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Blindspot Analysis 盲点分析Objective: To assess the presence of blindspots that may compromise a competitors ability to respond to a competitive action.目的:评估某个盲点,该盲点可能削弱一个竞争者对一项竞争性举措的应对能力1.Misjudging industry boundaries 对产业领域的错误判断2.Poor identification of the competition 对竞争认知不足3.Overemphasis on competitors visible competence 过分重视竞争对手所显示出来的能力4.Overemphasis on scope not posture 过分强调范围而不是态势5.Faulty assumptions about the competition 对竞争情况作错误假设6.Paralysis by analysis因分析而陷入企业运作瘫痪Competitor Profiling 竞争对手概要分析Successful strategists take great pains in understanding their competitors 成功的战略家在了解竞争者上付出极大的努力 Identifying their strategies确定他们的战略 Watching their actions观察他们的行动 Evaluating their vulnerability to driving forces and competitive pressures 评估他们的驱动力的弱点以及竞争压力下的弱点 Sizing up their resource strengths and weaknesses and their capabilities 评估他们的资源优势和弱势以及他们的实际能力 Trying to anticipate rivals next moves 试图预计对手的下一步行动.Competitive Profiling - The 4 Corner Analysis Model (Porter, 1980)DRIVERS驱动力驱动力CAN DO/IS DOING可行可行/现行现行Future Goals/Philosophies/Strategies未来目标未来目标/理念理念/战略战略Current Strategies现行战略现行战略Management Assumptions管理假设管理假设Capabilities能力能力COMPETITIVE PROFILING THE 4 CORNER ANALYSIS MODEL竞争概要分析四角分析模型(波特,竞争概要分析四角分析模型(波特,1980) Competitive Profile Matrix 竞争态势矩阵 (CPM) (David, 2001, pp. 114-115)CPM- compares competitors against critical success factors (CSFs) in the industry + other comparators (eg.- GE strengths)CPM- 将竞争对手与行业中的关键成功因素(CSFs)及其他比较指标(如-GE 优势)进行比较Weighted score system 加权评分系统CSFs/ comparators are weighted by importance ; 关键成功因素(CSFs)/比较指标按重要性进行加权Total 总分= 1.00 Competitors are listed re: relative strength for each CSF列出竞争对手,例如根据在每个关键成功因素上,各个竞争对手的相对优势进行罗列:4 = major strength 主要优势3 = minor strength 次要优势2 = minor weakness 次要劣势1 = major weakness 主要劣势Total weighted score indicates overall strength of competitor.加权总分表示竞争对手的整体优势Customer & Product Analysis Techniques顾客及产品分析技巧Customer value analysis 顾客价值分析Customer segmentation/ needs analysis顾客(市场)细分/需求分析Competitive benchmarking竞争定标比超/基准设定Customer Value Analysis顾客价值分析“Customer value is the most important source of competitive advantage.” (F&B, p. 182)“顾客价值是竞争优势的最主要来源。” (F&B, p. 182)CVA Process:顾客价值分析流程 (CVA流程)1.Customer Intimacy 顾客亲密度Surveys - Focus groups调查 焦点小组访谈法Conjoint analysis - Price Sensitivity analysis联合分析/交互分析 价格敏感度分析Motivation analysis - Unmet Needs analysis动机分析 未满足需求分析Lead User analysis - Defection analysis领先使用者分析 背弃分析 Customer Value Analysis顾客价值分析CVA Process (cont.)CVA流程(续)2.Formal CVA 正式CVA1.Choice of what matrices to use选择使用何种矩阵2.Use the matrices to create a picture 使用矩阵以取得一幅整体“图画”(了解全局)3.Strategic Management of Customer Value 顾客价值的战略管理1.Strengthen CV priorities 增强顾客价值的重要性2.Regularly monitor for CV shifts 经常监控顾客价值的转变Customer Segmentation & Needs Analysis顾客细分及需求分析1.Step 1: Segmentation第一步:(市场)细分Segmentation Criteria (Consumer Markets)细分标准(消费者市场)Product-Related (“Why?”)与产品相关的(“为什么?”)User types (regular, first time, non-users, potential) 使用者类型(常用者,初次使用者,非使用者,潜在使用者)Price sensitivity 价格敏感度Consumption patterns/ usage frequency消费习惯/使用频率Perceived benefits (performance, quality, image, service) 感知利益(表现,质量,形象,服务)Brand Loyalty 品牌忠诚度Application (purchase occasion, media exposure) 应用(购买场所,媒体曝光度)Customer Segmentation & Needs Analysis顾客细分及需求分析1.Step 1: Segmentation (cont.)第一步:(市场)细分Segmentation Criteria for Consumer Markets 消费者市场的细分标准 User-based (“Who?”)以使用者为基础(“谁”)Demographic人口Geographic地理Socioeconomic 社会经济Lifestyle/ Personality 生活方式/性格Customer Segmentation & Needs Analysis顾客细分及需求分析1.Step 1: Segmentation (cont.)第一步:(市场)细分(续)Segmentation Criteria for Industrial Markets工业市场的细分标准User-based (“Who?”)以使用者为基础(“谁”)Industry type/ position产业类型/定位Company size公司规模Technology employed所应用的科技Product-related (“Why?”)与产品相关的(“为什么?”)Consumption patterns - Seller/ Purchaser relationship消费模式 买卖双方的关系End usage - Purchasing policies最终用途 采购政策Perceived benefits 感知利益Size of purchase采购规模Customer Segmentation & Needs Analysis顾客细分及需求分析Step 2: Targeting第二步:确定目标1.4 R test: 4R测试R ate the market? (Quantitative + qualitative)评估市场(定量 + 定性)R ealistic in size? (Support segmentation?)规模是否具有现实性 (是否足以进行细分?)R each?(Feasibly reachable?)实现?(是否可行?)R esponsiveness?(to marketing mix?)响应度/敏感度 (对营销组合的反应如何?)2.Refine using Competitive & External analyses 运用竞争及外部分析加以修改3.Customer Value Analysis 顾客价值分析Customer Segmentation & Needs Analysis顾客细分及需求分析Step 3: Strategic Positioning第三步:战略定位4 (5?) Ps of the Marketing Mix市场营销组合的4(5?)PProduct产品Price价格Promotion推广Place地点(People?)人Analysis tools:分析工具Conjoint analysis联合分析/交互分析Competitor maps竞争对手图Performance matrices, etc.绩效矩阵,等Experiential Exercise练习In your discussion groups, consider the organisation that you identified in the Industry Analysis 在你的讨论小组里,以你在产业分析里所用的组织为例Take 40 minutes to develop a hypothetical Customer Segmentation and Needs analysis for that organisation. 用40分钟时间为该组织进行一个“假设性的”顾客(市场)细分及需求分析Be prepared to present a summary of your findings to the class.准备向全班同学讲述你们对发现结果的总结Have fun! 享受其中的乐趣!Competitive Benchmarking 竞争定标比超/基准设定1) Determine which function(s) to benchmark.确定哪个(些)部门需要定标比超/设立基准/标杆2) Identify key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure.确认需要衡量的主要绩效指标(KPIs)3) Identify best-in-class organisations确认最优秀的组织4)Measure performance of best-in-class organisations (Best Practice)衡量最优秀组织的绩效(最佳实践)5) Measure your organisations performance 衡量你的组织的绩效6) Specify programs & actions to close gap 对意在缩短差距的计划和行动进行详细说明7) Implement and monitor results. 实施并监测结果Issues Analysis事项分析Issues Priority Matrix 优先事项矩阵 Low低 Impact 影响 High高UrgencyHigh高Low低New premises新办公地点Expected product recall 预计产品召回New product launch 新产品发布紧急性Issues Priority Matrix优先事项矩阵 Low低 Impact 影响 High高U Ur rg ge en nc cy yHighHigh高高LowLow低低New premises新办公地点Expected product recall预计产品召回New product launch新产品发布MonitorMonitor监控监控监控监控Monitor closely/ act Monitor closely/ act 密切监控密切监控密切监控密切监控/ /行动行动行动行动Urgent Urgent priority!priority!紧急性紧急优先!Issues Priority Matrix优先事项矩阵 Low低 Impact 影响 High高U Ur rg ge en nc cy yHighHigh高高LowLow低低New premises新办公地点Expected product recall预计产品召回New product launch新产品发布MonitorMonitor监控监控监控监控Monitor closely/ actMonitor closely/ act Monitor closely/ actMonitor closely/ act 密切监控密切监控密切监控密切监控/ /行动行动行动行动Urgent Urgent priority!priority!Dynamic Dynamic MovementMovement动态移动动态移动动态移动动态移动紧急性紧急优先!Scenario Analysis情景分析“What if?”如果Quantitative定量Computerised Econometric models 电算化的计量经济学模型Downstream impacts with feedback loops 因反馈环而产生的下游影响Qualitative定性Intuitive methods直觉方法Delphi德尔菲法Cross Impact methods - interrelated dependencies相互影响方法相互依赖性Scenario Analysis 情景分析5 Specific Levels/ Purposes:5个具体层次/目的1.STEEP scenario STEEP 情景2.Sensitivity scenario敏感度情景Internal/ controllable factors 内部/可控因素Spreadsheets电子数据表3.Industry scenario行业情景4.Diversification scenario多元化情景5.Public Issue scenario公共事件情景Stakeholder Analysis利益相关者分析Who?谁?What? 什么?Opportunities & Threats (Challenges)?机会&威胁(挑战)?Strategies 战略Stakeholder mapping利益相关者图 利益程度低高力量低高最小的努力让利益相关者满意让利益相关者知情主要参与者Stakeholder mapping 利益相关者图 可预测性高低力量低高很少问题有强大力量但可预测不可预测但可管理最大的危险或机会Experiential Exercise 练习In your discussion groups, consider that the organisation that you identified in the Industry Analysis is making a major shift in its strategic direction (you decide what that will be).在你的讨论小组中,以你在行业分析中确定的组织为例,该组织正在作出一个重大的战略方向改变(由你来决定它是一个什么样的改变)Take 30 minutes to develop a hypothetical Predictability / Power Stakeholder Map for that organisation. 用30分钟时间为该组织建立一个“假设性的”可预测性/力量利益相关者图Be prepared to present a summary of your findings to the class.准备向全班同学讲述你们对发现结果的总结Have fun!享受其中的乐趣!Evolutionary Analysis Tools 进化分析工具Experience Curve analysis经验曲线分析Growth Vector analysis增长矢量分析Patent analysis专利分析Product Life Cycle analysis产品生命周期分析S-curve analysis S曲线分析Organisational Life Cycle analysis组织生命周期分析Experience Curve Analysis经验曲线分析Introduced as a concept by BCG in 1966该概念由波士顿管理咨询公司(BCG)在1966年率先提出Used by Ford as early as 1908福特早在1908年就已经运用Complex and limited复杂且有局限性Remember the Model T!记住T模型Growth Vector Analysis Ansoff增长矢量分析安索夫(Ansoff)模型MarketOpt ionsProduct Alternatives产品选项产品选项Present Products现有产品现有产品Improved Products改良产品改良产品New Products新新产品产品Existing Market现有市场Expanded Market已拓展市场New Market新市场1)Market Penetration市场渗透2) Product Extension (eg.- variants/ imitations)产品扩展(例如变化/模仿)3) Product Development (eg/- line extension产品发展(例如:系列延伸)4) Market Extension市场拓展5) Market Segmentation/ Product Differentiation市场细分/产品差异化6) Product Development/ Market Extension产品开发/市场拓展7) Market Development市场开发8) Product/ Service Extension & Market Development 产品/服务拓展&市场开发9) Diversification多元化 市场选项Patent Analysis 专利分析1.Identify scope确定范围Specific geographical areas?特定的地理区域?Specific firms?特定企业?Specific technologies?特定技术?2.Determine analytical framework决定分析架构Highly Cited Patents高引用率专利Technical Impact Analysis (TII)技术影响分析Identifies most technically significant确定大多数技术重点Current Impact Index (CII)现有影响指数= (avg citations per firm patent each year 企业专利被后续专利引用的年平均数) (avg. number of citations for all patents in the database per yr在专利数据库中所有专利被后续专利引用的年平均数)Technical Cycle Time (TCT)技术生命周期Median age of earlier patents cited in the firms most recent patents企业的最新专利中所引用的早期专利的年龄的平均值(中位数)Patent Analysis (cont.)专利分析(续)2.Determine analytical framework (cont.)决定分析架构(续)Technology Strength技术力量= no. of company patents x CII企业专利数目 x现有影响指数( CII)Dominance & Scope Indicators 优势&范围指标Observable patterns of citations between firms that reveal the competitive position of each firms technology and strategic thrust 企业间值得注意的(专利)引用模式,这些模式揭示了每个企业在技术和战略发展方向上的竞争地位3.Determine which databases to search决定搜索哪些数据库4.Search databases 搜索数据库5.Analyse data for statistical relevance 对数据的统计相关性进行分析6.Continue to monitor periodically 持续地进行定期监控
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