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Have you had any problems with your friend?Do you have a good friend?When you have a problem with a friend, what do you usually do? 咸阳陕广学校咸阳陕广学校咸阳陕广学校咸阳陕广学校李文娟李文娟李文娟李文娟 冀教版九年级英语冀教版九年级英语Lesson 51:What Could Be Wrong?学习目标 LearningAims掌握有关于表达朋友间矛盾的词汇及短语: figure, figure out , cool down .学习如何解决朋友间矛盾的方法。预习 Preview核心短语过去常常做某事去常常做某事自从自从以来以来弄清楚弄清楚把把单独留下独留下平静下来平静下来前前进即使即使usedtodosth.eversincefigureoutleavealonecooldownmoveonevenifRead the lesson and answer true (T) or false (F) .泛读 Fast Reading1.The Lost Girl and her good friend had a problem.( )2.The Lost Girl considered all the things that could be wrong, and she figured out what the problem was.( )3.Sue gave some good advice to the Lost Girl.( )F FT TT TA)Read the lesson again and answer the questions in Lets Do It No.1.精读 Careful ReadingHer good friend hasnt spoken to her for a few days. And she cant figure out what the problem is. 1.What has happened to the Lost Girl? _ _2.What are Sues suggestions if a friend wants to end the friendship? _ _Theres nothing you can do about it. Still be friendly and say hi to her when you pass her at school. B)Read the lesson again and tick the advice Sue gave to the Lost Girl in Lets Do It No.3.精读 Careful ReadingSay sorry if you hurt your friend . Clearly express how you feel.Give your friend some time to cool down. Talk to your friend directly as soon as possible . Write to your friend and ask whats wrong. You can still be friendly even if you are not friends anymore. Be aware of your body language. Read the lesson again and fill in the blanks.深读 Further Reading The Lost Girl had a problem with her good friend. She couldnt _what the problem was. So she had to ask Sue for help. Sue is really kind and gave her some helpful_. Here is Sues advice: Write to your friend and ask whats wrong. Ask another friend for help. Give your friend some time to _.figure outadvicecool down深读 Further ReadingSay sorry if you hurt your friend . _and find new friends if your friend wants to end the friendship.Be friendly _ you are not friends anymore. Hopefully, the Lost Girl can solve her problem with Sues good advice!Move oneven if说 Speaking听 ListeningDear Sue,Thanks for your advice. I wrote my friend a letter andtold her I wouldnt want to lose her as a friend. I asked her what was wrong. She wrote back to me after she _. There was a _. I didnt go home with her last Thursday as we had planned. She _me ,but I missed the call. I _It was all my fault. I went to her and said sorry, we are now friends again. Im very happy.The Lost Girlcooled downmisunderstandingcalledfigured out拓展延伸 Further DiscussionDo you have the same experience as the Lost Girl?What should you do to solve the problem between you and your friend? 拓展延伸Further DiscussionWhat do you think of this event? 小结 Summaryrespectforgive& tolerateFriendship requires good communication!Friendship requires good communication!Friendship requires good communication!链接中考1.(2016黑龙江)He used to _ in a small village, but now he is used to _ in a big city. A. live, live B. living, live C. living, living D. live, living2.(2016宿迁)Wearing white can help people_ when they feel stressed. A. cool down B. write down C. break down D. turn downDAHomework1.Suppose the Lost Girl asked for your help, what advice will you give her? Write to her!2.Complete the exercises in activity book in L51.Thanks for listening !Thanks for listening !
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