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医学物理学同步辐射原理与医学应用张新夷物理楼243室65643522xy-zhangfudan.edu.cnhttp:/phylab.fudan.edu.cn 第二讲 同步辐射医学成像进展Won the first NobelPrize in Physics in 1901.Roentgen began the practice of radiology by presenting an X-ray photograph of his wifes hand in January of 1896. RADIOLOGY more than one CENTURY - by American College of Radiology1895Roentgen discovers the X ray on November 8.1896Roentgens discovery launches rapidly a flurry of experimentation around the world. In March, a “Roentgen photograph” is introduced as evidence in a courtroom. Hospitals begin acquiring X-ray equipment. The “first radiograph of the human brain”is actually a pan of cat intestines.This image wasmade by Francis Williams of Boston, one of the first radiologists,in March 1896.19001896Angiographic work began in January, 1896, with this post-mortem injection of mercury compounds. First use a contrast medium1901Roentgen wins the first Nobel Laureate in Physics prize.1904Edisons assistant in X-ray research, dies of extreme and repeated X-ray exposure. 1919 Dr. Carlos Heuser, an Argentine radiologist, is the first to use a contrast medium in a living human circulatory system. First practices of modern angiography19201929Chest X rays are used to screen for tuberculosisRoentgen dies February 10, 1923.Drs. Graham and Cole discover in 1923 how to visualize the gall bladder with X rays by using contrast media.The first practices of modern angiography are developed in 1927 by a Portuguese physician, who is the first to create images of the circulatory system in the living brain.The first image of a human coronary artery recorded in vivo with SR. This coronary angiogram was done at the SSRL in May 1986.An image of a human coronary artery recorded in vivoat the NSLS, in Nov. 1992. Improvements in the imagingsystem have increased the quality of the angiogram.First “tomograph”19301939In 1936, the first “tomograph”, an X-ray “slice” of the body, is presented at a radiology meeting. and foreshadows the development in the 1970s of CT.19501959Dr. W. Goodwin introduces the concept of X-ray guided nephrostomy.肾造口术Finding breast cancers with high accuracy19601969In 1960, Dr. Robert Egan publishes the results of an intensive, three-year study of mammography, with an accuracy in finding breast cancers is remarkable (9799%).Drs. Dotter and Judkins are the first to report performing an angioplasty. 血管重建术CT, Angioplasty19701979CT, or computed tomography, which takes X-ray “slices” of the body and images them on a computer screen, is introduced.With the addition of computer technology, to create 3-dimensional images.Swiss physician Dr. Andreas Gruntvig invents balloon angioplasty. 1980TodayPhase contrast imaging for soft tissues with SR.Teleradiology, the ability to send images through the “information superhighway,” is introduced. Phase contrast imaging, Teleradiology1900192019401980Roentgen photographAngiographic work TomographCT1960Use contrast medium in a living human18961919193619861895Chest X raysto screen for TB1920s20001927First practices of modern angiography1960Mammography1970sPhase contrastimagingwith SR 2000First human coronary angiogramwith SRHow is the story of a century of medical radiologyTo improve on the faint images, borrowing from advances in physics, chemistry, pharmacology, nuclear science, computers, telemetry and information science, is the story of a century of medical radiology.A century later, the vastly more sophisticated arts of medical imaging are still based upon the recognition that body parts absorb X rays according to their density.吸收衬度成像吸收衬度成像是利用X-射线在穿透样品时,样品对X-射线的吸收系数不同从而引起吸收强度的不同来记录图像的。吸收衬度成像冠状动脉血管造影How is the story of medical radiology in the futureSR-based imaging might change medical practice.To observe inside of various organs is the story of medical radiology.The future more sophisticated arts of medical imaging are based upon the recognition that body parts absorb X rays according to their density, as well as the change of phase.位相衬度成像位相衬度成像位相衬度成像是利用空间相干的X-射线透过样品后携带的位相信息来成像。位相衬度成像位相衬度成像是近几年发展起来的一种新新的成像方法,与吸收衬度成像相比,这种技术的敏感度要高1000倍。这样,就可以对神经组织、肺腺泡结构等成像,以及在不用造影剂的情况下来显示软组织的内部结构。absorptionscatteringrefractionSampleX-raysAbsorptionRefractionExtinction (small angle scattering free)N(,k)=nR(,k)+inI(,k)Diffraction Enhanced Imaging (DEI) 在分析晶体接受角范围内,X-射线的衍射强度依赖于入射角,这种关系称为摇摆曲线摇摆曲线。N(,k)=nR(,k)+inI(,k)At top “pure” absorption (absorption and small angle scattering rejected)Ileft+Iright aparent absorption (absorption including small angle scattering)Ileft- Iright refraction imagingThree kinds of images are usually recorded. Diffraction image +Apparent absorption image -Refraction image 衍射增强成像结果(脚趾)传统的同步辐射图像同步辐射衍射增强图像IL-XPCT in-line X-ray phase contrast computerized tomography中极穴中极穴旁开足三里穴足三里穴旁开考试题 选择以下一篇文章为主题,作口头报告,重点说明同步辐射在科学研究中的作用。1.揭示生命能量之源-ATP合酶三维结构的同步辐射研究,田亮、张新夷,核技术, 2626(1)2(2003). 2.细胞膜通道与同步辐射,闫晓辉、田亮、张新夷,核技术,2727(1)1(2004). 祝好运再见
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