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备考2025湖南省常德市津市市中学教师公开招聘全真模拟考试试卷A卷含答案一单选题(共60题)1、创造性思维的核心是()。A.聚合思维B.抽象思维C.分析思维D.发散思维【答案】 D2、“教育有法而教无定法”的说法反映了教师的劳动具有()。A.连续性B.示范性C.长期性D.创造性【答案】 D3、亚洲的河流由中部向四周分流,这种分布形成的主要原因是()。A.气候类型多样,降水分布不均B.地形地势中部高,四周低C.森林资源丰富,蓄养水量大D.山脉众多,河流顺着山脉走向而分流【答案】 B4、“画为心迹,境由心生”,艺术创作是一种心灵历程,是艺术家内心对自然与社会的真实体验,它最接近自然而又最超越自然。这说明()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C5、在中国古代四大发明中,由东汉蔡伦发明的是()。A.造纸术B.指南针C.火药D.印刷术【答案】 A6、1964年1月27日,中法两国宣布建交,当时法国总统戴高乐认为,两国建交“只是如实地承认世界而已目前还在观望的某些政府,迟早会觉得应该仿效法国”。据此可知( )。A.世界政治多极化趋势进入到新阶段B.欧洲一体化进程需要中国助力C.建交是冷战格局下中法的理性选择D.中国的大国地位已被普遍认可【答案】 C7、儿童身心发展中呈现出先头部后躯干和四肢,先发展大肌肉和大骨骼,再发展小肌肉和小骨骼,这一现象体现了儿童身心发展的()特征。A.不平衡性B.顺序性C.阶段性D.个别差异性【答案】 B8、Khalidas fathersays shes 9-or maybe 10. As much as Sayed Shah loves his 10 children, thefunctionally illiterate Afghan farmer cant keep track of all their birthdates. Khalida huddles at his side, trying to hide beneath her chador andheadscarf. They both know the family cant keep her much longer. Khalidasfather has spent much of his life raising opium, as men like him have beendoing for decades in the stony hillsides of eastern Afghanistan and on thedusty southern plains. Its the only reliable cash crop most of those farmersever had. Even so, Shah and his family barely got by: traffickers may prosper,but poor farmers like him only subsist. Now hes losing far more than money.I never imagined Id have to pay for growing opium by giving up mydaughter, says Shah. The family s heartbreak began when shah borrowed$2000 from a local trafficker, promising to repay the loan with 24 kilos ofopium at harvest time. Late last spring, just before harvest, a governmentcrop-eradication team appeared at the familys little plot of land in Laghmanprovince and destroyed Shahs entire two and a half acres of poppies. Unable tomeet his debt, Shah fled with his family to Jalalabad, the capital ofneighboring Nangarhar province. The trafficker found them anyway and demandedhis opium. So Shah took his case before a tribal council in Laghman and beggedfor leniency. Instead, the elders unanimously ruled that Shah would have toreimburse the trafficker by giving Khalida to him in marriage. Now the familycan only wait for the 45-year-olddrugrunner to come back for his prize. Khalidawanted to be a teacher someday, but that has become impossible. Its myfate, the child says.A.It forces thegirls to marry old menB.It enables thegirls to pay off their debtsC.The girls familycan get much money from itD.It is a shame forthe girls and their family【答案】 C9、 2018年,热播电影无双在人民电影院上映的票价为60元,打完折后张先生支付了30元人民币买到了电影票。在这里,人民币执行的职能分别是( )。A.价值尺度、流通手段B.流通手段、价值尺度C.支付手段、流通手段D.价值尺度、支付手段【答案】 A10、The old piano was Adam.greatest_which his.A.riddleB.treasureC.debtD.Budget【答案】 B11、人体的下列结构中对维持血糖浓度的相对稳定起重要作用的是()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 A12、依据用心理学方法和技术搜集得来的资料,对学生的心理特征与行为表现进行评 鉴,以确定其性质和水平并分类诊断的过程叫( )。A.心理教育B.心理评估C.心理测验D.心理辅导【答案】 B13、 英国科学家波普尔说:“如果我们过于爽快地承认失败,就可能使自己发觉不了我们多么接近正确。”这句话告诉我们()。A.B.C.D.【答案】 C14、In recent years much more emphasis hasbeen put _ developing the students productive skills.A.ontoB.overC.inD.on【答案】 D15、青春期记忆的主要表现为( )。A.多方面的记忆效果达到个体记忆的最佳时期B.有效运用各种记忆策略C.短时记忆容量达到一生中的最高峰D.以上都是【答案】 D16、成就动机理论的主要代表人物阿特金森认为避免失败者的目的是避免失败,减少失败感,所以他们倾向于选择非常容易或非常困难的任务。当一项任务的成功率为50时,他们会()。A.可能选择B.犹豫不决C.回避这项任务D.坚决选择【答案】 C17、Nearly a month had gone by _ theyshowed some sign of giving up the price for which they had held out.A.untilB.whileC.beforeD.so that【答案】 C18、班主任既通过对集体的管理去间接影响个人,又通过对个人的直接管理去影响集 体的管理方式是( )。A.常规管理B.平行管理C.民主管理D.目标管理【答案】 B19、我国全面发展教育的组成部分是()。A.高等教育、中等教育、初等教育、学前教育B.正规教育、业余教育C.德育、智育、体育、美育和劳动教育D.普通教育、职业教育【答案】 C20、更容易培养独立,有责任感、.的家庭教养方式( )。A.溺爱型B.专制型C.权威性D.忽视型【答案】 C21、根据以下材料,回答A.contributeB.shareC.explainD.spread【答案】 D22、_ difficulties we may come across,we II help one another to overcome them.A.WhereverB.WhateverC.HoweverD.Whenever【答案】 B23、“人生就像象牙塔,你可以把它看成杯具(悲剧),也可以把它看成洗具(喜剧)。”这句幽默的流行语体现了()。A.意识是客观存在的主观映像B.意识不依赖与物质并能反映客观存在C.不同事物的矛盾各有其特点D.真理是具体的、有条件的,具有不确定性【答案】 A24、 在教育活动中居于主导地位,对整个教育起指导作用的是()。A.教育内容B.教育方法C.教育目的D.教学组织形式【答案】 C25、当前世界范围内最基本的教学组织形式是()。A.分组教学B.个别教学C.班级授课制D.复式教学【答案】 C26、我国人民代表大会制度组织和活动的基本原则是()。A.民主集中制B.人民当家作主C.公正、公平、公开D.依法治国【答案】 A27、The old man had three sons, all
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