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八年级上册 Units 5、61. organize (v. )_ (n. ) 组织者者_ (n. )组织2. against (prep. ) _ (反反义词) 赞成成3. chance (n. )_(同同义词)机会;机遇机会;机遇4. injure (v. ) _ (adj. )受受伤的的5. fat (adj. )_(同同义词)肥胖的肥胖的_(反反义词)瘦的瘦的organizerorganizationforopportunityinjuredheavythin6. collect (v. )_ (n. )收藏收藏_ (n. )收藏者收藏者7. skate (v. )_ (n. )溜冰者溜冰者_ (n. )溜冰溜冰8. write (v. )_ (n. )作家;作者作家;作者9. Europe (n. ) _ (adj. &n. ) 欧欧洲洲的的;欧洲人的;欧洲人欧洲人的;欧洲人10. foreign (adj. ) _ (n. )外国人外国人collectioncollectorskaterskatingwriterEuropeanforeigner【品品词自自测】根据句意用所根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空的适当形式填空 Mark will help me _ (organize) the class party. Two people were killed and seven got _ (injure) in that car accident. Ma Weidu is a very famous _ (collect). He collects many old things. organizeinjuredcollector1. 玩得愉快玩得愉快_ a great time2. 允允许某人某人进入入let sb. _ 3. 拿走拿走take _4. 上大学上大学go to _5. 谋生生make a _ 6. 为 筹筹钱_ money forhaveinawaycollegelivingraise7. 用完用完run _8. 对感感兴趣趣be _ in9. travel around the world_10. all the time_11. by the way_12. far away_out ofinterested环游世界各地游世界各地一直一直顺便一提;附便一提;附带说说在在远处1. 如果你去(参加)聚会,你会玩得很开心!如果你去(参加)聚会,你会玩得很开心!_ you _ to the party, _ have a great time!2. 如果明天他如果明天他们举办宴会将会怎么宴会将会怎么样?_ _ _ _ they have the party tomorrow? 3. 如如果果你你变成成一一名名职业运运动员,你你将将能能够做做你你喜喜欢做做的的事事来来谋生。生。If you become a professional athlete, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ something you love. IfgoyoullWhatwillhappen ifyoull beabletomake alivingdoing4. 你溜冰多你溜冰多长时间了?了?我溜冰五个小我溜冰五个小时了。了。_ _ have you been skating? I have been skating _ _ _. 5. 对于于像像我我这样的的一一个个外外国国人人,了了解解中中国国历史史越越多多,就就越越喜喜欢居住在中国。居住在中国。For a foreigner like me, _ _ I learn about Chinese history, _ _ I enjoy living in China. How longfor fivehoursthemorethemore1. since prep. &conj. 自从;自自从;自以来以来Ive been skating since nine oclock. 我从九点我从九点钟开始(一直在)滑冰。开始(一直在)滑冰。Mr. Teeny has been here _ only one year, but his parents have worked here _ ten years ago. A. since; forB. for; sinceC. since; sinceD. for; forShe has been living in Hainan since two years ago. (改改为同同义句句)She has been living in Hainan _ _ _ . Several years _ _ (pass) since the earthquake and the tsunami(海海啸) _ (happen) in Japan. for two years have passed happened 【自主自主归纳】 since和和for的用法辨析的用法辨析_+时间点点作作介介词,意意为“自自以以来来”,后后接接表表示示时间点的点的词或或词组作作连词,引引导时间状状语从从句句;通通常常情情况况下下,从从句句用用一一般般过去去时,主主句句用用现在在完完成成时或或现在完成在完成进行行时_+一段一段时间for后后接接时间段段, 表表示示时间的的持持续,句句中中的的谓语动词要用延要用延续性性动词since和和for都都引引导表表示示一一段段时间的的短短语或或从从句句时可可以以互互换;对其提其提问都用都用_sinceforhow long【判断判断抢答答】判断下面句子翻判断下面句子翻译正正误你学你学习英英语多久了?多久了?我学我学习英英语6年了。年了。How long have you been studying English? Ive been studying English since six years. ( )How long have you been studying English? Ive been studying English for six years. ( )2. have a great time玩得很愉快玩得很愉快If you go to the party, youll have a great time! 如果你去如果你去(参加参加)聚会,你会玩得很开心!聚会,你会玩得很开心!The children are having a great time on the playground. The children are _ _ on the playground. The children are _ _ on the playground. Did you have a great time _ (play) games on the computer?enjoying themselveshaving funplaying【自主自主归纳】have a great time的用法的用法(1)have a great/good time =have fun= enjoy oneself玩得开心,后接玩得开心,后接动词-ing形式;形式;(2)have a good/great time _(do/doing)sth. 做某事很愉快做某事很愉快(3)“Have a good/great time. ”通通常常用用来来表表示示祝祝愿愿,回回答答时,可可以用以用 “Thank you. ”doing3. run out of用完;用尽用完;用尽Weve run out of room to store them. 我我们已已经没有地方存放它没有地方存放它们了。了。The boy used up all his energy to run to the finish line. (改(改为同同义句)句) The boy _ _ _ all his energy to run to the finish line. ran out ofThe water will run _ if we dont protect the earth. A. out ofB. intoC. outD. up昨天晚上,一只猴子从昨天晚上,一只猴子从动物园里跑出来了。物园里跑出来了。A monkey _ _ _ the zoo last night. ran out of【自主自主归纳】run out of的用法的用法(1)run out of =use up用用完完;用用尽尽;主主语一一般般是是人;人;(2)run out用用完完;用用尽尽;主主语通通常常为时间/金金钱/食物等名食物等名词;(3)run out of+地点,从地点,从跑出来。跑出来。【一言巧辨异一言巧辨异】Youve time for the test. 你你们的的测试时间已到。已到。Why did the time so fast? 为什么什么时间用(完)得用(完)得这么快?么快?run out ofrun out4. If you go to the party, youll have a great time!如如果果你你去去(参参加加)聚聚会会, 你你会会玩玩得得很很开开心心!(条条件件状状语从句)从句)If he_(have) enough time tomorrow, he _ (meet) you in his office. Are there any new cars in your school? My friend wants to know. (合并句子合并句子)My friend wants to know _ there _ any new cars in your school. haswill meetifare如果我是你,我就不会酒后如果我是你,我就不会酒后驾车的。的。If I _ you, I wouldnt drive a car after drinking too much alcohol. were【自主自主归纳】 if的用法的用法(1)if引引导的的条条件件状状语从从句句,当当主主句句是是一一般般将将来来时、祈祈使使句或含有情句或含有情态动词的句子的句子时,从句要用,从句要用_;(2)if引引导宾语从从句句时,意意为“是是否否”,与与whether同同义,可可互互换,其其时态通通常常取取决决于于主主句句的的时态。注注意意:下下列列几几种种情情况况只只能能用用whether不不用用if:句句中中有有or not 后后接接不不定定式式 介介词之后之后一般一般现在在时(3)if还可可以以表表示示不不可可实现的的条条件件或或根根本本不不存存在在的的条条件件,即即一一种种虚虚拟或或假假设,从从句句多多用用一一般般过去去时或或过去完成去完成时;(4)what if +一一般般现在在时,意意为“要要是是怎怎么么办?”相当于相当于What shall I/we do if. . . 。5. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China. 我我对中国中国历史了解得越多,我就越喜史了解得越多,我就越喜欢居住在中国。居住在中国。_ we plant, _ our city will be. A. The more trees; the more beautifulB. The less trees; the beautifulC. The more trees; the beautifulD. The less trees; the more beautifulShanghai is the largest city in China. (改改为同同义句句)Shanghai is _ than _ _ _ in China. largerany other city【自主自主归纳】常用比常用比较级的用法的用法归纳(1)The + 比比较级;the + 比比较级表表示示“越越,就就越越”,固定句式;,固定句式;(2)“比比较级+ 比比较级”,表表示示“越越来来越越”。例例如如:越越来来越越冷冷_;越越来来越越美美丽_beautiful;即即“more and more+原原级”用用于多音于多音节形容形容词、副、副词的比的比较级(3)比比较级表表达达最最高高级:“比比较级+ than +any other + 单数名数名词”意意为“比其他任何一个比其他任何一个更更”。(4)“the + 比比较级+ of the two”表表示示 “两两者者中中比比较的一个的一个”。colder and coldermore and more. 根据句意及根据句意及汉语提示完成提示完成单词1. Can you tell me the _(首都)(首都)of Canada? 2. We need your help to _(筹筹集集)money for those homeless children. 3. They have planted about five _ (千千) trees in and around the town in the past few years. 答案:答案:1. capital2. raise3. thousand4. (2011 湖湖州州中中考考)Id like to collect _ (邮票票) because they are interesting. 5. (2011 铜仁仁中中考考)More and more _ (外外国国人人)come to visit China. 答案:答案:4. stamps 5. foreigners. 单项选择1.(2012 威威海海中中考考)_ volunteers are coming to London for the Olympics next month. A. Thousands of B. A thousand ofC. Ten thousands D. Ten thousands of2.(2012 宁宁波波中中考考)Oh, dear! There isnt enough _ for us in the lift. No hurry. Lets wait for the next. A. floorB. seatC. roomD. ground3._ have you lived with your grandparents? About three years. A. How longB. How manyC. How muchD. How often4Have you seen Dr. Adams recently? No. He _ Hong Kong for an international meeting. Hell come back tomorrow. A. has gone inB. has been inC. has gone toD. has been to5. (2011 青青岛中中考考)I suggest buying a Teddy Bear for her birthday. _ someone else brings the same present? A. IfB. ElseC. What ifD. How about. 完成句子完成句子1. (2012 福福州州中中考考)Many teachers go on working _ _ (即使即使)they are sick. 2. (2011 陕西西中中考考)日日本本地地震震后后,世世界界各各地地的的人人们给予予了了很大的帮助。很大的帮助。When the big earthquake hit Japan, people _ _ _ _ helped a lot. 答案:答案:1. even though2. all over the world 3.泰勒泰勒对科学很感科学很感兴趣,他想成趣,他想成为一名科学家。一名科学家。Taylor _ _ _ science and he wants to be a scientist. 4. This dress is so beautiful. Why dont you buy it? I _ _ _ _ (已用完已用完)my money. 答案:答案:3. is interested in4. have run out of 介介绍自自己己或或他他人人的的爱好好是是历年年许多多地地市市中中考考的的常常考考话题之之一一,其其中中介介绍自自己己、同同学学及及家家人人的的爱好好最最为常常见。在在写写此此类话题作作文文过程程中中要要特特别注注意意:1. 明明确确自自己己或或他他人人的的兴趣趣爱好好; 2. 对此此感感兴趣趣的的原原因因及及这种种爱好好所所带来来的的影影响响;3. 正正确确运运用用现在完成在完成进行行时。【典典题示例示例】 不不同同的的人人有有不不同同的的爱好好。有有的的人人爱好好集集邮;有有的的人人爱好好养养宠物物;有有的的人人爱好好运运动;有有的的人人爱好好听听音音乐;有有的的人人爱好好看看电影影。请根根据据下下面面的的表表格格提提示示,以以“Different people, different hobbies”为题写一篇短文。写一篇短文。词数数80左右。左右。NameHobbyHow longMore informationJoeswimming7 yearsstrong and healthyDenniscollectingstampssince he was eightover 500 stampsJuliawatching English movies4 yearsa good way to learn English【审题谋篇篇】1. 本本篇篇谈论爱好好,首首先先根根据据表表格格内内容容阐述述不不同同学学生生的的爱好好,然后然后说出有此出有此爱好的原因及此好的原因及此爱好好带来的影响。来的影响。2. 人称:第三人称人称:第三人称3. 主要主要时态:现在完成在完成进行行时4. 高分模板:高分模板:【佳作佳作诵读】Different people, different hobbies Different people have different hobbies. I have three friends. They are Joe, Dennis and Julia. Joe likes swimming. He has been swimming for seven years. He thinks it makes him strong and healthy. Dennis enjoys collecting stamps. He has been collecting stamps since he was eight years old, and now he has over 500 stamps from different countries. Julia is interested in watching English movies. She has been watching English movies for four years. She said watching English movies helps her learn English well. She thinks it is a good way to learn English. 【名名师点睛点睛】(1)点点明明了了主主题, 写写出出了了三三个个人人不不同同的的爱好好,开开门见山山、条理清楚、条理清楚、语言通言通顺。(2)在在说明明爱好好的的过程程中中运运用用了了现在在完完成成进行行时和和宾语从句等不同句式,使得文章更具从句等不同句式,使得文章更具层次性;次性;(3)be interested in短短语运用恰当;运用恰当;(4)主主题突突出出,符符合合题目目要要求求,并并在在提提示示词的的基基础上上有有所所发挥。
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