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旅游文化文本中古典诗词的翻译旅游观光的过程也是旅游者经历文化、体验文化、欣赏文化的过程,文化因素渗透在现代旅游活动的各个方面。一.删减不译 “烟水苍茫月色迷,渔舟晚泊栈桥西。乘凉每至黄昏后,人依栏杆水拍堤。”这是古人赞美青岛的诗句。青岛市一座风光秀丽的海滨城市,夏无酷暑,冬无严寒。西起胶州湾入海处的团岛,东至崂山风景区的下清宫,绵延80多华里的海滨组成了一幅绚烂多彩的长轴画卷。译文:Qingdao is a beautiful coastal city. Itis not hot in summer and not cold in winter. The40-km-long scenic line begins from Tuan Islandat the west end to Xiaqing Gong of Mount Lao atthe east end.二.翻译策略1.移植法2.嫁接法3.修剪法4.培基法1.移植法直译:汉英语言文本在语言风格,语篇构成方面相似花径公园是庐山旅游景点的一颗明珠,唐朝大诗人白居易在此游览时曾写下:“人间四月芳菲尽人间四月芳菲尽, ,山寺桃花山寺桃花始盛开。长恨春归无觅处始盛开。长恨春归无觅处, ,不知转入此中来不知转入此中来。”的著名诗篇。译文:The Floral Path Park is a pearl among Mt. Lushans scenic spots. Bai Juyi, a famous poet of the Tang Dynasty, after visiting the path, wrote a famous poem: In April all the flowers are withered. But the peach flowers near the mountain temples are in full bloom. Long regretting that spring has passed. Surprised I see that spring reappears here.2.嫁接法桂林山水甲天下。译文: East or west, Guilin landscape is Best.套用“East or west, home is best.”既产生了名句效应,又准确无误地传达了原句的涵义,可谓汉诗英译中的神来之笔。3.修剪法修剪法:即删繁就简乐山水光山色独特,地理环境优越,素有“绿杨夹岸水平铺”之称,举行龙舟竞渡得天独厚。译文:Famous for its “tranquil river fringed with rich vegetation”, Leshan in Sichuan Province has the ideal setting for its Dragon Boat Festival.原文想表达的意思无非是“乐山山水极佳,乃龙舟赛理想之地”。4.培基法培基法:即培养基础,译者对原文信息进行了一定的筛选,重组甚至改写。 扬州,享有“故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州”、“腰缠十万贯,骑鹤下扬州”的美誉”。 Famous Tang Dynasty poet Li Bai praised, in one of his famous poems, the beauty of Yangzhou in March as “Yangzhou in spring green with willows and red with flowers.” Another widely circulated poem explicitly expressed peoples greatest aspiration in life as “flying to Yangzhou on the back of a heavenly crane with a huge fortune in pocket.”许渊冲标准,“三美”:音美、形美、意美;“三化”:深化、浅化、等化, 李白送孟浩然之广陵:My friend has left the west where theYellow Crane towers,/For Yangzhou in springgreen with willows and red with flowers./Hislessening sail is lost in the boundless bluesky,/Where I see but the endless River rollingby.
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