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高考英语动作描写素材一、动动头【高级词块】1.shake ones head 摇头2.nod ones head 点头3.drop/lower/bend/bow/hang ones head 低头4.sbs head droop 某人耷拉着脑袋5.lift /raise ones head 抬头6.turn/twist ones head 转头7.bury ones head in ones hands 手捂着脸8.stick ones head out 探头9.rest ones head on hands 以手托头10.throw ones head back 后仰11.clutch ones head (痛苦地)以手抓头12.pat ones head 拍一拍头13.tilt ones head 歪着脑袋14.duck ones head 缩头15.stroke ones head 摸摸头16.rest ones head on/against 把头靠在上面17.scratch ones head 挠了挠头18.head for/towards 朝走去19.clear ones head 清醒头脑20.ones head spin 天旋地转【句子赏析】1.She hung her head, not sure how to reply.她垂下头,不知该如何回答。2.They nodded their heads in agreement.他们点头同意。3.“Thats incredible!” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.“简直难以置信!”他一边说,一边不相信地摇着头。4.He scratched his head, not understanding a word.他挠了挠头,一个字也不懂。5.She buried her head in the pillow.她用枕头捂住脑袋。6.She rested her head on his shoulder.她将头靠在他的肩膀上。7.His head drooped, and tears fell onto his lap.他耷拉着脑袋,眼泪滴落在大腿上。8.My mother tilted her head and smiled.我妈妈歪着头笑了。9.He held his head in his hands, greatly annoyed.他双手抱头,苦恼不已。10.I decided to go for a walk to clear my head.我决定出去走走,清醒下头脑。11.He could feel his head spinning after only one drink.才喝一杯,他就感到天旋地转。12.She lifted her head to gaze at him.她抬头注视着他。13.He patted my head affectionately.他慈爱地拍了拍我的头。14.He twisted his head slightly, and looked up at her.他微微扭过头,抬眼看着她。15.Clara stuck her head around the door to see who was there.克拉拉从门后探出头来看看是谁。【素材运用】运用晨背板块中的高级词块,把下面的语篇补充完整。Steven walked slowly to the bus, 1 (低着头), tears in his eyes.His friend John2 (向他点头) and smiled at him.Though he was in a bad mood, he 3 (低下头)to hide it and managed a smile.When he got home, he 4 (埋头) under the quilt, pretending to be asleep.However, his mother stopped her housework, 5 (抬头) with surprise in her eyes.Then Steven rose, sat close to his mother, 6 (把头靠在) her shoulder, and could hardly resist weeping.1._2._3._4._5._6._参考答案1.his head down2.nodded his head3.dropped/hung/lowered his head4.buried his head5.raising her head6.rested his head on/against二、动动手【必背单词】1.carry 提,拿2.fetch 拿来,取回3.hold 握着4.catch 接5.hug/embrace 抱6.wave/swing 挥舞7.throw/cast 扔8.hand 递给9.point 指,指向(at)10.dip 从掏出,从取出11.dig 挖,挖掘12.drag/pull 拖,拉,拽13.push 推,挤14.fold 包,裹,折叠15.hit/beat 击,打16.gesture 做手势17.knock 敲18.clap/applaud/applause 鼓掌19.lift/raise 举20.press 按,压21.scratch 擦22.stroke 轻抚,抚摸b 梳,梳理24.groom 擦洗25.slap 拍,打;掌掴26.tap 轻拍,轻叩,轻敲27.touch 碰,触摸28.wipe 擦,拭,抹29.tear 撕30.cup (用手)做成杯状31.spread 铺开,展开32.open 打开33.rub 擦;揉搓34.pat 拍35.grasp/seize/grip/grab 抓住,抓紧【高级词块】1.hold ones hand 抓住某人的手2.shake hands with 与握手3.cup .in ones hands 将捧在手心4.open ones hands 张开双手5.hand in hand 手拉手6.raise/put up ones hand 举手7.hold out ones hand 伸出手8.take ones hand 牵某人的手9.spread ones hands 摊开双手10.rub ones hands 搓着手11.wave ones arms 挥动双臂12.fold ones arms 某人双臂交叉13.catch/grab ones arm 抓住某人的胳膊14.pull sb.into ones arms 拉某人进怀15.gather sb.in ones arms 把某人抱在怀中16.hold out/open ones arms 某人伸出/张开双臂17.put/throw ones arms around sb.搂住某人18.keep sb.at arms length 同某人保持一定距离19.with crossed arms 双臂交叉20.with open arms 双臂张开(欢迎)21.arm in arm 臂挽臂22.lift/hold a warning finger 伸出一根手指警告23.lift/hold a finger to ones lips 伸出一根手指按在嘴上24.wag ones finger 摇着手指25.point an accusing finger at sb.指责某人,怪罪某人26.drum ones fingers on sp.用手指咚咚地敲某处27.reach out/for/into 伸出/伸向/伸进【句子赏析】1.Pointed at by my math teacher, I was chocked.我的数学老师指着我,我吓坏了。2.He took a firm grip of my arm and marched towards the door.他紧紧抓住我的胳膊,朝门口走去。3.She smiled and held out / reached out a hand in welcome.她微笑着伸出手来。4.He slid his hands into his pockets and pull out some change.他把手伸进口袋,掏出一些零钱。5.When I got to the cafe, I saw Bob waving his arms towards me.当我到咖啡馆时,看到鲍勃在向我打招呼。6.Stunned, I took up and gave her an awkward hug.我吓了一跳,尴尬地抱住她。7.She stroked my cheek gently with her hand.她用手轻轻地抚摸我的脸颊。8.Jack stood silently with his arms folded / crossed.杰克双手交叉,一声不吭地站着。9.The class clapped warmly as Mr.Lee presented me with the reward.当李老师给我颁奖的时候,全班热烈地鼓掌。10.“How naughty you are!” cried the teacher, wagging his finger angrily.“你们真是太淘气了!”老师生气地摆了摆手指喊道。11.He catch my hand suddenly and pull me into his arms.他突然抓住我的手,把我拉到他怀里。12.I cupped my hand firmly over the phone so they couldnt hear me.我用手紧紧捂住电话,这样他们就听不见我说话了。13.Then she threw her arms around his neck and really began to cry.然后她搂着他的脖,真的哭了起来。14.Speechless, she smiled radiantly and gathered her son into her arms.说不出话来,她灿烂地笑着,把儿子抱在怀里。15.She shrugged and spread her hands, “Thats all I can tell
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