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1generally speaking 一般来一般来说经典例句典例句Generally speaking, those who pay attention to physical exercise are in good health.(朗文朗文P1327)一般来一般来说,那些注意体育,那些注意体育锻炼的人身体健康状况良好。的人身体健康状况良好。(1)honestly speaking 诚实地说来诚实地说来frankly speaking 坦率地说坦率地说strictly speaking 严格地说严格地说broadly speaking 广义地说广义地说personally speaking 就我个人而言就我个人而言(2)in general 总的来说;大体上总的来说;大体上as a general rule 一般而言;在通常情况下一般而言;在通常情况下Strictly speaking, you must finish the work before 3 oclock.严格地格地说,你必,你必须在三点前完成在三点前完成这项工作。工作。 , I dont agree with you.坦率地坦率地说,我不,我不赞成你。成你。Frankly speaking2in terms of .就就来来说;从;从角度角度经典例句典例句The job is great in terms of salary, but it has its disadvantages.(牛津牛津P2085)就薪金而言,就薪金而言,这个工作倒是挺不个工作倒是挺不错的,但也有一些不利之的,但也有一些不利之处。come to terms with达成协议;和好;接受;适达成协议;和好;接受;适应应be on good/bad terms 关系良好关系良好/不好不好in the long/short term 就长远就长远/短期而言短期而言Let each child read in terms of his own tastes and choices.让每一个孩子根据自己的每一个孩子根据自己的兴趣趣爱好好选择书籍籍阅读。Learning is not always easy, but it is always beneficial _ .学学习并不并不总是那么是那么简单,但从,但从长远看它看它总是有益的。是有益的。Its hard to come to terms with being unemployed.很很难甘心忍受失甘心忍受失业。in thelong term3show . in 带或或领进来来教材原句教材原句Show her in, Mrs. Pearce.皮皮尔尔斯夫人,斯夫人,领她她进来。来。show sb. into 领着某人进入领着某人进入show sb. out 领某人出去领某人出去show sb. around/round 领某人参观某地领某人参观某地show sb. to the door 送某人到门口送某人到门口show off 炫耀;展示炫耀;展示show up 出现;来到某处出现;来到某处When the interview was finished, I was shown out.面面试结束后,我被引束后,我被引导着走出来。着走出来。They their school, their advanced science lab and when all was finished they _ the school gate.他他们领着我着我们参参观了他了他们的学校,展示了他的学校,展示了他们先先进的科学的科学实验室,所有的参室,所有的参观任任务完成后他完成后他们把我把我们送到学校大送到学校大门口。口。showed us around/roundshowed offshowed usto 短短语对点集点集训.完成句子完成句子1 (就就质量和数量而言量和数量而言), the clothes factory in our town is doing much better than last year.2As the program ended, the music slowly (渐弱弱) and someone began to speak.3 (一般而言一般而言), prices follow demand; if there is no demand, prices are low.4When he didnt know how to get out of the building, a boy (把他送出去把他送出去)In terms of quality and quantityfaded outGenerally speakingshowed him out.单项填空填空答案答案:D1(2013山东潍坊一模山东潍坊一模)James Gameron is considered one of the greatest directors in the world_ his influence in film industry.Ain exchange for Bin spite ofCon behalf of Din terms of解析:句意:从解析:句意:从对电影影业的影响看,詹姆斯的影响看,詹姆斯卡梅隆被卡梅隆被认为是世界上最是世界上最伟大的大的导演之一。演之一。in exchange for“交交换”;in spite of“不管;不不管;不顾”;on behalf of“代表代表”;in terms of“说到;到;谈到;从到;从方面看方面看”。答案答案:A3_, the living standard in our country has been greatly improved, but there are still some people leading a poor life.AGenerally speaking BOn the contraryCIn particular DTo be honest解析:考解析:考查短短语辨析。句意:辨析。句意:总的的说来,我来,我们国家人国家人们的的生活水平有了很大的改善,但是仍有人生活生活水平有了很大的改善,但是仍有人生活贫困。困。generally speaking “总体上来看体上来看”,符合句意。,符合句意。on the contrary “恰恰相反恰恰相反”;in particular “尤其尤其”;to be honest “坦坦诚地地”。1Henry Higgins and Colonel Pickering are sitting deep in conversation.亨利亨利希金斯与皮克林上校正坐着希金斯与皮克林上校正坐着进行深入的交行深入的交谈。deep in conversation为形容形容词短短语作状作状语。形容。形容词(短短语)作状作状语表示主表示主语的状的状态。表示原因、伴随等,可放在句前或句后。表示原因、伴随等,可放在句前或句后。Deep in thought, he didnt notice the car running towards him.由于陷入深思中,他没有注意到由于陷入深思中,他没有注意到车正朝他正朝他驶来。来。 , he didnt notice me enter the room.沉迷于游沉迷于游戏之中,他没注意到我之中,他没注意到我进入房入房间。After a long walk, they went home, tired and hungry.他他们走了很走了很长的路,回家之后又累又的路,回家之后又累又饿。Absorbed in the game2What if I was? 如果我是,又怎么如果我是,又怎么样呢?呢?(1)What if .? 常用来提出假常用来提出假设、建、建议、邀、邀请、要求等,意、要求等,意为“倘倘使使将会怎将会怎样?”“如果如果将会怎将会怎样?”。后面。后面经常跟一般常跟一般现在在时,有,有时根据根据语境也可以跟虚境也可以跟虚拟语气。气。It sounds like a good offer, but what if its a trick?那个提那个提议听起来很听起来很诱人,但如果是个人,但如果是个骗局会怎么局会怎么样?(2)How come?用于口?用于口语交交际中,表示疑惑,意中,表示疑惑,意为“为什么会什么会这样呢,怎么搞的?呢,怎么搞的?”How come 还可以接从句或可以接从句或v.ing 形式。形式。If she spent five years in Paris, her French is so bad?既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法既然她在巴黎待了五年,她的法语怎么怎么还会会这样糟糕?糟糕?(3)So what? “那又怎么那又怎么样?”He is fifteen years younger than you.他比你小十五他比你小十五岁呢!呢!So what?那又怎么那又怎么样?how come句型句型对点集点集训.完成句子完成句子1How are they getting on with their work?All (像像计划的那划的那样进展展顺利利)2 (必要的必要的时候候), we will take on more workers.3As far as I can remember, (每次我打每次我打电话), my son would answer.every time I calledgoes well as plannedWhen necessary.单项填空单项填空答案:答案:C1(2013河北石家庄一模河北石家庄一模)Although_ a little bitter, this medicine will be good for curing the disease.Atasted Bbeing tastedCtasting Dtastes解析:句意:解析:句意:虽然然这种种药尝起来有点苦,但是它起来有点苦,但是它对治愈治愈这种疾病将有好种疾病将有好处。taste是感是感观动词,无被,无被动形式,所以句形式,所以句中用中用现在分在分词作状作状语,相当于,相当于Although it tastes .。答案:答案:D2(2013杭州质检杭州质检)When it was his turn to deliver his speech,_ , he walked towards the microphone.Anervously and embarrassinglyBnervous and embarrassedlyCnervously and embarrassingDnervous and embarrassed解析:考解析:考查形容形容词作状作状语。nervous and embarrassed“紧张又局促不安的又局促不安的”,描述主,描述主语的状的状态。答案:答案:C3You are in trouble with your business. But it is said that your brother is a billionaire._ I wouldnt accept any help from him, even though it was offered.AWhat if? BWhat for?CSo what? DForget it.解析:考解析:考查交交际用用语。句意:。句意:“你的生意遇到了麻你的生意遇到了麻烦。但。但是据是据说你的哥哥是个你的哥哥是个亿万富翁。万富翁。”“那又怎么那又怎么样?我不会接?我不会接受他的任何帮助,即使是他主受他的任何帮助,即使是他主动提出的。提出的。”根据句意可知,根据句意可知,应选C项。 答案:答案:A过去分去分词作状作状语1(2013南通一调南通一调)The spokesman was seated in front of all the journalists at the press conference,_ to answer all kinds of questions.Aprepared Bbe preparedCto be prepared Dhaving prepared解析:考解析:考查非非谓语动词。句意:。句意:发言人坐在言人坐在记者招待会的者招待会的所有所有记者的前面,准者的前面,准备回答各种各回答各种各样的的问题。根据句意可。根据句意可知,此知,此处表示表示发言人准言人准备好回答好回答问题,be prepared to do sth.“准准备做某事做某事”,表示一种状,表示一种状态,故此,故此处用用prepared。答案:答案:D2(2013福州名校质检福州名校质检)_ a large salary rise already, Sarah is thinking of buying a new apartment.AReceiving BReceivedCTo receive DHaving received解析:考解析:考查非非谓语动词。句意:工。句意:工资已已经大幅度上大幅度上涨,莎,莎拉正在考拉正在考虑买一个新公寓。根据句意可知,非一个新公寓。根据句意可知,非谓语动作先作先于于谓语动作,且非作,且非谓语动词与其与其逻辑主主语之之间是主是主谓关系,关系,故用故用现在分在分词的完成式。的完成式。答案:答案:A3(2013枣庄检测枣庄检测)_that of last year, the number of excellent students_ to study in the universities in Hong Kong rises a lot this year.ACompared with; choosingBComparing to; chooseCComparing with; choosing DCompared to; chosen解析:考解析:考查非非谓语动词。第一个空,。第一个空,过去分去分词短短语作状作状语,Compared with和和Compared to 都合适,都合适,compare和和the number 是是逻辑上的上的动宾关系;第二个空,关系;第二个空,现在分在分词短短语作定作定语,修,修饰students, 表示主表示主动。故。故A项正确。正确。答案:答案:A4_by a greater demand for green products, the food company has set higher standards to ensure the quality.ADriven BBeing drivenCTo drive DHaving driven解析:考解析:考查非非谓语动词。句意:。句意:绿色食品的巨大需求促使色食品的巨大需求促使食品公司制食品公司制订了更高的了更高的标准以保准以保证质量。量。动词drive与其与其逻辑主主语the food company之之间为动宾关系,因此关系,因此应该使使用用过去分去分词。答案:答案:C5_ alone in the large house, the little boy had to learn to survive by himself.ATo leave BLeavingCLeft DBeing left解析:解析:X考考查非非谓语动词。 句意:小男孩被句意:小男孩被单独留在一个独留在一个大房子里,他不得不学着独立生存。大房子里,他不得不学着独立生存。leave和和the little boy之之间是是逻辑上的上的动宾关系,故用关系,故用过去分去分词。山东课时见4演练见“课时跟踪检测(三十九)”江西课时见4演练见“课时跟踪检测(三十九)”
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