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(1) 【2015新新课标,邀,邀请信:信:请外教去敬老院外教去敬老院】Id like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the Double Ninth Festival, the day for the elderly in our culture.(2) 【2011新新课标,求助信:,求助信:课程困程困难求助求助】Im Li hua, a Chinese student taking summer courses in your university.(3) 【2010新新课标,邀,邀请信:邀信:邀请外教做比外教做比赛评委委】This is Li Hua, President of the Student Union of Yucai Middle School, which is located just near the university where youre teaching.(1) 这是是李李华,一一个个来来自自中中国国晨晨光光中中学学八八年年级的的学学生生。【2015天津,咨天津,咨询信:咨信:咨询捐捐赠图书】 (1) This is Li Hua, a Grade Eight student from Chenguang Middle School, China . (2) 重重阳阳,中中国国传统的的致致长者者的的节日日,就就要要到到来来了了。【2007湖北,邀湖北,邀请信:敬老院慰信:敬老院慰问老人老人】(2) Chongyang, the traditional Chinese festival for the elderly , is coming around.(3) 我我的的名名字字是是李李华,你你们航航空空公公司司BA793航航班班上上的的一一名名乘乘客客。【2010重重庆,寻物启事物启事】(3) My name is Li Hua, a passenger of flight BA793 of your airline company .(4) 我我们报纸的的“外外国国文文化化”部部分分一一直直在在我我们学学生生之之中中很很受受欢迎迎。【2015新新课标,约稿函:校稿函:校报约稿稿】(4) The “Foreign Cultures” section in our newspaper is very popular among us students.(5) 它它告告诉我我们:作作者者,一一名名美美籍籍华人人且且是是耶耶鲁大大学学教教授授,是是怎怎样用中国用中国传统的方式教育她两个女儿的。的方式教育她两个女儿的。【书籍介籍介绍】(5) It tells how the author, a Chinese American and professor at Yale University, educated her two daughters in the traditional Chinese way.(6) 据据报道道,两两名名66岁的的男男人人在在这个个暑暑假假从从中中山山大大学学,广广州州的的一一所著名大学,所著名大学,毕业。【上大学上大学】(6) It is reported that two 66-year-old men graduated this summer from Sun Yat-sen University, a well-known university in Guangzhou.
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