformation3. Air Pollution Systems(空气污染系统) 1414The contents of air pollution systemvSources of air pollutantsvControl methodsvAtmospheric behavior of air pollutantsvEffects of air pollutantsvLegislative and regulatory measures Natural Sources n Volcanoes n Coniferous forestsn Forest fires n Pollensn SporesnDust stormsn Hot springs Man-made Sources n Fuel combustion - Largest contributorn Chemical plantsn Motor vehiclesn Power and heat generators n Waste disposal sites n Operation of internal-combustion engines 4. Emission sources1616Sources of airborne pollution in Asia are many: power generation, industry, traffic, home cooking, and biomass burningSource: David Streets. Energy Use, Emissions, and Air Pollution in Asia5 Source Classification (A) Primary Secondary(B) Combustion Non-combustion (C) Stationary Mobile(D) Point:These sources include facilities that emit sufficient amounts of pollutants worth listing Area: all other point sources that individually emit a small amount of pollutants Natural (biogenic)(E) Classification for reporting air emissions to the public: uTransportation sources: Includes emissions from transportation sources during the combustion processuStationary combustion sources: These sources produce only energy and the emission is a result of fuel combustion uIndustrial sources: These sources emit pollutants during the manufacturing of productsuSolid waste Disposal: Includes facilities that dispose off unwanted trashuMiscellaneous: sources that do no fit in any of the above categories like forest fires, coal mining etc.5 Source Classification6 Classification of Pollutantsn Primary pollutants: remain in the same chemical form, as they are released from a source directly into the atmosphere.Sources of Primary Air PollutantsPollutantSourcesCarbon monoxideIncomplete burning of fossil fuels, Tobacco smokeHydrocarbonsIncomplete burning of fossil fuels, Tobacco burningParticulatesChemicals, Burning fossil fuels, Farming operations, Industrial wastes, Building demolitionSulfur dioxideBurning fossil fuels, Smelting oreNitrogen compoundsBurning fossil fuels2020vSecondary air pollutants: compounds that results from the interaction of various primary air pollutants.vPhotochemical smog is a mixture of pollutants resulting from the interaction of nitrogen oxides and hydrocarbons with ultraviolet light.vThe two most destructive components of photochemical smog are ozone(O3) and peroxyacetylnitrates(PAN,过氧乙酰硝酸酯) 6 Classification of Pollutants2121Photochemical smog7 Physical Forms of Air Pollutants Gaseous form n Sulfur dioxide n Ozone n Hydro-carbon vapors Particulate form n Smoke n Dust n Fly ash n Mists 8 Toxic Air PollutantsuToxic air pollutants may originate from natural sources as well as from manmade sources such as stationary and mobile sourcesuThe stationary sources like factories and refineries serve as major contributors to air pollutionuThe Clean Air Act of 1990 provides a list of 189 chemicals to be regulated under the hazardous air pollutant provisions of the act (See EPA site for current list chemicals)
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