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1. Listen and answer.1.1.Where did Li Xiaohong go last weekend?Where did Li Xiaohong go last weekend?2. Where did Wang Yan go to pick up his American friend?2. Where did Wang Yan go to pick up his American friend?Li Xiaohong went to Lilys Thanksgiving Party.Li Xiaohong went to Lilys Thanksgiving Party.Wang Yan went to the airport to pick up his American Wang Yan went to the airport to pick up his American friend.friend.2. Listen and tick.a. ( )b. ( )c. ( )d. ( )e. ( )f. ( )3. Listen and complete.Where does Sam come from?How long did Sam stay in Beijing?What Chinese food did Sam like most?America3 daysBeijing Roast Duck4. Act and Practice.How was your weekend?How was your weekend?It was great / terrible .It was great / terrible .Where did you go?Where did you go?I went to the library / the park .I went to the library / the park .What did you do?What did you do? I saw a movie / visited my grandparents .I saw a movie / visited my grandparents .Where did you go?Where did you go? We went to .We went to .What was the weather like?What was the weather like? It was .It was .4. Act and Practice.What did you do?What did you do? We .We .Did you enjoy yourselves?Did you enjoy yourselves? Yes, we did. / No, we didnt.Yes, we did. / No, we didnt. 4. Act and Practice.5. Listen and tick.busbusferryferrytaxitaxitraintrainsubwaysubwaylight raillight railplaneplane6. Listen and complete.Public transportation in ShanghaiBens opinionsubwaylight railbustaxicomfortabletake you to many places in Shanghaicheap and convenienta bit expensive but the service is very good. And its a 24-hour service.7. Speak and practice. Whats the transportation like in .? The transportation there is . A: Is there a subway in .? B: Yes, the subway is (very) . and . A: Is it expensive to travel in .? B: Yes / No. .8. Look and match.saleswoman teacher farmer department manager TV host worker9. Listen and answer.What position does Mike want to apply for?What position does Mike want to apply for?When will Mike know the decision?When will Mike know the decision?Mike wants to be a department manager in the future.Mike wants to be a department manager in the future.Mike will know the decision this Friday.Mike will know the decision this Friday.10. Listen and decide.Mike will get the companys decision this Friday.3Mike had an interview last week.1Mike wants to be a department manager.2Mike did well during the interview.45Mike doesnt think that he can get the job.【】【】【】【】【】FTTTFPossible QuestionsAnswers1. Why do you want to have this job? Think and answer.search the Internet512. Read and tick.visit a job agency3read newspaper ads1go to the job market2talk to relatives and friends4【 】【 】【 】【 】【 】Dear Sir or Madam,Dear Sir or Madam, I saw the wanted ads in I saw the wanted ads in China Daily China Daily on September 5th, 2014, and I on September 5th, 2014, and I know that you need a tour guide in Beijing. Id like to apply for that know that you need a tour guide in Beijing. Id like to apply for that position.position. My name is Wang Yan. I was born in 1998. I am studying in Beijing My name is Wang Yan. I was born in 1998. I am studying in Beijing No.1 Vocational School now. Im learning English to become a tour No.1 Vocational School now. Im learning English to become a tour guide.guide. I like traveling a lot. I was born in Beijing and I know nearly every I like traveling a lot. I was born in Beijing and I know nearly every place of interest in Beijing. I love talking with people and telling stories place of interest in Beijing. I love talking with people and telling stories about what happened in Chinese history. I know a lot about the Great about what happened in Chinese history. I know a lot about the Great Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Wangfujing Street.Wall, the Forbidden City, the Temple of Heaven, and Wangfujing Street.13. Read and decide. Last summer holiday, I went to a small village with my mom. I saw Last summer holiday, I went to a small village with my mom. I saw some boys and girls of my age. They were poor and had no money to some boys and girls of my age. They were poor and had no money to go to school. I want a part-time job during the holiday and Ill use my go to school. I want a part-time job during the holiday and Ill use my pay to buy some books for those poor children. pay to buy some books for those poor children. My English is good, too. I can talk freely with my American friends My English is good, too. I can talk freely with my American friends and I know a lot about the cultural differences between China and and I know a lot about the cultural differences between China and Western countries.Western countries. If I get the job, Im going to work hard for the company. If I get the job, Im going to work hard for the company. Thank you very much. Thank you very much.13. Read and decide.13. Read and decide.Wang Yan found the job in the job market.1The job was a full-time job.3 2If Wang Yan got the job, he would work in Shanghai.4 3Wang Yan looked for a part-time job to earn some money to buy some story books.4【】【】【】【】FFFF14. Read and complete.Applicants nameAgePlace of birthLanguage skillsSocial skillsWang Yan16He can talk freely with his American friends.Hes good at talking with people.Beijing15. Write and complete.Name:Gender:Age:Phone number:E-mail address:Post applied for:Reasons for applying for the job:Abilities:Application FormGrammar focus16. Read and complete.Dear Belinda,Dear Belinda, I am doing great now! I _ (make) some new I am doing great now! I _ (make) some new friends here, Larry, Lily and Jane. Last weekend we _ friends here, Larry, Lily and Jane. Last weekend we _ (take) a bus to a park in the early morning and _ (do) (take) a bus to a park in the early morning and _ (do) many interesting things. First we _ (take) a long walk. many interesting things. First we _ (take) a long walk. Then we _ (go) back to our picnic table for some fruit. Then we _ (go) back to our picnic table for some fruit. After that Larry _ (draw) some pictures, Lily _ After that Larry _ (draw) some pictures, Lily _ (listen) to music and Jane_ (lie) on the grass for a (listen) to music and Jane_ (lie) on the grass for a good rest and I _ (read) a novel. Till now, I good rest and I _ (read) a novel. Till now, I _ (finish)_ (finish)have madetookdidtookwentlisteneddrewreadhave finishedlay17. Read and complete.three novels. In the afternoon we _ (take) the three novels. In the afternoon we _ (take) the subway and _ (go) to see a musical (subway and _ (go) to see a musical (音乐剧音乐剧音乐剧音乐剧) on ) on Broadway. I _ (see) four shows since I came to Broadway. I _ (see) four shows since I came to New York. In the evening, we _ (climb) to the New York. In the evening, we _ (climb) to the top of the Empire State Building and _ (see) the top of the Empire State Building and _ (see) the whole city in the beautiful evening lights. I _ whole city in the beautiful evening lights. I _ (never see) such a view before. I wish you were here!(never see) such a view before. I wish you were here! Ill talk to you later. Ill talk to you later. Best, Best, Anna Annatookwenthave seenclimbedsawhave never seen18. Choose and complete.1Do you want to go to see Harry Potter with me?I _already _(see) the film. I _ (see) it last week.2_he _ (finish) his work today?Not yet.3_ you _ (be) to Hong Kong? Yes, I _ (be) there twice.havehaveseenseensawsawHasHasfinishedfinishedHaveHavebeenbeenhave beenhave been18. Choose and complete.4Wheres Li Ming?He _ (go) to the teachers office.5How long have you worked here?I _ (work) here since I _ (move) here in 1999.has gonehas gonehave workedhave workedmovedmoved18. Choose and complete.Jill has been in Ireland _ Monday.Jill has been in Ireland _ Monday.Jill has been in Ireland _ three days.Jill has been in Ireland _ three days.My aunt has lived in Australia _ 15 days.My aunt has lived in Australia _ 15 days. My aunt has lived in Australia _ 1980.My aunt has lived in Australia _ 1980.sincesinceforforforforsincesince18. Choose and complete.You are late. Weve been here _ 2 hours.You are late. Weve been here _ 2 hours.You are late. Weve been here _ 7 oclock.You are late. Weve been here _ 7 oclock.Mike has been ill _ a long time. Mike has been ill _ a long time. Mike has been in hospital _ October.Mike has been in hospital _ October.forforsincesinceforforsincesince19. Write and practice.1. “John needs to come to school on time.”2. “John has to finish his homework every day.”3. “John has to be on a diet and do more exercise.”4. “John must stop playing computer games.”5. “John needs to prepare for the final exam.”1. The teacher thinks/says/advises that John should come to school on time.2. The teacher says/advises that John should finish his homework everyday.3. The teacher says/advises that John should be on a diet and do more exercise.4. The teacher thinks/says/advises that John should stop playing computer games.5. The teacher thinks/says/advises that John should prepare for the final exam.Vocabulary practice 20. Find and complete.Means of transportationWeekend activities20. Find and complete.PersonalitiesHealth problems21. Interview and practice.Example:Example:What do you want to be in the future?I want to be a / an . tour guide artist pet trainerpolice officer computer programmer chef / cooklifeguard gardener dancersinger basketball player painterathlete worker farmerdepartment manager TV hostExample:Example:I went camping with my friends during the holiday. We stayed in a comfortable tent, cooked a wonderful dinner and told each other funny stories. We had a great time.22. Discuss and practice.1. Youve just come back from a holiday. Tell your classmates about your experience.Words and phrases you can use:go to the beach climb mountain visit a museumsee a movie fly to another city .fast amusing expensivecheap comfortable terribleinteresting amazing beautifulfunny wonderful great .22. Discuss and practice.1. Youve just come back from a holiday. Tell your classmates about your experience.22. Discuss and practice.2. You just had a job interview. Introduce the experience to your friends.Example:Example: I had a job interview yesterday. The manager asked me to introduce myself. I told him “I am hardworking and creative. And I am good at using computers.” I got the job.Words and phrases you can use:outgoing confident creativehard-working easygoing patientclever .good at speaking English / working with others /communicating with kids / doing sports .22. Discuss and practice.2. You just had a job interview. Introduce the experience to your friends.
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