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外研版新标准英语 三年级起点 第四册Module 9 Unit 1 执教者:陈 越广西师范学院初等教育学院ChantPre-listeningPost-listeningWhile-listeningtravelI like to travel.dearcousinUS a basketball gamecome-过去式-camepop concertcame by planeon holiday 在度假,在休假在度假,在休假I was on holiday in US last year.US San FranciscoWashington DCNew York明信片内容Dear Lucy:I live in San Francisco now. Last year I lived in Washinton DC. I am on holiday in New York. I came here by plane. I went to a pop concert and a basketball game last week.LoveLily postcardA bomb gameDaming has a postcard .postcardWho send this postcard to Daming?postcardDamings cousin Dalong.1.Listen and answerOpen your book.2.Listen,ponit and find“Did he?and the answers.Dalong1.Did he live in New York last year ?根据所听内容选择正确的选项根据所听内容选择正确的选项A.Yes, he did. 2.Did he travel by plane? B.No, he didnt. B.No, he didnt. A.Yes, he did. A A:Did he .?Did he .?B: Yes,he did./No,he didnt.B: Yes,he did./No,he didnt.同桌根据图片用句型进行对话练习同桌根据图片用句型进行对话练习Dalong went to _and_ last week.a pop concert a basketball game3.Listen, repeat and fill in the blank.1.Listen and repeat .2.同桌分角色朗读课文,然后展示同桌分角色朗读课文,然后展示.?明信片内容Dear Daming:I live in_ now. Last year I lived in_. I am _in New York. I came here_. I went to a _ and a _last week.LoveDalong补全明信片信内容补全明信片信内容San FranciscoWashinton DCon holidayby plane pop concertbasketball game 根据所给明信片内容,4人或6人一小组用Did he 提问全组同学,看哪组提的问题最多,声音最响亮,最流利,最有创意。 提问之星Summary1.提问他人过去是否做了某件事:“Did he/she ?”以及其相应回答“Yes, he/she did.”或“No, he/she didnt.”2.单词 travel,cousin,dear,came postcard 词组a pop concert, a basketball game, on holiday.3.做个文明的游客。4.Which group is the winner?Be a courteous traveler!Homework1.熟读M9,U1新单词和课文。2.用本节课学过的句型Did.,询问你的朋友们上周做的事情。See you next time!
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