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letters and calls, and do practical things for the masses combine good, effective through reaching people at the service of the last mile. Third, foster the development of new energy, new General Secretary XI Jinping stressed development of innovation forest restructuring, revitalization of the old industrial bases in Northeast China is the States major strategy, Central has issued comprehensive opinions of revitalizing Northeast China and other old industrial bases, the CPC Central Committee on revitalization in Northeast China were . Vigorous determination does not waver, the work does not slacken off. Be firm with in the development has more to do with hard, and not muddle along, passive inaction. To rely on their own efforts, cant wait, cant wait, stand still. This not only provides new opportunities for development in our region, and gave us new requirements. We must seize the opportunity, full use of national policy, has to be more complicated, to start and target, give full play to the initiative of leading cadres at all levels, active, active, focusing on building new momentum for development, accelerating transformation of forest development. To implement the new development philosophy. Philosophy is the action guide, new ideas and new developments. Carrying out innovation, coordination and development of green, open, shared ideas, must be measurable, direct action with new development concepts, training cadres. In a new development concept as a yardstick. Established in line with the new concept of evaluation system and evaluation criterion, embodies the new development policy, organization, mandate implementation, always measured by the new development philosophy, continuous correction of forest transition course. In a new development concept for the path command. As part of the implementation of the new development philosophy followed and action guidelines, firmly adjusted, corrected and reject unsuitable, inappropriate and even against the new development ideas, behaviors and practices, more pragmatic approach based on a broad vision, and creatively carry out ecological construction, industrial development, improving peoples livelihood, such as the work to ensure that new development ideas take root in forest areas. In a new development concept for weapon training cadre. Education leaders in the new, nothing two articles, enhancing vitality and power. Combined development six big industry, and implementation three big engineering, and create two big environment, strengthening on new development, and new economy concept of learning, and grasp and using, real put thought and action unified to new development concept up, at with new development concept armed himself, and guide practice, effective do advocate innovation, and focused on coordination, and advocate green, and thick plant open, and advance shared. Second, we must rely on Science and technology affects. Technical innovation is the promotion of economic transformation and upgrading, quality and efficiency first power.2024年全国中小学生安全知识竞赛试题库及答案(共190题)1.下列做法中,不符合安全用电要求的是:A用湿布擦正在发光的白炽灯或日光灯2.勤奋,懒惰,谦虚,骄傲,这些反映的是_特征。D情感3.发现燃气泄漏,要速关阀门,打开门窗,不能_。B使用明火4.氢气瓶的规定涂色为_。A淡绿5. 地震的突发性很强,往往使人措手不及,防不胜防。因此,家庭在平时要准备一个防震包,6.以解震后的燃眉之急,防震包所装物品数量不能太多,以方便携带。不是必须存放的物品应该有C日常生活用品7.参观游览时,应该_。C按计划服从指挥8.我国通用的医疗救护电话是_。B1209.你认为有必要经常与教师、同学、父母沟通使用网络的知识和注意事项吗?A有必要10.下面属于呼吸传染疾病的是_。A流行性感冒11.道光年间,吸食_已泛滥成灾,遍布社会各个阶层,每年大量白银外流,造成国库空虚,民不聊生。A鸦片12.经过简单提炼就可以生成的毒品是:C吗啡13.从古柯树的叶子中提取出来的毒品是:A大麻14.世界上使用人数最多的毒品是:B大麻什么毒品又叫白面?A海洛因15.能使人脑功能失调的毒品是:A大麻16.吸食_可导致贫血。B可卡因17.哪种开水对健康有益?C自然冷却到2025的温凉白开水18.震后被埋压时求生的对策是_。D保存体力,寻找脱险捷径19.哪种开水对健康有益?C自然冷却到2025的温凉白开水20.震后被埋压时求生的对策是_。D保存体力,寻找脱险捷径21.(“鸦片之害甚于洪水猛兽?此祸不除,10年后中原无可御敌之兵,且无可以充饷之粮”这句话是林则徐说的。22.()依据中华人民共和国道路交通安全法相关规定,以下选项中,购置机动车款项来历证明是申请机动车登记应当提交的证明、凭证。23.进口的食品、食品添加剂以及食品相关产品,应当符合国际食品安全标准。24.(灭火器材设置点附近不能堆放物品,以免影响灭火器的取用。25.(精神分裂症与遗传有关,是一种遗传性疾病。26.(泡沫灭火器适用于扑救如油制品、油脂等火灾。27.(在投币、插磁卡电话亭拨打“120”报警电话时,不用投币、插磁卡。28.(购买的家用电器,如果是靠接地作漏电保护的,则接地线必不可少。29.(黑客有时会假装成互联网服务供应商的代表,并询问你的密码及个人资料,谨记上网时不要向任何人透露这些资料。30.(从匝道入口进入高速公路的车辆,必须在_上提高车速,并开启转向灯,驶入行车道时,不准妨碍其它车辆正常行驶。C加速车道31.熏烤类食品具有一定致癌性的原因是_。B食物炭化时形成苯并(a)芘妄想属于:D思维障碍32.公共性建筑和通廊式居住点建筑安全出口的数目不应少于_。B两个33.发现有人斗殴,你应该拨打_。C11034.悬挂标示牌的悬挂高度一般以离地面高度_为宜。C1.51.8m35.危险化学品事故,有关地方_应当做好指挥、领导工作。C人民政府36.加油站“三不动火”规定是什么?B没有批准动火票不动火;负责人不在场不动火;防火37.知识不扎实不动火路旁划什么颜色的标线禁止停车?A黄色和红色38.艾滋病病毒主要侵犯人体的_C免疫系统39.上道路行驶的机动车未悬挂机动车号牌的,一次应记_分。B340.眼睑下垂、吞咽困难是下列哪种食物中毒的症状?D有机磷农药中毒41.世界上第一个预报成功、并取得明显减灾实效的地震是_-。A1975年辽宁海城地震42.在库房内取暖应禁止用何种取暖方式?C烤明火43.发生煤气中毒时,应_。DABC都正确44.遇到灯光信号,交通标志或交通标线与交通警察的指挥不一致时_B服从交通警察指挥45.车辆行经没有交通信号灯和交通标志、标线控制也没有交通警察指挥的交叉路口时_。A在进入路口前减速或停车,让右方道路的来车先行46.对违
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