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Unit ThreeLast WeekendI did homework.What did you do last weekend?I went to a park.What did you do yesterday?She went swimming.What did the little girl do yesterday?They went hiking.What did they do yesterday?What did John do yesterday?He went fishing. She read a book.What did the woman do yesterday? Lets read.went to a parkwent swimmingwent fishingwent hikingread a bookwatched TVwashed the clothesplayed footballcleaned the roomvisited grandparentscooked dinnerDid you read books yesterday?No, I didnt. I went fishing.Did she go swimming yesterday?Yes, she did. Teacher: What did you do yesterday?Mike: I went fishing.Teacher: Did you read books? Mike: Yes, I did.Teacher: Did you clean your room? Mike: No, I didnt.按照要求练习对话:按照要求练习对话: 根根据前面表格的内据前面表格的内容,容,请请试着将句子补充完整。试着将句子补充完整。1.What did John do yesterday? He _.2.What did Chen Jie do yesterday? She _.3.What _ Amy do yesterday? She _.4.What _ Liu Yun _ yesterday? She _. went to a parkread a bookWashed clotheswent hiking diddiddo 练一练:练一练:用下列动词的正确形式填空。用下列动词的正确形式填空。(1)She_ ( is ) very busy last night. (2) You _ (are) at Xiaomings Birthday party yesterday . (3) Amy_ ( go) to Beijing with her parents last weekend. (4) John _ (read) a book about birds . (5) They _(clean) the room last week.waswerewentreadcleaned
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