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Unit 1 Reading 2 Two cties in China1. .的首都的首都2. 在在的中间的中间3. 古城古城4. 明朝皇帝明朝皇帝5. 过去常常做某事过去常常做某事6. 被改成被改成the capital ofin the middle/center ofancient citythe emperors of Ming dynastyused to dobe turned/changed into7. 艺术瑰宝艺术瑰宝8. 值得一看值得一看9. 城市广场城市广场10. 升国旗升国旗11. 坐落在坐落在art treasuresbe worth a visitcity squarethe raising of the national flagbe set in/ be located in/ be in/ lie in(on)12. 自然风光自然风光13. 避暑避暑14. 另一个著名景点另一个著名景点15. 贯穿中国北部贯穿中国北部16. 每隔几百米每隔几百米17. 奇迹之一奇迹之一natural landscapespend the summeranother famous attractionacross northern Chinaevery few hundred metersone of the wondersEast or west, Guilin landscape is best.on the two sides ofin different/unusual shapesReed Flute Cavehang down桂林山水甲天下桂林山水甲天下在在的两边的两边以不同的以不同的/奇特的形状奇特的形状芦笛岩芦笛岩下垂下垂point upwardsbe praised asArt Palace of Naturetake a boat tripride around the countryside指向上方指向上方被誉为被誉为自然的艺术宫殿自然的艺术宫殿乘船旅行乘船旅行骑自行车环绕乡间旅骑自行车环绕乡间旅游游Go through the text quickly, and answer the following questions:1.Who once lived in the Forbidden City?2.Why do many tourists go to Tiananmen Square early in the morning every day?3.Where is the Summer Palace?4.Is Guilin in the north or south of China?5.Are there mountains and rivers in Guilin?6.How can you travel in Guilin?Something about BeijingBeijingThe Palace Museum:in the (1)_ of the ancient city,wonderful buildings and (2)_.Tiananmen Square: the (3)_city square in the world,the rasing of the (4)_.The Summer Palace: in the (5)_ of Beijing,a large Chinese (6)_ set in a natural landscapeThe Great Wall : over(7)_ across northern China, was first built more than(8)_years ago.middleart treasuresbiggestnational flagnorth-westgarden6,000 metres2,000Something about GuilinGuilinLocation: on the two side of the (9)_ What to see: (10)_ stand in different shapes; the Reed Flute Cave, an (11)_cave with (12) _in unusual shapes What to do : take a (13) _ along the Lijiang River; hire a bicycle and ride around the (14)_Lijiang Rivermountainsundergroundboat tripcountrysidemany rocksHomework1.Retell the text.2.Do you know any other famous places? Would you like to describe them?Good Bye
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