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(1) 【调查:准:准备高考高考】However, others hold the opposite opinion that as students of Senior Three, they should make full use of every minute to prepare for the College Entrance Examination.(2) 【2011上海,申上海,申请信:扶信:扶贫项目目】Im writing to you in the hope that I could be given the 2,000-yuan fund to carry out my project to help children in poverty-stricken areas.(3) 【2014四川,四川,书信:高考介信:高考介绍】To begin with, I am under the impression that I have made every effort to prepare for the exam for years.(1) 我我们听到消息听到消息说我我们队赢了了。【活活动报道道】(1)Weheardthenews that our team had won.(2) 他他们为你生病你生病这个事个事实发愁。愁。【友友谊】(2)Theywereworriedoverthefactthat you were sick.(3) 广广州州将将会会实行行一一个个政政策策:违反反交交通通规则的的行行人人将将被被罚款款。【报道:交通道:交通违规】(3)Guangzhouwillcarryoutapolicythat pedestrians who break traffic rules will be given a fine.(4) 大大部部分分老老师和和家家长反反对这样的的意意见,学学生生应该周周六六和和周周日日上上课。【学生周末是否学生周末是否该放松放松】(4)Mostoftheteachersandparentsareagainsttheideathat students should have classes on Saturdays and Sundays.(5) 我我同同意意这样的的看看法法,我我们应该努努力力学学习和和快快乐生生活活。【学学习与与生活生活】(5)Iagreewiththeideathat we should study hard and live a happy life.(6) 根根据据调查,他他们中中大大约70%的的人人选择回回家家不不仅因因为春春节是是家家庭庭团圆的的重重要要节日日,而而且且他他们可可以以感感受受到到来来自自家家庭庭的的温温暖暖。【调查:春春节是否回家是否回家】(6)Accordingtothesurvey,about70%ofthemchoosetogobackhomeforthereasonthat not only is the Spring Festival an important time for their family reunion but also they can feel the warmth from their family.(7) 然然而而意意外外的的是是,有有30%学学生生持持反反对意意见,觉得得这个个很很麻麻烦,拒拒绝改改变习惯。【垃圾分垃圾分类】(7)However,surprisingly,30%ofthestudentsholdtheoppositeopinionthat it is troublesomeandresistchangingtheiroldhabits.
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